How to Cut Back or Quit Drinking in the Privacy of Your Own Home

ByJack Canfield

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
virginia silvis
This book has made an incredible difference in my life. I was struggling with a drinking problem and didn't know how to get help for myself. I was afraid of a group setting such as AA and I didn't know what to do besides something like that. I started this book with a strong determination to change my life and that is what has happened. The action steps in the book helped me to identify when and why my drinking became a problem. As a result, I have been able to work on those root causes and begun to clear some negative energy surrounding those. Drinking is no longer my default, I no longer turn to alcohol to dull negative emotions. I have tools from the book to help me work through those instead. I have also been able to reach out for additional support as I have come to terms with my excessive drinking and am no longer ashamed because I had a problem. I highly recommend it for anyone with an addiction problem.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clare wherry
For 35 plus years I have trained and coached corporate leaders and their teams to meet and exceed their personal and business goals. I will now add to their reading list this book with practical tools for clients who struggle with addiction or who have co-workers and family members who need this critical support
Personally, I experienced the cost of growing up with an alcoholic parent who could never break the cycle nor heal his childhood and adult trauma; it was tragic. Professionally, I hear from human resource professionals of the cost of addiction to businesses when employees are not given the support to break the addiction and to contribute fully at work. "What's needed is to rewire the belief system, to unhook the thoughts that are creating the anxiety...Mainly people drink to relieve anxiety, remove pain and create joy. So if you don't remove the underlying issues, (sobriety) never happens." said author Jack Canfield
In this book are the proven, easily understood methods to be repeated and repeated in order to finally break the addiction. I recommend that leaders, human resource and employee assistance professionals, and anyone touched by alcoholism give this book to those they care about so they can choose to cut back or quit drinking. The time is now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
astra morris
This was a wonderful accompaniment to Dryuary! I needed help cutting back, still not sure about permanent abstinence, and this book certainly helped. I couldn't buy into AA, although I have been to Al Anon meetings for years and did a lot of great work there (adult child of alcoholic). However, the website is NOT kept up. The links are broken, the bonus material they list in the book is simply not found. That's why I didn't give it five stars. The daily solutions keep you occupied and make you think about why you really drink.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well, Jack Canfield does it again! This book is a great resource for all recovery professionals, or anyone that wants to stop drinking or cut back. The book is easy to follow, full of resources and excellent practical information. I am a counselor at a recovery center and I am using the information in the book with great success! Thank you Jack Canfield!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
brett rowlett
I feel as though there was potential here--a chapter would start strong but end with me rolling my eyes EVERY TIME. All of the examples emphasize that this is the best and only solution, that they were a mess until they stumbled upon the book, and how they are in perfect shape now. The first chapters are essentially a huge circle-jerk about how awesome their program is....but what exactly *is* the program? It boils down to a lot of "don't be afraid!" "you can do better!" and other weightless cliches.
I really couldn't finish reading this tripe. One of those books that could be 10 pages due to the insufferable redundancy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimmy cottle
Dave Andrews understands the pain and appeal that some people have with alcohol. That is because he has been there himself. He has seen the dark side of drinking and has come out on top.

Dave Andrews offers anyone with a desire to stop drinking a clear-cut approach. The concepts are easy to grasp and the techniques manageable. Dave's 30-Day Solution enables anyone with the hope to quit drinking the tools to gain control over temptation.

Alcohol's slow seduction is deceiving. Once ensnared by the lure of alcohol it can magically seem to fix all troubles. This delusion makes it is difficult for many to escape. Look up the enslaved.

Dave Andrew cuts through the mystery of why we can't stop and then provides a guidebook to use for the rest of your life. Dave's 30-Day Solution is more a toolbox filled with techniques to copy with ANY of life's challenges.

I know all of this to be 100% true because I understand the trails and appeal that alcohol offers. It was Dave Andrew's 30-Solution that ultimately gave me a system that has allowed me to gain control over my life. With Sincere Gratitude - Lori
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where do I even begin?? This book has literally changed my life and I do not say that lightly. I have been a lover of red wine for many a year (probably since I was 18! and nearly 20 years have passed since then). I drank to celebrate, to commiserate, in sadness and joy - you get the picture. Any excuse was good enough for me to grab a drink, be it a Monday evening or Saturday afternoon. I spent most of my 20s and into my 30s drinking way too much - certainly well above the suggested daily/weekly measures. It relaxed me, made me feel less stressed, more comfortable in social situations and more connected with my friends, who enjoyed a drink as well.

