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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jinnie lee
I know from experience that the basis of this story is true. We donated our daughter's organs when she died. The man who received her heart said that when he woke up from surgery, he fe!t so much happiness. Hey had never felt that way before. Our daughter was an extremely happy person, and we attributed this !and joy to our daughter. This book helped to confirm our feelings. Thank you for this heartfelt book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline w
The premise of this book was really interesting . . . a woman dies in a car accident and her heart is donated to a 19-year-old girl. The teen begins to have memories from the donor and falls in love with the donor's husband. The story is told from the alternating perspectives of the girl and the husband in the form of their journals. I really enjoyed the getting to know Vida, the teen who has been sheltered her whole life and finally has a chance to make her own decisions, and Richard who is try to break out of the debilitating grief that has overtaken him because of this wife's death.
Hyde is a such a good writer; I was drawn in from the first page and could not put it down until the end.
Hyde is a such a good writer; I was drawn in from the first page and could not put it down until the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A must read. Catherine has a unique talent of being able to make the characters in her books come alive. In this book you see the heart recipient wanting to experience life like a normal person, the mother trying to protect her daughter, but actually smothering her with too much protection. Then you have the donors husband trying to cope with the sudden loss of his wife. A very good book with complex characters.
(Discworld Novel 13) (Discworld series) - Small Gods :: (Discworld Novel 8) (Discworld series) - Guards! Guards! :: The Book of Lost Things Illustrated Edition :: Caraval: The mesmerising Sunday Times bestseller :: The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries, Vol. 1)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kate battles
This was not her best effort as I have read all her other books. The writing was immature and it was a long read until you got to the"purpose of life" moment.i really would not recommend reading it if you have read her other books.. Totally not believable and boring at times
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fine human interest story. I liked the way the author presented the thoughts of the two main characters as if they were writing them in their journals. The girl, Vita, had an especially interesting and sometimes humorously and somewhat childish way of writing.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I've been reading all of this author's books through the kindle lending library. I enjoy all of them, and her ability to bring her characters to life and make you relate to their struggles. This is one of my least favorite, as I just couldn't find much about Vida or her family to like. The characters felt less in depth than in other books as well.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ana quijano
Compelling subject, but unlike every other Catherine Ryan Hyde novel I've read, the story is just too slow. The book deals with the idea of the human soul essentially staying with transplanted body parts, and there are some thoughtful explorations in this regard throughout the book that I enjoyed, but I found getting through it to be a bit of a chore… the first time I've ever felt that way with a Hyde novel.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
omar mohammed
I was quite disappointed with this novel. The writing was mediocre at best. Perhaps because the author was trying to write the novel as two different journals, specifically vida's chapters were hard to read. The writing was very literally like random thought streams, which was maybe the point. Whatever the reason, it was excruciating to read. I was so looking forward to this book because the subject matter seemed quite interesting, but it could have been written in a different format with much more success.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel which delves into the psychological and scientific issues associated with organ transplants, as well as the unexplainable and awkward experiences that can arise for donor, recipient, and all the significant others in their lives. I am rapidly developing an addiction for this author's works. She never disappoints.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have a 60-yr old brother who received a liver from a 17-yr old young man 15+ years ago. Brother's life was changed in many ways and his tastes and interests changed considerably after the transplant. I can only imagine how a transplanted heart could change a person. This book is well written and truly believable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah culver
I don't know how she does it but Catherine Ryan Hyde has another winner here. I stumbled across one of her books and have been reading them regularly since, and there hasn't been a bad one yet. Real characters with real problems. What I love is that she always seems to guide her characters to the positive side of life, and I find that refreshing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir hesam
I loved 'Second Hand Heart.' The concept is fascinating and, certainly, organ transplant is an area that I am really interested in. Hyde is an incredible writer. The thing I enjoy the most about her work is the characters. If a story doesn't have believable characters, I don't even bother--the plot means nothing if the characters aren't there. With Hyde's books, the characterization is always there, always believable and, more important, they are characters I actually care about. I have lately run across books that were on the best-seller list that had great story line, great overall writing and plot but characters that I just really could not bring myself to care about and quit reading part way through them. I seem to always care about Hyde's characters. Thanks for another great novel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris leahy
Very well written like "Ask Him Why" that I just finished. I'm sure the next one, which I'll start right away will be, too. The movie, "Pay It Forward" came from her novel. I will be surprised if there are isn't a very good film in this one, too. For the record, I don't mind chick-flicks mostly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew williams
I'm a big fan of the Catherine Ryan Hyde books. I've read several and haven't been disappointed yet. This one had me thinking about the cell memory and his would I feel about receiving someone else's heart and having their memories. I think the author did a fabulous job of describing the feelings of Vida. I felt like I was in her head and feeling exactly like she was feeling. Another great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Before I read SECOND HAND HEART all I really knew of Catherine Ryan Hyde was that she had written the novel PAY IT FORWARD which the movie of the same name was based on, but I had heard a lot of positive things about her work and was delighted to finally get around to reading some of it.
