The 90-Day Program to Balance Your Gut - and Restore Vibrant Health

ByAnn Boroch

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joo young
I already had some knowledge about health problems associated with candida and reading this book filled in some blanks. I've been on the diet for 8 weeks and feeling great!!!
I only wish there were more recipes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After dealing with Candida for most of my adult life, finally discovering what it was and that my diet is the main culprit, I have been on a search for "The Candida Cure" ... and I gotta say, I am learning that that doesn't exist. This book offered lots of good advice and helpful tips for me along the way of figuring out what works for my body. The thing that has helped more than anything has been finding an intelligent, holistic-minded dietitian who has helped me to change the way I look at Candida. My approach and view of candida has shifted to less of a "force that needs to be destroyed" and more of a teacher... why does this exist in my body? What imbalances are there that are causing a yeast overgrowth, and how can I approach this in a balanced, holistic way that is good for my whole self, and not just a quick cure to beat candida. That being said, this book helped me along the way in learning more about candida, finding some good herbal antifungals, and good dietary advice. I also recommend the book: The Yeast Connection, by William Crook. It is a bit older, but has lots of good info.

For anyone looking to learn more about candida and yeast overgrowth and trying to find an approach that works for them, I do think finding an experienced dietitian or naturopathic doctor, or other holistic healthcare practitioner is the best approach, because they can approach you as an individual, rather than you trying to follow the prescriptions in a book. We are all different and our bodies respond to different things. I am a die-hard do-it-yourselfer and I still found that working with an experienced practitioner helped alleviate my fears and despairs about Candida, and helped me to find an approach that is sustainable and effective for me :) This book has definitely offered some guidance and ideas along the way, and I am all for doing your own research (and this is a good place to do that). But finding a skilled healthcare provider, that has a holistic view of the body, is what has worked the best for me. Good luck on your path to finding balance, health and peace!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raymond j
The information contained in this book is a must have for anyone who thinks they might be suffering from yeast illness. The causes are laid out in plain English along with a multitude of guidelines and supplements to help get it under control and keep it that way. The resources. meal plans and recipes were a wonderful addition and made following the plan much easier. I keep it handy as a reference book on my iPhone, and use it often.
or Optimism by Voltaire (2005-03-11) Hardcover :: Candide (French Edition) :: Candide and Related Texts :: Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention :: Candide
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ellen bicheler
If you are struggling with digestive yeast overgrowth, this book is very helpful. It explains the science behind the problem and then offers clear guidelines for combatting the yeast. It even includes recipes and menus to get started.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Easy to understand... explains purpose of each suggested supplement and reason for diet. Includes concise information regarding the 90 day plan including charts of when to take which supplements. Also tells exactly where to get supplements. The author having had health issues including MS and experiencing wellness by using the diet is VERY ENCOURAGING! Easy read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gaurav talera
This book addressed many of the concerns about general health and its connection to candida. It gave an overview of the diet program & some herbal and pharm. medications to address the candida. It did not discuss the vital role of virgin coconut oil in treatment of candida. It also did not address the need to test for metal toxicity and its connection with yeast overgrowth. It is imperative to cleanse the gastrointestinal system, kidney system, and liver before doing a candida cleanse, as well as addressing any metal toxicity (namely mercury).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found this book enlightening and very helpful. Once candida gets so far out of control it is a real struggle to know how to proceed toward healing, if your fortunate enough to figure out that candida is indeed the problem to start with. This book was a guide on how to start healing, encouragement to stick with it, cause it sometimes seems worse before it is better. Stick with it and you will improve and love life again. A Lifesaver when doctors had no answers. Hope is a motivator. I Highly recommend this book and plan to share this learned info in my part of the world!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth brown
Great book! Hard to follow, but full of helpful information.

I am trying to make the changes slowly because it is impossible to for me to do it all at once.

Great valuable information for anyone with "unexplained" conditions.

I have been tired a lot and all my exams looked really great. My doctors told me I was just getting old!!! NOT the case at all. With just a few changes I made following the book's guidelines, I started to feel more energy and I don't need to rely on stimulants to get things done.

