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Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin

Review:The atrocities that were committed in both the Soviet Union and Germany before and during WWII are staggering. This book does a tremendous job of bringing to light the magnitude of that loss of life. I believe this book should be a must read. Read more

What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama
What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me about Obama

Review:D'Souza was sentenced to 8 months of overnight confinement in a half-way house because he gave more than the limit to an old friend running for Senate. As he met real criminals he began to see the similarities between their cons and those of the Democratic Party. I couldn't put this book down. It connects the dots! Read more

A Blueprint for America's Future - Stronger Together
A Blueprint for America's Future - Stronger Together

Review:This paper has all the qualities one could want... soft, strong, thoroughly absorbent, dissolves easily and doesn't clog the pipes.

However, I am having to knock off four stars because there seem to be some kind of PRINT on it, which gets inkstains in places you would rather not have them. Read more

The Inside Story of Hillary Clinton's Failed Campaign and Donald Trump's Winning Strategy
The Inside Story of Hillary Clinton's Failed Campaign and Donald Trump's Winning Strategy

Review:This book is super insightful and well written. Doug Wead is a master story teller. I am amazed at the intrigue and details brought forth in this book. The facts check out, but I am amazed at how much of this stuff is covered up by the media. Read more

Enemies: A History of the FBI
Enemies: A History of the FBI

Review:I read this immediately following reading Weiner's _Legacy of Ashes: The Story of the CIA_. As jaundiced as his view was about the CIA, he seems to be a fan of J. Edgar Hoover. In spite of the way Hoover conducted his own fiefdom outside the law and continually thumbed his nose at the law and the Justice Department, Weiner seems to support Hoovers actions as 'necessary'. Weiner seems to credit the FBI's success to its very disregard of law and rights. While not up to the standards of _Legacy o... Read more

Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth
Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth

Review:EVERY person who is AMERICAN-- and loves this country SHOULD read this book. Savage is not just opinions. He is knowledge and fact.
He has the courage to call an ACE an ACE and a SPADE a SPADE. Wake up Americans!!!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY-- TO SAVE OURSELVES. Amazon is just a click away-- and your book will be on its way. You read his work with confidenced--You won't want to put it down.

How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America - Men in Black
How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America - Men in Black

Review:"There are some things only intellectuals are crazy enough to believe". This quote by Orwell came to mind when, having finished Men in Black, I read here some of its reviews. One of the most voted reviews claims that the problem with the book is polemic "masquerading" as legal scholarship. I guess then thirty six pages of footnotes plus quotes from old decisions, new decisions and letters by the founding fathers, are all part of the masquerading. Give me a break. Men in Black is excellent and do... Read more

Inside the World of an Undercover Muslim FBI Agent
Inside the World of an Undercover Muslim FBI Agent

Review:This was an incredible book. Both in its detailed account or what it took to bring down a terrorist plot, but also in the time the author took to explain and stress how Islam is manipulated and perverted by jihadis. The final point about the danger of a Muslim ban in the us was timely and so necessary. Thank you to the author for his service and for this book. Read more

A Colony in a Nation
A Colony in a Nation

Review:Hayes writes about a difficult reality about open racial divisions most would like to deny, but he presents it with humility and makes it personal in a way that I understood. Should be required reading. Read more

How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election
How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election

Review:Good account of the hacking of the USA election and the manipulation of it uninformed citizens. This should be a wake up call for all in the USA to become more involved with our political process and understand how the media (all of the media from FOX and CNN to NPR) parses the news. It should say to all of us verify your sources and consider many sources. Look at the media sources that you don't necessarily agree with. Look at sources that maybe contrary to what you believe. Evaluated it, think... Read more

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