I thought I had the measure of this book a few pages in. I tend to be biased against books told through e-mails or diary entries, and this was both. I didn't immediately warm to Vida (one of the main characters) and having read my fair share of heart transplant/other life threatening medical ailment schmaltz in the past, I figured I knew what was coming, pretty much. In fact, if anyone had asked me what the book was about at that point, I would have laid the entire plot out for them, so sure was I of the ways things were going to unfold.
But boy - was I wrong! Everything about this book is unexpected. You think you're in for one thing, but you get quite another. The characters don't behave the way I thought they would, the story unfolds in a landscape utterly different to where it begins and instead of being pleasantly entertained by a sweet story for 450 or so pages, I found a moving lesson about living as oppose to just existing. What's especially wonderful is how simply and sparingly Hyde writes, and yet she still manages to drench you in emotion with her words. While other books strain so much to stir your feelings they give themselves hemorrhoids (sorry for the imagery - just thought that that was the best description!), Hyde does it effortlessly which, of course, only makes it feel even more impactful, as it hits you unexpectedly.
There's plenty more I could say about this book, but I don't want to give too much way. Discovering a new author you like is always a nice surprise, and I can't wait now to read Hyde's other novels, as I expect I'll really enjoy them too.
I thought I had the measure of this book a few pages in. I tend to be biased against books told through e-mails or diary entries, and this was both. I didn't immediately warm to Vida (one of the main characters) and having read my fair share of heart transplant/other life threatening medical ailment schmaltz in the past, I figured I knew what was coming, pretty much. In fact, if anyone had asked me what the book was about at that point, I would have laid the entire plot out for them, so sure was I of the ways things were going to unfold.
But boy - was I wrong! Everything about this book is unexpected. You think you're in for one thing, but you get quite another. The characters don't behave the way I thought they would, the story unfolds in a landscape utterly different to where it begins and instead of being pleasantly entertained by a sweet story for 450 or so pages, I found a moving lesson about living as oppose to just existing. What's especially wonderful is how simply and sparingly Hyde writes, and yet she still manages to drench you in emotion with her words. While other books strain so much to stir your feelings they give themselves hemorrhoids (sorry for the imagery - just thought that that was the best description!), Hyde does it effortlessly which, of course, only makes it feel even more impactful, as it hits you unexpectedly.
There's plenty more I could say about this book, but I don't want to give too much way. Discovering a new author you like is always a nice surprise, and I can't wait now to read Hyde's other novels, as I expect I'll really enjoy them too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the story of the heart recipient and the donor's husband. It follows the girl who received the heart and how she feels more than just a little attached to the donor husband. There is an actual theory that these issues do exist.
There is also her story with her mother and an older neighbor lady who becomes more like her family then her mom.
I am now a fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde and have purchased more of her books.
There is also her story with her mother and an older neighbor lady who becomes more like her family then her mom.