Well worth the money. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For those struggling with chronic recurrences of Candida, this is a great book. Very specific instructions, concrete plan. Makes you feel like you are in good hands. I found the section on what to do when you must take an antibiotic particularly invaluable. It's a relief to know that help is available.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Needed a guide to get through the candida elimination process. This book explained the source of the problem, provided good solutions and kept me on track . Finding food to eat on this cure can be challenging, so the recipes are helpful as well. I have been on the diet and supplements for a few weeks and feel so much better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Millions of Americans suffer from a host of afflictions, never realizing that what they eat could be the cause. After struggling with cutting numerous allergens from my diet in order to heal many of the problems afflicting me, a naturopath suggested going on a yeast cleanse. Suddenly, after just a week, I could feel a change. When looking for a book to read more, I came across Ann Boroch's The Candida Cure: Yeast, Fungus & Your Health: The 90-Day Program to Beat Candida & Restore Vibrant Health. The information in this book was eye-opening, and it is one I will definitely recommend to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dea badami
Well-written and very interesting. The only problem I have with the book is that you really have to have money to stay on this diet. And it would be important to have support. Ms Boroch is not cheap to work with. I have a friend who could afford her services and rates her highly. It is one of those situations of money, unfortunately.
I cannot afford to work this diet, or buy these products.
If you can, buy the book, and try to work directly with Ms. Boroch. I reckon you will be very pleased with your own transformation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
grant barrett
I enjoyed reading this was an eye opener about this particular problem. It is well written and easy to understand. I've changed my diet as a result and though only a few weeks have passed, I'm feeling better-- more energy and a sense of well being. I would highly recommend it to anyone who suspects they may have a problem with yeast - sounds like just about everyone in this country probably has SOME overgrowth, and especially if you've taken antibiotics. I think her program is also a good way to discover any food allergies you might have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jasbina sekhon misir
Its a Great book!!!! Very helpful, really helps the reader understand and treat the condition I would recommend to anyone to understand that food and wellness are very important part of the cure of Candida not just medicine or herbs and supplements and very helpful on what to eat and not to eat it helped me to add a few things to my menu too. I think more ideas of menus to keep the pallet happy would be helpful though. With food sensitivities during this condition and food elimination for Candida Diet its hard to come up with new ideas that actually taste new with limited foods, especially if you are on the cure longer for stronger symptoms.
But Still Great Book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keely bird
I was originally going to get Dr. Kaufmann's book on the same subject, but it was not available for kindle. This book is much cheaper and has basically the same things. It helps you understand what things that trigger disease and what fungus does to the body. It also has many helpful recipes. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is suffering from sickness or is trying to avoid some hereditary diseases.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So much valuable information, the world needs to know, I can't believe this subject is so hidden, glad I stumbled across this book, has helped me immensely, wish I would have known about this 20 yrs ago, all in all a great challenge but we'll worth it, the price of the book is nothing compared to your health... Priceless
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book in conjunction with Donna Gates' books on the "Body Ecology Diet". I found it more helpful, since my primary problem is Yeast and Fungus. Because it was written with the consultation of a physician, I found the explanations of why certain foods could not be eaten a lot clearer. The chapter on detoxifying the liver was extremely clear and informative. There is a very simple chart in the beginning which advises how and when to give up wheat, dairy, alcohol, etc. I followed the schedule---each week giving up one category---and found I did not feel deprived. Finally, it gives you a clear plan for life--i.e. gradually adding items you may want to and falling off the wagon and getting back on. If you are like me and need to know WHY things work or don't work before you can follow a regime, you will want this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline wells
The book had a lot of great information, I bought to supplement a smaller book and it really worked well. There is a lot to read but it is broken down nicely...the recipes are great! I tried several recipes and my family has tried some of the ideas for treatment they are very beneficial! I can't speak to the 90 day cure profession but the ideas are definitely sound ones. I also appreciate that the writer struggled with yeast herself so she is writing from experience.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I had my first consultation with Ann last month. Her site states $400.00 for 1.5 to 2 hours for a first consultation. She ended it at 1 hour to the minute stating she was booked back to back. This tells me it's all about getting as much money in a day that she can. And was enough for me to not continue with her.
She told me to take her supplements just as her book states and no other knowledge what so ever. She didn't talk about why the body becomes a state of fungal problems and what needs to be done to reverse it.
As soon as I switched to her supplements I decline and had to do back to what I was using. Which made this consultation now about 500.00 bucks down the drain.
I was at the point that the only foods I could eat were no carb veggies and meat. She made a statement that I chose to eat this way. Why would anyone choose to eat such a restrictive diet.
I think she is making false promises that she can cure autoimmune disease. It makes me wonder if she really ever had MS. if someone is unaware that food could be causing symptoms, maybe she could provide some relief.
I just think her fee is way over the top with no education behind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is awesome,there are lots of great information's about food,health and life stile.
I love it, I highly recommend to every one.First when you read it looks hard to do the program but when you get rid of the ''BAD'' food
you just start to feel a change.I did everything as the book sad and finished the program I feel OK but I'm staying on diet because i really like it makes me feel good and healthy AND A LOTS OF MY PROBLEMS ARE GONE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine drumm
Very informative. I believe the author and have been trying to follow the guidelines. Have lost weight and feel better. The brain fog gone. Just good healthy eating fixes most health issues is so true. Just never thought about how much yeast is in
Foods like bread , of course, and pasta etc. Don't miss those foods at all when the trade off is feeling ten years younger!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathie mcfadden
Such a great book... everyone should read it. Candida is so common that it is scary. I've been following the diet now for 3 weeks and I feel like a new person. I never realized how bad my lack of energy was until I started to have energy again for the first time in years. I lost 12 lbs so far, my body feels so much lighter, my mind feels so much clearer. I actually want to exercise every single day. I am just a much happier person. My taste buds have been woken up by eating the right foods and vegetables taste so much better now. I feel no need to over eat because my body tells me to stop when I'm satisfied. People were saying that this diet is so restrictive that its hard to follow but if you are mentally prepared and know that it is for the better of your health... then it is actually pleasant. You need to start with the right frame of mind. I have no problem food shopping or going out to eat with all those temptations around me because I know what I'm eating is sooo much better for me and my body. The recipes in this book are great so you don't feel deprived. I only recommend when going out to eat bring your apple cider as a salad dressing. I bring it everywhere lol. Bring your coconut aminos with you too so you can add it as a sauce to a grilled chicken or salmon. I even bring my own chips in my bag as a snack or so you can eat salsa/guacamole when you're out. I found a great brand "2 moms in the raw" make 'garden herb sea crackers' that are great for dip. [...]....The book gives so many wonderful alternatives and if you can't find them in stores you can pretty much find anything online. I feel like once you start this diet it becomes your lifestyle and you won't ever want to go back to the crappy way it used to be. So glad I got this book and you will be too!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah cooke
Straight forward information, fairly remedial for those who have a good amount of knowledge about the topic as it is. Worth a ready for those who don't already have base knowledge, great for reference for those who do.
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