Last January (2015) I completed a 30 days to healthy living detox which involved removing caffeine, alcohol, sugar, gluten and dairy from my diet. I was incredibly strict with myself and learnt a lot through those 30 days. But, once February rolled around I went out to celebrate with a lovely meal and wine, and before I knew it all my thoughts of reducing my alcohol intake had disappeared and I was back to having at least one (more like 2) glasses of wine every night Monday to Sunday.

Earlier this year I was preparing to embark on another 30 day detox and happened on this book while on the lookout for some new personal development books. I was intrigued enough to sign up to the emails and ended up pre-ordering the ebook which was due to be released in the coming month. I started my detox on 1st March, armed with the 30 Day Sobriety Solution and nearly 2 months on I can safely say that my attitude to alcohol has totally changed. I just spent a week in Vegas for a conference which I was apprehensive about for obvious reasons (!) but found that I no longer had that need to drink. I enjoyed a glass of wine with dinner most nights, but it was really just that. One glass. For anyone that knows me this is massive! My Vegas experience last year (its a global conference held in Vegas every year) is so, so far removed from the one I just returned from it's astonishing (in a wonderful way).

So, for anyone considering buying this book I say go for it! Yes its scary, yes it raises some interesting and challenging thoughts and emotions, but it is such a worthwhile journey. You can do anything you put your mind to, including quitting/reducing/changing your relationship with booze.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Knowing I was interested in it, my husband purchased this book for me on the store. I had tried to quit drinking using several other books in the past. While those books helped me understand the illusions of alcohol and how it was taking away the very benefits I thought it was giving me, they did nothing to address the underlying unhappiness in my life. Hence, when faced with that unhappiness without the "veil" of alcohol, I always ended up relapsing. This book purported to do what those did not: to address the underlying reasons why I drink, and eliminate them, so I could like a happy life in sobriety. I was drawn to the fact that each day requires significant reading and action steps, so I felt I would be more engaged in my own recovery than I would simply by reading a book with no activities involved.

I know this book has helped many, which is wonderful, and their reviews are right here on this page. I have no intention of contradicting them as I am sure they are honest and sincere. I will just state my own opinion in case someone like me wants to spare themselves the disappointment I feel with this book.

First of all, while I have not read them in books on alcohol addiction, most of the "solutions" and action steps in this book are very familiar to me from other self-help resources. Positive self-talk, affirmations, journaling about forgiveness, etc. These may be effective techniques for some people, but they're certainly nothing new. And here's what bothers me: many of these steps, in and of themselves, take quite some time and repetition to have an effect. For example, in writing a letter of forgiveness to my (deceased) mother, upon completion of the letter, even if I can sincerely say I've forgiven her, the process still dredged up painful memories and emotions that are now causing me emotional distress. Even the forgiveness part, while a sincere act of will when I first made it, takes time to become real and lasting rather than somewhat forced. Same with the affirmations. I can look myself in the eye in the mirror and say "I love you," but it doesn't have an immediate life-changing effect. That requires days or even months of repetition. The same is true with almost all the action steps. And yet, each and every day the authors move on to a new set of action steps. It is impossible to continue doing them all to the point where they have sunk in and taken root while going on to the next day's action steps.

The book also has you arbitrarily choose a day within the first week to quit drinking. And yet, the book says you will not need to rely on willpower to quit. Well, that's simply not true. The reader has not been given enough "tools" within those first few days to quit drinking without considerable willpower! Also, within the first few days, the reader is supposed to make a list of ways to avoid the temptation to drink, reread the list regularly, and simply "follow it." That requires considerable will power, and in fact, if I were able simply to make a plan to avoid temptation and simply follow it, I wouldn't need a book.

The book has a cheerleading tone. Maybe some people who need to hear "You can do it!" will appreciate that. That's not my issue. I don't lack self-esteem, and I do believe in myself. The book assumes we don't, and bases its tone many of the action steps on that assumption. And so that's not helpful for me. There are also some contradictory messages in the book. On the one hand, the authors tell you your drinking is not your fault. On the other hand, they do blame the reader for his or her attitudes that contribute to problem drinking-- even if those attitudes come from painful life experiences. There's a kind of "you have a bad attitude" tone in the book that creates a sense of guilt and helplessness-- helplessness because the quick-fix solutions don't really work-- for me.