I am now a fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde and have purchased more of her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
achraj singh
A intriguing story of a young woman who has a heart transplant and her connection to the donor and the donors husband. How she experienced the love the donor had for her husband. Then leaving home in search of answers to questions she didn't fully understand. At the culmination she finds her answers and so does the husband and they are both able to go on with their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly sierra
Having read a number of books by this author, I can honestly say she has not let me down. I found this particular book touching, amazingly thoughtful, surprising at times. The characters come to life and I find myself rooting for them to have a happy ending. The writing is clear, she doesn't overwhelm with too many characters and even though you want to know the ending, you don't want it to end.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought the storyline had great potential: the feelings of the spouse of a heart donor and a heart recipient. However, I could not connect with the feelings and the actions of the heart recipient which I did not find likeable. And maybe because I did not find her likeable, I could not believe that the husband of the heart donor could want a relationship with her. I've read two books by Catherine Ryan Hyde (that I enjoyed) but not this one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Once finding this author I instantly fell in love and have read almost everything she has written (minus the younger teen type stuff). This one however, was not one of my favorites. I can't exactly pin point why but it just didn't give me the higher enjoyment that others have. Although don't take my word for it! We all have different tastes :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love c Hyde's books but this one dragged for me to the point I put it down for a few days. The storyline was predictable but sweet in the end. After hearing teachings on cellular memory I believe not only our bodies but objects hold memory. Check out ray kurzweil.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my third book by this author, and to date the best read yet. With this book we get a glimpse of what a loving gift an organ transplant can be. We get the luxury of seeing both sides of the story, and the great joy and crushing pain. The author ultimately ties it altogether and gives the reader a sense of hope for a new beginning. You'll love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story his close to home for me because my son spent most of his life sheltered and protected by myself due to his medical issues. When his health finally inclined he was ready to start living and to this day I struggle with letting go. Also, I loved that it was written in multiple points-of-view so I wasn't left wondering how the other characters saw the same situation throughout the story. Thank you for another great book and I look forward to reading more of your work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I nearly always enjoy Catherine Ryan Hyde's books. They are actually quite simply written, but very impactful. I found the concept of cellular memory to be fascinating, as was the journey of Richard through his grief and Vida into her new life. Great read, very satisfying!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maiv lig
This is the most amazing love story of a young girl age 19 with a defective heart who finally, as her life is quickly coming to an end, is given a heart of an adored by her husband's wife. The tale of love at first sight with the young girl and this man is nothing like I've read before! Catherine Hyde thank you! Your writing is never boring, always educational and so heart warming!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catie miller
Once again the author is on the mark. Engrossing, tender, and equally satisfying novel from start to finish. And as usual I continue to think about the premise of the novel long after I finished it. Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
valinda lee
I was disappointed by this book. Not that the writing was bad, it was just not as good as all the other books I read by her. I had a hard time getting into this book. I guess I would recommend this book to anyone who had a transplant, I am sure they would understand the feelings better then me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisa ludwig
I've read several of Catherine Ryan Hyde's books and find that I'm always looking for another. All have changed me in a good way. I wake up every morning now saying it is my choice to be
Happy. Always now walking my dog I look at all the new things I see.
Happy. Always now walking my dog I look at all the new things I see.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This as one of those "reads" that will remain in my brain for a very long time. The premise that memory resides in more of our body's parts than the brain. Is this how we have a knowing of some activity, become it has been attempted? Well written, wonderfully imagined, provocative.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark rayner
I have thought this book started a little slow but in no time I couldn't put it down. I would recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a thought provoking but also a feel good story with some real life thrown in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandy cook
Another good read - a good story line while being entertaining and thought provoking. Normally I look for an action and response story that keeps me wanting to turn the pages, but if it can additionally offer an umbilical from fiction to hypothetical reality, and can force the reader to wonder " wow, could that be a truth we have never pondered
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alicia blanton
Always well written this is again remarkable. Knowing first hand what it is it have a loved one who's life is precious but so frighteningly fragile, I recognize many elements in this story. It's a lovely story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Catherine Ryan Hyde has created another set of imperfect but incredibly interesting characters. Their innocence, vulnerability and depth of feeling are evident throughout the book. You won't want to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This story line was very interesting. That the donated heart could pass on so many memories. So many wonderful feelings. The receiver of the heart all of a sudden healthy, how she deals with the freedom and the memories she gets from the heart. A very thoughtful,entertaining story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed Second Hand Heart quite a bit. It was a fast read, and the characters were believable. It explored the complex dynamics, emotions, and relationships in the family and friends of a chronically ill child and transplant donors. Also very sweet!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sherry chandler
