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Readers` Reviews
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Although wll written and documented, I gave it one star only as it was so disturbing to read.These are truly evil people with no conscience whatsoever. Death, ruined lives and corruption are but a few of the crimes against this country that their hubris and arrogance left as a legacy to the most important job in America. I am truly left in shock and amazement that these people have any credibility with the American sheeple after reading this book, yet people still pay thousands to hear them speak as if they were great statesmen that changed the course of American history for the better. And now the latest revelation that she had her own "special server" while Sec of State that would filter and shred sensitive e-mails at her digression. How convenient! Where are the statesmen that this country was built by and Americans could trust implicitly? Gone forever I am afraid and never to return as most Americans don't care as long as their entitlements continue, thus the entire blame cannot be placed upon the Clintons as the American public have given their tacit approval of all the debauchery and graft that were committed during his tenure in the White House (The People's house) Why were these criminals given a pass for not doing the people's business as they were elected to do. If you thought you knew all the dirt on the Clintons, be prepared for another truckload full of sewage that will sicken you to your core. A very disturbing book and hard to read at times given the graphic nature of this sexual predator and his wife who ran interference for him only to advance her own political career. This nation has truly lost its way as if we continue electing the Clinton/Bush Dynasties year after year, well, I guess we deserve what we get. Even though it is disturbing, please read it and pass it along so that people will learn what type of people these are. Countless books have been written, but his is the most disturbing by far, By the way, this book is very well researched and sourced for those lock step Clintonistas that refuse to believe anything negative about these people. After all, it is just a bunch of right wing wackos that caused the Clintons all of their problems and caused them to leave the White House broke, yet were still able to buy into a very tony little village called Chappaqua, NY whose average home prices are in the milllions. Money and Power truly corrupts and these people are living proof.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emily lakdawalla
WAY overblown. The book makes an awful lot of accusations, says it's proven them, but in reality hasn't. I'm as far away from a Hillary supporter as you can get (I think she'd look great in an orange jumpsuit), and would love to see her family lose every cent they've screwed the American people out of. But to just list a bunch of accusations on one page, and 10 pages later come back as if that meant the allegations are true just isn't right. I'd leave this one in the dust and go on to something written by someone more credible.
A Small Town Southern Romance (Wishful Romance Book 1) :: Sweet Revenge: A curvy girl romance :: A Soulmate for the Heartbroken Duke - A Historical Regency Romance Book :: Playing with Temptation (The Players Club Book 1) :: Down the River unto the Sea
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Clinton's have proven that they have disdain for all of us. Their disgusting actions and perversions are beyond accurate description. They have pulled the wool over our eyes and have been worse than the carpet baggers that stripped the populace of the south after the civil war. These are disgusting low life's that have cheated, raped and murdered for power and greed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just learned that the author (and my friend) Victor Thorn, has passed. I am hopeful that his unparalleled investigative work, such as this trilogy, will allow his memory to live on and that the hardships that he endured to bring forth the truth will not be in vain. It's my sincere hope that his writings can affect readers and that they in turn can aid him in affecting change throughout the system. God knows, you're in a better place, Victor. Thanks for holding the line. Rest in peace, my friend. You've certainly earned it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thorn's research is excellent. His analysis is spot on and scary. It is difficult to think two highly educated people could be so debased. The part about the Lying Machine was awesome! I am looking forward to volumes 2 & 3.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg g
I was absolutely fascinated with this book. It gives a real idea of who these people truly are. It all rings so true having been exposed to this ghoulish couple for my entire adult life that it becomes rather disturbing to know they wielded so much power and I believe still do. I am on to the next book in this trilogy. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariam mohammed
Good ,verified, info on the Clintons numerous illegal activities and points out the corruption within our political and legal institutions that allow these criminals to not only stay out of jail, but to be able to game the system. The fact that the Dems gamed the system to give her the nomination is an example of the lack of morality,and corruption of that party. Despicable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I commemd Victor Thorn for writting this book. Not very writters have the courage to expose the truth about the Clintons. The Mainstream media don't want the American people to know how corrupt and depraved this couple is. I highly recommend this book for every American to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine chi
I just finished reading all three of Victor Thorn's books in the "Hillary (and Bill)" Clinton Trilogy. As a veteran conspiracy researcher, I am blown away at Thorn's courage in revealing such incriminating facts and evidence. The reading is captivating and the information is mindblowing. He puts the information together like a great novel. This is a must read for a truth seeker or anyone wanting to know who really runs America, how they put Bill and Hill in power, and how they keep them in power. I would give it 6 stars if available. I have followed Victor's work for at least 6 years now and he puts out the best writing/research that I know. I eagerly await his next book, insight and information.
Please RateHillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume
Half personal rant, half National Enquirer.
See Clinton Cash for more relevant material.