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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lauren good
Reason for Reading: Next (and last) in the series.
Summary: Janie has been left with a decision to make about her future and concentrates on making that decision. However, a wrench is thrown into her contemplations when her never before known father shows up in ICU causing her alcoholic mother to go off the deep end and add a twist to her previous choice. Now she must decide which is lesser of two evils.
Comments: Right of the bat I'll say this was rather disappointing. For a good portion of the book, from the beginning, the story mostly concentrates on Janie's dealing and coping with her alcoholic mother. Which would have been fine if this was just another teen dysfunctional family novel (which I abhor) but it was supposed to be the final book in a, so far, exciting paranormal trilogy. Janie has become very good at blocking out dreams unless they hit her out of nowhere, so during this part of the book there is barely any semblance of paranormal activity.
The introduction of Janie's father and his story that Janie learns through his comatose dreams was an interesting plot move and was certainly the highlight of the book. I enjoyed the twist it brought to the story and the extra dimension it added to Janie's decision. In the end though, I thought her decision lacked logic and I came up with a different way in which she could have possibly solved her dilemna.
I won't go into any details about what I thought of the casual, s*xual relationship between Janie and Cabel, except that I was not impressed. In general I was not impressed with Gone much at all; I read the book very quickly, I was already committed to the characters and enjoyed the previous two books *very much* but Gone just did not share an exciting plot with them. The father's part was good but not that exciting and I didn't pick up this book to read about the trials, tribulations and effects of an alcoholic on a family. Readable, but disappointing for the last book in a trilogy.
Summary: Janie has been left with a decision to make about her future and concentrates on making that decision. However, a wrench is thrown into her contemplations when her never before known father shows up in ICU causing her alcoholic mother to go off the deep end and add a twist to her previous choice. Now she must decide which is lesser of two evils.
Comments: Right of the bat I'll say this was rather disappointing. For a good portion of the book, from the beginning, the story mostly concentrates on Janie's dealing and coping with her alcoholic mother. Which would have been fine if this was just another teen dysfunctional family novel (which I abhor) but it was supposed to be the final book in a, so far, exciting paranormal trilogy. Janie has become very good at blocking out dreams unless they hit her out of nowhere, so during this part of the book there is barely any semblance of paranormal activity.
The introduction of Janie's father and his story that Janie learns through his comatose dreams was an interesting plot move and was certainly the highlight of the book. I enjoyed the twist it brought to the story and the extra dimension it added to Janie's decision. In the end though, I thought her decision lacked logic and I came up with a different way in which she could have possibly solved her dilemna.
I won't go into any details about what I thought of the casual, s*xual relationship between Janie and Cabel, except that I was not impressed. In general I was not impressed with Gone much at all; I read the book very quickly, I was already committed to the characters and enjoyed the previous two books *very much* but Gone just did not share an exciting plot with them. The father's part was good but not that exciting and I didn't pick up this book to read about the trials, tribulations and effects of an alcoholic on a family. Readable, but disappointing for the last book in a trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Janie receives a phone call from the hospital, telling her to come right away. She thinks she's going to find her mother sitting in the hospital bed, and instead she finds her father. The father she's never known, the father who is slowly dying.
She soon realizes she has to know about him, and why he keeps pulling her into his dreams. She goes to his house to do some investigating and what she finds is not what she expects at all.
The end of this series is not a mystery, action, or a love story, but more of Janie discovering herself. She is trying to decide what she should do with her life now that she knows the consequences of being who she is. She cannot imagine her life without Cabel, but his dreams cause her to rethink everything that they have together.
Janie is heartbreaking, and knowing what she has to do is something I could never do myself.
This is the end to one of my favorite series, but one I will read and will keep reading over and over again.
She soon realizes she has to know about him, and why he keeps pulling her into his dreams. She goes to his house to do some investigating and what she finds is not what she expects at all.
The end of this series is not a mystery, action, or a love story, but more of Janie discovering herself. She is trying to decide what she should do with her life now that she knows the consequences of being who she is. She cannot imagine her life without Cabel, but his dreams cause her to rethink everything that they have together.
