How to Free Yourself from the Grip of Anger and Get More Out of Life

ByThomas Harbin

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice osborn
excellent book
this book helps a person figure out if he was anger issues that he himself does not know about
once a person can acknowledge these anger issues, there are some helpful treatment methods
this book is a heavy read for anyone that has anger issues, the english is easy but the emotional quantity is huge, read it with a beer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was loaned to me originally by a friend. It is more related to depression than anger. A lot of aha moments. A good read for both the individual who has depression and the people around so they can understand. A good start to healing.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kimberly torres
This book gives some interesting insights into angry men.
It confirms my thoughts that people with insecurities causes lots of unfortunate issues in life.
When angry people start "imagining" things and takes it personal, then all hell breaks loose.
Good read.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura kinch
Oh, this book – “Beyond Anger, a Guide for Men”. Well, yes, to be your own Anger Expert you should read most of the books out there, including this one; but, the author really seemed to over-generalized ‘men’, to the point of exaggeration, I feel. It was such an overblown caricature that I had a difficult time trying to figure out who exactly he was talking about. It was like reading an Anthropology Book about some about recently discovered Tribe in some jungle somewhere. In other words, I really couldn’t connect with that book. Yes, I might have my problems but I couldn’t even get close to seeing myself as that shabby, that low, that guilty of all that is wrong in the World. I felt as did some of the Reviewers on That Big Retail Website that the author seemed to be catering to a Female Audience – writing a book for women who wanted even more ammunition for why they are justified in hating men… maybe the author should change a few lines and re-issue his book under the title “Why Women Should Be Violently Angry About Men”. But, plow through it and you will get some insights somewhere. Even the worse Anger Management Books have a few worthwhile insights. It is just that the better books have more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Possibly great for someone with a big problem with anger and rage. But for someone who needs a few basic techniques to help hone the few times that it is coming out, not the best. It focuses on people with a big anger problem, not slight or moderate.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I went in really optimistic about what this book could offer me. Sadly, I cannot recommend it to anyone looking to control their temper. I normally don't take the time to write out any sort of product reviews for anything, but I figure that this could help someone avoid this book if they are looking for solutions to their anger problem.

In this book, the author spends most of the text describing what he feels are the root causes of anger. He spends most of the pages up on his soap box trashing society as a whole and engaging in male bashing. It makes the book seem more like a politically motivated text than a self help book. While he does do a good job of talking about the deleterious effects anger has on a person and those around them, he never seems to get around to talking about ways to deal with it. This is a great book if you are looking to read up on what one man's opinion on anger is. However, if you are looking for new coping skills in dealing with anger, try another book. Anger Management: How to Control Your Temper and Overcome Your Anger is a much better text for anger management.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robert haining
I have not read the entire book. Who does anymore? How many of you will even read to the end of this short review?? [I challenge you!]
Google Chrome is making us all dumber that way as documented by Nicholas Carr in the Atlantic Monthly in July 2008.

However, this review is of Thomas Harbin's excellent book and the headings of chapter 9 alone show its quality. Chapter 9 is on part TWO "Anger Action Plans" and headed "Keep the garbage out"; the subheadings are about letting go of your distorted thinking: mind-reading, black and white thinking, overgeneraliztion, selective abstractions - like focusing only on negatives, catastrophizing = exaggerating small things into BFDs,
and emotional reasoning = I feel it therefore it is the TRUTH! There is much much more to be explored in this fine paperback.

God knows I have found women doing these acts just as much as men.
I was married twofold times and dated scores of women in between the diva and the goody 2 shoes, my two wives.
I found less of it in Europe where I lived two years than here.
I went to shrinks for 40 years and am now free of them as well.

