A Novel (The Amish of Summer Grove) - Gathering the Threads

ByCindy Woodsmall

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim harrison
I usually like reading Amish fiction, often I feel it's just kind of "fluff" but oh my, this series of three Amish fiction books in the series "The Amish of Summer Grove" by Cindy Woodsmall are not really fluff, though they are easily readable and VERY interesting!

This book, Gathering the Threads, is (as it sounds) a culminating book in a series. I would REALLY suggest that you read the first two books in the series, as they are wonderful reads as well (but if you don't have the opportunity, this book very nicely gives a little summary at the beginning of the book to tell you the high points of what has happened already in the series, which will be helpful to many.)

Ariana is a young woman (early 20's) who was brought up in an Amish family with younger and older siblings, and even a twin. She is dedicated to her Old Order Amish lifestyle and attempts to talk her sibling out of leaving the group. Her world is completely shaken when she (and her parents) find out that she was mistakenly swapped at birth with another baby girl and she is actually not their biological child. Ariana's parents find their biological daughter and her parents and, at the threat of a lawsuit by the English father, the girls go for a trial period with their biological families.

The biological child of the Amish family is Skylar, who is addicted to drugs and a very worldly lifestyle. Her parents are not married to each other, and they are anxious to find a "fix" for Skylar's destructive lifestyle.

As Skylar enters an Amish family, she has struggles to find her place as well as coming to grips with her heritage. Ariana, thrust into an English lifestyle, has a very hard time, and her bio father has many demands on her as he tries to broaden her horizons. Through this all, a childhood friend of Ariana's (Quill) who has left the Old Order Amish life helps her out immensely.

This third book, Gathering the Threads, is Ariana's re-entry into Amish life. Three months away have changed her in many ways. She has longed to return to her Amish family and fiancee and now that she's there, she is confused. She has learned that God's Word, the Bible, is what is important to follow, and is unsure about how the Amish bishops' rulings fit in with this. She earnestly wants to do what is right and unfortunately the church leaders give her an amazing amount of trouble. Her family is confused as well, and her Amish father exercises his strictness.

In the end, Ariana chooses her pathway--but of course, I'm not going to tell you what it was :)

It's hard to summarize this all, but I will say that it is a very good book, and I would totally recommend it. It gives a bit of a different look at the Amish life, and makes the reader think a bit as well. This is definitely a book that will make you want to stay up at night to read just one more page. :)

So -- yes, yes, yes--read it! Enjoy it! Struggle a little bit along with Ariana to figure out Who is really in charge.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gathering the Threads by Cindy Woodsmall is the final novel in The Amish of Summer Grove series. Ariana Brenneman is returning to the Old Order Amish community where she was raised before it was discovered she was switched with Englischer, Skylar Nash. Settling back into her old life, though, is not easy. Arianna is no longer sure what she believes in and needs time to think things through. Arianna is less accepting of authority (being told what to do). Isaac, Arianna’s father, does not understand the changes in Arianna and is worried her attitude will affect other members of the family (the Amish leaders are not pleased). Rudy, Arianna’s beau, has been waiting for her to return so they can marry, but he does not understand the dilemma facing Arianna. Quill Schlabach is the one-person Arianna can discuss what she is feeling and thinking, but the Amish leaders (and Arianna’s father) to do not approve of Quill. Everyone has an opinion about Ariana, her behavior and her future. But what does Ariana want? What is God’s will? Skylar Nash has adjusted to life in the Amish community and with the Brenneman’s. She has found her niche, but she worries what will happen now that Ariana has returned. Each woman must discover where they truly belong. The path to their future will fraught with potholes, but, at the end, they will find what their hearts truly desire.

Gathering the Threads is well-written and engaging. It contains nicely developed characters that grow and change over the course of the series (Nicholas is a great example). I do feel the pace was a little slow. Gathering the Threads is the third book The Amish of Summer Grove series, and the books are best read in order. There is a great summary at the beginning of Gathering the Threads that reminds readers on what occurred in the Ties that Bind and Fraying at the Edge (it has been a year since the last book). My rating for Gathering the Threads is 4 out of 5 stars. I did feel the story dragged on a little long with some parts of the book feeling like filler (they were unneeded and did not enhance or add to the story). I would not survive one day living Amish. It is a patriarchal society that goes against my beliefs. I felt bad for Ariana (while cheering for her) when the Amish leaders attacked her for not bowing to their authority and rules (I loved it when she took back her cellphone). It was difficult for her to be standing with one foot in each world (one in Amish and one with her biological parents). The Christian element is prevalent throughout the story, but it is handled beautifully by the author. I like the themes of acceptance, forgiveness, faith, and love. I do feel the end was a little rushed. Ariana reaches a decision about her future (one her own) and then the story concludes. The ending is heartwarming and nicely wraps up the three-book series (no dangling threads). We get a little glimpse at what the future holds for Arianna, Skylar and their families. I was especially pleased to see closure for Frieda Miller (about time).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gathering the Threads
The Amish of Summer Grove #3
By Cindy Woodsmall

Ariana dreamed and longed to return home to the life and family she had always known. A life that was taken away from her by the parents she didn't know. But her time away has changed her - opening her eyes see her once beloved life differently. And even more unsettling Skylar the young woman with whom she was mixed-up is still living with the Brenneman family.

Skylar isn't ready to leave the Brennemans and return to her old life. She hasn't embraced the Amish lifestyle yet some aspects have helped her as she fought her addictions. But Ariana's return threatens the peace that Skylar is discovering.

As Ariana struggles to once again find her place she has to deal with the suspicions of others within her community. Her ties with her Englisch family are cause for concern as is her re-established friendship with Quill Schlabach. Can Ariana be true to who she really is and the truths that she discovered about God? Or will she allow the pressures of her old life to suppress and constrict her new thoughts?

Gathering the Threads is the concluding book in the Amish of Summer Grove trilogy. This book continues the look at family and what is more important in making a family - blood or love. It is also a study in how belief determines how we react to others and their beliefs. I find it interesting how Ariana's siblings treat her upon her return as compared to her parents, especially her Daed.

I think one could most definitely describe this as an emotional book - not that it causes the reader to go through a range of emotions or even to get emotional. Rather this book expresses a range of emotions as the various characters work through their hopes and their fears.

