Rules & Procedures

Similar Transactions: A True Story
Similar Transactions: A True Story

Review:Wow. Just finished reading similar transactions. I don't have words to sayhow much I enjoyed this and how impressed I am with the intelligent writing and approach to this story The courage and conviction in pursuing the information about Michelle's death… The dogged pursuit of truth. Reynolds' ability to connect with the family members and Smith's other victims....I am in awe of what she has done, not just in writing this, but in what she has given his victims. I look forward to reading more f... Read more

How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America - Men in Black
How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America - Men in Black

Review:"There are some things only intellectuals are crazy enough to believe". This quote by Orwell came to mind when, having finished Men in Black, I read here some of its reviews. One of the most voted reviews claims that the problem with the book is polemic "masquerading" as legal scholarship. I guess then thirty six pages of footnotes plus quotes from old decisions, new decisions and letters by the founding fathers, are all part of the masquerading. Give me a break. Men in Black is excellent and do... Read more

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