Janie is heartbreaking, and knowing what she has to do is something I could never do myself.
This is the end to one of my favorite series, but one I will read and will keep reading over and over again.
Little Big Man: A Novel :: Little, Big :: National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of How (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books) :: Big Dog . . . Little Dog (Bright & Early Board Books(TM)) :: Held (Gone Series Book 2)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Very disappointing! I loved the first two books in this series, Wake and Fade, so I was hoping that this would be good too. Wrong. Unlike the first two, this one didn't have much of a plot. There was no action!
The whole book was about Janie's debate over her future, which will be depressing no matter which way she goes. She finds out about the father she never knew and discovers more about her ability.
That's it. I'd hoped she'd be given an assignment or something to put some thrill into this story, but every chapter was about her father and her future as a blind cripple. The other books had real plot, like the sexual predator lurking in the high scool, or even falling in love. This one was just depressing. But while none of them are happy, this one completely lacks excitement and color. I'm glad this is the end of the series so I don't have to read about how awful the coming years are. I kept thinking about how miserable everyone is and how that won't change.
Still, if you've read the first two, than you might as well read this, just to tie-up the ending. Just don't expect much.
The whole book was about Janie's debate over her future, which will be depressing no matter which way she goes. She finds out about the father she never knew and discovers more about her ability.
That's it. I'd hoped she'd be given an assignment or something to put some thrill into this story, but every chapter was about her father and her future as a blind cripple. The other books had real plot, like the sexual predator lurking in the high scool, or even falling in love. This one was just depressing. But while none of them are happy, this one completely lacks excitement and color. I'm glad this is the end of the series so I don't have to read about how awful the coming years are. I kept thinking about how miserable everyone is and how that won't change.
Still, if you've read the first two, than you might as well read this, just to tie-up the ending. Just don't expect much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susannah nichols
When we last left Janie in FADE, things were looking very, very bleak. It didn't seem possible that she could ever have a happy life--not with her boyfriend Cabe, not with her gift/curse of being pulled into other people's dreams, not in her relationships with her mother or her peers--none of it.
But GONE brings Janie, and us, to a very emotional, TOTALLY unexpected, and completely satisfying end. Plenty of suspense, impossible choices, and heart-baring truths in this wild ride to the ending of the trilogy. Highly recommend!
But GONE brings Janie, and us, to a very emotional, TOTALLY unexpected, and completely satisfying end. Plenty of suspense, impossible choices, and heart-baring truths in this wild ride to the ending of the trilogy. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alice andersen
Felt like things ended sadly for Janie. We see that she has more issues to work out in her life. This last book closes up and resolves what Janie will do with her life. She makes a monumental decision. Gone is more emotional and not action-packed like Wake or Fade but manages to satisfy. It's ok, and a good end to The Dream Catcher's books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was my least favorite of the trilogy. It lacked the action, controversial plots, and suspense of the first two. The addictive plot that was present in the first two books did not appear in this final novel. I also did NOT feel the chemistry between Cabe and Janie. I have been looking forward to this book since I finished Fade; I was sadly disappointed.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
heather andrews
I loved Wake and Fade. After a stellar recommendation by a great friend I picked up the first book and quickly moved on to the second. Janie was fierce and strong and Cabel was his own man and a great support system as a boyfriend and friend. So, when Gone was listed on the store I instantly bought it for pre-order. I finished it in a couple hours and wanted to throw it off the top of a building, go down and pick it up then throw it into a pool for an hour, then take it out and put it through my garbage disposal.
Third installment of this trilogy makes reading the other 2 NOT WORTH IT. Strong Janie is now weak and the story doesn't even end.
If you are reading this review Lisa McMann - SHAME ON YOU! Your editor made your re-write it once, well she should have made you re-write it again. Boo! I won't read another one of your books again if this is the caliber I can expect.
Third installment of this trilogy makes reading the other 2 NOT WORTH IT. Strong Janie is now weak and the story doesn't even end.
