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Readers` Reviews
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I encountered this book at Christmas when it was given to my 13yo niece (recommended by another 13yo who loved the whole series). She made it to page 167 when she had to stop reading because it "was making her uncomfortable". I read a lot of YA fiction and have a higher tolerance for romance/sex than my niece so I picked it up. I don't think it was just the sex making her uncomfortable. I think my niece usually reads books with a better quality of writing.
If you are a parent reading this review wondering if this is appropriate for your pre-teen, the answer is probably "no" unless you like your pre-teen to read about unhealthy relationships and sex.I know, characters and books don't need to be role models. But, teens and pre-teens do look to characters in books and movies for information on how to behave in situations they've never experienced before--particularly romantic situations.
If you are a kid reading this review, just be aware that Tessa and Hardin are terrible people to base relationships on! Though, I have to admit, I liked Hardin's character more than Tessa in this book. She was a whiny, jealous, annoying girl. At least he was concerned with the female orgasm (to an unrealistic extent.) The twist at the end was interesting enough for me to pick up book two, which was the worst kind of garbage I have ever read in my life.
If you are a parent reading this review wondering if this is appropriate for your pre-teen, the answer is probably "no" unless you like your pre-teen to read about unhealthy relationships and sex.I know, characters and books don't need to be role models. But, teens and pre-teens do look to characters in books and movies for information on how to behave in situations they've never experienced before--particularly romantic situations.
If you are a kid reading this review, just be aware that Tessa and Hardin are terrible people to base relationships on! Though, I have to admit, I liked Hardin's character more than Tessa in this book. She was a whiny, jealous, annoying girl. At least he was concerned with the female orgasm (to an unrealistic extent.) The twist at the end was interesting enough for me to pick up book two, which was the worst kind of garbage I have ever read in my life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
esther h lee
"After" left me heartbroken and hungry for more and this second book definitely satisfied my appetite. Though sort of predictable, this book gives even more depth to Hardin and Tessa's relationship. I literally have to force myself to put the book down, it's so addicting! With more characters drawn into the plot, it is very eventful and a great book to get lost in.
After :: Humanity: After it Happened Book 2 :: After Anna :: The History of the World's Largest Democracy - India After Gandhi :: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
antigone darling
I absolutely loved the second one you really see how much of an absolute idiot love makes you I know from personal experience and I love how Anna Todd shows just how love can play you. I love this book finely partly because it makes me think of the one who no longer loves me but I still feel just as territorial with her as Hardin is over Tess. So in conclusion another book of hers that I read inside of two days and was just as amazing as the first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mostafa mohaddes
This series is sooooo addictive. Anna Todd is a great writer, she keeps the reader's attention with all the twists and turns of the story!! I am patiently waiting for book 3 to be released.....hurry up Dec 30th!!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kim villarreal
I am so tired of reading about the arguments, that I could puke! The first book was same. Thought second would get better but it did not! I would love to get my money back and to be paid to read that senseless mess!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really wanted to like this book. I enjoyed Book 1, After, but this one I couldn't even finish (I made it to 70%). I would say it is a dark romance, but it is more like a verbally, emotionally abusive relationship that is progressing towards physical. I had high hopes that Hardin would mature and become less of a tormentor. He constantly keeps secrets from Tessa and then when they fight, he says things that he knows will hurt her the most. He continues to get into fights and at times has knocked her over mid-fight. How can Tessa love someone like that? Why does she put up with it and keep going back to him - even when she finds out he has done even more horrible things in the past? She has good, kind men who want to date her and yet she goes back to Hardin again and again. His idea of love is completely warped and he has a sick obsession with her. I find Tessa to be weak to keep forgiving him and putting up with his nonsense. Honestly, if I wanted to hear this emotional abuse, I would go back to my ex-boyfriend who I was with back when I was in college. What upsets me even more is that this book is geared towards older teens and YAs. This book shows that it is okay to be in such an explosive relationship because he "loves" her. That being said, I would like to read the 2 books that tell Landon's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This series is becoming one of my favorites but oh my goodness I am not sure how Anna Todd does it, creates long novels but keeps you so freaking entranced to the point that I have finished and feel like I have been on the biggest and longest roller coaster and I'm exhausted but I absolutely loved After We Collided.