A great deal of the book is self-promotional, telling the reader how successful they will be with this program, what a breakthrough it is, etc. Another significant portion of the book is testimonials from people telling the reader, again, how great the program is. The book would be a lot slimmer without either of these.

Lastly, I have been disappointed with the companion website. Much of it is more self-promotion for the book, but there is some additional content such as guided meditations (which are okay), and a community forum. However, one is at the mercy of whoever posts there. I am sure some of the members of the online community sincerely try to be, and are, supportive and helpful to their fellows. But some are very troubled, mean-spirited, and discouraging. After a few posts and responses, I decided it was too much of an emotional crap shoot to allow myself to be vulnerable to what others might say, and risk sabotaging my efforts. If there are moderators on that site, they seem to check in very rarely.

Although I am critical of the book, I do know that it has helped thousands of people. I'm just sharing why it didn't work for me, because I know it can be disappointing if a book is not a good "fit" when you desperately want and need help to make a change. This book just doesn't work for me. If you choose to try it, I sincerely hope it works for you.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kathryn louise
I can't recommend the book, personally. I am sober currently but it had nothing to do with reading the 30 Day Sobriety Solution. A little under two-weeks is how long I managed to stay sober while working on this book but once you start getting into the really laughable pseudoscience stuff the smarter alcoholics out there will probably fall out. I personally am not dumb enough to be able to trick myself into believing that tapping on my face will help me stop drinking. Two years after buying this book I checked myself into rehab, got some real medical and psychological help, and I've been sober ever since.