Harbin is a traditional publishing type PhD psychologist but any shrink who does fly fishing and woodworking can't be all bad.
I give it so far 4 stars; check with me later.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Although this book has been very useful, and has helped (which is enough reason to buy it), it has several gaping flaws. The first flaw is in the writing, just awful, some of the worst and most cliche metaphors you could imagine. A ghost writer would be a big plus. The second, as a gay man, this book never once assumes the possibility that anybody reading it could be other than a straight man, and any psychologist or person dealing with these types of issues should be more aware and respect the fact that at least 10 percent of the readers are probably gay.. I would probably not buy this book again, but look for a similar one, which is more inclusive and better written.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessa kris rialubin
My Story (skip ahead past this paragraph if you are just looking for the review of this product)
I'll start this off like a AA (anger anonymous) meeting, because the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem. I am 24 years old and I have been an angry person for most of my life. I had to change when I realized that I was becoming distant with my family, in fact, they were on the verge of leaving me and currently I'm still standing on thin ice. I'm not a physically violent person towards people/animals, but I have on occasion punched a few walls, broken a few things. My biggest problem is with verbal and silent anger. When I'm angry, I have this terrible aura of negative energy radiating from me. I felt like for much of the year I've become easily angry and am always irritable. It felt like once a week I would get into an argument, explode this energy, then would end up apologizing later on; it became a viscous cycle. I thought it was due to my increased stress at work, but the real problem was me, the me that has been an angry person for the last 20 or so years. Worse yet, everyone tried to help me, was patient with me, and I would push them away. I needed help and so I ended up getting this as an audio book (the audio book acted like a therapist to me).

First, if you want any chance of the techniques in this book to work, to be able to change, you must be able to do a couple of things.
1. Put away your pride and stop trying to save face. If you can't do this, you'll never be able to admit you have a problem and the techniques will fall short.
2. You have to put in the time to practice the techniques in this book. There are no short cuts, you can't just read/listen to this and expect it to work, if you don't put in the work.

Harbin approached this subject in a manner that is much different than I expected. He doesn't offer much in the way of traditional techniques of eliminating frustration/anger, such as breathing exercises, physical exercise, visualization, and etc. He'll mention them in passing, but he really focuses on getting to the root of your anger, each time you have an episode. This was refreshing to me, because I've tried to do all those above exercises, but what I came to understand is, how can I let go of the anger, if I don't know what I'm letting go of. All those traditional techniques did was bypass the real problem, which I would be confronted with later and I was never able to get anywhere. It is not to say that those traditional techniques are not helpful, but using them in line with the techniques of anger recognition, has helped me move in the right direction.

The first part of this book is devoted to getting you to not only admit you are an angry person, but what type of an angry person you are. I learned from Harbin that rage is a reaction with no thought, that one must learn not to let it even get to this point. I knew I was an angry person, but what I learned was my anger stems from control issues and misperceptions, much like most angry people. The second part of this book, gets you to recognize all the triggers and then he outlines what you should do each time you feel angry, ultimately leading to "letting it go," before you can even get to the rage.

Example/situation #1
I'll walk you through an example of myself and my new way of thought process. I am a mind reader (this is one of many anger characteristics he'll mention you might fall under), I assume what people are thinking and they know what I'm thinking. So, say for example, my friend offers me a piece of advice, I would usually take this as an insult and assume that she thinks that I'm an idiot. I feel like I'm being attacked and thus will verbally attack back. In reality, she is merely just giving me advice. Harbin tells one to express and identify the emotion behind the anger and not the anger itself, when one begins to feel that building frustration and heat. So while the above situation used to turn into a huge fight, I am now able to (for the most part, I do slip occasionally) feel the frustration, take a deep breathe, ask myself is she really attacking me or am I just assuming she is, then tell myself that it is a misperception on my part, then let go.

Example/situation #2
I often working under stressful, time sensitive, situations at work. Typically I would feel the frustration build, excrete that anger, and explode at someone usually with the snappy comments and silent treatment and as you guessed another argument. Now when I feel the frustration build, I stop and take a deep breathe and begin to identify the emotion behind the anger. I tell myself, I am stressed out because work has me doing so and so, in some amount of time, and this is causing my frustration to build. This is related to my control issues, I am feeling stressed because I feel like I have to be in control of a situation. I tell myself to let go and go with the flow, that I can only get done what I can get done in the given amount of time and nothing will change that because I can't be in control of everything. See, I noticed most angry people have a problem with control, I know I do, and this control issue is still the hardest one for me to overcome. I feel that if I am not in control, than things are out of control. I never give recognition to the grey area that is "going with the flow," and adjusting to things on the fly.

Anyway, the main thing I took away from this book is a sort of outline that goes like this.
1. When the frustration is building, stop.
2. Take a moment for yourself (I recommend taking a deep breath or going to the water fountain, anything to distract you for a second)
3. Identify/ask yourself what is causing your frustration and why. Is it a control issue or a misperception issue, etc? This part can be tricky because sometimes the frustration is stemming from something earlier in the day or a multitude of things, but work at it, it becomes easier.
4. Let it go, you now know what is causing your anger and in order to heal, you must let go. This can be really hard, you might even have to grit your teeth the first many times. Also, this is the time where you might have to admit you are wrong and that is ok, don't try to save face.

