A Message for an Age of Anxiety - The Wisdom of Insecurity

ByAlan W. Watts

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dioni bookie mee
This book is short as many reviewers point out. However, it is not short on wisdom. In fact, it is loaded with powerful insights, analogies and examples that illustrate universal truths. It also embraces the reality of mystery and paradox. It doesn't try to explain them away and encourages the reader to avoid killing the "alivenss" of the world by putting too many things in boxes (i.e. concepts). Instead, it encourages an attitude of openness, wonder and awe at the miracle of life and seeking direct contact with reality.

This book deals with the big existential questions and the problem of anxiety and insecurity. In my opinion, it is one of Alan Watts' best book, if not his very best book. He approaches his topic from an Eastern point of view, but one that a Western person could easily relate to. Alan Watts is a gifted author and a master of using language to convey complex concepts in easy to understand ways.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roberto machado
Alan Watts is a great storyteller. In his book, The Wisdom of Insecurity, he cuts it straight to the point about life, religion, and the general meaning of mans inevitable battle between mind and matter. He purposes arguments from different views of western vs eastern religion. This book is easy to follow and very informative. Highly recommend as a buy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott van wetten
The book, which could easily be retitled "Timefulness", having been written over 60 years ago, is timeless, which is to both compliment the author and to serve as testimony to the meaning of his message. Simply put, the beauty of living lies in its fluid nature of time and to appreciate it in the moment requires that we understand the futility of focusing on future expectations of security at the expense of insecurity. Security without insecurity is but a mere illusion; they are both sides of the same coin. With apologies to Judy Collins, "Something's simultaneously lost and gained in a life worth living every day. I've looked at life from both sides now and it's life's illusions that obscure the way." A solid five stars for those in this world who truly wonder; one star for all others.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gretchen marcinek
Be prepared to perhaps be offended, challenged and or at least put in a position in which you are forced to question some of the beliefs that might have given you a sense of security in the past. I loved it and look forward to reading more of his work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david hill
Superb treatise on how live without restrictions by accepting change and learning to live with it without trying to rationalize it. We master change by understanding that there is no escape from it and by accepting it without opposing it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny beans
This book made me realise how much I evaluate every experience in terms of what I remember from the past, and not in terms of the magic of what is actually happening right now. I love the way Watts writes and reading this book also changed the way I practice Bikram yoga.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In my days of insecurity this was very helpful. To accept your vulnerabilities might be hard for a lot of people because of reasons. So it's pretty amazing to have people who can communicate through words right into ones silly mind that not to worry-- about a thing. Cause 'erry little thing, is gonna be allright. Rise up this morning. Smile with the rising sun. Three little birds, pitch by my doorstep. Singing sweet songs, of melodies pure and true. Saying: "this is my message to you".

TL;DR: After this book birds will talk to you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Each chapter touches on some different areas, the fact that it was written in 1951 (I think) and is even more accurate today w/ our attention in facebook, twitter, etc. I feel this is the type of book I could read once a year, and learn something new every time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book, which could easily be retitled "Timefulness", having been written over 60 years ago, is timeless, which is to both compliment the author and to serve as testimony to the meaning of his message. Simply put, the beauty of living lies in its fluid nature of time and to appreciate it in the moment requires that we understand the futility of focusing on future expectations of security at the expense of insecurity. Security without insecurity is but a mere illusion; they are both sides of the same coin. With apologies to Judy Collins, "Something's simultaneously lost and gained in a life worth living every day. I've looked at life from both sides now and it's life's illusions that obscure the way." A solid five stars for those in this world who truly wonder; one star for all others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vitong vitong
In my days of insecurity this was very helpful. To accept your vulnerabilities might be hard for a lot of people because of reasons. So it's pretty amazing to have people who can communicate through words right into ones silly mind that not to worry-- about a thing. Cause 'erry little thing, is gonna be allright. Rise up this morning. Smile with the rising sun. Three little birds, pitch by my doorstep. Singing sweet songs, of melodies pure and true. Saying: "this is my message to you".

TL;DR: After this book birds will talk to you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
metta d evandari
This book basically scared the pants off of me at times but once it sunk in it made sense and gave me the most wonderful feeling of calm. I am reading it again as I blew through it in one day upon first reading. I couldn't put it down. It basically addresses the individual's Worrier sub-personality. Where The Worrier asks "what if" this book is like a huge, convincing "So What!"