If you aren't at the point yet where you're willing to do whatever it takes to get sober then I guess you can try reading a book and pretending that you're able to get yourself sober without any outside help but when it doesn't work, try something legitimate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read this book while visiting a friend over the weekend who had left it on the kitchen counter. I just happen to pick it up, kinda mindlessly flipped through it because I don't have a drinking problem. I read a few "Action Steps" and realized this book would be great for me around my compulsive eating issues. It's given me homework to look deeply into what's behind my out of control compulsion I feel when I get anxious or stressed. I"m already using tools and feeling excited that I can actually change. It's very easy reading with clear steps to take everyday for 30 days. I"m only into the first few action steps, but know this is going to be a life changer...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m l d
I had repeatedly tried to cut back on drinking for years—willpower, hypnosis, low dose naltrexone—with no success. I had become a bottle of wine a night drinker. I hated myself. When I hosted a large party where I promised myself I would not drink and then proceeded to get smashed in front of all my guests, I knew I had reached my rock bottom. I read Allen Carr’s “Easy Way” book which I found to be worthless. I was desperate for change. Then I found this book. I am so grateful for it. Getting through the 30 days wasn’t easy (there is no “Easy Way”) but I can say on the backside of this program that I feel like I have finally addressed the root causes of my drinking problem. Freedom! I would recommend it highly. My only criticism is that the community around this program is pretty non existent which is a shame. Also, the authors hit you up with an email to join an exclusive and very expensive group program. Too bad, I can see how that could turn some people off from what is a very effective program.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james murphy
This program was one of the best investments I have made for myself and my health. I didn't really think of myself as a "problem drinker" but I was interested in learning healthier ways to relax and cope with daily stresses. Before the program I had never considered the time I wasted on drinking. The daily solutions gave me a positive outlet to look forward to, and I used my usual wine time to do the action steps. I enjoyed spending quality time on myself that didn't involve waking up bloated and sluggish the next morning. By the end of the program I had lost ten pounds, and I was lighter mentally and emotionally. I had shed the need to escape the responsibilities of family life with a few glasses of wine. I found myself looking forward to activities with the family and pursuing creative interests. There is no internal dialogue on whether I will drink or not, and if so how much, and how long will I need to work it off at the gym. I feel like myself again and that is the best part of all. I cannot recommend this book enough.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
As other reviewers have noted, the book sends you straight to the "website" for exercises, supplemental info, etc. Very frequent directions to the website, which is non-functional. Registration is impossible, and they do not respond to technical requests, and while they suggest opening a ticket for technical difficulties, there is no way to do this. Most of the books I've ever purchased don't need a website, but since this one claims it does, it should bloody work. Inexcusable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I remember looking up the definition of an alcoholic to see if I was one. I drank daily; not always to excess, but everyday. I tried many times to stop, but I rarely made it past one day or two. Then I heard about "The 30-Day Sobriety Solution." Early in the book, it talked about the need to abstain for 30-days. I thought, there's no way I can do that! I was amazed how easy it was! I rarely even had the desire to drink. I have now approaching 40-days without a drink and best of all, I have no desire to drink. PS- as an added bonus, I've dropped about 6 pounds in a little over a month.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kareem hafez
As an employee assistance counselor (LPC, CEAP), I am always looking for resources for clients who want to stop or cut down on their drinking without going through a residential or outpatient chemical dependency program. For those clients who want to do this on their own, The 30 Day Sobriety Solution is an awesome treasure trove of not only a 30 day structured plan of action, but an incredible assortment of information and techniques that can guide them through the process. This is a book that i know will be a major part of my bibliotherapy asrsenal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel hapgood
This is the MOST AMAZING life changing book!! It has literally changed my life! It is much more than a book on sobriety. It is a book that can change your entire life by not only helping you thrive in sobriety- but also to help with your self esteem, your relationships, your goals and purpose in life. It comes with a companion website that has additional information and an entire community blogging that is doing this journey at the same time. I havent been free of Alcohol in years- and this book made all the difference for me! I strongly recommend getting this book! The exercises are inspiring and truly life changing. I finished my 30 days- and feel better, look better, and most importantly have renewed outlook on my future. This book is well worth the investment. It wil change the way you look at alcohol and help you not become sober- but to THRIVE in your life sober. All in the privacy of your home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne schmitt
I just recently finished reading this book and can not say enough about how helpful it was for me. Not only has it successful helped me stop drinking, curb my cravings for alcohol and set me up for success, but it also helped me in so many other areas of my life. I did not consider myself as someone that needed to attend AA but I definitely felt like I needed to make a change to my chronic habit of drinking a glass, or two, maybe three, possibly four of wine almost every night. I was fortunate that my drinking had not impacted my career, finances or relationships but it sure was starting to have an impact on my health. I knew I needed to do something and all past attempts to cut back had failed. This book guided me through the work that was necessary to stop abusing alcohol. The readings, exercises, meditations, tips and tools all helped me to overcome my dependence on alcohol. I really experienced some break throughs and am now so grateful for this book. It will help not only with alcohol but also with other dependencies. I highly recommend this book. If you are willing to put in the time, you too will find success.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna habben
