Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (Geronimo Stilton

ByGeronimo Stilton

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Readers` Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
quinby669 frank
We normally enjoy Geronimo Stilton books but OH MY! WHAT HAPPENED????? REALLY???? I tried, and tried to get into this one. Reading it out loud to my special needs teen age so whom we usually really enjoy reading about his adventures.... but this book had no storyline, to many descriptions and didn't go anywhere! Although they were on a boat trying to go somewhere... but I lost my son after the first few chapters but kept reading thinking it would get better but then when it lost me I just had to give in after about 3/4 of the way in. So no clue what the story was really suppose to be or if they found the treasure that Geronimo's sister was looking for or what... Story was just filled with Geronimo's family calling him various names and he getting upset and screaming his real name at them and description after description of things around them... ugh! If you read this one and don't like it (like us) don't judge them all by this book alone...usually this series of books is really good.

This apparently is book #1 of the series but this series of books you don't have to read in order to know who people are or what is going on that's the greatness of these books. This was the 5th book my son and I have read and usually I rate them 3 or 4 stars... so don't know if the author just hadn't 'found' himself with this story or what... but the others (or at least the other four I've read thus far) are MUCH better and fun to read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I don't understand the great reviews for this book. This is the first Geronimo Stilton book we have read, as we wanted to start at the beginning, but I don't think we'll read another. (The book is cute; the drawings are cute; the font changes are wonderful; but ....)

1. Geronimo seems to do what everyone wants him to do regardless of whether he wants to or not, and then complains about it the whole time.
2. The characters are rude to each other throughout the book. They are sarcastic; they roll their eyes a lot. Geronimo thought he made a mistake and thought he wouldn't tell anyone because they would make fun of him for the rest of the trip. Geronimo doesn't like nicknames, but everyone keeps calling him by nicknames. They yell at each other or use rude tones of voice, usually for no reason. Just to give you an idea, here are some of the things the characters say to each other: "still the same old 'fraidy mouse", "While you've been up on deck enjoying the fresh air, I've been busting my tail down here", "What are you up to? Building some kind of stink bomb?" (said to someone who was sick in the bathroom), "Who needs him anyway?" (Trap had knowingly put them in danger, but he had also saved someone's life as this point), "Why are you flapping your arms? Are you going to tell us you can fly now, too?", "Well, isn't that just like you to be so selfish.", "Ugh! She's already gotten a swollen head!", "I hate it when you use such big words!", "What is the matter with you? Are your eyes covered with cheese slices?", "You are the one who brought him along!", "sometimes he could be a bit of a pain", "Uncle Trap could be pretty annoying", "he was totally obnoxious" (these last three were said about someone MINUTES after they thought he had died), "it's all your fault!" "How on earth would I know?", "Who? Old Big Ears? I got rid of him like moldy cheese".
3. Geronimo has such rude thoughts, such as: "Did I mention my sister can be incredibly annoying at times?" "Why, oh, why, had we brought him along?" (twice), "Of all the nerve! It seemed as if I was already left out!", "he sounded just as irritating as ever", "why, oh, why, had we pulled him out of that hole?", "for once, my cousin was telling the truth", "Maybe for once Trap had come up with a good idea", "Even if his [part] was mostly the annoying part!".
4. There are plot points that don't go anywhere. Thea mentions people looking at them suspiciously, and Trap gives away details of their treasure hunt to someone, but nothing happens regarding those people. Geronimo's nephew Benjamin stows away. When he is discovered, they don't try to contact his parents or turn around and take him home. Geronimo can't see without his glasses, but it's never mentioned again.
5. The end of the story makes no sense. The get to the island, and there are three challenges listed on the map. Geronimo gets stuck in quicksand at the first challenge and Trap pulls him out. For the second, they run into some beehives and have to run away not to get stung. On the last challenge, Trap misspells the word "cheese" and falls in a hole where there are bones (presumably the remains of other mice who were unsuccessful). They then get to the Emerald Eye, which turns out to be a green lake in the center of the island. They are unsure what to do at the lake when they don't immediately see treasure. They are then met by other mice on the island, who are staying on the island at a resort. They instantly decide there must not be a treasure because it is not a deserted island, then come home. This raises several questions. Why is there a pirate-like map to a supposed treasure, which is actually a lake on a resort island? Why would the map mention quicksand and have riddles about it? Why would the map have a riddle about the beehives? If it were a resort island map, wouldn't they just warn people to stay away from the hives in clear language? Why would there be a riddle about the word "cheese" where other mice had apparently DIED, when there was just a lake? Why don't they swim to the bottom of the lake to see if anything is there? Why don't they find whoever made the map and ask them why?
6. So many things are unexplained or go by too fast. The chapters are really short and you don't feel like you can really get into a chapter before it's over (even for major events, like someone almost drowning). You don't know why they think there's treasure, how long the trip will take, how they are able to take off work for at least two months (if they made the return trip by ship also), how they stayed alive for four days at sea while floating on a trunk (I guess by eating food in the trunk?; they drank rainwater), why they took a few days to build a shelter when they planned to immediately leave it once it was built to go search for the treasure (they even built a bathroom! and a contraption to get water to the shelter), why they took the most circuitous route to get to the treasure, or why they just give up at the end without doing any kind of a search.
7. It is sexist. Trap says "Who can go check things out? ... Thea can't be of any help because she is a female." Thea defends herself, but I think it was completely inappropriate for Trap to say such a thing. Geronimo also mentions whether he thinks females are pretty or not (other than his secretary, so I guess we can assume she's unattractive?"