This is actually just a portion of what I've learned. You have to listen/read the book, because Harbin offers all sorts of way of identifying your triggers that I've left a lot out. Also, we are not all the same people, so a different part of his book might mean more to you.

I do have to say, I kind of ignored his whole "angry man" thing and all the his crime stats. I realize guys tend to be more prone to being angry people, but it affects both sexes. Additionally there will be parts/chapters that you might not take much from, because as I said above, we all have different types of anger. Take what is relative to you and use it to become a better person.

It has been a month and I feel much better. The people around me don't really believe I've changed and think that it is a calm phase I'm going through, but Harbin says this is absolutely normal. Because one has spent so much time being angry, you need to prove that you are a changed person and that doesn't happen overnight. Remember it takes time to change, especially since you like me, have probably been angry for so long. Also, it is normal to slip up from time to time. Just make sure you analyze it, so you can prevent it from happening again. Think of the anger like grooves you've made in your brain and you are slowly changing those grooves.

I hope to be able to write an update in half a year, telling you all that for half a year I've been a person not controlled by anger. Take it onne day at time!

I believe much like others have said, this book is a nice stepping stone in the right direction. But it isn't the end all of books/etc. While I don't plan to read any more anger management books, because I love the plan I have outlined for myself due to this book, I do plan to read/listen to stress relief technique books, like meditation or things like that. Now that I can identify what is making me angry, I can use those techniques to help me get rid of the negativity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book honestly help change my life for the better, I had a severe anger problem and I didn't know how to cope with it. What I really loved about this book is that there is no doctor Small talk lingo, this guy gets right to the point and makes you take a long look at yourself. I saw some of the other reviews saying that they felt that this book didn't give you any actual answers on how to get rid of your anger so to speak but for me this book did absolutely that. Not only did this book help me realize where my anger was coming from and started but it also help me figure out a way to balance myself and actually be able to maintain a positive attitude and not be angry all the time. I can't praise this book enough and I can't wait until I can personally shake the hand of the author myself
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ashley langford
Catchy Title----little value. Harbin goes to Great Length in explaining the Maladies of Anger---but ZERO comments or suggestions on "How to solve your Anger Problem ? ? ?" (wat did he say???). YEP, heard me. The Entire book (or at least audio version) goes into "0" WAYS to deal with your anger. SO, if you want a book that suggests all the Ways in which Anger can ruin your life----purchase this one. IF YOU WANT to "Solve your Anger problem" ----> Get a workbook and join an Anger Management Support Group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brian schwartz
Like many personal problems, anger can be controlled. It starts with admitting that you have a problem. That's what this book did for me. As I read it, I recognized that my anger really was a problem, and that I have the option of reducing it.

My wife says I'm doing a lot better now. Hearing that certainly made it worth the modest price of the book.

I only gave this four stars because I felt that it contained a significant amount of "filler" material. Nevertheless, I'm glad I got it and it will remain on my bookshelf
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua rosenblum
I highly recommend this book, i bought it not long ago due to marriage problems that were caused in part by my bad temper. I did not read it because I thought I could handle my personal demons, WRONG. Right now, I am in separated and maybe I will loose my wife, do not wait like I did! get help and change for your own good, your partner's and your loved ones'!

My current situation pushed me to look for help and this book has been a great tool in recognizing, understanding and working on my own issues. The book hits you like a rock, it makes you feel like the worst person in the world but then it tries to comfort you and help you overcome this problem. We all make mistakes, it's up to us to resolve them even if it takes time, TRY. Many people get angry right? YES, but not everybody get angry like some of us do. ACCEPT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I grew up in an extremely violent neighborhood. I had been told once or twice that I had an anger problem so I was aware of it. My solution to the problem was sports. This book has given me the reasons for my anger and the tools with which to deal with it. I know now that sports just temporarily beat the anger back. I am looking forward to the challenge of dealing with anger in a more aware and constructive manner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jefferson ludlow
I never thought I had a real anger problem. Sure, I got mad, yelled, etc. on occasion. Who hasn't? Imagine my surprise that after waiting and planning for three years, my wife told me she was too afraid of my temper to start a family with me. That's when I decided I needed to try and change. I took the test at the beginning of the book and found that I was bordering on being an angry man. So many of the things he pointed out suddenly became very clear. After reading the book, I realized how much anger had hurt my wife, often without me knowing. I have never physically hurt her but my words did as much damage. It has been four months since I have read the book and I have not yelled or lost my temper, even once. I do not credit this book for all of this nor would I say it could work so well for everyone, but it really pointed me in the right direction. If you have been told you have an anger problem or if you think you might, I would highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is realistic, practical and an easy read. It explains clearly what is going on in the minds of angry men and ways that they can begin to make changes. It is written from a mans perspective. The first section of the book 'are you angry?' is a real insight into how angry men are feeling and thinking. if you are not sure if anger causing problems in your life then this book will help you find out.