If you haven't read the first two books in the series you can get a quick synopsis at the beginning of the book and enjoy the story that is found within these covers. However, if you read the first two books you'll more fully appreciate what Skylar and Ariana are confronting when there are each presented with their new biological identities. I mean, who wouldn't have an issue or two to learn that you aren't quite whom you always thought yourself as being.

The book and series conclude in a satisfying manner though I wouldn't have minded another book in the series (or another 100 pages or so in this book). If you're looking for a vacation read give this one a try. This book (and series) would be an excellent choice for a book club selection.

I was provided a review ARC (advanced reviewer copy) of this book by the publisher with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Sons of Fortune :: A Novel (The Amish of Summer Grove) - Ties That Bind :: Those Extraordinary Twins (The Penguin English Library) :: This Child Is Mine (Kansas City Romance Book 1) :: A Novel (The Amish of Summer Grove) - Fraying at the Edge
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne bradley
'Gathering the Threads' ends where 'Fraying at the Edge' left off as the third book in the Amish of Summer Grove series. If you have not yet read the first two books then I must insist that you do. The story builds on each beginning book. It might be doable as a standalone but I highly discourage it! Seriously, read the series! Ariana is back in Summer Grove where she always thought she wanted to be and Skylar, for now has decided to remain as well. But, it's not all sunshine and roses as Ariana tries to navigate the life she thought she always wanted with her newfound understanding of life from the outside world.

I truly grew to love Skylar, until about page 226. She dog-eared a book. The love was over. I still liked her but who does that?!? I like that she knows herself enough to know that she doesn't know herself at all. I respect that she finally finds herself and knows that while she will never be Amish she also can never go back to who she was and then finds the perfect way to blend those together. The trips, as Skylar has come to refer to herself along with Ariana and Abram, have all grown through this experience. The entire family has grown and that spills over to their community. Abram found his voice, literally and figuratively. He's no longer the retiring shy young man he started as. He found his voice and he found his future. Honestly he is one of favorites and I'd love to see the rest of his life sometime.

Ariana however, she tries my patience. At first I was clueless as to why she was so dang attached to that phone but I get it. It wasn't the phone but what it represented. She put herself, her family, her community and me through a lot of trouble for a stinkin' phone. Seriously, I'd decided she was Skylar in reverse and I really couldn't stand her. She was petulant and whiny and I was over it. Eventually it all made sense but geez she was still a bit over the top. This book, this entire journey, did not end how I anticipated and at first I wasn't certain I was OK with how it turned out. I had to sit and stew it for a bit. Eventually I came to terms with how it all turned out and actually respected and appreciated that sometimes hard choices aren't as hard as them seem, nor as easy as they appear. I came to be OK with the conclusion though obviously want no need more. I'd like to see the stories of the supporting characters to continue on another time in another book. Or even another series.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this book by Cindy Woodsmall and WaterBrook & Multnomah Publishing. I was not compensated for this review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've just finished reading Gathering the Threads. I am blown away. I’m astounded at how the story and message of this novel are relevant to everyone. If you didn’t read books one and two have no fear about jumping into the third and final installment of The Amish of Summer Grove series. The author begins this book by quickly catching readers up to speed in the first few pages. Ariana and Skylar were switched at birth. Ariana was raised in an Amish family and Skylar outside. The girls discover this near their 20th birthday. Each family wants a chance to get to know their biological offspring. Thence the girls' year-long journey of living in strange new worlds.

When this novel opens the girls have lived with their biological families for three months. Arianna was grateful to return to a place she called home. The reunion with family wasn’t as joyful as anticipated. Ariana’s eyes have been opened and the house and family didn’t feel like home anymore. She’s learned many things living in the world with all its newfangled technology but one of the main things she took away from being there was the fact that she can read the Bible and apply what she’s read to her life without Old-Order leadership dictating her every thought and move.

This is a powerful story that deeply touched my heart as I saw these characters earnestly try to grasp and practice concepts from the Bible into their lives; even if it dispelled what they originally thought was true. I was delighted when it was revealed to their hearts that the “truth” would set them free in so many ways when they identified the lies they'd believed and had the courage to walk in the truth about God, themselves and others. I’m thankful for the way this author ended the series. I’m so glad this author had the courage to walk the path God had for her and write what she’s felt called to write. This author is a Blessing. Her work is phenomenal. This is a masterfully written must-read novel. It's one I won't soon forget.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and Bloggingforbooks site. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cindy Woodsmall has written the third book in her series The Amish of Summer Grove and she has not disappointed her readers!  Gathering the Threads finishes the story of Ariana and Skylar, young women switched at birth, one Amish and one Englisch.  However it is more than that.  It is the story of the love of parents who raise a child, even a child who is not biologically theirs.  It is the story of parents who get to know the child who is biologically theirs but resents these circumstances.  It the story of an innocent Amish girl who suddenly gleans knowledge outside of her close-knit community and begins to question the old ways.  It is the story of a world-wise girl who comes to love the simplicity of the Amish ways.  It is also the story of the love of an Amish man who is intertwined in all of their lives and hides his love for the Amish girl.
Cindy has such a special way of drawing her readers into the lives of her characters.  You can almost imagine yourself being their neighbors.  In Summer Grove, the Brennemans found out that the night their twins, Abram and Ariana, were born the midwife had switched their daughter with an Englischer’s daughter.  The Englischer was now demanding that his biological daughter come live with him and the daughter that he had raised, who was spoiled and drug-addicted, go live with her Amish parents.  As Ariana returns to the Old Order Amish community, you can feel her angst and confusion as she struggles with the new information she as learned and the Old Ways of her community.  You can empathize with her as she is disciplined by the bishops and her Daed in front of the whole community.  You understand her need to turn to her biological father for some fatherly advice.  Your heart pains as she turns to her fiancé for support and he supports the bishops.  Your heart might even feel torn as she is told to cut off all communication with the one friend who has helped her navigate both worlds.
On the other hand, Skylar, has schemed to keep Ariana out of “her” parents lives and the café that Ariana started.  She contributed to the troubles that Ariana experienced out of jealousy that Ariana was able to get so close to her biological parents but also because she was shipped off to live in this community away from her access to drugs.  As Skylar comes to view Ariana in a clearer light, she comes to not only love her, but the rest of her family.
There is so much more to the story…….but I can’t tell you everything!  Get a cup of coffee, buy the trilogy, and settle into your easy chair and move into Summer Grove!  Maybe you will be neighbors with the Brennemans or the Schlabachs or one of the other families but whoever you choose to be neighbors with, it will be well worth it!  I received this book free for review from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Disclaimer: I gave this book five stars despite a character that dog-eared a book.