In this book I feel that it brought out a really different side to the characters and I loved see the way they were changing, sometimes Tessa was really immature and I wanted to ring her neck and Hardin oh my god I just wanted to punch him in the face. In saying all that this is again is what makes me love the book and getting all the feels when reading it
I haven't had a book in so long that I was at work and threw my iPad and everyone at work laughed at me because I was so angry with what I had read and stormed outside, then I read a little more and after that I drove home so fast because I needed to know what was going to happen it's been a while that a book hasn't left my mind and I keep thinking about.
I felt nervous, sometimes my tummy flipped I was just having all the emotions, I was sad, I was, happy, I cried a little, I laughed.
I know Hardin isn't the perfect male character and he has a lot of anger problems and goes way to far and I don't like it when he is hurtful towards Tessa and would be mean, but for some reason I just want him to take down his wall because I feel there is a very passionate guy who loves fiercely but he has a real bad opinion on love and that his what is ruining him.
Tessa I feel in this book becomes stronger I know it probably doesn't seem like it to some people but I see a little bit and she is learning to fight back, sometimes she does some real dumb stuff but I can see is going to fight for what she wants and she just needs to build her confidence up.
I am falling very hard for this series and loving every minute of it and if you haven't read this series then if you love a guy that has his walls up and a nice girl trying to bring them down, their is angst and drama that this is for you I highly recommend it
Another 5 stars for this baby
In this book I feel that it brought out a really different side to the characters and I loved see the way they were changing, sometimes Tessa was really immature and I wanted to ring her neck and Hardin oh my god I just wanted to punch him in the face. In saying all that this is again is what makes me love the book and getting all the feels when reading it
I haven't had a book in so long that I was at work and threw my iPad and everyone at work laughed at me because I was so angry with what I had read and stormed outside, then I read a little more and after that I drove home so fast because I needed to know what was going to happen it's been a while that a book hasn't left my mind and I keep thinking about.
I felt nervous, sometimes my tummy flipped I was just having all the emotions, I was sad, I was, happy, I cried a little, I laughed.
I know Hardin isn't the perfect male character and he has a lot of anger problems and goes way to far and I don't like it when he is hurtful towards Tessa and would be mean, but for some reason I just want him to take down his wall because I feel there is a very passionate guy who loves fiercely but he has a real bad opinion on love and that his what is ruining him.
Tessa I feel in this book becomes stronger I know it probably doesn't seem like it to some people but I see a little bit and she is learning to fight back, sometimes she does some real dumb stuff but I can see is going to fight for what she wants and she just needs to build her confidence up.
I am falling very hard for this series and loving every minute of it and if you haven't read this series then if you love a guy that has his walls up and a nice girl trying to bring them down, their is angst and drama that this is for you I highly recommend it
Another 5 stars for this baby
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
meg marasigan
"The best thing about reading is to escape from your life, to be able to live hundreds or even thousands of different lives."
After We Collided is penned by seemingly overnight sensation Anna Todd, who got her start writing fiction on the website Wattpad–and follows a split narration between characters Tessa and Hardin and covers their tumultuous romance.
It is no worse than its predecessor, After, but fans can look forward to the continuation of plots and the sexual encounters they’ve come to expect.
It is packed to the brim with toxic and thoroughly dramatic dynamics, and of course at times showcases weak writing. After We Collided continues its tradition of back-and-forth romance. It is not a serious novel and you mustn’t expect it to be. Todd’s series is written long and in real time and reminiscent of a deliciously dirty and obnoxious soap opera.
Anna Todd toys with readers and often things are calm only to be thrust into turmoil again. Readers need be warned (or reminded) that the up and down nature of “Hessa” and their love story is not real life and their dynamic is incredibly horrifying. This is is not a relationship one should look for nor should it be admired. Please, please–have a firm grasp on reality and what your relationship goals should be.
Sprinkle in some literary references, bad-guy-good-girl love story and you have Anna Todd’s bestselling series in a nutshell. It’s a familiar formula, it’s a familiar story.
After is horribly, horribly flawed but delicious and twisty nonetheless. It’s easy to see why it’s drawn in such a large fanbase. I’m not quite sure why I can’t put it down, as I have a love-hate for it, but I found myself devouring this large installment rather quickly. And rejoice–Anna Todd’s writing has improved!