The chapter written for wives/ partners is excellent. Often partners don't understand what their husbands therapists are trying to achieve, and the reasons we ask then to do certain things. This chapter gives partners an explanation and also gives commonsense advice on how to cope and when to call it quits.

There is also a great section on angry boys as well and how to stop passing anger on.

this is my number one recommended book for men who just feel angry and frustrated and don't know why.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael kriegshauser
I just finished reading this book today and I highly recommend it to anyone who has anger issues in their lives. I didn't even realize I really had a problem till I read this. Whether it be road rage, relationship problems, or actual physical abuse, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to check out this book. I give it 5 stars *****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david austin
This book just might change your life, save your marriage, regain your sanity, find happiness. Thats a tall order, I know, but it aint braggin if it's true. And if it does even ONE of those things...dont call me a liar. You can thank me.
Lets get to it. I saw myself on every page. I recognized every example in the book. I started to understand my Anger, frustrations, unhappiness, marital problems, you name it. It was like a light turned on in my head. Wow. So I kept reading and reading. The author tells it straight-- He's easy to understand and Its a fast read. And it helped me understand that its ok to be angry sometimes, but its NOT ok to be angry most of the time.When anger consumes your life...its time to fix it.
And he told me how to fix it. He lifted a weight off my shoulders. Wheew! I'm glad I read it. Try it pal. You can thank me later. Its time to get happy brother. Start here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mr. Harbin is honest and upfront with the issue of anger and what is does to families and relationships. I bought this book for my husband and I started to read it. For any women with men that have anger issues, please read this book. I finally found out that I did not have to manipulated and felt guilty by them or controlled. That was the biggest issue. I am finally understanding him and what is happening. I have also brought this book into our couples therapy and it has helped so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hussein fahmy
This book just might change your life, save your marriage, regain your sanity, find happiness. Thats a tall order, I know, but it aint braggin if it's true. And if it does even ONE of those things...dont call me a liar. You can thank me.
Lets get to it. I saw myself on every page. I recognized every example in the book. I started to understand my Anger, frustrations, unhappiness, marital problems, you name it. It was like a light turned on in my head. Wow. So I kept reading and reading. The author tells it straight-- He's easy to understand and Its a fast read. And it helped me understand that its ok to be angry sometimes, but its NOT ok to be angry most of the time.When anger consumes your life...its time to fix it.
And he told me how to fix it. He lifted a weight off my shoulders. Wheew! I'm glad I read it. Try it pal. You can thank me later. Its time to get happy brother. Start here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana jean
Harbin honestly presents steps to improve an angry man's ability to control his temper and become less angry. The book effectively pulls no punches by forcing an individual to take an honest look at how he behaves towards others and realize how he is perceived by others. The book was crucial in my understanding of how my anger behaviors hurt my family and it allowed me the courage to become a happier person.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Too many men have lived their lives with the false notion that their anger is just part of life, and that nothing can or should be done to reduce it. If you are one of these men you should read this book. It will change your life for the better. Thomas Harbin has done a fine job of revealing the causes and the cures for destructive anger. I recommend this book.
Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D., author of "Stress Management for Over-Achievers" [email protected]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla aimee
Since recognizing and admitting I had an anger issue and having been on a journey of anger control since 1997 and having read numerous books since that time,
Harbin has an uncanny grasp of portraying how we got there, how we live, and what it is going to take to get out of the rut. He ought too, he is one of us.
Since receiving his book I have read it twice within 3 weeks and will now implement some of his exercises. It is like he was walking behind me through my life taking
notes leaving nothing to the imagination. You can tell he would have liked to told you more had his editor allowed him.
Beyond Anger has become my Anger Bible. I take it everywhere. When anger emotions and other issues come up.....I dig its pages for answers. Some pages are
obviously more crinkled than others for obvious reasons.
In closing, when I learned that I had an anger issue and became accountable for it, I was ashamed and at times I would not admit it, hence I battled with correcting it.
It was a terrible vacuum to fill for several months. Today I'm thankful and continue to pray that I have admitted it and am doing something about it and have friends