Overall, the characters are unlikeable, sarcastic, mean, and argumentative. Their actions don't make sense, and neither does the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hisham zain
Earlier this year, I read a Geronimo Stilton book. Unfortunately I didn't like it. It was disappointing because that used to be one of my favorite book series when I was a kid. I decided not to give up on the series though. I wanted to try one more Geronimo Stilton book, Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye. I'm glad I did. It had everything I loved about the series when I was younger.

Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye took me back to my childhood. It brought back a lot of feelings of nostalgia. It had everything I remembered that made a Geronimo Stilton book great. It had a lot of the witty sarcasm and puns that I remembered. A lot of the cheese puns made me laugh. It was also action-packed. While it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next, I'm sure it would have if I was younger. The only complaints I have is that I forgot how annoying Trap can be. He's definitely my least favorite character. I also found the book to be predictable, but that could be because I'm not the intended audience.

I'm so glad that I decided to give this series another chance. It makes me happy that I can read it with my nephews and nieces, and inspire a love of reading in them similar to what I had as a kid. I'm not sure that I will go out of my way to pick up these books because as I previously said, they are definitely out of my age range. However, if I do come across one, I will pick it up and read it with my nephews and nieces. Hopefully they will pass it on to their friends, and Inspire a new generation to love Geronimo Stilton.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joanna wade
This review consists of 2 parts: 1. My daughter's review (she's 9) and 2. My review (I'm the Mom). These are excerpts. For the full reviews, please visit our website.


What I liked and disliked about it:

I liked this book because it's funny and the story is good. I like stories that have mysteries and adventures like this one does. It was really cool that there was a treasure map. If I found a treasure map, I would try to find it - especially if it's a big jewel like a ruby or diamond and I would ask all of my friends, my little brother, my Mom, and my Dad to help me find it.

Trap and Thea are funny when they call Geronimo by everything but his name, like "Geronimiss", "Geronimouse", "Gerrymug", and "Geronimeister". It really seems to bother him.

I liked the way the book ended because the treasure they discovered was a big surprise.

I didn't like that there is writing and pictures over some of the words because I didn't know which ones were part of the story and where they were in the sentence. It made it harder to read.

My bottom line:

I loved this book and would recommend it to girls my age and younger and boys who are younger than me.


What I liked and disliked about it:

For years, I saw the Geronimo Stilton books in the Scholastic book order forms at our school and I was always curious about them. My daughter was never interested in them; but nonetheless, my curiosity got the best of me when I recently found myself perusing the shelves at a local bookstore. I picked up the Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye for my daughter on a whim, curious about what made this book series so popular. Curiosity...satisfied.

Both my daughter and I were surprised at how delightful this book was. The characters are all quirky and interesting. The setting of the book, New Mouse City, is a clever parody of New York City. In fact, the parodies (more obvious to grown-ups, and most likely not picked up at all by children) abound. For example, there is reference to a Rat La Lanne gym membership (a nod to Jack La Lanne) and a television show called X-Mouse (ok, that could be X-Men or the X-Files - take your pick!). Even the mouse "swearing" (e.g., `Slimy Swiss Balls') is amusing.

Another thing I really liked was that, before we dive into the story, there is a little blurb with a photo introducing each character as well as images of the entire editorial staff of the Rodent Gazette. Also, at the back of the book, there are maps of New Mouse City and Mouse Island with all of the relevant landmarks. I can really appreciate these extra touches.