If you are reading this review Lisa McMann - SHAME ON YOU! Your editor made your re-write it once, well she should have made you re-write it again. Boo! I won't read another one of your books again if this is the caliber I can expect.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was disappointed with Gone. The ending was good, but there was no definitive climax or moment that made you have to finish the book. About halfway through I stopped and couldn't understand why no conflict or action had happened yet. It wouldn't start for a while. I absolutely loved Wake and Fade. I read them both in two days. They were exciting and romantic. Gone had the romance down, but the excitement was seriously lacking. The entire book was about Janie making one decision. No bad guys, no struggles, just a decision. If written well, that could have been an interesting story, but most of the book was Janie, who, in all the other books, is steadfast and strong, whining and complaining about her life. I would have liked to see her act with the same strength as she usually does.
I like the lyrical style of the book, but the cursing is a bit of a turnoff; however, I put up with it in the first two because the story was so exciting. Not so much in Gone. While I like how it ended, I wish Gone had left me thinking about it and playing it over in my head. There were no wow moments or parts where it shocked me. I guessed what was wrong with Henry pretty early on. All in all I was just left not feeling anything for this book.
I like the lyrical style of the book, but the cursing is a bit of a turnoff; however, I put up with it in the first two because the story was so exciting. Not so much in Gone. While I like how it ended, I wish Gone had left me thinking about it and playing it over in my head. There were no wow moments or parts where it shocked me. I guessed what was wrong with Henry pretty early on. All in all I was just left not feeling anything for this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
felicia ericksen
"Gone" provides us with yet another mystery about Janie's life--it's not just about falling into people's dreams, how she should use that power, or if she even should use that power. Janie has to figure out who she is and what she can endure, which is perhaps why "Gone" is the most poignant and heart-wrenching of the series. This series has always been about Janie, and this book is the most revealing of all.
"Gone" is different from the adrenaline-rush of "Fade," but then "Fade" was different from the dark suspense of "Wake." All in all, "Gone" is a satisfying end to a series that kept my heart pounding.
"Gone" is different from the adrenaline-rush of "Fade," but then "Fade" was different from the dark suspense of "Wake." All in all, "Gone" is a satisfying end to a series that kept my heart pounding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sangeetha raghunathan
I won't summarize the book here (plenty of people have already done that), but instead I'll just give my reaction to Gone. Personally, I thought Gone was the best book of the Wake series. It's a very different book than either Wake or Fade. To me, Wake was about Janie realizing what she could do with her power, Fade was about Janie using that power, and Gone is about Janie dealing with the long-term consequences of her power. Gone is far more of a character-driven book than either Wake or Fade, which I appreciate. Gone is the most adult book of the three - not necessarily in terms of content, but in terms of the choices Janie must make and the consequences she has to face. Gone was a very satisfying conclusion to a really well-done series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is amazing!!! loved it. I first read wake and now fade, I can never put the books down. I am buying the last and final book, Gone.i love the author she makes the book sound soo real and she makes it seem you are there with janie.Sometimes i wish i was janie becaues of how her relationship is with cabel.I wound love that. I am in love with the sequel and i will never forget it it will always have a place in my heart.5 stars all the way!!!! You have to read this book it will be the best thing you have ever done.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
natalie miller moore
Wake, the first book of this series intrigued me, the idea these novels centered around was interesting and well worth the read, however this final installment turned me off of the trilogy. The book was okay, but lacked the excitment and intrigue of the first two books, Wake and Fade.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brittney sechrest
Now I compared Janie and Cabel's relationship compared to Edward and Bella's ( from Twilight). And I think its much more realistic/ believable. Because in Twilight its love at first sight yet with Janie and Cabe know eacch other for alot longer before the loved each other.note: I am not putting Twilight down I am just comparing it to the Wake trilogy.
Now about Gone I think it is a very satisfying ending with a little twist
I will really miss these books
Reccomend this series to others!
Now about Gone I think it is a very satisfying ending with a little twist
I will really miss these books
Reccomend this series to others!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started reading these books and got hooked! These books are not really my type of books but I could not put them down for anything! I have not quite finished this one yet but will soon! Everyone should read them!
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