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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra b
Wonderfully entertaining. A real nail bitter in a number of eppisodes. Character development is excellent. I really hated to see it end. It was like losing a close friend. It posed some real issues about colonizing a distant world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
putri wilda kirana
The narrative is very good, with strong character development. I won't comment on the overall story but will ask one question. Either I totally missed an important element or the author did not explain the cause of Jack's condition. If that condition is not understood couldn't it develop in other crew members later on. If the condition is understood where was that mentioned and why was an alternative not sought? ...just askin'!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma cheng
I really like the way the author blends in humor, compassion, and courage into a wonderful adventurous story of survival and hope.
One of the best qualities Ryke Brown has is his ability to paint the landscape while continuing the story and development of the characters without boring you with an over amount of details that would otherwise bog down the novel. Great story and very well written, thank Ryke!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole oswald
I found the story and characters to be realistic and the story theme to be very impressive and the possibility of where things may lead to in the future a great potential for human kind it was a wonderful read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed the writing style and story telling in this book. I had a hard time putting it down as I usually read when I am waiting for somebody or an appointment in my car. Breaking the story up into sections which tell what each character or group of characters was doing during a similar timespan held my attention and added to the suspenseful nature of the book. I hope that there is a similar follow up to this book. Congratulations Ryk Brown for a well written story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily grandstaff
If you like science fiction and survival adventure, you will love this book. There action, suspense, and realistic plot twists. The ending is such that it leaves you thinking about what will happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karie l
A great story. Unusual, but well written with interesting characters and storyline. Caught and maintained my interest. Unanticipated and intriguing ending. Solid space exploration plot that is not too far-fetched or difficult to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this very well told story of colonists on a distant planet. They went through many trials and tribulations but survived, well most of them did.. A great adventure and a book you won't want to put down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other reviewers have more than adequately described the plot and how good the book is. My goal is to share some advice. Don't start this book if you have plans to take a hike, bake a cake, or go to a meeting because you won't be doing any of those things after you start it. Enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Would have liked more about how this journey started. Some times the book got bogged down in technicalities but that is easily overlooked. Characters were well developed. Would like the story to continue.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great storyline,most unusual the characters are real and you get right into their world ,very believable ,however the ending is a right bummer ,you are left high and dry ,and don't know what happened
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
louise manimtim
There were some holes in the science here and there that were easy to ignore as this was an enjoyable read, well worth your time and money. Very good story-telling, I will look for more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joy p
I loved this story but was a little disappointed in the ending. There were several important scientific questions that were never answered. In reality that would have kept people from following them to the planet. The story was believable and exciting until the end. Although I understand this is fiction, you still want to lead the reader to believe it could be possible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
randy lander
Amazing book. You start reading and can be stop. It's written in intelligent way. The story interaction is rich and very creative , keeping the suspense constantly. The narrative is quite credible what could one speculate in a type of situation the future explores could be confronted.
I can wait for the continuation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I only dabble in science fiction books, and am no expert, but the author had me enthralled at every turn. Basic humanity and its primal needs mark every paragraph, as it meets and juxtaposes the alien influences. Will be getting all this authors work now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For those that are looking for escape, there can be very few options than an escape thru space travel. The idea of travel to distant worlds and create a new beginning is a desire many hold when thing become difficult or mundane. The author provides a means to achieve this for me,ans I suspect I
He can do the same for you with his writings. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana parker
Mr. Brown spins an excellent tale of mankind's first generation ship to another star system and their fight for survival upon arrival. Well written, full of surprises and thoroughly engaging! I couldn't put it down! Put this one on your "must read" list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kay martin pence
Fast pace and interesting new world creatures. Well developed male characters. Emotional, immature and lacking in confidence female characters. Sex shouldn't involve alcohol - that is called rape. The author would benefit greatly from input regarding full development of female characters. The book was hard to put down.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I've never written a review before and thought long and hard about writing this one. The plain fact is that I just don't get it. This book has nothing to recommend it. For one thing the characters are just not believable. At one point we have the second in command questioning the judgement of the commander in front of the crew and then having to have it explained to her as to why this is a bad idea.
We are treated in the beginning to an overly long crash landing (This goes on for tens of pages) with characters scrambling as the ship disintegrates and suddenly thinking things like, "Lynn had never before heard such encouragement from Jack, and was surprised at how comforted it made her feel." Seriously? In the middle of a life/death situation?
The plot never grabbed me. There seemed to be no over-arching theme to the book. Perhaps it would have helped if the author had spent more time in the beginning of the book explaining why they were out there. Perhaps.
And the science... The science was simply awful. In one scene, someone releases a large blob of water in zero G as a joke. Never mind that aspirating water is a serious health risk and a likely outcome of water floating around in zero G. We are also asked to believe that Tau Ceti has not one, not two, but three habitable planets, Uh, no.
This is a very partial list of problems. I pushed through to the end of the book, but the only mystery for me concerning this novel is how in the world it got such a high rating. Now that's something I'd like to know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raji srivastava
Rum Brown, in my eyes, out did himself. His development of the characters was beyond what I would normally expect from a sci-fi novel. You could almost feel their emotions. I most definitely recommend this book.
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