Campaigns & Battlefields

The Words that Remade America (Simon & Schuster Lincoln Library)
The Words that Remade America (Simon & Schuster Lincoln Library)

Review:As usual, when Garry Wills takes a closer look, American myths get debunked.

In “Lincolh at Gettysburg” we learn that our most eloquent president did not scratch out his Gettysburg address on an envelope on the train ride to the battlefield but (of course) labored over it for some time. That it was received well at the North and was not disparaged or belittled. That Edward Everett’s centerpiece address, though long, was not windy or tedious and was welcomed also as summation of the confl... Read more

and Redemption of Stonewall Jackson - The Violence
and Redemption of Stonewall Jackson - The Violence

Review:Excellent book, bringing Jackson's character to l ife. It should be required reading in schools because it presents perspectives of the North and South during the war. Jackson was well respected and admired by both sides. Youngsters are being taught half truths about the Civil War that tore our country apart. Great read that keeps one rivited! Read more

The Murder Case That Propelled Him to the Presidency
The Murder Case That Propelled Him to the Presidency

Review:I was very disappointed in this book. It cam with great hype and being a Lincoln buff I bought it. I have a rule with books. Very simple. If it moves and easy to read it's great. This did neither. I struggled to finish it . It was too verbose and went into different tangents all the time. Definitely not up to the standards of Ron Chernow and Grant which was a breeze to read. Read more

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