I know, right? Now that the shock has worn off, let me tell you what I loved and loved to hate about this book.
I have been invested in the lives of Ariana, Skylar and the Brenneman family for two years now. I’ve read, loved and waited on each book in this series. I’d say that this is one of my most anticipated books of 2017.

Having loved Ariana in the first two books, I couldn’t have anticipated how much she would grate on my nerves. Ariana was confused and her childish outbursts. She wanted to return to the Amish and stamped her feet until she got her way. Rather than being happy to be home, she wanted to make demands. To keep her cellphone and defy the rules she was fully aware of.

Though it bugged me, I am glad that the author showed that life isn’t always simple. People will sometimes make mistakes and act childish. That’s life and we’re all trying to find ourselves and our way.

Feeling annoyed with Ariana also allowed me time to focus on the other characters. I fell in love with Abram and Cilla. Abram grew into a mature young man who was capable of making responsible decisions. Really, I love them and would love to see their story continued.

I also grew to appreciate Arianna’s father. Not her biological father—her Brenneman father. He learned to love his children and the value of putting them before what others think.

With time, I came to love Ariana again. She worked through her childish tantrums and became a better person for it.

This book is a beautiful conclusion to the Amish of Summer Grove. I can’t say that I love this series more than Cindy’s Sisters of the Quilt trilogy. But, this would have to be a close second favorite.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Cindy Woodsmall, Waterbrook Multnomah. I was not required to write a positive review, and have not been compensated for this. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The third and final installment in the Amish of Summer Grove series, Gathering the Threads continues the story of Arianna Brenneman, caught between the English and Amish worlds. After discovering she was switched at birth, Arianna is blackmailed into living with her English family for a year. But when she convinces her English father to allow her to return to the Amish, Arianna discovers that she doesn't fit there like she used to. Longing for the simple life that she knows, but conflicted by all she's learned, Arianna must discover who she is beyond all the labels.

Skyler Nash also finds herself struggling with the switch. Now clean and sober, Skyler is afraid of what Arianna's return could mean for her. Will the Brenneman family ask her to leave? Will she be rejected again? As she struggles to find her place in the family, Skyler continues to work the family business, but also look for her own path.

Can these two girls find their voice in a clash of cultures? Or will the adjustment be too much? And what about Quill, Rudy, and Jax? Will Arianna's sister still work toward leaving the amish? And will Celia continue to cope with her illness?

With so many well developed characters, Gathering the Threads certainly doesn't lack for storylines. While the majority of the book focuses on Skyler and Arianna, there are a variety of well-developed characters to keep the book going, showing the depth of this author. This book in the series is particularly interesting because it brings up the conflicts between the two worlds and their way of thinking. Woodsmall does this with such compassion for both sides that she's able to develop arguments without belittling either viewpoint.

Gathering the Threads is a wonderful way to finish off the series. I cannot recommend The Amish of Summer Grove series highly enough. Very well done!

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy for this book for review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hubert womack
Gathering Threads is the dynamic conclusion to The Amish of Summer Grove series, and what a read and journey you are about to embark on as you turn that first page.
Now this book can be read by itself, there is so much information provided to bring you up to date, but don’t deprive yourself, the first two books are tremendous and you don’t want to pass them up, and yes I have read them.
Ariana, Abram, and Skylar, the Trips, or triplets, or torn apart twins because of circumstances way beyond their control. With this book both Ariana and Skylar are living with Brenneman’s, of course with their twin Abram, and find sibling rivalry at its best.
This book is about closure, and forgiveness, and putting your feet on the right path, and yes the author has given us all of this. There is heartbreak, and then there is love and compassion, above all the Love of God.
Ariana never wanted to go into the English world, but she did and has now returned to her roots, but you can see Gods plan written here, especially in the form of her atheist father Daniel. Then we see broken Skylar, and she is now drug free, but trying to find her place in her Amish family, and Abram, the kind, sweet, young man, who finds himself in love, but of course there are problems to overcome.
We are also reunited with Berta and feel her pain and anguish, trying to live faith, but yearning for her family. There is so much injustice in this small community, and your heart will break for this strong woman, and you will love her son Quill, whose reputation in this area of Amish is not good, and yet he has a heart of gold and is there for his fellow men.
There is a wonderful Epilogue at the end of this book, and I would love to continue here and receive more updates, but it is time to say goodbye, and you will be missed!
I received this book through the Publisher Waterbrook, and was not required to give a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been looking forward to reading Gathering the Threads by Cindy Woodsmall and seeing how the series concluded. I wasn't disappointed when I finished the last page, the ending was what I hoped for. If you haven't read any of the other books in the Amish of Summer Grove series you can easily catch up with the summary that Cindy offers at the beginning of the Gathering the Threads. But I recommend reading all the books in order to get a better sense of where Ariana, Skylar, and their loved ones are coming from.

In Gathering the Threads, since Ariana's parents fully realized that they had been given the wrong child after birth their life has been in upheaval. The story begins with Ariana arriving home at the Brennemans and also Skylar (their birth daughter) deciding to stay there. Ariana had fought to get home but now that she's there, everything is turned upside down, including her views of the Amish way of living. Gathering the Threads is Ariana's coming to grips with who she was and who she is now. There are other subplots taking place, including some romance, that make the story hard to put down.

This novel portrays that the Bible should be one's ultimate authority on how to live. In Gathering the Threads many characters are questioning if it truly is and/or can it be for them. There is growth, restoration, and forgiveness found between the pages of this book and in the characters' lives. I enjoyed reading this book and the others in the trilogy. l was provided a complimentary review copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
An Amish twist on the, “Switched at Birth” television series, Cindy Woodsmall’s Gathering the Threads is definitely different from the traditional Amish novel. However, as a reader who really does not understand the Amish way of life, this story, more than any other on the subject angered me.

The third in the “Amish of Summer Grove” series, this story picks up after Ariana Brenneman and Skylar Nash who were switched at birth, have knowledge of their true heritage and have spent time with their biological families. As if being raised in the wrong family were not traumatic enough, imagine a child raised Amish with a very strict upbringing who is suddenly thrown into a world with few boundaries, and a child raised in the everyday world finds herself in the midst of a biosphere with suffocating rules.

