Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart - Gods at War

ByKyle Idleman

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful eye opening book that quickly gets to the real problems in life. Idleman has a way of drawing you into the conversations and into the very essence of the discussion in each and every chapter. You will not be disappointed in your purchase of this fantastic book. I would recommend it to all my family and friends to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
God spoke directly to me through Kyle's writing. I feel like there are so many things in our lives that we choose to put ahead of the One who should have nothing before Him. I'm much more conscious of the decisions I make in my daily life as I continue to fight the battle of putting God first. I thank God for authors like Kyle that are able to help us realize that we can find everything we are looking for in Jesus.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kyle Idleman has written yet another thought provoking book in which it seems like he is sitting across the table from you having a conversation. He brings up points that are basic yet great reminders as we often forget that anything can become an idol if we allow it. He provides scripture to back up his writing and writes in terms that are easy for anyone to understand.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary winchester
Kyle Idleman cuts to the heart of all sin: idolatry. What do we put before God? These are the false gods that fight for our heart and soul. The list of false gods is virtually endless, but Idleman hits some of the most popular: money, sex, power, self and more. Learn how to put our Father back where he belongs - on the throne of our hearts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book. Very easy read and definitely opens up questions to examine our lives in what we are holding closely to our hearts. I would recommend this to anyone serious about their relationship with Jesus.
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mada cozmeanu
This book should be required reading for every human, even those that don't even pretend to follow Christ. It will turn a mirror on your thoughts and actions with plenty of Biblical support, but I think even someone not committed to Christ will still find it highly useful and readable. Read it! You won't regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dustin wright
This book starts out by successfully making the case that we are born to worship, and that we will worship whether we realize it or not. The author then proceeds to thoughtfully present how our sinful natures can turn family, romance, hard work, and other "admirable" human characteristics from God-given blessings into gods that we place above the creator himself. A couple of the chapters could easily have been written about me at different times of my life. Very interesting - and very humbling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tuan phan
This very well written book causes one to see things through a different lens. Helps you to reflect on your own life, and how important some things have become. You realize "other gods" could be money, power, approval....things you would not normally consider as gods......but things that are coming between you and your one true God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The writer makes some very excellent points that are bound to touch every reader's life if he or she is honest. It is, of course, no substitute for the Bible, but it does a good job of illustrating some of the Bible's lessons and how they apply to modern life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly livesay
I've heard something of all these gods mentioned, especially sermons of my long ago past. It seems no one likes to talk in these terms these days. All seems to be happy land talk but most of us have some serious soul searching to do about idol worship in our lives. This book will give examples of those overlooked idols, do some name calling, to bring it all home and even make you shutter about what your life has become. We all know how God feels about idols. He's a God that is jealous and consumed with finding us, he never gives up searching for us, as the author points out. I need to get to work getting rid of idols that obviously have taken over my life. Thanks Kyle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gods at war slapped me around...
It helped point out areas in my life that I have began to worship above the Lord our God.
If you really want to take a look at idols in you life and our world this is a great book to read.
It will changed the way i view "things" in my life.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The branches of my life; my heart; my achievements; and all that I know about love MUST BE led by God's will and direction for my life. Kyle Idleman is truly God's instrument in this writing. Bible-based and applicable to today's experience. Thank you for sharing 'you' to assist me in becoming a better 'me'. Giving all glory and honor to God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every Christian American should read. I am a pastor and read alot of very deep material as part of my training. But this is not it. Kyle has a way of taking acres of wheat and condensing them into a nice palatable, warm loaf of bread so that it can be easily digested by all and then he butters it with his humor and personal experience. Tons of biblical wisdom made easily understood. We all have idols in our lives. Kyle has a way of illuminating them in our lives and explaining, through his highly relational style, how they draw us away from God and who it is that he has called us to be. Read this book and face the fact that we have been brainwashed by our culture to worship all kinds of things that are not God. Time for us all to refocus and to worship the Giver and not the gifts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy mcmullen
I liked this look at idolatry in our lives pretty well. It starts off strong and then is a bit repetitive and picks back up towards the end again. Or that could just be how it seemed compared to my life and struggles with sin.
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lyal avery
I have been reading several books by Christian authors lately about the issue of idols in our life. Kyle Idleman makes it so clear that idols must be replaced with our One True God he uses humor, human interest stories, and scripture to open our eyes to the reality that idol worship is a problem for every one of us. I read it quickly and plan to go back through and read it again and take more notes also feel like the study guide and DVD set would be helpful. I have not had an opportunity to use those yet but plan to buy them soon. I have been e-mailing all my friends and family and telling them about this book. Applying the truths taught here will change your walk with the LORD for the better. Sandy Smith
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicholas pilch
Excellent book though convicting most of the time. I appreciate the author's transparency and his determined focus to make God's Word the plumb line for what he was presenting.
Many thanks for the wake-up call.
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