supporting me in my journey. For I had a loving brother I miss dearly that died at 39 from anger related stress leaving two children and a wife. We were of the same
mold. Our life was bankrupt before we got started. Anger raped our family!
My gift to you is this testimonial. If you are an angry person and searching for answers read this book. It is #1! You will be as pleasantly shocked as I was. Courage
is Fear that has said its prayers. Good Luck!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book just might change your life, save your marriage, regain your sanity, find happiness. Thats a tall order, I know, but it aint braggin if it's true. And if it does even ONE of those things...dont call me a liar. You can thank me.
Lets get to it. I saw myself on every page. I recognized every example in the book. I started to understand my Anger, frustrations, unhappiness, marital problems, you name it. It was like a light turned on in my head. Wow. So I kept reading and reading. The author tells it straight-- He's easy to understand and Its a fast read. And it helped me understand that its ok to be angry sometimes, but its NOT ok to be angry most of the time.When anger consumes your life...its time to fix it.
And he told me how to fix it. He lifted a weight off my shoulders. Wheew! I'm glad I read it. Try it pal. You can thank me later. Its time to get happy brother. Start here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin romanoff
Mr. Harbin is honest and upfront with the issue of anger and what is does to families and relationships. I bought this book for my husband and I started to read it. For any women with men that have anger issues, please read this book. I finally found out that I did not have to manipulated and felt guilty by them or controlled. That was the biggest issue. I am finally understanding him and what is happening. I have also brought this book into our couples therapy and it has helped so much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clarissa olivarez
This book just might change your life, save your marriage, regain your sanity, find happiness. Thats a tall order, I know, but it aint braggin if it's true. And if it does even ONE of those things...dont call me a liar. You can thank me.
Lets get to it. I saw myself on every page. I recognized every example in the book. I started to understand my Anger, frustrations, unhappiness, marital problems, you name it. It was like a light turned on in my head. Wow. So I kept reading and reading. The author tells it straight-- He's easy to understand and Its a fast read. And it helped me understand that its ok to be angry sometimes, but its NOT ok to be angry most of the time.When anger consumes your life...its time to fix it.
And he told me how to fix it. He lifted a weight off my shoulders. Wheew! I'm glad I read it. Try it pal. You can thank me later. Its time to get happy brother. Start here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben seymour
Too many men have lived their lives with the false notion that their anger is just part of life, and that nothing can or should be done to reduce it. If you are one of these men you should read this book. It will change your life for the better. Thomas Harbin has done a fine job of revealing the causes and the cures for destructive anger. I recommend this book.
Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D., author of "Stress Management for Over-Achievers" [email protected]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie ziegmann
Since recognizing and admitting I had an anger issue and having been on a journey of anger control since 1997 and having read numerous books since that time,
Harbin has an uncanny grasp of portraying how we got there, how we live, and what it is going to take to get out of the rut. He ought too, he is one of us.
Since receiving his book I have read it twice within 3 weeks and will now implement some of his exercises. It is like he was walking behind me through my life taking
notes leaving nothing to the imagination. You can tell he would have liked to told you more had his editor allowed him.
Beyond Anger has become my Anger Bible. I take it everywhere. When anger emotions and other issues come up.....I dig its pages for answers. Some pages are
obviously more crinkled than others for obvious reasons.
In closing, when I learned that I had an anger issue and became accountable for it, I was ashamed and at times I would not admit it, hence I battled with correcting it.
It was a terrible vacuum to fill for several months. Today I'm thankful and continue to pray that I have admitted it and am doing something about it and have friends
supporting me in my journey. For I had a loving brother I miss dearly that died at 39 from anger related stress leaving two children and a wife. We were of the same
mold. Our life was bankrupt before we got started. Anger raped our family!
My gift to you is this testimonial. If you are an angry person and searching for answers read this book. It is #1! You will be as pleasantly shocked as I was. Courage
is Fear that has said its prayers. Good Luck!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The way He touches anger is marvellous and appealing to most angry men including the old me in that first, he let me realize that I was an ANGRY MAN, second, know the causes and how-to for each cause, lastly, recognize the happier and more comfortable world that he has in mind without exaggeration.