The Amish community has strict guidelines governing every aspect of life, and they do not respond well to the disruption that Ariana and Skylar’s true origins bring. Each girl and their respective families must learn to traverse a unique and difficult situation. The path is not only messy but also paved with intolerance and lack of compassion.

In the end, Woodsmall does a remarkable job weaving all of the pieces together, but the rocky trail is sure to have readers on the edge of their seats!

*A complimentary copy of the book was provided in exchange for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this well-written, fascinating story. You definitely have to read the first two books before this one as the characters and situations are continued from them. I loved Ariana and Quill and I liked Skylar, too, and it was fascinating to see how all three dealt with impossible situations. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to go from the Englisch world to the Amish one and how confused Ariana felt as she started to question what she'd been taught, especially about submitting to church authority when it felt like it didn't match with submitting to God's authority. She started to think for herself instead of just blindly obeying what her parents and bishop said. In a way, I think we all have to deal with that as we grow up and start to think for ourselves. We have to decide if we're going to follow God ourselves and think for ourselves and not just follow along. There were some wonderful discussions about this and other aspects of the Amish faith and faith in general. I was glad to see loose ends tied up but also sad to see the series end. I was excited to find out the whole truth about Frieda and why Quill had to help her leave the Amish. Skylar started out a brat but had a wonderful transformation and there was some romance involving multiple couples. There was a suspenseful situation Ariana and Quill were involved in that was pretty exciting. I was very happy about the ending! I have never been disappointed in one of Cindy's books. They all have such interesting plots and are well-written. I highly recommend this series and can't wait for her next book!

I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gathering Threads was the third and final installment of Cindy Woodsmall's series, the Amish of Summer Grove. It was a wonderful conclusion to the series... with each of the books Cindy allowed the reader to get to know the characters more deeply and by the time I began the third book, I felt like Ariana was a dear friend.

Ariana loves being part of the Old Amish order community and believes it's where she belongs. Her world is turned upside down when the truth of her birth comes to light. She is in fact, the baby of an English couple and the product of an affair. The two girls were inadvertently switched at birth. Her English parents insist on getting to know their real daughter and Ariana agrees to spend time in the Englisch world with them. While away from her Old Amish community, Ariana is exposed to things she never knew about from visiting a planetarium to watching movies. Despite being away, she longs to be back home, or so she thinks.

When she finally comes home, Ariana struggles to reconcile what she's been exposed to with a way of life she never questioned before. Although her Mamm and Daed strive to understand and love their daughter, they struggle with her questions and difficulty in submitting to authority.

Cindy masterly wove the story together including allowing us to get to know Skylar, as well. The Amish baby raised in the Englisch world. Skylar slowly learns that all things Amish are not bad as each of her blood siblings strives to love her and meet her where she is. I loved how Cindy was able to create plausible situations as Skylar and Ariana struggled with their new identities and the people around them struggled to understand where they now fit.

I would definitely recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the conclusion to the Amish of Summer Grove series, Ariana returns to her Amish home and family.   If you have read the first two books, Ties that Bind and Fraying at the Edge, you’re aware that she was not born into an Amish family.     Although this can be read as a stand alone, I encourage everyone to read the series in order to fully appreciate the story.
It was difficult for Ariana to return after she has experienced living in the Englisch world, where she had the  freedom to question things and learning is encouraged.   Things are definitely different in her Amish home and community, where women are more submissive.
Skylar, having been raised by an Englisch family has been fighting her own personal battles and has hated being forced to live with her Amish family.  I haven’t always liked her, but as she matured, I actually became fond of her.   It was unimaginable to me to have your world turned upside down like theirs was.
I wondered throughout the series if relationships would survive, if there would be forgiveness and if there would be genuine healing for everyone that went through such anquish.   There are so many life changing decisions that the characters had to make all because of a mistake made twenty years ago that effected so many people.
The author has penned another amazing series with amazing characters.  She is one of my must read authors and one I highy recommend.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher and have given my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary garot
Cindy Woodsmall's series The Amish of Summer Grove comes to completion with Gathering the Threads. Ariana and Skylar both have been through a lot due to an error made by a midwife when they were born. They are both in situations that cause them to reconsider and reevaluate their lives in light of what they've learned. For Ariana, she's had to learn to question what men tell her and to find the source of the information before making an opinion. This new learning doesn't always set well with her family. Skylar is not thrilled that Ariana is back and wants what Ariana has. She wants a family that loves her and doesn't realize that she already has that love.

There are so many threads of life that come together in a way that makes a tapestry and we may not see what the final design is because we are looking at it from the wrong side.

Skylar and Ariana are working on completing the tapestry of their lives and they are seeing the messy yarn ends.

It has been Cindy's task to draw these threads into coherent stitches and her engaging style of writing makes the denouement of this story extremely satisfying. Cindy certainly ranks at the top of my list of favorite Amish Authors.

Five Stars, Two Thumbs Up, and the most beautiful tapestry you've ever seen.

My thanks to Waterbrook/Multnomah for allowing me to read and review this book as part of the Cindy Woodsmall Launch Team
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer mueller
Gathering the Threads, the third and final book from The Amish of Summer Grove series has finally been released! This series tells a tale of two young women who were switched at birth. One had been raised in the world, the other in an Amish home. But what happens when each girl tries to live in the home of their birth parents? I have really enjoyed this series and couldn't wait to read the conclusion of the story! Cindy Woodsmall is a New York Times and CBA bestselling author. She once again has provided an engaging story to follow.

Ariana is returning home after months away from her Amish family. How will she adjust after her time in the Englisch world and what will happen to Skylar once Ariana is back? As written on the back cover of Gathering the Threads:

After months away in the Englisch world, Ariana Brenneman is overjoyed to be in the Old Order Amish home where she was raised. Yet her excitement is mixed with an unexpected apprehension as she reconciles all she’s learned from her biological parents with the uncompromising teachings of her Plain community. Although her childhood friend, ex-Amish Quill Schlabach, hopes to help her navigate her new role amongst her people, Ariana’s Daed doesn’t understand why his sweet daughter is suddenly questioning his authority. What will happen if she sows seeds of unrest and rebellion in the entire family?
Meanwhile, Skylar Nash has finally found her place among the large Brenneman family, but Ariana’s arrival threatens to unravel Skylar’s new identity—and her sobriety. Both Ariana and Skylar must discover the true cords that bind a family and community together and grasp tight the One who holds their authentic identities close to His heart.