What if you receive a transplant and start feeling emotions and memories that can only come from something mysterious inside the transplanted organ? That's what this story is about. Interesting and timely concept.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jena lee nardella
This book addresses the issue of living and dying and suddenly being able to live after years of debilitating illness. It delves into the emotions of all the individuals surrounding a heart transplant recipient, her family and the donor family. To Vida, everything is intense. Can she learn to relax and live? Others around her must also learn life lessons, sometimes from unexpected sources. I enjoyed this story very much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great story by this author that has captured my heart. Beautifully conceived and another book that was hard to put down. But Richard was a little over the top. He should have grieved his wife a lot more before he got involved with her heart recipient.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beautiful story of life and death. Each character journeys through both in their own way. Life is confusing but so worth living...please consider being an organ donor. Tell your family your wishes so you all can make another family's dreams come true even in the sadness of great loss.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven c sobotka
I'm a huge fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde, and this book did not disappoint. Beautifully written with relatable characters, Hyde manages to take a touchy subject like death and organ donation and weave it into a charming story about coping with death and the difficulty with moving on. I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I would have given it 5 stars, but the chapters were a bit confusing as to who was doing what. I realize it was meant to be mysterious, but that's the only criticism I have. Otherwise, I loved the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very worth reading! I read it because the book was free on the store kindle but even if it had cost full retail I'd have felt like I had gotten my money's worth. Try it! I'm not going to summarize the story since many others have already done that. I would say it was an easy to read story that will leave you with a smile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brittany burnbaum
CRH harvests drama and suspense from a subject that is complex in every way. I will never think about hearts or transplantation again without at least vaguely referencing this in my own mind/heart. Or maybe all of my cells.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mark castrique
After having read two of Catherine Ryan Hyde' s books, I decided I'd give this one a try. While the premise behind the book is intriguing, the main characters of Vida and Richard really annoyed me. The plot was fairly predictable and, as I read, I imagined a Lifetime movie unfurling. It was, however, an easy read. The book also contained some interesting secondary characters who imparted some thought-provoking life lessons along the way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very intense story of a very lonely and sick young lady that found such a special friend in Esther. Her travels and growth and specially her personal journal gave exceptional insight to her & Richards souls. Enjoyed extremely!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Interesting story, but I found myself a little frustrated with the character with the second hand heart. The only book of Catherine's that I felt a little disappointed with, but I have read many, so she has a very good batting average for successfully satisfying my love for reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wina k
This book makes one stop and feel. You are right about mixed emotions on organ transplantation, however organs are just that. I wish we all could let go. Harvesting these tissues and cells is done with the utmost care and reverence. Listen to your heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An interesting, sad,and blessed happening to two people. Having known a person who had a heart transplant, this was an unexpected experience for the person receiving the gift. I enjoyed this read and have looked the experiences up on the internet. .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just love Catherine's writing. Her characters are always compelling and their stories pluck at your heart-strings.
She's certainly one of my favorite female authors. I can't get enough, I devour her words like a kid does cookies.
She's certainly one of my favorite female authors. I can't get enough, I devour her words like a kid does cookies.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Okay, I really hate having to do this. But this book just did not do it for me. When I read the premise, I jumped at the chance to read it. I thought it would be emotional and pull at my heart strings, but unfortunately, it did far from that.
I couldn't care less about Vida. First of all, she's 19 but the writing style made her seem so much younger (and not just because she was sheltered. I think its because it was way too simplified). I didn't find her to be a sympathetic character at all. I got no emotion from her. And her relationship with Richard was creepy. I get the whole "memory" thing since she got his deceased wife's heart. But still. It turned me off completely.
I dunno. I guess I was just expecting something that would be either a tearjerker or something that would be heartwarming. And this wasn't it.
I do have to say however that I liked that the author brought light to the issue of organ donation. I am such a big believer in this and can't imagine why someone would choose not to help others live if they were able. And I think organ donation needs as much spotlight as it can get. So bravo to the author for that!
I couldn't care less about Vida. First of all, she's 19 but the writing style made her seem so much younger (and not just because she was sheltered. I think its because it was way too simplified). I didn't find her to be a sympathetic character at all. I got no emotion from her. And her relationship with Richard was creepy. I get the whole "memory" thing since she got his deceased wife's heart. But still. It turned me off completely.
I dunno. I guess I was just expecting something that would be either a tearjerker or something that would be heartwarming. And this wasn't it.
