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Review:Naomi Klein has summed it all up. There definitely is a lot of history to go through, but it is so interesting and keeps your interest all the way through. It is far from a personal perspective on Global and Domestic Shock Economics. She backs up everything with citations from a multitude of sources, worldwide. Her allusions and similes based on hard facts scared the hell out of me of what the government has been capable of over the past 60 years.
It seems like she has "outed" the Shock... Read more
Review:This man in brilliant, love the writing style. Even for a new be like me in this topic, this book was an easy and entraining read. I was not expecting to be laughing while reading. Profit over people is eye opening, and extremely well written. I highly suggest it. Read more
Review:This book has some very great business cases within. Some of the most notable companies of our time have made crucial decisions and have suffered or relished in the results. Good for examples of how to write a business case. Read more
Review:The Culture of Fear by Barry Glassner is an extremely well researched book. If you ever find yourself becoming afraid from the stories on the news about things such as kidnapping or plane crashes you should pick up this book and read it immediately. This book is not merely to entertain you, although at a certain level it is rather entertaining, once you realize people are so easily manipulated by people in influential positions like reporters. Mainly it is to inform people that they are ultimate... Read more
Review:Highly recommended. In depth telling by young, "arab-speaking" former FBI counter-terrorism agent. His own background living as a Lebanese child during wartime. His childhood experiences, superior intellect, dedication to our country, our safety and the truth. This along with his youth, language skills, and personality appeared to make for easier establishment of trust with detainees. Believes that the belief in trust paramount to gaining accurate info. Says no way we should use torture bec... Read more
Review:I wont talk about its content because im not Marxist and i dont want to oppose his ideas, neither support them.(If you want to know what is the purpose of the book, you can read the first 5 pages en googlebooks)I bought this book for my classical theory class and compared to the Communist Manifesto, Capital I is easiest to understand, and more interesting too. Youcan find better examples for his dialectical materialism. If you are very into Marx and his work, this book is a must for you Read more
Review:Excellent book, filled with important facts. I had forgotten that Bill Clinton had agreed with Gingrich to privatize social security, i.e. hand it over to the tender mercies of Wall Street. Fortunately, the Monica business exploded the very day after and saved real FDR liberalism from traitors like those who now run the party. A neoliberal neocon Democratic party is a disaster and must be redeemed, if not by Sanders, then by a successor. Franks' best book yet. Read more
Review:Gooder. A unique on the ground "I was there" perspective. Never heard anything like this in any news reports either left or right. If you have an interest in how and why things happened in Iraq, this book is invaluable. In fact It is a "goodest". Read more
Review:I especially appreciated the detailed explanation of how the IC had determined how foreign actors (Russians, et al) had influenced the election, and the srtategies they employed. One can argue who benefitted, but having a better understanding of what happened to our sacred processes is an alarm we all must answer to save the country we love and dedicate ourselves to. Read more
Review:What a wonderful, fantasy-fiction parody of "Jane Eyre!" Loved the concept of a Britain obsessed with literature rather than football and celebrities. The science involved is totally implausible, but that is hardly the point. The whole story is a romp through 19th-century British lit with satiric jabs at bureaucracy and politicians. A great read! Read more