Woodsmall was able to bring together the Amish and Englisch world in such an intriguing way. From one who reads a lot, I feel like Gathering the Threads (and the other books in this series) breaks the normal pattern of the Amish genre. This is a thought provoking series and I hope you will choose to read the books for yourself.

I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
short lady
Third and final book in Cindy Woodsmall’s The Amish of Summer Grove series, “Gathering the Threads” left me satisfied yet wanting more. I would be quite happy to continue reading about Ariana, Quill, Skylar, and all the other fine characters from this series but all good things must end so I look forward to whatever new series this author has planned for her readers.

As the title suggests, in this powerful conclusion all the threads come together to present the completed story, including all the secrets and even a few surprises. I liked the way Ariana questioned her parents while remaining respectful of them. Quill continued to be a favorite as he has been from the very first book of the series. Needless to say, I have hoped he and Ariana would eventually find themselves to be more than friends. I also loved watching each of them mature in their faith despite (or because of) the difficulties they faced. It was also gratifying to see the effect certain revelations had on the community. In my opinion, “Gathering the Threads” turned out just right.

I hope you will pick up a copy for yourself soon but if you haven’t read the previous novels of this series, I would suggest reading them first. I loved this series and highly recommend it.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the author, Cindy Woodsmall and Waterbrook/Multnomah. A favorable review was not required. All views expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate benitez
This review is for the book "Gathering the Threads" by Cindy Woodsmall, who is one of my favorite fiction authors. This book is actually the third book in her Amish of Summer Grove series. Although I had not read either of the other books in the series, it did not take me long to catch on to the story. It definitely helped that Woodsmall put in a section in the beginning to go over the background story. Even with the background story, I was a little confused at who everyone was, but by about chapter three, I understood what was going on.

This is an interesting Amish story because it is so unlike other ones I have read. Ariana has found that she is actually "Englisch" although she grew up Amish, and spending time with her "Englisch" family has opened her eyes to some things about the Amish community that she isn't entirely sure about. She questions their trust in the bishop and some of the rules. This is hard for her family to understand, especially as she grows closer to Quill, her friend who actually left the Amish and helps other Amish leave the community. This is a great journey of faith for Ariana, though. I really enjoyed watching Ariana discover herself throughout this book.

Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the time I opened my first Cindy Woodsmall book, I have been a fan of her work, and she is one of my favorite authors. There is something about the way she crafts a story that pulls me in and keeps me engaged until the very last page. The characters are so believable, and I feel like I know them as I read through the story. Once again, all these things are true in her latest novel, Gathering the Threads. This is the third book in the author's series The Amish of Summer Grove.

Although there is a very thorough summary of what happened in the first two books at the beginning of Gathering the Threads, I highly suggest reading the first two books, The Ties That Bind and Fraying at the Edge, first. The series follows Ariana as she discovers that she comes from a different world than she was raised in, and the conflict of being torn between those two worlds. There is a strong sense of being yourself as well as following God's path for your life. It was very interesting how it wasn't just Ariana who changed after being exposed to the Englisch world-both her Amish and Englisch families and friends were affected. They all were more open to other ideas than the ones they had believed all their lives.

I highly recommend reading Gathering the Threads! The Amish of Summer Grove series is fabulous!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
`Gathering the Threads` is the third novel in The Amish of Summer Grove series by Cindy Woodsmall. Two young girls were switched at birth and one is raised Amish, the other is raised English. The reader may wish to read the three book series, however, book three could be read as a standalone since it gives a synopsis of the first two novels.

My favorite character is Ariana because she is a sweet girl who loves her family and the Old Ways of the Amish. I also like her name. After learning about the switch Ariana is confused as to who she is and needs to get away for a while. Her Amish father disagrees about her needing to get away, and her English father gives her a credit card with $1,000 on it to use however she wants. This series touches on the very conservative, the rational conservative and the feminist; Ariana has to decide which one is for her.

This series is different from other Amish novels I've read. In this series, Ariana is figuring out who she is, and what are her core beliefs. Other Amish books I've read lean more toward romance, which may mean a child out of wedlock.

I recommend this book to fans of the Amish.

Disclaimer: "I was provided a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dyaa yassen
Cindy Woodsmall writes the most dramatic and hard-hitting Amish fiction ever, and Gathering the Threads is no different!  This conclusion to the Amish of Summer Grove series is a real page-turner.
I don't know how Woodsmall thinks of the situations in which she puts her characters, but they are most unique.  She writes so realistically that you'll examine the issues right along with Skylar and Ariana, and many of those same issues are just as relevant to the Englisch as they are to the Amish.
Some of those issues were particularly hard to read about.  For instance, while nobody's perfect, it isn't easy to read about some of the issues occurring in Ariana's church; however, I did enjoy Woodsmall's conclusion to those issues and the spiritual depth that she brought to the table in this storyline.
You'll need it, because nothing about this book is light-hearted; there are weighty faith and relationship issues here, but it's so realistically written that you'll be completely caught up in it. 
If you like Amish fiction, don't just buy this book, though; you'll want to pick up all three, and start reading immediately.  They're that good.
I received a free copy of this book.  All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
quinby669 frank
GATHERING the THREADS, the conclusion of Cindy Woodsmall's The Amish of Summer Grove series, is a absorbing end the Arianna Brenneman's story.

Ariana and Skylar Nash were accidently switched at birth due a fire at the midwife's center. Ariana was raised by an Amish couple as a twin and Skylar, a was raised by her mother and stepfather.

When the girls are 17 Skylar's father, Nicholas, finds out and insist the girls switch places for a year. Ariana has a hard time adjusting and makes a deal with him to return after 3 months. Skylar has finally being to feel like she fits and Ariana's return threatens her security.

Ariana has an equally difficult time adjusting to the harshness of the bishop and his rules. Rudy, Ariana's Amish betrothed expects her to slip back in to the Amish ways and doesn't understand the change.

Quill, the ex-Amish that assisted in reuniting the girls to their original family and helped Ariana navigate between the two cultures has long been in love with her but steps back and prays for her to be happy.