I do have to say however that I liked that the author brought light to the issue of organ donation. I am such a big believer in this and can't imagine why someone would choose not to help others live if they were able. And I think organ donation needs as much spotlight as it can get. So bravo to the author for that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brendan whelton
What part of us loves? Our brain, our heart, our soul. Do they all exist independently or together do they make us whole? This was a great story. Loss and life thrown together. There was one part that I just was like I can't believe they did that but it made an interesting addiction to this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
keely bird
This was one of those books that has few surprises, but since it goes where we want it to go, it's okay. The characters are easy to know and they share with us the emotions that make sense to us and we want to believe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I wanted to read this story, because my husband is a transplant recipient. The writing was accurate from a transplant view. It also shared deep emotions and feelings from a wide variety of characters. Catherine Hyde is a fantastic author and I would like to read more of her novels. Her written words just flow across the page painting a vivid picture of the story. You won't be disappointed, this is a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather landon
Excellent book and easy read. I enjoy reading books by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It was a great book about some one receiving a heart transplant and you can tell she did her research to make it believable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corley may
This is an amazing book & probably my favorite of Catherine Ryan Hyde's so far. The story has many unexpected twists and deals with a lot of heavy subject matter. It's a tearjerker in that it's incredibly beautiful & inspiring.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
theaccidental reader
This book tried really hard to be deep and thoughtful yet in the end barely scratched the surface of how death and organ donation might feel. It tried to make to much of a connection and ended up not making any strong ones. A good read if you're just looking to pass the time but not get too deep or excited about a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandon petry
I read this story while on winter break. I was looking for a quick read with a positive message, which is exactly what I got. Although I enjoyed this book, I think Catherine Ryan Hyde has written some better ones, such as Don't Let Me Go and Take Me With You. I am still a fan and will definitively keep reading!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jen true
At 20 percent in I quit reading. Much too slow moving. Glad I had only borrowed it through the store prime. I would have hated wasting money on it. However. I have read many of Ryan Hydra other books and really enjoyed them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love all of this author's books. Sometimes I just need a Catherine Ryan Hyde fix. This book is no exception. Feeling for all the individuals affected by this life changing decision is very touching. Looking forward to my next read. Thanks so much for your beautiful talent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra carey
Ms Hyde weaves a heartwarming story with realistic characters and a captivating story. As in all of her books the main character is wise beyond her years with an intense passion for life and goodness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roslyn sundset
Although if this book had been out long enough to be a "second hand book", I would pick it up immediately.
Like many of Catherine Ryan Hyde's works, it is the journey with real, full-felt characters that draws us in and takes us on a journey worth taking. In Second Han Heart, Vida is learning to fully live; Richard is learning to fully grieve. They are bound together until both reach their "full" destinations, and it is the intimately held details which we learn about each of them that draw us in and lets us walk with them.
Do I like everything about this book? not quite -- but that is a matter of personal authorial opinion not worth the time to type. To truly appreciate how good Catherine really is at this, you have to realize: Every choice her heroes and heroines make may not always be ideal. Instead we real people to walk with, not cardboard cutouts and/or or comic strip heroes and villains. We meet America place to place, and face to face. We mostly learn that though we are not perfect, most of us we are good, that -though we may all be different in many ways, we are all fellow travelers in a life's book. This is another journey worth taking.
Like many of Catherine Ryan Hyde's works, it is the journey with real, full-felt characters that draws us in and takes us on a journey worth taking. In Second Han Heart, Vida is learning to fully live; Richard is learning to fully grieve. They are bound together until both reach their "full" destinations, and it is the intimately held details which we learn about each of them that draw us in and lets us walk with them.
Do I like everything about this book? not quite -- but that is a matter of personal authorial opinion not worth the time to type. To truly appreciate how good Catherine really is at this, you have to realize: Every choice her heroes and heroines make may not always be ideal. Instead we real people to walk with, not cardboard cutouts and/or or comic strip heroes and villains. We meet America place to place, and face to face. We mostly learn that though we are not perfect, most of us we are good, that -though we may all be different in many ways, we are all fellow travelers in a life's book. This is another journey worth taking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jesseh sparklepants
I enjoyed the story because of the subject line, it made me consider a way of thinking about the heart. It was a rather slow read, not something that kept me on edge, but interested. I would recommend it to young adults to the older reader, as I am.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an interesting and unusual story about the giver, the receiver, the dynamics of heart transplantation. Very well written, engaging, difficult to put down. Do yourself a favor, read "Second Hand Heart."