Alan Watts is definitely in the process of changing my life for the better. I've only read two books from him and so far this one is the best. On the heels of this book, I'm reading all of his works.

If you have any doubts about reading this book, don't. Just buy it and read it. It'll make your life better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's hard to believe this book was written decades ago. Everything Alan Watts talks about is in complete alignment with the needs of today's world.
Our current paradigm is missing the mark. " The Wisdom of Insecurity" is a vital reading that can help reboot our way of thinking that is long
overdue. It is time to wake from our current culture's programing and embrace a wider view.
This book should be required reading for people who feel in their hearts that there is more that's going on then what our western educational system,
and monotheistic religions indoctrinate us with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is an excellent place to start reading philosophy. _The Wisdom of Insecurity_ was obviously written for the layman, making it ideal for those who are new to this type of nonfiction. In it, Alan Watts explains to us various ways of accepting and dealing with anxiety and insecurity in spiritual matters. This technique of acceptance was clearly derived from the Hindu and Buddhist methods of establishing a calm and mellow outlook on life. Like these great Eastern religions, Alan Watts does not try to tackle issues of theological truth head-on, but instead sidesteps the eternal questions. This is not because he is incapable of dealing with more complex metaphysical issues - he does so in great depth in his other, longer works. Neither is this method of sidestepping our sources of anxiety an evasion of rational, empirical truth. This book is not a rigorous empiricist study, and never claimed to be. It is instead a psychotheapeutic work verging on the anti-intellectual, but at the same time embracing meditation and contemplation. Watts shows us ways to act out our love for wisdom and enlightenment by concentrating on the positive and accepting (but not dwelling on) disturbing questions which he considers to be unanswerable. This is not an atheistic work nor is it a tale of despair. This is a work infused with hope, while being mindful of the truth. It succeeds in treading a sort of middle ground between the love of knowledge and anti-intellectualism.
The only problem with this book is its short length, although some might consider this an advantage. If you are looking for a more in-depth and rigorous study, try _Behold the Spirit_ or _Psychotherapy East and West_, also by Alan Watts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audrey babkirk wellons
Really, the main bullet point that you should absorb from this book is that you and your experiences are not separate. It directly addresses the misconceptions we have about ourselves due to the aspects of culture and confusion of the representations that are language or symbols with actual reality.

Personally, this book has helped relieved overbearing social anxiety and for that reason I regard it as a gem for conquering it and other forms of anxiety. I have highlighted a profound amount of lucid text throughout this book and it is the epitome of wisdom. It contains just as much relevance today as the time it was published. I think everyone should take a glimpse into what Alan W. Watts suggested to the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mindy hu
Ordered with prime and arrived when expected. Book wasn't rolled up or bent out of shape. And of course the content was wonderful. There's something really rad about the way Alan manages to relate sensational ideas and philosophy to the lay-person. Answering the questions that your average person would ask about his ideas, and making analogies that are really straightforward so you don't lose your train of thought as you process what he's saying. Great quality print, great read, and a great author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
swetha nisthala
This is my first introduction to Alan Watts and I can't recommend this book enough. The lessons and insights he imparts upon the reader in this book provides one with the tools necessary to live more fully in the present moment, to handle stress and life's challenges in a completely different way. In such a short amount of time, I can say that the insights and teachings gleaned from this book have forever changed my perspective, outlook, and ultimately, my disposition on life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samir malik
This was a great read. Alan Watts gives beautiful perspective in a time that is is all to easy to get caught up in being self centered and anxious. He also brings in a great message of mindfulness and presence. Alan Watts is fantastic (check out his audio in podcasts if you like him) and this is my favorite read of his so far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Get this book alone for Watts's lucid discussion of belief vs faith and how he reconciles science with faith. He puts succinctly what many argue about endlessly. Additionally, how he touches upon our need for true meaning and in its absence, we distract ourselves with the fad of the moment hit home for me. Though old, this book will remain relevant to many for a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vanessa wiseman
Timeless and life changing. I was given a copy in my 20s and it really liberated me in a deep way. Reread it recently and it’s still relevant even though it was written before I was born - clear and liberating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has really helped me through some hard times and has put my mind into perspective. Alan Watts has a beautiful way of helping us better understand why our poorly evolved brains work the way that they do and how to go about dealing with the psychological problems we all deal with. This is one of my very favorite books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ginny valentine
Thank you, Alan Watts...I am rediscovering you in my elder hood and know why your work will live on...writing as if you are speaking and making so much clear and connected for my journey of the mind and spirit...and you are so funny! This too will live on....
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ayu meintari
Strangely enough I found my way to this book because a journalist quoted a portion in an economic article. I was intrigued and maybe I had a pre-conceived notion of what it was about.

