
C Programming Language, 2nd Edition
C Programming Language, 2nd Edition

Review:I was looking for an introductory book on "C" and found this was recommended by a MIT professor who was teaching microcontroller courses. So I bought it and found it to be clear, authoritative and easy to follow. I would recommended this to anyone wanting to start "C". Read more

The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition

Review:although written by the creator of C++, the examples are bad written and not comprehensive. It seems that the writer documented as much as possible, but on the expanse of thorough explanations and examples. Read more

Further Adventures of a Curious Character - What Do You Care What Other People Think?
Further Adventures of a Curious Character - What Do You Care What Other People Think?

Review:Richard Feynman must have been a very interesting fellow! Too bad we all didn't get a chance to have a conversation with him in person. However, reading his books is the next best thing...he writes like he's in your living room. Read more

Dead Doctors Don't Lie
Dead Doctors Don't Lie

Review:This audio book was well worth the money. I believe that Dr. Wallach explains in simple verbage about how supplements can make a difference in our lives. Sounds to me like a lot of time, research and knowledge has been shared within this audio book. Read more

LaunchPad for Invitation to the Life Span (Six Month Access)
LaunchPad for Invitation to the Life Span (Six Month Access)

Review:This loose leaf version of the text is an amazing bargin. However, the publisher did not take into account how you would store the papers - the holes punched in it do NOT fit in a standard 3-ring binder, they are not spaced properly. This happened to every student in my course.

The text provides an informative, easy-to-read introduction to developmental psychology. Some students found the numerous side notes to be a bit distracting while going through their chapters. Read more

Excel 2016 All-in-One For Dummies
Excel 2016 All-in-One For Dummies

Review:I have Excel 2016 for Macs. The differences between the products are too different (at least for a beginner) for this to be helpful. Sorry I wasted my money on this as I'm going to need it to take some classes. Read more

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

Review:This book is as amazing as it is beautifully illustrated and packed with useful tips. After reading it I've never looked the same way at charts. It's amazing how bad most of the existing charts are. It's like taking a course in professional photography and then realizing the difference between a professional photograph and an amateur snapshot. Read more

Security Analysis: The Classic 1934 Edition
Security Analysis: The Classic 1934 Edition

Review:As other reviewers have pointed out, this (sixth) edition of Security Analysis includes a reprint of the popular 1940 edition (Warren Buffett's favorite), minus some chapters. The deleted chapters, which can be found in the CD that accompanies the book, make room for (new) general introductory remarks to this edition and also to the eight major parts of the book, written by a variety of modern commentators. If all you really want is the 1940 edition, then the better choice for you is probably ... Read more

Security Analysis: Principles and Techniques
Security Analysis: Principles and Techniques

Review:As other reviewers have pointed out, this (sixth) edition of Security Analysis includes a reprint of the popular 1940 edition (Warren Buffett's favorite), minus some chapters. The deleted chapters, which can be found in the CD that accompanies the book, make room for (new) general introductory remarks to this edition and also to the eight major parts of the book, written by a variety of modern commentators. If all you really want is the 1940 edition, then the better choice for you is probably ... Read more

Twenty Four Hours a Day
Twenty Four Hours a Day

Review:The best book ever written for recovering alcoholics. It helps the reader to work the steps and to get his/her feet on solid, spiritual ground....the perfect, must-have companion to the Big Book...... Like carrying a meeting in your purse or pocket or having your sponsor constantly at your side.. Read more

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