
and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life
and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life

Review:I have been following Max for sometime on social media and have been following his advice. Now I have his book and can read more in depth about the research he has collected and put together. The book is not overwhelming to read like some I have read. There are a few recipes at the end that I have already tried and found very tasty. Read more

Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist
Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist

Review:There is here such a wealth of information about the subject, that I must recluse myself from reviewing the book other that to place it on the list of works I will surely read again. Excellent, provocative, exciting, and it works. Read more

How the Mind Works
How the Mind Works

Review:I bought this book to gain insight. Instead I found an alchemist trying to discuss chemistry. I should have known from the title. We have/are a brain not a mind. Reading this book is painful. One of his first tasks Pnker undertakes is to criticize behavioral science. He calls it stimulus response. Behavioral science gives six causes for human behavior:
1. Genetic Endowment
2. Pre-natal chemical environment
3. Post-natal chemical environment
4. Classical conditioning(Pavlov)Read more

12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work - and School
12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work - and School

Review:How to keep it working optimally. I was aware of some of the techniques he discusses for enhancing brain function but was blown away by many of the insights and techniques he discusses that I didn't know about. One important change I have made in my lifestyle from reading this book is to exercise more to keep the brain happy and fit.

Absolutely NO reservations about recommending this book to anyone (at any level of knowledge about the brain) interested in learning about your most comple... Read more

Brain Rules Reprint edition
Brain Rules Reprint edition

Review:There has been so much research on brain function over the past decade that it has been difficult to keep up. This volume provides the average reader with a world of valuable information. It is clearly and concisely written and easily comprehended. A very important read for those interested in how our thinker works, and sometimes doesn't work. Read more

The Brain: The Story of You
The Brain: The Story of You

Review:An excellent survey through the megawonder that is the human brain. Eagleman provides illuminating examples of how the brain is able to rewire itself when there is a physical injury. Sometimes there is some technical language, but likely that is to be expected. Some of the effectiveness of the text was blunted since I was reading on a kindle, thus color illustrations are not visible. The book is a guide to the TV series; unfortunately, I have not seen this. Read more

Power Up Your Brain
Power Up Your Brain

Review:It's wonderful theory. However there is no chance to practice everything if you live outside US. I not succeeded to get recommended products as activator nrf2 from xymogen outside US. To few my email inquiries xymogen (company of one of the authors producing products recommended for book readers;) ) answered .... with proud silence :) Read more

Heal Your Headache
Heal Your Headache

Review:I got this book back in December, started following the diet very strictly, was also seeing a neurologist who started me on a preventative medication. The first week of no caffeine and no pain pills was horrible, but I went from taking triptans and/or excedrin multiple days a week to now less than twice a month. I still get headaches, but they are much more manageable with OTC medication, and triptans only as a last resort. I wish there was a newer version of the book- the recipes in the back ar... Read more

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