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Readers` Reviews
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
meg downs
I'm getting really tired of getting suckered into buying titles based on reviews by people who claim the book is "too funny", "hilarious", etc. I read the first 23 pages of this book expecting to laugh several times, but I didn't even smile once. Obviously everyone's taste in humor is different, but to go from "hilarious" to not even cracking a smile is a bit much. The author's very short chapters - moving very quickly from getting divorced from her first husband, to how she and her 2nd husband discipline their kids, to having a gynecological exam and finalizing her divorce on the same day - were disjointed, lacking in any interesting detail, and just plain boring.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I should have realized it was going to be another self-indulgent, look-how-funny I am book when I bought it. Oh well, some parts are pretty good, others not so much. But I finished it, so that says something.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stephanie ortiz
Just a mediocre read but maybe I was expecting too much. I was looking for more of a ROTFL genre and this book is more of a "just a little chuckle every once in awhile" kind of book. Couple of typos, some odd footnote number placements, and out-of-place paragraphs stuck at the end of a few of the essays. I wouldn't recommend not reading the book but I would recommend reading it for free (library) and not paying money for it.
a Dark Beauty and the Beast Tale (Stud Ranch Standalone Book 1) :: Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish Book 1) :: Erotic Fantasies :: The Seduction :: Shockaholic
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tammie mcelligott
This is a bunch of short anecdotes that don't allow for any sort of character or story development. I am beginning to assume the 5 star ratings are friends of the author. I found this to be a tedious read that I struggled through because it had been chosen for my book club.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard turgeon
The whole book was like a marvelous flashback to when I was trying to build a career, while trying to raise a family. Amy Lyle captures the craziness of those times in such a hilarious way. My favorite chapters are "Getting Divorced Sucks" and the "Calls from Sharon" I had tears streaming down my face from laughing. She reminds me of a Jenny Lawson and Tina Fey with a little Carol Burnett thrown in. You will want this book with you at the beach and your book club will love it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
robert wright
I sooooooo wanted to love this book. As a fellow Ohioan, I thought Lyle's humor would be right up my alley. The entire book instead is a compendium of ho-hum, everyday, mildly amusing tales. More than half of these are about as short as a voicemail she left to herself to remember the details and then failed to expand the minimum into anything resembling a real story. I'm utterly mystified as to the number of high ratings for this book. Plus it's kinda crappy-looking -- like it was printed at home in the early days of desktop publishing. A real disappointment.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
katy parker
WTH is with these glowing reviews. I can’t finish the book because I can’t read while I’m constantly rolling my eyes. Was really looking for something light and funny to maybe cheer me up from a tough year but this book is simply not funny and now I just feel annoyed! It’s full of pointless, corny little stories about a boring, privileged life. I didn’t really know anything about the author tbh so maybe others who have bought it know her type of humor and enjoy it... OR maybe they are friends of the author- I strongly supect this. One review referenced Chelsea Handler style humor- totally inaccurate. I’m a 33yo single mom that appreciates sharp wit and sarcasm and cannot get into this book AT ALL. Last, I didn’t expect all of the mentions of church and Christianity- not that I’m the anti-Christ but it’s not what I was looking for and I feel like I got fooled. I gave up about 2/3 of the way in and I was really trying. Be warned.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
manoj bs
I'm left with a question: would the author have been more interesting writer if she had not been such a devoted underage drinker?
The last paragraph of her Walmart chapter was not completely self absorbed.
I'm a fifty year old male, probably not her target audience.
The last paragraph of her Walmart chapter was not completely self absorbed.
I'm a fifty year old male, probably not her target audience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nessma aboul fotouh
Could not put it down - wanted to see what hilarious fail was next for this author! Reminded me of part Tina Fey, part Jenny Lawson, part Chelsea Handler – Amy is a mom as well as stand-up comedian, has a lot of conditions (that she can’t even pronounce) and drinks a little. My favorite chapters were “Helen” where Amy’s husband takes her seriously about adopting a Chinese baby. And “I Can See Your Buttons” where Amy gains confidence at the gym as men keep checking her out only to look in a mirror and find her nipple had escaped her sports bra! Would be a great summer read or fun read for book club (even includes book club questions). Put this hilarious book on your must-read list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
With all her trials and tribulations, and believe me, there are many, Amy laughs at herself and her quandaries. Through two marriages, many job misplacements (firings) and 4 children, Amy truly keeps her humor. Her ability to laugh at all her mistakes and to laugh at life is remarkable.
This book reads like a stand up comedy act. It is such a hoot and you can really relate to her troubles. I enjoyed so many areas of this book. However, it does read like a comedy act so it is a little choppy in places. But is is such a joy to read something so refreshing.
Amy has a fabulous outlook on life. I hope she has more books in her future.
I received this book from the author for a honest review.
Amy has a fabulous outlook on life. I hope she has more books in her future.