Still, After We Collided isn’t quite good. No, no… it’ far from it. If I had any shame, I would have probably been embarrassed reading it; the story line in general a bit of a mess and all over the place but it’s still an entertaining, if not suffocating irritating, read.
It’s, yes, a train wreck that you just can’t look away from. Even if you try–which I did. Multiple times. It’s an addiction I just can’t escape and I’m not sure why.
Let me break it down for you in the words of another Goodreads reviewer, Angela: I don't think I can reiterate enough how much I hate this series... "But Angela why the high rating?"... Well let me break it down for you, this is the best worst thing I've ever read. It's so addictive it's insane. It's like the potato chip bag of books. You don't want to eat more than a handful but somehow wind up eating the whole bag.
It’s just captivating in all the wrong ways. While it’s certainly not my favorite series, it’s still fun in only the way a novel as such can be. Anna is a master at manipulating my emotions; I didn’t like a lot of things, I don’t like the actions of her characters (in particular Hardin) and yet I kept crawling back for more.
It’s a roller coaster I couldn’t get off of. Guess I’m in it for the long haul at this point?
As for the characters…
Tessa, I feel, is growing into her own bit by bit. By no means am I saying that she has changed in every way for the best. I am saying that she is a very different girl than she was a short while ago and that is equal parts good and bad. Leaving home for the first time is always an experience and Tessa’s development is a nod to that.
Although things haven’t been easy or necessarily good for her, she has been flexible in her changes–her actions and new found confidence show that. It’s still an ongoing process, but it’s nice to see her–in spite of circumstances–becoming more and more comfortable in her own skin as she leaves the sidelines of life.
I’ve enjoyed her subplots in regards to her growing career, her education and the things that help define her outside of her family and romantic entanglements. I still adore her friendship with Landon and his family.
And I’m glad she’s taking a step toward rekindling her friendship with Steph. I would love to see more of her former roommate but I’m not sure where Anna will go with it.
Onto her romances… I spent a great deal of the novel hoping she and Hardin would just end things, I even had a few moments were I wanted her to be with Zed or the guy from work. It’s just a very exhausting process when it comes to the relationship of Hessa and I’m not entirely sure I want them together based on Hardin’s treatment of her.
Connecting with her: Her hardships and complications with her mother are a frustrating pain and I feel deeply for her; I’m just not sure how much of a possibility there is of mending that particular relationship–her mother is a piece of work, honestly. I would love for her mother to change, to grow, to mend things… but I’m not sure I see that happening.
Basically, we see Tessa growing into her own and also morphing into the product of those she has surrounded herself in. Our poor girl has so much toxic in her life going beyond Hardin; it makes me sad to see her struggle so often.
Many people in her life (with the exception of Landon who is an angel) seem to be a pro at taking away her voice and choices. It’s only a matter of time until she loses herself and it’s so sad. Tessa Young is sympathetic even in her most flawed moments.
Moving on to Hardin…
Well. He is as insufferable as ever.
Let me explain: our leading man is often mean spirited and cruel and in general is a bad boy cliche. He shows promise of growth time and time again only to take about seven steps backwards in a pile of dirt and in turn diminishes any strides he has made in bettering himself.
Move over, Christian Grey. I thought nothing could get any grosser than him but here we are.
The fact of the matter is, we do see why Hardin is the way he is. It’s an explanation, though, and not an excuse. I can’t see much development on his part in the end, which is unfortunate. Imagine–Hardin learning from his mistakes and fixes his past actions.
Is it even possible?
Hardin’s biggest saving grace in this book was that we got to see his interactions with his mother. He isn’t exactly kind but you see that he loves her quite a lot. Anna crafted their relationship wonderfully and I have to say, although she is only in the novel briefly, she is one of the only intelligent characters featured in After.
(Another pro: his budding friendship with Landon.)
As I said earlier, I didn’t mind Zed for much of the novel. I’m sad to see the cheap turn in this so-called-love-triangle and really hope he isn’t as bad of a guy as Hardin believes him to be. Frankly, Tessa needs to ditch both of them but we know this isn’t about to happen and I can’t say I’m that bothered by it.