I received a free copy from WaterBrook Publishing Group. No review, positive or otherwise, was required – all opinions are my
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse smith
GATHERING THE THREADS is the third and final book in this series, and I highly recommend readers read the books in order, starting with Ties that Bind and Fraying at the Edge.

Ariana is back with the Amish - in person - but the Englisch world has left some gulfs between her old world and her new one. Bridges need to be built but whether Ariana is truly accepted in her old home remains to be seen. The bishop, preacher, and deacon seem against her and preach about her sins -- as if it was her fault she was reunited with her biological parents.

I absolutely LOVED Gabe. He is a total sweetheart, kind, considerate, and so calm. He loved his family with everything he had in him, but was called to sometimes do dangerous jobs.

Ari broke my heart, struggling to fit into both worlds, and yet stay true to herself. But who is she? Will she ever find her place?

I couldn't put this book down and read it in spurts across two days. I loved this entire series. Highly recommended. Don't miss GATHERING THE THREADS.

I received this book free. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
georgina morrissey
What a great story! I have always loved learning about the Amish way of life, and this series adds new dimensions as the Englisch and Amish worlds collide and also merge together. Being switched at birth is unimaginable, but discovering the error in their late teen years must be one of the most difficult things for a young woman's identity. When the truth about their biological roots becomes known, both girls are immersed into totally different cultures that disrupt everything. Ari is the main character, and she is torn between her Amish upbringing and her newly discovered Englisch family. I love how she deals with both communities with grace and respect, yet she does not shy away from her own personal convictions. Unfortunately, I have not read the first two books in this series, but thoroughly enjoyed reading Gathering the Threads. I am very curious about what transpired in the earlier books and want to find out about the Brenneman and Nash families. (Ebook received through Net Galley courtesy of WaterBrook & Multnomah in exchange for my honest review.)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The third book in Cindy Woodsmall’s The Amish of Summer Grove series, “Gathering the Threads” continues the story of Skylar and Ariana as they come to terms with the fact that they were switched at birth and brought up in totally different ways. Ariana comes back to her Amish family, but with different ideas that cause discord with her Amish parents and siblings. She is trying to determine just who she is after knowing she comes from Englisher parents and brought up in an Amish home with their plain and strict ways. The bishop of her community is determined to make her knuckle under and conform to the way Amish women are treated. She is resisting and the subsequent dramas that follow make up the story.

I was in total agreement with Ariana throughout the book because I know that my stubbornness and independence would totally rebel at the condescending way women are treated as subjects, not individuals. I thought this book gave much to think about and I was glad that I read it.

I received a print copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers, but was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah pepper
I have read this whole series. The Amish of Summer Grove is book three and the final one. I loved the first two book in the series and could not wait to hear more from this family. It is truly a series about family.
Skylar and Ariana story are not like any other. Amish or English which family makes you feel loved and part of the family?
One defiant and one working on sobriety. This makes for a good storyline.
You have to check out this series it's a different twist on the average Amish story.
I gave this book 4 stars. I liked this series.
The Mary Reader received this book from the publisher for review. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are our own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex smith
Cindy Woodsmall does a phenomenal job bringing an end to Ariana and Skylar's stories and all the intricacies involved with these families. There were times when I wondered what choices Ariana would make and how it would play out. When I thought I might have it figured out, the author would throw something else in play to change my thinking. Skylar was a hard one to love all throughout the series. Her animosity towards the parents that raised her, her biological parents and Ariana was exhausting. But, I love how she grew as a woman, when she let God work in her heart and learned from those around her to become a better person. Ariana also had some difficult choices to make. The decisions she made were ones that causes her some pain but I love how they were perfect for her.

This is an amazing series. The books must be read in order as each one builds on the previous story. The details that the author goes into were difficult to follow at times because there were so many moving parts but all were very important to the end game and makes for a fantastic read. I highly recommend this series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
i in
The final novel in the "Amish of Summer Grove" series, shows the hardship Ariana Brenneman faces after she returns from the Englisch world. After she experienced the outside world, Ariana is now questioning the old ways she was bought up and it causes chaos among her family and friends. Her Amish family is unsure why their sweet daughter now questions their authority while her Englisch family wonders why she blindly follows the faith. Will Ariana be able to restore peace among her family and herself?

While, I have not read the other two novels in the series, the author includes a few page summary of what happened in the two prior books. I am not sure if it's because I didn't read the other two books or the author's writing style, but I just couldn't get into the book. I like how this book had a different take on the Amish lifestyle and drama, but it felt like torture reading this book. It was slow and kept going on and on without adding to the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
GATHERING THE THREADS is the third and final book in this series, and I highly recommend readers read the books in order, starting with Ties that Bind and Fraying at the Edge.

Ariana is back with the Amish - in person - but the Englisch world has left some gulfs between her old world and her new one. Bridges need to be built but whether Ariana is truly accepted in her old home remains to be seen. The bishop, preacher, and deacon seem against her and preach about her sins -- as if it was her fault she was reunited with her biological parents.

I absolutely LOVED Gabe. He is a total sweetheart, kind, considerate, and so calm. He loved his family with everything he had in him, but was called to sometimes do dangerous jobs.

Ari broke my heart, struggling to fit into both worlds, and yet stay true to herself. But who is she? Will she ever find her place?

I couldn't put this book down and read it in spurts across two days. I loved this entire series. Highly recommended. Don't miss GATHERING THE THREADS.

I received this book free. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a great story! I have always loved learning about the Amish way of life, and this series adds new dimensions as the Englisch and Amish worlds collide and also merge together. Being switched at birth is unimaginable, but discovering the error in their late teen years must be one of the most difficult things for a young woman's identity. When the truth about their biological roots becomes known, both girls are immersed into totally different cultures that disrupt everything. Ari is the main character, and she is torn between her Amish upbringing and her newly discovered Englisch family. I love how she deals with both communities with grace and respect, yet she does not shy away from her own personal convictions. Unfortunately, I have not read the first two books in this series, but thoroughly enjoyed reading Gathering the Threads. I am very curious about what transpired in the earlier books and want to find out about the Brenneman and Nash families. (Ebook received through Net Galley courtesy of WaterBrook & Multnomah in exchange for my honest review.)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ambur b
The third book in Cindy Woodsmall’s The Amish of Summer Grove series, “Gathering the Threads” continues the story of Skylar and Ariana as they come to terms with the fact that they were switched at birth and brought up in totally different ways. Ariana comes back to her Amish family, but with different ideas that cause discord with her Amish parents and siblings. She is trying to determine just who she is after knowing she comes from Englisher parents and brought up in an Amish home with their plain and strict ways. The bishop of her community is determined to make her knuckle under and conform to the way Amish women are treated. She is resisting and the subsequent dramas that follow make up the story.