This book relies heavily on graphics which are clearly intended to enhance the reader experience. For example, the word `green' is in a different font style and color (i.e., green); the word `idea' has a light bulb for an `i'; and the words `I took the stairs two at a time' are staggered as steps. Some of the pages are filled with graphics. (For examples, please visit our website).

On the one hand, the pages are very dynamic and eye-catching. For younger children who still like images to accompany a story, this will probably add to the enjoyment of the book. On the other hand, it is extremely distracting and this is the experience that my daughter had. In fact, I would say that it was distracting to the point that by the end of the book, you realize that the story itself is a bit weak, but the images, play on words, and funny dialogue among the characters are really what carry the book and make it entertaining.

My bottom line:

I found this series to be quite good. The plot itself is a bit weak, but the characters are entertaining. I could go either way with the heavy use of graphics - I think it would be appropriate for younger children just getting used to sitting through longer books. I think it's a great read-aloud book, but I don't think it's quite challenging enough for more established independent readers. I would recommend this series to boys and girls aged 6 to 9.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beginning: Thea finds a mysterious map and calls up Geronimo to come and also Benjamin and Trap.
Middle: They go on a ship and they go through a gale, after they swept away from the gale they got stuck on a deserted island.
End: On the island they found out that the island wasn't deserted because they saw a bunch of party mice and also when they were coming back to mouse island on a plane, Geronimo spotted the treasure on an enormous lily pad!
Geronimo Stilton is a publisher at the Rodent's Gazette and his appearance is as a busy and a not-so active mouse. Thea is a photographer and her appearance is a very sporty mouse and she is Geronimo's Sister. Trap, a very beefy mouse, his appearance is whining and lazy, but when Thea told Trap about the treasure his face brightened up. Trap is Geronimo's Cousin. Benjamin a very cute and quiet mouse, he is Geronimo's nephew. His appearance is as a brave and confident rattling.
In the book there was a funny part where it made me laugh. When Thea walked through a bush to see where all the noise was coming from, when she saw what it was she froze because she saw a group of party mice dressed in bathing suits one of the mouse asked, "Do you need survival classes?" then Thea cut two trees in a second!
I recommend this book to people who like fiction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
avy stock
My nine year son enjoyed reading this. He read this twice. He likes the pictures and the layout of the words but he didn’t like Thea.

Thanks to Netgalley for giving him the opportunity to read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edison garc a
I thought this was a really good book. My favorite character (besides Geronimo Stilton) was Geronimo's cousin, Trap. He is very funny. Thea finds a treasure map and she gets Geronimo and Trap to go looking for the treasure. The scariest part of the book was when the Lucky Lady sank! The most exciting part is when Geronimo finally sees the Emerald Eye!
I also like the way the book is printed with the words being different colors and styles. It has lots of pictures and maps too. It makes it easier for me to read it. I am going to read all fifty titles as they are translated from Italian to English!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My kindergartener is an excellent reader and his teacher lent him this book for us to read at home. It's a really cute story with some funny characters that made my son laugh outloud. And the way the text is written is colorful and inventive. I'm now going to buy a set of the 1st 10 books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really love this book.Actually I wanted to know something in this book Do you need to have a lisence to drive a motorcycle in that city? Well I really want to recommend this book to you.My favourite character in this book is Gerinimo Stilton because it is very funny .
P.S Actually I really like reading Gerinimo's Stilton books in my KINDLE at home
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought this was a really good book. My favorite character (besides Geronimo Stilton) was Geronimo's cousin, Trap. He is very funny. Thea finds a treasure map and she gets Geronimo and Trap to go looking for the treasure. The scariest part of the book was when the Lucky Lady sank! The most exciting part is when Geronimo finally sees the Emerald Eye!
I also like the way the book is printed with the words being different colors and styles. It has lots of pictures and maps too. It makes it easier for me to read it. I am going to read all fifty titles as they are translated from Italian to English!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael katz
Lol!!!!!!!!!!!! Thea, Geronimo sister find a map. Thea want to go but Geronimo wouldn't go with her. She brought Trap with her. When they got on the boat to go to the inland to find the treasure. Geronimo favorite nephew, Benjamin got on board of the boat and ate the food. They thought they were in a storm but it was a hurricane. Trap saved Geronimo twice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Geronimo stilton has always been a favorite of mine. its a mix of laughter and mystery and really can leave you thinking. It talks about how a man named Geronimo tries his best to find mysteries and solve them and sometimes his siblings are the reason for it. This one he tries to find out who stole the emerald eye and now he is on a quest to leave you thinking of who it was. This book really is a great book and the series is amazing and has loads of mystery also has other many fantasy type mysteries.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There's one fine line between well-played and over-played layouts. The full Geronimo Stilton series falls into the well-played category: the outcome is pleasant and not too loud and the fonts / colour used are really a statement on their own.