I’m nervous to see what happens in the next book. We’re left with a massive cliffhanger–the reappearance of Tessa’s long lost father–and the possibility of Tessa leaving for Seattle when Hardin wants her to go to England with him. I thought the last two chapters were solid, though and I loved that Tessa went with Hardin when he got another tattoo.
Overall, it could have been better and it could have been worse.
After We Collided is penned by seemingly overnight sensation Anna Todd, who got her start writing fiction on the website Wattpad–and follows a split narration between characters Tessa and Hardin and covers their tumultuous romance.
It is no worse than its predecessor, After, but fans can look forward to the continuation of plots and the sexual encounters they’ve come to expect.
It is packed to the brim with toxic and thoroughly dramatic dynamics, and of course at times showcases weak writing. After We Collided continues its tradition of back-and-forth romance. It is not a serious novel and you mustn’t expect it to be. Todd’s series is written long and in real time and reminiscent of a deliciously dirty and obnoxious soap opera.
Anna Todd toys with readers and often things are calm only to be thrust into turmoil again. Readers need be warned (or reminded) that the up and down nature of “Hessa” and their love story is not real life and their dynamic is incredibly horrifying. This is is not a relationship one should look for nor should it be admired. Please, please–have a firm grasp on reality and what your relationship goals should be.
Sprinkle in some literary references, bad-guy-good-girl love story and you have Anna Todd’s bestselling series in a nutshell. It’s a familiar formula, it’s a familiar story.
After is horribly, horribly flawed but delicious and twisty nonetheless. It’s easy to see why it’s drawn in such a large fanbase. I’m not quite sure why I can’t put it down, as I have a love-hate for it, but I found myself devouring this large installment rather quickly. And rejoice–Anna Todd’s writing has improved!
Still, After We Collided isn’t quite good. No, no… it’ far from it. If I had any shame, I would have probably been embarrassed reading it; the story line in general a bit of a mess and all over the place but it’s still an entertaining, if not suffocating irritating, read.
It’s, yes, a train wreck that you just can’t look away from. Even if you try–which I did. Multiple times. It’s an addiction I just can’t escape and I’m not sure why.
Let me break it down for you in the words of another Goodreads reviewer, Angela: I don't think I can reiterate enough how much I hate this series... "But Angela why the high rating?"... Well let me break it down for you, this is the best worst thing I've ever read. It's so addictive it's insane. It's like the potato chip bag of books. You don't want to eat more than a handful but somehow wind up eating the whole bag.
It’s just captivating in all the wrong ways. While it’s certainly not my favorite series, it’s still fun in only the way a novel as such can be. Anna is a master at manipulating my emotions; I didn’t like a lot of things, I don’t like the actions of her characters (in particular Hardin) and yet I kept crawling back for more.
It’s a roller coaster I couldn’t get off of. Guess I’m in it for the long haul at this point?
As for the characters…
Tessa, I feel, is growing into her own bit by bit. By no means am I saying that she has changed in every way for the best. I am saying that she is a very different girl than she was a short while ago and that is equal parts good and bad. Leaving home for the first time is always an experience and Tessa’s development is a nod to that.
Although things haven’t been easy or necessarily good for her, she has been flexible in her changes–her actions and new found confidence show that. It’s still an ongoing process, but it’s nice to see her–in spite of circumstances–becoming more and more comfortable in her own skin as she leaves the sidelines of life.
I’ve enjoyed her subplots in regards to her growing career, her education and the things that help define her outside of her family and romantic entanglements. I still adore her friendship with Landon and his family.
And I’m glad she’s taking a step toward rekindling her friendship with Steph. I would love to see more of her former roommate but I’m not sure where Anna will go with it.
Onto her romances… I spent a great deal of the novel hoping she and Hardin would just end things, I even had a few moments were I wanted her to be with Zed or the guy from work. It’s just a very exhausting process when it comes to the relationship of Hessa and I’m not entirely sure I want them together based on Hardin’s treatment of her.
Connecting with her: Her hardships and complications with her mother are a frustrating pain and I feel deeply for her; I’m just not sure how much of a possibility there is of mending that particular relationship–her mother is a piece of work, honestly. I would love for her mother to change, to grow, to mend things… but I’m not sure I see that happening.