I was in total agreement with Ariana throughout the book because I know that my stubbornness and independence would totally rebel at the condescending way women are treated as subjects, not individuals. I thought this book gave much to think about and I was glad that I read it.

I received a print copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers, but was under no obligation to post a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have read this whole series. The Amish of Summer Grove is book three and the final one. I loved the first two book in the series and could not wait to hear more from this family. It is truly a series about family.
Skylar and Ariana story are not like any other. Amish or English which family makes you feel loved and part of the family?
One defiant and one working on sobriety. This makes for a good storyline.
You have to check out this series it's a different twist on the average Amish story.
I gave this book 4 stars. I liked this series.
The Mary Reader received this book from the publisher for review. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are our own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana lu sa
Cindy Woodsmall does a phenomenal job bringing an end to Ariana and Skylar's stories and all the intricacies involved with these families. There were times when I wondered what choices Ariana would make and how it would play out. When I thought I might have it figured out, the author would throw something else in play to change my thinking. Skylar was a hard one to love all throughout the series. Her animosity towards the parents that raised her, her biological parents and Ariana was exhausting. But, I love how she grew as a woman, when she let God work in her heart and learned from those around her to become a better person. Ariana also had some difficult choices to make. The decisions she made were ones that causes her some pain but I love how they were perfect for her.

This is an amazing series. The books must be read in order as each one builds on the previous story. The details that the author goes into were difficult to follow at times because there were so many moving parts but all were very important to the end game and makes for a fantastic read. I highly recommend this series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
breanne joy
The final novel in the "Amish of Summer Grove" series, shows the hardship Ariana Brenneman faces after she returns from the Englisch world. After she experienced the outside world, Ariana is now questioning the old ways she was bought up and it causes chaos among her family and friends. Her Amish family is unsure why their sweet daughter now questions their authority while her Englisch family wonders why she blindly follows the faith. Will Ariana be able to restore peace among her family and herself?

While, I have not read the other two novels in the series, the author includes a few page summary of what happened in the two prior books. I am not sure if it's because I didn't read the other two books or the author's writing style, but I just couldn't get into the book. I like how this book had a different take on the Amish lifestyle and drama, but it felt like torture reading this book. It was slow and kept going on and on without adding to the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki johnson
This is a story of switched at birth. Ariana Brenneman and Skyler Nash end up in the wrong homes...one being English and one being Amish. This story takes many twists and turns as the two girls are forced to spend a summer with their biological families. As you may imagine, this would be quite a shock for both girls and their families.

Skyler who should have been raised by her Amish parents has lived in the English world with all she could hope for~ only she had found herself in drugs, angry and bitter. So when she was sent to the Amish Brenneman home she made lots of trouble.

Ariana, on the other hand, had always been an obedient daughter and obeyed all the Amish rules. Not until she spent time with her biological family did she begin the question the legalism of her Amish community.

This book grabs your attention from the get-go. Both girls struggle with finding their own walk with God. Will they learn to forgive and learn to love ? This is one you want to add to your reading list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
herschel stratego
Cindy Woodsmall's novel, Gathering the Threads, is a beautiful tale. A lot of of trouble roads ahead yet the main character has hope. She someohow braves through the rough waters. A biological family whose ways go against the Amish ways, can erect problems on Ariana's life. Tension is everywhere. But she holds fast to her faith and shows courage throughout the pages. I was excited following this story. Fear, rebellion, and love are just a few themes highlighted here. Ariana comes back home from her English parents to the home she has always known...the Amish world. She loves being there. But things have changed. Two families will have to work through their issues and keep up their hope. If they lose it, they may be torn apart. Overall, Cindy Woodsmall has created an engaging plot. Characters that are easy to relate to and like. The writing was well-done. I recommend this book to readers everywhere.

I got this copy from the publisher. This, is my voluntary review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie abramson
Cindy Woodsmalls Gathering the Threads is the sequel to Fraying at the Edge. It focuses on the two women who were switched at birth (Ariana and Skylar) and at the age of twenty sent home to their birth families.
Ariana was raised in an Amish family and was forced to live with her mother and stepfather and also spend time with her atheistic father. Having been allowed to go home after three months, Ariana finds herself at odds with her Amish family while Skylar who kicked drugs and felt a part of a whole at the farm, is jealous of the attention that Ariana receives. Life seems difficult for both as they faced new challenges and hope to find permanent love. Faith, family, and friendships are tested before both women can stand on their own. A very good story with a variety of characters who contribute to the secondary adventures going on throughout the text. A terrific book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison tomson
Cindy Woodsmall's third and final novel in the series is a refreshing new look into the Amish community.The conclusion of the Amish of Summer Grove has new features. Word bubbles for the texting between the characters bring these Amish kids into the digital age. I was also surprised at the young folks getting Uber drivers. What is happening in Summer Grove! You don't want to miss this starling conclusion. New character are added into the mix to pair up the single women at the Brennemens' Perks coffee shop. A surprising ending for Ariana and her family. Learned about organizations that rescue battered women from harmful situations. All ends well with the "trips" Skylar name for the twins and Ariana born at the Amish Birthing Clinic 21 years ago. I have read all of Woodsmall's books in the Amish genre. She is one of my favorite authors. Can't wait for more. I received this preview copy of this book for sharing my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel ebuh
I really enjoy reading the books that give me insight into a different world. Ariana is back where she grew up, but has a bit of conflict in her old and new ways. I cannot imagine what it would be like to go from living the way I live to try to live Old Order Amish especially like Ariana had to do. She had to learn an entirely new way to do thing and with interacting with her "new" family. Also Skyler is trying to fit in and keep things together with her new family, and soon all is not as good as she wants it.
I really like it how the characters in this book have to learn to work together, depend on others, and trust their faith to hold things together. This is the third and final book in The Amish of Summer Grove series. It is better to have read the other two books, but not necessary.
" I received this book from the publisher and blogging for books, the review is entirely my own"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andre radzim
What an amazing conclusion to The Amish of Summer Grove series. I recommend reading all three books as you won't want to miss any of this story. The characters are so believable and at times you wish you could give them advice on not letting control and power rule their lives. I admire Ariana's strength as she faced her parents and the church leaders. Cindy Woodsmall writes about the tough issues in the Amish communities and makes them appear realistic instead of all is perfect. I loved how the family worked together to overcome issues and how bridges were built for healing. Faith is the key element. The short summary in the beginning was nice as a refresher to remind you of what happened in the previous books. This book was the icing on the cake.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gathering The Threads is a story of two women who find out they were switched at birth. One was Amish and one was Englisch. They switched when they found out who they where - what a story - you have to read that brings you up to now where you have Ariana's story and Skylar's story continuing on here and you are caught up in the intrigue of their lives and what they want to do with it. This is one engaging story of discovery. One that the characters learn that GOD is the Guiding Light in their lives if they truly want to follow it. I received a copy of this book from the Publisher and Netgalley; all the opinions expressed in this review are all my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book! This book caught my interest from the first chapter. This was my favorite Amish series. I will definitely be reading more from this author.
The main characters were relatable and realistic. This Amish book is not your typical book. A lot of Amish books I have read are mostly light and have "fluff" to them. I really found this series interesting because the author writes about difficult issues such as lying, broken relationships, etc.