I was searching for something like this and being a Canfield fan PLUS being recommended by someone I have huge regard for... I had no hesitation in buying. The best thing I have done for a long time! Though I believed I was not in the group of problem drinkers, I had someone come into my life after many years who certainly had a massive problem and by joining in the 'fun'..I quickly realized this was heading to not a good place. The first step was to distance myself from this person and then begin the process of digging deep with the aide of this impactful book. It sounds heavy but it was actually for the most part a joyful experience. There where a few moments of resistance due to my blocks, but the tools provided helped shift those. My life now is heading in a direction I long dreamed of and it's exciting to take the next steps. I highly recommend this book..program and new life for those that dream of a better way to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I share a similar story line with many other 'problem drinkers'. My main problem was that I drank " alone in the privacy of my own home" and I created lots of opportunities to be there. This book introduced a support team into my home and with that a sense that there was someone there with me eliminated 'my privacy at home'. I think that was all it took. The shift in feeling from 'drowning in drinking' to the possibility of 'thriving in sobriety' was truly inspiring. The book thru involving me in daily tasks made the 30 days whiz by. If you are searching for a way...I think you just found it............ Lance
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler woodbury
I remember looking up the definition of an alcoholic to see if I was one. I drank daily; not always to excess, but everyday. I tried many times to stop, but I rarely made it past one day or two. Then I heard about "The 30-Day Sobriety Solution." Early in the book, it talked about the need to abstain for 30-days. I thought, there's no way I can do that! I was amazed how easy it was! I rarely even had the desire to drink. I have now approaching 40-days without a drink and best of all, I have no desire to drink. PS- as an added bonus, I've dropped about 6 pounds in a little over a month.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As an employee assistance counselor (LPC, CEAP), I am always looking for resources for clients who want to stop or cut down on their drinking without going through a residential or outpatient chemical dependency program. For those clients who want to do this on their own, The 30 Day Sobriety Solution is an awesome treasure trove of not only a 30 day structured plan of action, but an incredible assortment of information and techniques that can guide them through the process. This is a book that i know will be a major part of my bibliotherapy asrsenal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan robert
This is the MOST AMAZING life changing book!! It has literally changed my life! It is much more than a book on sobriety. It is a book that can change your entire life by not only helping you thrive in sobriety- but also to help with your self esteem, your relationships, your goals and purpose in life. It comes with a companion website that has additional information and an entire community blogging that is doing this journey at the same time. I havent been free of Alcohol in years- and this book made all the difference for me! I strongly recommend getting this book! The exercises are inspiring and truly life changing. I finished my 30 days- and feel better, look better, and most importantly have renewed outlook on my future. This book is well worth the investment. It wil change the way you look at alcohol and help you not become sober- but to THRIVE in your life sober. All in the privacy of your home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy mcginty
I just recently finished reading this book and can not say enough about how helpful it was for me. Not only has it successful helped me stop drinking, curb my cravings for alcohol and set me up for success, but it also helped me in so many other areas of my life. I did not consider myself as someone that needed to attend AA but I definitely felt like I needed to make a change to my chronic habit of drinking a glass, or two, maybe three, possibly four of wine almost every night. I was fortunate that my drinking had not impacted my career, finances or relationships but it sure was starting to have an impact on my health. I knew I needed to do something and all past attempts to cut back had failed. This book guided me through the work that was necessary to stop abusing alcohol. The readings, exercises, meditations, tips and tools all helped me to overcome my dependence on alcohol. I really experienced some break throughs and am now so grateful for this book. It will help not only with alcohol but also with other dependencies. I highly recommend this book. If you are willing to put in the time, you too will find success.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandeep gulati
I was searching for something like this and being a Canfield fan PLUS being recommended by someone I have huge regard for... I had no hesitation in buying. The best thing I have done for a long time! Though I believed I was not in the group of problem drinkers, I had someone come into my life after many years who certainly had a massive problem and by joining in the 'fun'..I quickly realized this was heading to not a good place. The first step was to distance myself from this person and then begin the process of digging deep with the aide of this impactful book. It sounds heavy but it was actually for the most part a joyful experience. There where a few moments of resistance due to my blocks, but the tools provided helped shift those. My life now is heading in a direction I long dreamed of and it's exciting to take the next steps. I highly recommend this book..program and new life for those that dream of a better way to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I share a similar story line with many other 'problem drinkers'. My main problem was that I drank " alone in the privacy of my own home" and I created lots of opportunities to be there. This book introduced a support team into my home and with that a sense that there was someone there with me eliminated 'my privacy at home'. I think that was all it took. The shift in feeling from 'drowning in drinking' to the possibility of 'thriving in sobriety' was truly inspiring. The book thru involving me in daily tasks made the 30 days whiz by. If you are searching for a way...I think you just found it............ Lance
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed magdi
Life Changing! This book helped me not drink for the longest stretch of time in 16 years. I never write reviews but had to for this book. It really sets you up for success and a way to "thrive in sobriety." It has been an amazing experience and I surpassed my goal of 30 days!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah lidtka
The 30 Day Sobriety Solution was published just at the time when I was ready to receive its wisdom. The daily solutions, that are done by reading the book and logging on to the companion website, integrate a myriad of strategies and techniques to build strength and character. In addition, the daily forums, submitted by individuals who are going through the program, create a safe community of support, which is most important.
Each chapter offers another opportunity to self understanding and healing. The readings provide a hopeful and optimistic view of one's life potential; "thriving in sobriety" becomes the mantra, instead of "don't drink". This perspective is no small thing and was the cornerstone for halting my dependence on self soothing with alcohol.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After 9 years of daily drinking, I have been sober for 30 days. The roadmap outlined by Dave & Jack showed me the how IF I put in the work. I did and so can anyone who reads this IF they are serious about quitting their drinking addiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely the best book! This book will guide you through 30 days of sobriety and teach you how to gain back your life. I can't believe how everyday I wake up happy to be sober and so full of zest for life. So much energy, no headaches. This book has transformed me into a new person. .
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