signed Sheilaann
signed Sheilaann
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Catherine Ryan Hyde's writes about characters who are interesting and unusual. She has a way of grabbing and holding my attention through the entire story. I have read all her books so far and look forward to her next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara french
great read. what life and finding yourself and meaning are all about. makes you think about what's really
important. looking through Vida's eyes, a young woman facing death, turns your thoughts to what's important.
important. looking through Vida's eyes, a young woman facing death, turns your thoughts to what's important.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jrock r
This has been the only book so far that I did not care for. This review may be unfair because I only read half of the book. It just wasn't holding my interest and I did not like the main character. She seemed robotic. I never felt any emotion.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
oliviaj1128att net
The writing seemed contrived to me. I didn't believe that the characters would have those thoughts. It began to read like charactertures of people rather than actual human beings. I think the subject matter could have made for an interesting book, but this one wasn't it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabriele bauman
A heart-warming story about the impact of organ donation. The characters lives are realistic and interwoven to help the reader see various perspectives of life, death and aging. I've read many of Ryan Hyde's books and this is one of my favorite. Again, she took me on a journey that I didn't want to end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a fan of Catherine Ryan Hyde and was not disappointed in her latest novel, Second Hand Heart. It is one of those stories that wraps you up inside itself... you become a part of the character's journey. The journey is one of a young woman with a second chance at life and how paths that cross lead to unexpected discoveries. A highly recommended read - perfect for your day at the beach this summer!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Didn't like this one as well as her other books that I have read. She has a different way of expressing herself. But I had to keep reading just to see how it ended. Was hard for me to keep interested.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack danger
A unique perspective, that of a child donee and that of the loved one of a donor, for exploring the unexpolored physical emotional, and physiological results of a heart transplant. Well-written and challenging to our current assumptions about the relationship between the brain and the heart as overlapping and coexistent centers for bodily knowledge.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sherry rebel
The first half of this book was extremely boring. The second half improved but I would not recommend this book. I have read other books by this author which I enjoyed but this one was my least favorite
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the fifth or sixth book I've read by this author. Each book has been so different with such unusual subjects, that I'm afraid I'll be disappointed in it, but then I am enthralled all over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm not sure I always like the authors style but then I've read three of her books and I love the topics she picks which are not written about much, like she does, and when I finally get done I'm drawn to another, i'll probably end up reading everything she writes!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yaju nuchhe
Thank you again. I hope you read the reviews on this site. I hope the faithful readers of your work will inspire you to continue writing. I know you inspire me to gain knowledge of the human spirit and the potential to be a better person.
Thank you again. I hope you read the reviews on this site. I hope the faithful readers of your work will inspire you to continue writing. I know you inspire me to gain knowledge of the human spirit and the potential to be a better person.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed reading this book, it was written in a way that seemed like normal conversation, thoughts, etc.
I'm extremely happy with the ending and could not imagine any other one. I'm thinking about getting my own worry stone ?
I'm extremely happy with the ending and could not imagine any other one. I'm thinking about getting my own worry stone ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda lichtenstein
Such a beautiful story. Our Hearts seem to be the storehouse of our feelings. This story makes it a further step. What about a transplanted heart? A very evocative concept, a wonderfully enriching experience.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have read many of Catherine Ryan Hyde's books,but this one was very hard to get into. The premise was good but it didn't seem to go anywhere. I'm not a fan of journal style writing which didn't help matters.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mandy arthur s
This is a wife's perception, not Robert's. This book was well written and yet three fourths of the way through you know the ending and begin to write in your mind what you believe will be the final pages. However, the book does take an interesting curve with an ending that seems familiar, even if it never crossed your mind
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nikki cardenas
read like a diary............ok, but needed more context got a little slow........good story line sadly to save a life sometimes a life is taken.......I know a few recipients who have gone on to have amazing lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
persian godess
I love this author. She writes about so many different life situations providing information and a perspective that carries a lot of meaning. I like her character development. I would recommend any of her work.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sophia chaulk
I am so sorry to say this. I could not even read one fourth of this book. It is just way too boring. I kept thinking it would pick up, but it never did. I like the other books I have read from this author,but this one is not in the same category.
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