
The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump
The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump

Review:Exculpating Hillary Clinton was/is a complete abuse of power but needed to be done to get her elected. Failing to do that, Greg Jarrett lays out the plot to derail Presidents Trump's agenda, the steps taken to perpetrate the collusion hoax with hopes in using it to unseat our duly elected president. Read more

Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible
Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible

Review:I first encountered the idea that Western individuals misread the Bible some ten years ago. Since then I've read various works covering different aspects of this important topic, from general concepts to specific treatments.

"Misreading" is a great overview, but it works through specific examples to illustrate and instruct how the Western mind "sees" things in scripture that aren't there and misses things that are. I found much here that was new and useful in my continuing studies on this... Read more

The Battle for Our Better Angels - The Soul of America
The Battle for Our Better Angels - The Soul of America

Review:This book ties together historical threads which leads to the consistent notion of American exceptionalism. Are we truly making progress or do we simply recycle through the patina of individual liberty covering our desire for certainty and want for caretakers? Th carefully crafted explanation of the never resolved civil war which morphed into ongoing manifold terrorism both physically and verbally continues. The book is clear about this until the year 1968. The last 50 years are given short shri... Read more

What it was Really Like to Fly Combat Helicopters in Vietnam
What it was Really Like to Fly Combat Helicopters in Vietnam

Review:I recommend this book because it is a remarkable experience for anybody to go through, especially somebody who is in his early 20's. I can relate to it a little since I spent 20 years agricultural flying without having any accidents, thanks to lots of luck, but I did experience numerous incidents. Read more

An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia - The Forsaken
An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia - The Forsaken

Review:Very interesting topic and well written book. I happened to meet several people who were children of those poor American killed in USSR. That is fascinating story by itself. Reading this book was very enlightening. Read more

Chief Joseph & the Flight of the Nez Perce - The Untold Story of an American Tragedy
Chief Joseph & the Flight of the Nez Perce - The Untold Story of an American Tragedy

Review:Very well written. Quite detailed and was a joy to read. Living is the Northwest it was a part of history I was really not aware of. This is a book that everyone should read and come to terms with how we treated the Native Americans. Read more

Triumphs and Tragedies in the Founding of the Republic
Triumphs and Tragedies in the Founding of the Republic

Review:This is a great addition to the history books covering the founding of our nation. Ellis covers the facts and corrects the fictions have become lore, and does so in a manner that is interesting and revealing. The Founding Fathers were neither geniuses who walked on water with the foresight of gods; nor were they evil white men hell-bent on establishing a utopia for themselves only. Yes, they were remarkable men with great talent, but they were men nonetheless, with weaknesses and inconsistenc... Read more

A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion - 1914-1918 - To End All Wars
A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion - 1914-1918 - To End All Wars

Review:Hochschild is one of my favorite authors. His King Leopold's Ghost, about Belgian imperialism in the Congo, and Bury the Chains, about the fight to end slavery in the British Empire, are incomparable. In To End All Wars he touches on a theme that has been explored by many authors - how the nations of Europe entered the First World War without apparently having the slightest notion of how bloody, costly and disillusioning it would be. While he is certainly not the first author to portray this,... Read more

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World

Review:My eyes misted over often with pride or empathy or frustration. The lies my schooling history told me, the perversions of organized religion, the glories and ignorant treacheries . The hope of a fair world for all to live in. I really enjoyed this very well written book. It was well worth the money. Read more

and Heroism in Colonial Africa - A Story of Greed
and Heroism in Colonial Africa - A Story of Greed

Review:Sad and not so shocking that another myth of civilized countries committing unspeakable act because they can. It's also interesting that a group today who oversees atrocities is based in Belgium. Huh? No indications at all must stressed that they are not doing a fine job;just ironic. My wife believes in redemption. Me, not so sure.
Read it and make your own opinion. Read more

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