Web Development & Design

An Organizer for All Your Passwords and Shit - Shit I Can't Remember
An Organizer for All Your Passwords and Shit - Shit I Can't Remember

Review:I have searching for a password keeper/notebook and saw this and loved the cover and is why I purchased it. The cover is the only good thing about this. If I hadn't already written in it, I would DEFINITELY be returning it. Looks like a 3 year old made the page inserts for this. Not happy at all and would not at all recommend! Read more

How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want
How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want

Review:Before I read the book, I have little knowledge about creating an application. But after I read this book, especially chapter 4:Conducting Competitive Research, I know a lots of useful methods to know my directed or undirected competitor. Also, chapter 7 helped me finish my first prototype in a efficient and convenient way. I am so proud of to have my first application prototype with fully researched and when I have interview in product manager, I am willing to share my product with interviewer... Read more

The Solopreneur's Guide to a Year's Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells
The Solopreneur's Guide to a Year's Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells

Review:This book is amazing! I have been blogging for 10+ years but never too organized or with a major overall plan. I have spent 1 hour with the book so far and already have about 50 blogpost ideas ready to go! I have read many blogging books and participate in blogging challenges. This book is the best and what a bargain! Read more

Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything

Review:Insightful. Readable. Easy to remember structure. Easy to teach others the change structure they offer. I've had health care operations senior managers reference it during change initiatives to make sure they covered all six sources. I'd recommend everyone drop the complicated and complex change management structures they use and adopt this. Read more

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