Another point to note is the translation involved. While this is not "literature" literature, the adaptation in cultural and linguistics aspect are well taken care of.

I don't know any Italian but have compared the Chinese and English versions of the same book (yes, my colleague at work has the entire Chinese series while I'm catching up by matching the English version). The funny bits are transformed elegantly.

Recommended to not only children, but anyone who's intersted in translating humour and layout.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this for a friend for a Christmas present as she's getting into writing children's books. She told me it was a great present and she enjoyed it, and she's an adult. I can only imagine how much kids must also love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marsha jones
Meet Geronimo Stilton, the mouse editor of The Rodent's Gazette. He is a conservative mouse that is swept up in a treasure hunt to locate the Emerald Eye. The text is fun using various font styles and rebus type drawings. This fun romp is perfect for children 2nd grade and up. This would also be great for kids that have enjoyed the Series of Unfortunate Events. Mouse Island and Geronimo will be back in future titles in this new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
islam tarawneh
In the story Geronimo has a lot of characteristics thy can be nice or mean to people who are with him. Thea is sassy and strict about the Emerald and about the rules. Trap can be nice if he wants to. Then when Ben came along it surprised Geronimo. That is why I liked this story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
the store needs to fix this series on the Kindle!!! The pages download ridiculously small (about 1/4 of the Kindle screen). You cannot adjust the font size; you can only tap to zoom in on each individual page for horrible quality. After frustrating my eight year-old daughter as she tried to read her new book, I spent the better part of an hour trying (unsuccessfully) to troubleshoot with the store via email and telephone. I must add that the the store representatives responded in a timely manner and were polite, but they couldn't resolve the issue and didn't seem to really care at all about this problem. Truly a shame because there are over 80 books in this extremely popular series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nir k
Hi ya everybody! As you know, I bought something else (again.) I rated this 4 stars because I still do not understand the way they found the emerald eye. But still, it is a great story. HOWEVER, This book is NOT for early chapter book readers. It would take 2 weeks to read it. CAUTION!: If you do NOT beleve in ghosts don't buy #3. But all I can say it is a wonderful series of books. But they may sometimes have iniproprite words. But they think it is funny. Anyway it is good. Hope this review was helpful! 'Late
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Our kids read this as part of Reading Olympics, and most of them (in fourth and fifth grade) loved it because it was quick, easy, and colorful. However, I found it distracting to read as so much of the text was in different colors and had little gimmicks, like the word frozen made to look as though the text were cold. Cute...but there was too much of it.

However, I can see the style of the book and the non-challenging (and uninteresting to me) story as being wonderfully attractive to reluctant readers.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
samuel lee
I started reading the Geronimo Stilton books to my 7 year old son to try to get him more interested in reading. The books are well written. My sons enjoys books, but the more of them you read the more you realize that Geronimo Stilton is not a good infulence. We curently on book #9 and this it no more.

Geronimo Stilton is constantly complaining and wining. He is pushed around and manipulated by his sister, his cousin, and to a certain extent his sweet little nephew. The books are very formulaic. In almost every book I have read so for our hero, Geronimo Stilton, is dranged into an adventure kicking and screaming like a two year old throwing a fit. He eventually has fun in the end but on the way he excessly complains and wines the entire time. I have never read any childrens book before with phrase "I hate .." in it so many times. If you want a positive role infulence on your child through reading this isn't it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy tran
My 7yo daughter discovered these books at her elementary school library. We often sit down to read them aloud and I must say these are creative and entertaining books! When she falls asleep, I read to the end! Geronimo Stilton is a cute, creative little character that takes many trips and gets himself into lots of predicaments. His sister Thia also gets in on the action and has apparently gotten her own line of books of well, though I have not yet read these. Best of all, there are many books in this series, so I can continue to purchase them for my kids as gifts as they grow!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn heinze
I personally (as a Mom) don't find Geronimo Stilton books terribly interesting, but they are cute and *punny* and well-illustrated and well-plotted. But my happy second grader LOVES Geronimo Stilton for casual reading -- he just reads them and re-reads them in the car.

They are funny -- I've read through a few of them.

What a mom notices: Some mild insults, some very funny exclamations, and my favorite part -- the characters' dialog changes font depending on who is talking and their emotion. That's fun.
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