I highly recommend this book. This book really wrapped things up in the series. I was sad when it was over since I enjoyed it so much.

*I received an ARC of this book from the publisher. No positive review was required. My opinion is my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ariana and Skylar have both had their worlds turned upside down. Do they belong in the Englisch world or the Old Order Amish world? Or neither?

It's going to be long and painful for each young lady to reassess what her life has been and what it will be in the future. These sisters of a sort have a difficult job ahead of them.

Ms Woodsmall has taken us through a unique situation, and has given us a deeper insight into what being Amish really is about.

Thank you, Ms Woodsmall, for this third in the Amish of Summer Grove series. I haven't read the first two books, but can attest to the fact that this is a good stand alone read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nour armouti
Gathering the Threads is a compelling conclusion of The Amish of Summer Grove series! Woodsmall delights readers with another heart-stirring story, as she deftly intertwines the Old Order Amish world with the Englisch. Ariana and her family have endured much, and their emotional and spiritual journeys are both engaging and thought-provoking. I enjoyed Gathering the Threads and highly recommend reading this trilogy in order. However, if you haven’t read the preceding stories, a story line summary is given at the beginning of the book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. No review was required, and all thoughts expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn beyrouthy
This has been one of my favorite series ever. This was the last book in the series and it wraps up everything wonderfully. Ariana has to learn to fit back in with her Amish family without forgetting her new English family. As much as she wanted to be back in her Amish family it is harder than she thought to give up some of the independence that she found in the English world. Skylar is also still trying to get over her drug dependence and decide whether she wants to go back to the English world. This book flows so wonderfully and I love the ending. I received a copy of this book from the author for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steph wavle
Gathering the Threads is the final and third book from Cindy Woodsmall's series, The Amish of Summer Grove. I was completely surprised how the series ended. There were some twists I did not see coming at all. I have enjoyed the series, but did not enjoy this one as much as the first. I was confused with a few things and felt like the storyline was being rushed. However, as I continue to read it, it all came together in the end. A wonderful ending to a great series.

Four stars.

I received this book from the publisher, but was not required to write a review. This review is 100% my own honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morten lustrup
Sometimes books in a series frustrate me because I forget so much between book releases, but I was able to jump into this book without feeling lost or frustrated. I couldn't put it down and was totally shocked by how it ended. As the reader, I felt compelled to read on, and consider how I would've responded had I been put in a similar situation. A book of love, healing and family. I loved it and highly recommend the entire Amish of Summer Grove series. It was such a twist from many of the Amish books I've read.

I did receive this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan warner
After reading all 3 books ...for me personally ...I feel that book #1 & #3 are my ultra faves ...they are battling it out for the win of most fave from my side. I have always been pulled into stories bout the Amish ... I really enjoy how Cindy does write and I will be reading more from her soon enough. If you have read her work before please let me know your faves. Such a good wholesome series. Well done! Check this out! ( ;
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I liked that the author included a couple pages of recap for books 1 and 2 at the beginning of this book. I found it very helpful since I have not read the other 2 books in this series.

I like that recent Amish christian fiction books have been more realistic about their struggles and finding balance in today's society-I find them more appealing and interesting.

However, I felt like this story was a little over the top with all the drama between characters and the story line. All the drama made me on edge and I had a hard time enjoying any of the characters or feeling any kind of connection to them. I really wanted to enjoy the story because it sounded interesting and there are alot of great reviews; but it wasn't for me.

It was well written so if you've read other books by this author or in this series, I'm sure you will enjoy this one!

I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fred benenson
Gathering the Threads is book three of a trilogy, and does build on the previous books. Fortunately there are synopses of each of the other two books, which gives the background of Gathering the Threads. It's a compelling story, one I didn't want to put down. The complexities of family are uniquely portrayed, and spiritual growth illustrated. I will definitely be looking for more books by Cindy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fredrik andersson
Cindy did a wonderful job of writing this novel to bring us the readers into the experience of the characters. I felt as if I was in Ariana's shoes and had to make these decisions. What anguish she went through, caught between two worlds. The one she grew up in and the new one she experienced for a short time. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and am ever grateful for an advanced copy to review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well crafted story depicting the struggle of the different belief systems of Old Order Amish and English and how families, lives, communities are effected as Ariana (born to Englishers but raised Amish) and Skylar (born to an Amish couple but raised English) are asked to trade homes and lives for a season. Cindy Woodsmall reveals the anguish and pain of building on the wrong foundations, yet the joy of release as lives are surrendered to the truths of the Bible. A great ending to The Amish of Summer Grove series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joseph colyer
I loved this series. In my opinion it was perfectly spaced out over the three books. Even though there is a synopsis of the first two books in the beginning of this one, I highly recommend reading the first two. You won't be sorry you went on the whole journey with these characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel mariano
I loved this series! I appreciate the facts that were brought out about bullying in a variety of ways and that there are resources to help those who need it. Sometimes God doesn’t ask or want us to understand His ways but to trust that His way is always for the best.
Please RateA Novel (The Amish of Summer Grove) - Gathering the Threads
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