At the risk of being labeled a candidate for remedial enlightenment 101, I'll be candid to say I found this book too convoluted and mystical. I just didn't get it. I kept trying to be enlightened but found myself disappointed at each turn of the page. At the end of my journey, I was glad to discard the book. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wasn't sure about this book. Watts sometimes needs a good editor. But, It was a bargain price and I bought it I found it thought provoking and very illuminating. In fact his ideas have stayed with me during the day and that is always a good review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All thinkers should read this little book since it is one of the masterpieces of religious literature...

this book has the authority to change ones life and perception of reality without making one into an agnostic or atheist ..on the contrary Watt's message of life as a mystical union makes it's point here in clear and concise prose and ideas coming off as basic common sense.

While written in 1951 this was a piece of literary prophecy changing and ushering the beat and then later Hippie era and the whole meditation trip and new age new wave consciousness raising that is the current calling of modern day Kabbalists and Power Of Now( E.Tolle) followers, let alone the Buddhist and Osho converts from the West.

These very intellectual concepts has a very very long history and we owe Alan Watts a large favour for bringing his charm,wit,intelligence and bright presentation to the literary world.. A personality and teacher is indeed a rare thing.

Truth be told, Watts is NOT a pantheist nor does he call for any form of pantheism..he simply delivers common sense to make ones own spiritual life aware and mindful..no matter the tradition since we are concerned with the Good.

Giving credence to Jung and Krishnamurti in explicating the need for wholeness between the I and the not I or the dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious, we learn that the Biblical Adam gave names to the animals after he saw them not before he saw them...does this connection seem reasonable? if so, then read on...insecurity?anxiety?..Balance between suffocation and abandonment.

To believe is to cling, to have faith to let go..pretty impressive..the book is loaded and dangerous for those ready to wake and up and live.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Smart author. This book holds up well over time. A good guide on navigating the unknowns of life. Very intelligently argued and helpful ideas about the reality of impermanence of this world. Worth a re-read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Really nice and actual book. If we reject live itself and its parameters we will run endlessly.We suffer sometimes, gets older, we can lose everything in each moment and that is beautiful too. This book as helpful. I like the way Alan Watts writes clearly and with entertaining images. The book has a critical side on society, I apreciated it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For anyone who struggles with "the purpose of life", questions why society "needs" religion, fears death, fears the unknown, is tired of the rat race...basically every human- this is a must read. Eye opening, mind opening, this book has helped me (as an atheist) understand why the religious think the way they do. It has helped me come to terms with their skewed ideas and given me more a "live and let live" attitude despite their hypocrisy. This book has also helped to relieve my fear of death, the fear of the unknown and fear itself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reading it for the second time. Cuts to the chase of the big hoax--that we are not separate skin encapsulated ego agents of self regard. There is a bigger picture, but anxiety is usually about the small one. Good book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
prajjwal bhandari
Always enjoy Watts since discovering him years ago with "Tao The Watercourse Way" more than 30 years ago. Brings Eastern spirituality to a Western audience in a way that doesn't belittle the Western seeker. Amazing that this was written 6 decades ago. It is still relevant today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is short as many reviewers point out. However, it is not short on wisdom. In fact, it is loaded with powerful insights, analogies and examples that illustrate universal truths. It also embraces the reality of mystery and paradox. It doesn't try to explain them away and encourages the reader to avoid killing the "alivenss" of the world by putting too many things in boxes (i.e. concepts). Instead, it encourages an attitude of openness, wonder and awe at the miracle of life and seeking direct contact with reality.

This book deals with the big existential questions and the problem of anxiety and insecurity. In my opinion, it is one of Alan Watts' best book, if not his very best book. He approaches his topic from an Eastern point of view, but one that a Western person could easily relate to. Alan Watts is a gifted author and a master of using language to convey complex concepts in easy to understand ways.
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