Budgeting & Money Management

99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By
99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By

Review:I give copies of this book to college graduates. Easy to read in short segments with 99 chapters. Each one can be read in less than five minutes. Good way to get young adults beginning their careers to stop and think strategically about the future. Read more

9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence
9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence

Review:I would make it required reading for everyone if I could. The ideas can be found on many blogs, but this is as straight forward and distilled as you can get. Fairly simple advice but it seems to not be common sense. Read more

THE LAW OF SUCCESS: In Sixteen Lessons
THE LAW OF SUCCESS: In Sixteen Lessons

Review:I got this ebook through Amazon and I recommend that everyone read this from high school throughout adulthood. Amazon is a great option for purchasing this and the Amazon Kindle version is a small investment for nuggets of wisdom that will shape one's life. Read more

You Are a Badass at Making Money - Master the Mindset of Wealth
You Are a Badass at Making Money - Master the Mindset of Wealth

Review:If you loved Jen's first You Are a Badass book you'll love this book too! I've already read it once and did the exercises and plan on reading it again and again! If you're looking for step by step how to make money guide or how to get out of debt fast this is NOT for you. There are plenty of other books out there for that. This book is definitely a different approach to looking at money but it connected with me. I highly recommend if your looking for a new outlook on how to look at your money si... Read more

A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Your Family's Financial Health
A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Your Family's Financial Health

Review:I love the ease of use demonstrated in this book. It was referred to me and I have since referred it to friends. I highly recommend it to anyone who want an excellent plan that permit you to get give you structure. Read more

Un plan efectivo para alcanzar bienestar económico (Spanish Edition)
Un plan efectivo para alcanzar bienestar económico (Spanish Edition)

Review:aunque tiene referencias muy norteamericanas respecto del area de las inversiones para incrementar los ingresos pasivos, la parte de salir de las deudas es valida para todo el mundo, me encantó este libro por que es sumamente practico y va directo al grano, Read more

The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (12th Edition)
The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (12th Edition)

Review:Very informative and a book any and every investor should read (especially the younger investor). Simplifies the seemingly complex endeavor of picking stocks and makes investing accessible to even the most casual investor. I would recommend to every one I know. I will not summarize any of his points here... Go buy the book! Read more

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