Basically, we see Tessa growing into her own and also morphing into the product of those she has surrounded herself in. Our poor girl has so much toxic in her life going beyond Hardin; it makes me sad to see her struggle so often.
Many people in her life (with the exception of Landon who is an angel) seem to be a pro at taking away her voice and choices. It’s only a matter of time until she loses herself and it’s so sad. Tessa Young is sympathetic even in her most flawed moments.
Moving on to Hardin…
Well. He is as insufferable as ever.
Let me explain: our leading man is often mean spirited and cruel and in general is a bad boy cliche. He shows promise of growth time and time again only to take about seven steps backwards in a pile of dirt and in turn diminishes any strides he has made in bettering himself.
Move over, Christian Grey. I thought nothing could get any grosser than him but here we are.
The fact of the matter is, we do see why Hardin is the way he is. It’s an explanation, though, and not an excuse. I can’t see much development on his part in the end, which is unfortunate. Imagine–Hardin learning from his mistakes and fixes his past actions.
Is it even possible?
Hardin’s biggest saving grace in this book was that we got to see his interactions with his mother. He isn’t exactly kind but you see that he loves her quite a lot. Anna crafted their relationship wonderfully and I have to say, although she is only in the novel briefly, she is one of the only intelligent characters featured in After.
(Another pro: his budding friendship with Landon.)
As I said earlier, I didn’t mind Zed for much of the novel. I’m sad to see the cheap turn in this so-called-love-triangle and really hope he isn’t as bad of a guy as Hardin believes him to be. Frankly, Tessa needs to ditch both of them but we know this isn’t about to happen and I can’t say I’m that bothered by it.
I’m nervous to see what happens in the next book. We’re left with a massive cliffhanger–the reappearance of Tessa’s long lost father–and the possibility of Tessa leaving for Seattle when Hardin wants her to go to England with him. I thought the last two chapters were solid, though and I loved that Tessa went with Hardin when he got another tattoo.
Overall, it could have been better and it could have been worse.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a rollercoaster ride this was. If you have read After you will understand the angst throughout the story. Well, Anna Todd brought it to the top ten fold with After We Collided.
You really need to hold on tight to your hearts with this story. It will completely consume you. It surely consumed me.
Anna Todd brings you a story full of emotions, drama, secrets, suspense and more.
Two young lovers, so different from one another, yet so drawn to each other that you just want them to win the battle of love.
It’s explosive, captivating, gripping, mesmerizing and completely addictive all at once. The chemistry between Tessa and Hardin has you feeling it in your soul. Their ups and downs are filled with so much drama – good and bad. Not to mention the sex, it surely does sizzle.
I was ready to hate Hardin even more in this story, but what I found was that he grew on me and Tessa become a little frustrating. They both endured so much. Tessa more than Hardin, but we learn Hardin’s past demons which is critical in getting to know what makes him.
And for Tessa, most of the time it was a case of – can’t live with him, can’t live without him. There were still many times where I wanted to slap Hardin up the side of the head, because you really want him to be good. The pull Tessa has towards Hardin is still strong and she is lost for why it is that way.
I loved that we start right from where it ended in After. I was so involved with the story, that I wanted to see how of if Tessa would forgive Hardin. What would it take to earn Tessa’s forgiveness?
I loved the fact that Hardin had to grovel. I loved the fact that we got to see Hardin’s point of view as well. This gave the story a whole new perspective on Hardin’s actions. Almost an understanding to what Hardin was thinking, which I thought was fascinating. It gave us an insight to Hardin’s difficulty from his past and showed us his vulnerability. His past is heartbreaking. It will help you understand who he is. I loved this about the story.
They both have their WTF moments. Tessa really puts herself into the most vulnerable positions – only to come out hurt. I felt like yelling at her on more than one occasion to give Hardin some slack. But she was an emotional wreck throughout this story. She encompasses so much drama for a young adult that you wonder how she even coped.
Hardin has a hard time loving her without controlling her. He doesn’t want to lose her. That’s his biggest fear. He sees her as his light to a better life. Tessa is the one to make him a better person. Hardin tries harder towards the end of the book – to be what Tessa needs. He will not give up on Tessa.
Tessa and Hardin grow so much throughout this book. It was beautiful to read and experience it.