I received this book from the author for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
logan lo
This hysterical memoir is a must read for anyone who has ever gone through a divorce, tried to date again, raised a family, created a blended family, been part of a family, had a job and lost a job, traveled, and/or gone to the gynecologist. Basically, it's for everyone. Amy Lyle's ability to look at her life realistically and laugh about it is so honest and refreshing. She holds nothing back, and no topic is off limits in this personal journey through her life's ups and downs. Through it all, she shares tidbits of a wonderful friendship with Sharon (I want to meet her), glimpses of the craziness it takes to raise teenagers, and evidence of the love she and her husband share even when things aren't easy (read the chapter about adopting a Chinese baby). This book is anything but one of her "failures" as it leaves you laughing out loud, believing in her credibility as a story teller, and wanting more. She is witty, charming, and oh-so-relatable. I highly recommend The Amy Binegar-Kimmes-Lyle Book of Failures. It's a quick, lighthearted read that will leave you realizing life is good, even when it's challenging.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steph cary
I don't inhabit this world so couldn't relate to it much and consequently didn't enjoy it. But if you've been married a couple times, have step-children, go from job to job, you'll probably really get a kick out of this book. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to it. Just not my cup of tea.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth gimbutas
If you consider yourself a good wife/girlfriend/spouse/etc and want to stay that way, don't read this book when your partner is trying to sleep. I did this and my poor fiance kept waking up because I was laughing so hard. If it wasn't bad enough that I kept waking him, I couldn't even read him what was so funny because I couldn't see the words from the tears rolling down my face.
Amy's writing is not only obviously hysterical, but relatable. I've read humor books before that were supposedly memoirs, but I couldn't even giggle at all because I couldn't picture the scenario in my mind. Maybe it's just my preference for humor to be that way but it makes it all the more funny if I can picture myself in the same predicaments as the author. And I could with Amy's book, although I won't admit to which ones specifically.
Her writing style was great as well. The chapters were perfect in length as they told of funny anecdotes from her life in all aspects; not too long, not too short. And there was just enough seriousness in the book (and in the right places) to level it out. I would love to have a few drinks with Amy someday and get to know her.
I cannot wait to read her next (hopeful) book!
Amy's writing is not only obviously hysterical, but relatable. I've read humor books before that were supposedly memoirs, but I couldn't even giggle at all because I couldn't picture the scenario in my mind. Maybe it's just my preference for humor to be that way but it makes it all the more funny if I can picture myself in the same predicaments as the author. And I could with Amy's book, although I won't admit to which ones specifically.
Her writing style was great as well. The chapters were perfect in length as they told of funny anecdotes from her life in all aspects; not too long, not too short. And there was just enough seriousness in the book (and in the right places) to level it out. I would love to have a few drinks with Amy someday and get to know her.
I cannot wait to read her next (hopeful) book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele nava
This book is pure entertainment—full of giggles and laughs and an escape from the mundane routine of the everyday existence we all suffer. The author has a talent for finding a humorous way to express the things we all sometimes feel but hesitate to say out loud. I am a fan of this lady’s style and sense of humor. I highly recommend this book. I listened to the audio edition and it was very well narrated with a pleasant voice and a smooth pace. Looking forward to more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara grossman
Amy’s book is so fun, totally relatable and yet at the same time time reminds us that failing is totally okay. Yes, okay. We all do it, so what’s the big deal? Some fails are a bigger deal than than others, but we get through them - and if we could all learn to share them as freely as Amy, and remember to keep a sense of humor, like Amy, we might just have an easier time getting through those little bits of trouble. But even if we’re not comfortable sharing our own yet, still give Amy’s a try - it’s a very fun journey about a lady trying to make it in the screenplay business, and in life. It was fun times!! I highly recommend it to anyone.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emmett racecar
and not in any good way. The "stories" are seriously the length of one of your friends long FB posts of some mundane detail of their day. To draw ANY comparison to her and say David Sedaris is simply sacrilege. Her stories are possibly funny when she is telling them in person to her girlfriends after a number of glasses of wine. To the rest of us? It's just one stupid inane thing after another. Oh, some guy waved to tell you the belt of your coat was hanging out of the door of your car? That is far from a witty story.
You can't drive without hitting things and your husband bought you a Porsche? Not the BMW you wanted? Cry me a river.
Once more, I'm grateful for Kindle Unlimited and that I didn't spend money on this. Free is still overpriced. If this is what passes for hilarious? Someone put me in touch with her agent.
You can't drive without hitting things and your husband bought you a Porsche? Not the BMW you wanted? Cry me a river.
Once more, I'm grateful for Kindle Unlimited and that I didn't spend money on this. Free is still overpriced. If this is what passes for hilarious? Someone put me in touch with her agent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am on hold with the IRS so I have some time to mulit-task and leave a review, which I've been wanting to do since I was halfway through the book! I loved it and was bummed when I finished it and didn't have a second book by Amy to read (yet!). Her conversational tone made it seem as if I was on the phone with a friend hilariously describing crazy sh** that's happened to her. So many times I found myself thinking SAME, especially the parts where she describes her relationship with her husband. Oh, and the friend who calls with the most random stories. Or...you get it.
In our hectic and stressful lives it was a wonderful reprieve from the daily grind.
Can't wait for Amy's second book!
In our hectic and stressful lives it was a wonderful reprieve from the daily grind.