I would like to give more than five stars. Unshackle your agony and anger with his help. Hope more men to find happiness througth his confidence in emotion control.

I appreciate his help sincerely.

Many Thx, Doc.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
zack brown
This was the second book I turned to after having gone through "The Anger Workbook" by Les Carter. While Dr. Harbin calls a spade a spade and clearly debunks our common copouts for why we are angry, I found his book to be more of a survey, versus a self-help manual. Certainly I learned from him, and his words forced me to see some hard facts, but I did not find his few exercises to be realistic for me. The Anger Workbook constantly turned the questions over to me and my situation i.e. "given examples such as these, what are some areas in your life where you have had similar reactions or feelings?" It helped me explore the how's and why's of my anger. This book may be better for a spouse or friend of an angry person looking to understand and help. Valuable no doubt. But if you are looking for help finding the roots of your anger, this may not be the best choice. However, if you are thinking you may have an anger problem, please read something!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christy crosby
This book was written by a Psychologist in my home town which I had the pleasure of his councel in relation to my ex-husband who was a very angry man. This book nor the counceling saved my marriage but it helped my ex see that the problems in his life were due to constant anger boiling below the surface that would quickly with little provocation erupt into rage. The major obstacle is getting "your loved one" to begin reading. Once that is achieved they will relate on many levels with the information in this book. My ex's exact words were, "THIS IS ME .... " He found out the whole world wasn't wrong, just his perception of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph green
If you are dealing with a person (close relative or your partner) that has an anger problem this is a great book, easy to read and helps to understand his problem better, and give you some advice to help you and him to overcome or avoid this situation.
This behavior creates a mental abuse pattern, it's better to deal with the problem from the beginning, don't wait too long. This book covered my expectations and explained me many relevant things.
This book is great for the person who has the anger issue as well as the partner or family who have to deal with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer martin
During my now second split with my wife of almost 13 years I have found myself looking at all the things about myself that I didn't really like. I have always known that I really didn't like myself mainly due to how mad and frustrated I could get over trivial items. To my amazement I have finally realized through much thought provoking reading that I am angry. I found so many examples of things about my life in this book. It helped me to open up my eyes to how much of a hold anger has had on me all my life. This book is definitely something all those overbearing fathers and husbands need to read. It is a great read for those sons that were made to feel inferior by angry fathers.
It is what I would call eye opening.
Take a chance and read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott parker
This book is a fantastic resource for anyone who has ever wished their angry episodes didn't control their life. There are many insights into not just what you are doing wrong, but how you get there. This book provides helpful suggestions on how to recognize the things that force an angry man to action, as well as how to prevent these anger occurrances. I was so astonished by the accurate portrayals of my own attitude, that at times it made me uneasy. Reading this book will definitely make a difference in an angry man's life. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This therapist (a phD) was counseling angry men, when his wife gave him an ultimatim because he was an "angry man". He no longer is & has a great marriage, after lots of work. So, he wrote this book from his own experiences & his patient's & it is a great tool for a man that is TRULY looking to change the way his outlook on life is. I bought it to understand my husband better & he ended up wanting his own copy to work with. It's the only one out there, from this unique perspective. I highly recommend it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I bought this book in hopes of learning some good information in regards to anger management. While there was abundant anecdotal evidence, there was repetiveness and a lack of focus on solutions. When it did move into the solution portion, alot of it again floundered in anecdotes. I read the sections with an open mind, but did not recieve the level of information I had hoped for. I think this book is good for the man who wants to see that his concerns are legitimate, but for solutions, this book did not provide them adequately.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rita trivette
Points out what you probably already know (that you have anger issues), but doesn't give much advise on how to deal with it.
This makes the title (..How to Free Yourself..) somewhat deceitful as it doesn't really deliver on what the title promises.
I'll have to look for something more useful than this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel anderson
My husband found this book so informative and easy to read he read the book in 2 sessions. He could not put it down and he doesn't like to read books. Gave him a lot to think about and work on. I really think this book will be a turning point in his life. This book is great for anyone to read about the man in their life wheither father, son, husband etc.
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