What I want to know next is - Will they really be there for one another? Are they going to make it through all the drama? Will he ever be good enough for Tessa? Enough to make Tessa believe the past is the past and forget all the hurt?
Will they be able to communicate and trust one another and move forward?
Is their love strong enough to forgive and forget? To trust each other? To accept each other’s flaws?
The ending cliffhanger left me reeling. Anna Todd really has a way with leaving the reader hanging with your mouth open. Love it.
Looking forward to reading After We Fell and discover whether these two younger lovers make the right decisions and how they will impact their lives.
You really need to hold on tight to your hearts with this story. It will completely consume you. It surely consumed me.
Anna Todd brings you a story full of emotions, drama, secrets, suspense and more.
Two young lovers, so different from one another, yet so drawn to each other that you just want them to win the battle of love.
It’s explosive, captivating, gripping, mesmerizing and completely addictive all at once. The chemistry between Tessa and Hardin has you feeling it in your soul. Their ups and downs are filled with so much drama – good and bad. Not to mention the sex, it surely does sizzle.
I was ready to hate Hardin even more in this story, but what I found was that he grew on me and Tessa become a little frustrating. They both endured so much. Tessa more than Hardin, but we learn Hardin’s past demons which is critical in getting to know what makes him.
And for Tessa, most of the time it was a case of – can’t live with him, can’t live without him. There were still many times where I wanted to slap Hardin up the side of the head, because you really want him to be good. The pull Tessa has towards Hardin is still strong and she is lost for why it is that way.
I loved that we start right from where it ended in After. I was so involved with the story, that I wanted to see how of if Tessa would forgive Hardin. What would it take to earn Tessa’s forgiveness?
I loved the fact that Hardin had to grovel. I loved the fact that we got to see Hardin’s point of view as well. This gave the story a whole new perspective on Hardin’s actions. Almost an understanding to what Hardin was thinking, which I thought was fascinating. It gave us an insight to Hardin’s difficulty from his past and showed us his vulnerability. His past is heartbreaking. It will help you understand who he is. I loved this about the story.
They both have their WTF moments. Tessa really puts herself into the most vulnerable positions – only to come out hurt. I felt like yelling at her on more than one occasion to give Hardin some slack. But she was an emotional wreck throughout this story. She encompasses so much drama for a young adult that you wonder how she even coped.
Hardin has a hard time loving her without controlling her. He doesn’t want to lose her. That’s his biggest fear. He sees her as his light to a better life. Tessa is the one to make him a better person. Hardin tries harder towards the end of the book – to be what Tessa needs. He will not give up on Tessa.
Tessa and Hardin grow so much throughout this book. It was beautiful to read and experience it.
What I want to know next is - Will they really be there for one another? Are they going to make it through all the drama? Will he ever be good enough for Tessa? Enough to make Tessa believe the past is the past and forget all the hurt?
Will they be able to communicate and trust one another and move forward?
Is their love strong enough to forgive and forget? To trust each other? To accept each other’s flaws?
The ending cliffhanger left me reeling. Anna Todd really has a way with leaving the reader hanging with your mouth open. Love it.
Looking forward to reading After We Fell and discover whether these two younger lovers make the right decisions and how they will impact their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It's getting harder and harder to forgive Hardin...to forgive Tessa...but Anna Todd works her magic. This maddening cycle of push and pull is frenetic and chaotic, unhealthy af, but it's an unbreakable bond between them.
This time around proves more challenging than the first because they seriously contemplate breaking up. Forgiveness isn't the problem. It's the hair-trigger impulse to react without pause. Exasperating!
Yet here I am. Ready to sneak another book in while I remain on my library's waiting list. What you do to me, Hardin and Tessa...
This time around proves more challenging than the first because they seriously contemplate breaking up. Forgiveness isn't the problem. It's the hair-trigger impulse to react without pause. Exasperating!
Yet here I am. Ready to sneak another book in while I remain on my library's waiting list. What you do to me, Hardin and Tessa...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alyssa pohlman
AudioBook Review:
Stars: Overall 3 Narration 5 Story 2
Picking up where After left off, I need to inject some warnings here. Hardin’s personality devolves further: he is abusive, threatening and utterly irredeemable here. And Tessa needs to be locked away for her own security and safety. A lobotomy wouldn’t hurt either. She’s lost any redeeming characteristics for me because she won’t get off the merry go round that is Hardin.