Can't wait for Amy's second book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angie n
I love this book. The author seems to speak honestly with down to earth charm. I found myself laughing out loud and interrupting my husband t read entertaining paragraphs that reminded me of my childhood and my parenting adventures. I couldnt put it down. This is a must read. Excellent!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris stratton
I loved this book! It’s packed with humorous comments and reflections on marriage, divorce, sex, health and fitness, infidelity, religion, celebrities, friendship and everyday life, that are not only funny, but also very clever! Thanks a lot, Amy! I love your sense of humor!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina kaple
Read this book and laughed from start to finish. If you feel like your life is going wrongs a single story from Amy will turn your day around. Plus have you ever called down stirs and exposure your butt to the world? No? Well then you life isn’t as bad as you think. I recommend this book and was so happy to have Amy on our podcast, The Clean Comedy Podcast! Check out this book and support comedy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Do you ever think that some crazy, silly situations and conversations only happen to you? Well, Amy Binegar-Kimmes-Lyle is here to tell you it's not just you and she's going to share all of her wacky "wtf" moments in her Book of Failures. After reading Amy's stories of dealing with divorce, blending families, staying in touch with friends, traveling, going to the gym, and so many more, you'll want to add her to the guest list for all your upcoming parties. Her wit and humor are spot on as she tells you exactly what she thinks of this or that person or how her guilt drove her to buy her daughter a hamster. She also makes sure to further clarify her stories with hilarious footnotes like "Shannon did not sue Chipotle; she’s too nice." Comprised of short chapters, this book is perfect for picking up when you need a quick laugh and setting down to come back to later, but after just a few pages you'll be hooked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sara poarch
Funny, wise and oddly therapeutic! The book made me feel I was sane compared to Amy. Lol. I've met her and she's actually very sweet. It's not War and Peace but then is War and Peace funny? Don't read this if you're the jealous sort because Amy is pretty fab.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
neha banyal
I believe that Amy just found the cure to depression! Her book is Hysterical and will keep you laughing fron the first paragraph. I couldn't put it down.... and I don't like reading. But this book will keep you in stitches. Perfect for gifts for anyone for birthdays, Mother's Day, hostess gifts or just because. Treat yourself or someone you love and make them smile. ????
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am not much of a reader, but this book is hysterical. Nothing more entertaining than having someone who can find the humor in their own mistakes. Some of these situations she writes about could happen to anyone and she has found the humor in then. Loved this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sami melaragno
If you need a good laugh, this is the book for you! You will laugh out loud and laugh alot. I didn't want to go to work today because I wanted to read this book. Amy's witty sense of humor explaining her life journey is put into quick chapters and is perfect for the busy person who needs a quick chuckle during the day. You can read a chapter during a meal or office break to get a quick fix of laughter. Great read and very entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the funniest book I've ever read. And I read a lot. Amy is hysterical and made me feel more than 32% better about myself. I hope this is just the beginning of many more books to come. Oh and I'm ordering a copy for my sister in law because she falls down a lot too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lonnie ezell
The book of failures is a great read! Amy's funny writing style makes you laugh out loud. She mixes vulnerability with humor and hits a home run! She reminds me of Tina Fey or Kristen Wig. She is relevant for both a male and female audience. I highly recommend reading this hysterical book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe joe
Intelligently witty. Amy's sense of humor has an Irma Bombeck flavor to it (she may have to ask her mother who Irma Bombeck was). I thoroughly enjoyed this hilariously funny book and hated to see the end come so quickly
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author has a great way of taking her self proclaimed failures and turning them into comical adventures! I related so much to her and love her style! She keeps it real without trying too hard. Fantastic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen true
Also found it hard to put down. Laughed out loud, and highly recommend you pick up this book for many reasons.
Most of us had a rough patch from time to time, right?
It sure does help to know others do too, and can laugh at the situation.
The chapter "Helen" was particularly touching for me because I have loved ones who are adopted.
Most of us had a rough patch from time to time, right?
It sure does help to know others do too, and can laugh at the situation.
The chapter "Helen" was particularly touching for me because I have loved ones who are adopted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris h
After getting a fourth of the way through the book, I quickly realized Amy is my spirit animal. The book is such a fun read. Amy's ability to make people smile and laugh is evident all through the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelli moquin
I love, love, loved this book. This is a must read for everyone that could use a good laugh or even a chuckle. Each story is guaranteed to brighten your day. Such a pleasure to read such an enjoyable book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate damrich lloyd
This is a good and enjoyable book. She faced some challenges and talks about them in a funny and sarcastic way. It is said happiness or satisfaction in life is one of the worst things for a comedien and that's true here. She ultimately settles down with a nice second husband, reasonably good kids, nice life, I am happy for her because she seems very nice, but there's less to complain about and the book is not as funny though it remains reasonably good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melissa jolley
I enjoyed this book and laughed out loud a couple of times. But the editing was so bad it negatively impacted my enjoyment of the content. If omitted words and formatting issues don't bother you, give this a try.
Please RateA funny memoir of missteps - inadequacies and faux pas