Learning from the disaster that is an abusive relationship and walking away is one thing: never making any adjustments but hoping things will change as you subject yourself to the same behavior pattern is insane. And Tessa never seems to hold Hardin responsible for his bad, nay deplorable behavior. BOTH of these characters need therapy.
What this book has become for me, rather than a story that I WANT to follow is one that I dread the next turn of the page. If you want a ‘how not to’ guide for a healthy relationship this is the book for you. If you crave drama and angst, and two characters that are stuck in a cycle of abuse and manipulation with a heroine who wouldn’t see the writing on the wall if it was in neon –bright glowing twelve foot tall letters that screamed at her- this is the book for you. Todd has moved past the “I can believe this possible” to the realm of I don’t care anymore. Tessa doesn’t grow, Hardin’s anger, jealousy and irresponsible behaviors only increase and apparently Tessa is the next hottest thing on the market –because ALL the boys want her. I have no hope in the future youth if these two are examples.
Narration is again provided by Elizabeth Louise and she does a wonderful narration: becoming Tessa in voice and inflection and using subtle changes in delivery, pitch, and tone to voice each individual character. Emotionally, my own frustration with the disastrous relationship had me taking frequent breaks: coming back to the story was difficult. Most certainly not my favorite book, and one I can only recommend with people completely aware of the warnings earlier in this review.
I received an AudioBook copy of the title from Simon and Schuster Audio for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Stars: Overall 3 Narration 5 Story 2
Picking up where After left off, I need to inject some warnings here. Hardin’s personality devolves further: he is abusive, threatening and utterly irredeemable here. And Tessa needs to be locked away for her own security and safety. A lobotomy wouldn’t hurt either. She’s lost any redeeming characteristics for me because she won’t get off the merry go round that is Hardin.
Learning from the disaster that is an abusive relationship and walking away is one thing: never making any adjustments but hoping things will change as you subject yourself to the same behavior pattern is insane. And Tessa never seems to hold Hardin responsible for his bad, nay deplorable behavior. BOTH of these characters need therapy.
What this book has become for me, rather than a story that I WANT to follow is one that I dread the next turn of the page. If you want a ‘how not to’ guide for a healthy relationship this is the book for you. If you crave drama and angst, and two characters that are stuck in a cycle of abuse and manipulation with a heroine who wouldn’t see the writing on the wall if it was in neon –bright glowing twelve foot tall letters that screamed at her- this is the book for you. Todd has moved past the “I can believe this possible” to the realm of I don’t care anymore. Tessa doesn’t grow, Hardin’s anger, jealousy and irresponsible behaviors only increase and apparently Tessa is the next hottest thing on the market –because ALL the boys want her. I have no hope in the future youth if these two are examples.
Narration is again provided by Elizabeth Louise and she does a wonderful narration: becoming Tessa in voice and inflection and using subtle changes in delivery, pitch, and tone to voice each individual character. Emotionally, my own frustration with the disastrous relationship had me taking frequent breaks: coming back to the story was difficult. Most certainly not my favorite book, and one I can only recommend with people completely aware of the warnings earlier in this review.
I received an AudioBook copy of the title from Simon and Schuster Audio for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Please RateAfter We Collided (The After Series)
There seems to be no identifiable plot, and it's obvious that this is a Mary Sue fanfiction of the author and Harry Styles. I'm not terribly familiar with One Direction, but she mentions in her bio blurb that she is a fan of fanfiction and boy bands, and I did the math. I googled the dude, and he is 1000% her inspiration for Hardin right down to his tattoos. To me, that is just sad and more than slightly creepy.
I feel the period sex scene was uncalled for. In fact, there were three whole chapters revolving around him making fun of her period and coercing her to have period sex AT WORK when she was obviously uncomfortable about it.
I wish young adult authors would stop glorifying unhealthy relationships. They're teaching young adults that desperate, abusive relationships are cool, and they're really not. Those of us who have lived can tell you, controlling, manipulative men aren't sexy. They're scary. Stay away from them.
I stopped at the period sex, and I won't be continuing. Do yourselves a favor and don't bother with this drivel. There are better writers and better stories being told.