Archangel's Shadows (A Guild Hunter Novel)

ByNalini Singh

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexis sievertsen
Paranormal alternate universe with sex. The 7th of the series.

This is not the one to start with! Start at the beginning. As one who has read them all, this is a nice addition to the series. Janvier & Ash's story. We get why Ash is the way she is & how she's struggled to keep Janvier at a distance.
We also get a lot of Naasir, which he's been the least explored of the Seven. Elena & Raphael also get some time in this one. Sorry it's already read. Have to wait another year for the next one :(
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read and enjoyed all genres of literature for over seventy years and this is my first time writing a review. Nalini Singh's books cover all genre and satisfy all interests, in my humble opinion. I have many favorite authors and series that I enjoy and often re-read. However, if I were told that I could have only the books of one author to read and re-read for the rest of my life, it would be Ms. Singh's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne hughes
if you've been intrigued by janvier and ash, wondering what's happening in the aftermath of the battle of archangels, vampires and humans you have got to read t his amazing story! a thriller, a romance, supernatural battles, well written and able to draw you into a world of possibilities it's a must read!
Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need :: A Love Story in 185 Definitions - The Lover’s Dictionary :: Dash & Lily's Book of Dares :: Alex and Maddie (Clan Grant series Book 1) - Rescued by a Highlander :: A Psy-Changeling Collection (The Psy-Changeling Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee t
This is the latest in her Guild Hunter series and is more of a side story than a main line novel. It contains a great romance between two side characters and further glimpses of how Raphael and Elena are getting along. It also contains hooks that set up stories for some additional main line and side characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 Stars... We first encounter Ashwini and Janvier in the novella, "Angel's Pawn", which captivated and endeared me to these characters... In this story, we watch the undeniable chemistry ignite between Ash and Janvier as they navigate their past pain and embrace their future potential... Embedded in this read is the ongoing unfolding of the overall storyline of war and destruction by a mounting enemy and the continued evolving emotional connection between this cast of unique characters... The sense of family is strongly developing as hints of secondary characters' abilities and storylines are revealed... This series completely enthralls and fascinates me and I eagerly await each read as it comes:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samiz parveas
This story takes place not long after the Raphael and crew have prevailed in the big battle with Lijuan. No one is quite sure whether she is alive or dead, and whether the city will have any lasting effects from her treachery. So when animals and humans alike are turning up mummified, the angels, vamps and hunters know the mystery must be solved quickly to avoid a city-wide panic.

Ash and Janvier have been dancing around each other for most of the series, so I was stoked to finally get to their book. Ash is such a complicated character. She has been in love with Janvier but holds him at arm's length due to some unknown secret. Let me tell ya that I had no idea what the secret was until it was revealed. Ash's family history is heartbreaking. I'm afraid to say more without including spoilers.

As for Janvier - I love that Cajun! I listened to this book in audio so hearing his Cajun French accent was great and really brought his character to life. Janvier's devotion to Ash, and what he was willing to give up for her, brought tears to my eyes.

But who really stole the book for me was Naasir - I cannot get enough of him. His mannerisms and almost childlike curiosity and innocence beguile me. The narrator also gave him a great accent and does an outstanding job with his character. I cannot wait for his book, he may surpass Dmitri as my favorite for the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
douglas hopkins
Archangel’s Shadows is book seven in the Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh. We get our kickass Guild Hunter and our darling Cajun hottie while adding in an intriguing mystery that will pull you in and keep you engrossed.

Ash has this tough exterior which makes her easy to like. We are treated to some major revelations on of her past that are shocking. It’s sad, but also adds a great deal more depth to her character.

Janvier I feel in love with. He’s an easy character to love. You see from the first page that he loves Ash unconditionally and it only becomes more obvious as the story progresses.

The entire cast of characters is present and we get more on each. One we have not seen much of is Naasir, until now. There's still so much more to discover about him and I’m excited to read his story and see who Singh focuses on next.

Archangel's Shadows was the perfect blend of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. This story is full of mystery, suspense, and action. Ash and Janvier’s story was deliciously gripping and satisfying.

Rated: 4 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seventh in the Guild Hunter paranormal romance series and revolving around the concept that angels rule the world and are the creators of vampires. The couple focus is on Ashwini and Janvier whom we first encountered in "Angel's Pawn", 0.6. If you're interested, I put together a chronological listing of the Guild Hunter books on my website.

This story takes up during the battle in Archangel's Legion , 6, with a special focus on Ashwini, Janvier, and Naasir's activities.

My Take
Whoa, reading of the precarious battle Ashwini is fighting inside that skyscraper and her resolve to not be imprisoned again…dang, Singh has definitely caught my attention with that statement. Who imprisoned her before? Why? What scarred Ashwini? What broke her?

Then there's that terrifying rescue and you'll be panting as your heart races. Whew. I need a nap.

In spite of Singh's intriguing me with all these comments about imprisoned, that Ashwini can never be with anyone, etc., she makes me nuts. I always hate it when characters are in that whole denial thing, where they expect to never be happy, etc. Oy.

Singh is setting Illium, Naasir, and Aodhan up for their stories. I suspect Naasir will be the next one up and falling for a hunter or a vampire.

It's so sweet. Here is the Legion, definitely a force to consider, and I love that Elena wants to humanize them. To introduce them to joy. Singh makes me want to cry when Elena works with them in her greenhouse.

Oh, crack me up! That Titus sounds a treat, and I can't wait to meet him. Singh sings his praises so well, lol.
"Mostly they just sigh at the sound of his name and lose their train of thought."

I do like Janvier's remembrance of what one very old vampire friend said about keeping cattle, that "he was tired of the constant round of meaningless seduction, wanted only the intimacy and comfort of family around him." Now that's a reason that makes sense.

It could be the Cajun side of Janvier that makes me see him as romantic, but I suspect it's how he plans his seduction of Ash that sets this idea in place. It's a sad conflict with Janvier wanting Raphael to Make Ash that she might live forever while Ash sees vampirism as a horror, and Singh isn't giving anything away!

When Janvier talks of his family… I wanna eat gumbo and listen to zydeco and enjoy being around family. This joy Janvier takes in his family may not last, for he has no intention of living one minute longer than Ash.

I think this is one of the reasons I love Singh's writing. The characters may be deadly, terrifying supernatural creatures, but there's a hominess about them. A caring for others that touches your heart.

For writers having a hard time with info dumps, read Archangel's Shadow. Singh does a nice job of informing without it feeling like an aside, an oh, yeah, here's some information you should read.

Oh, this is so sweet and so perfect. It's been another build-up, this one of humor as the angels and vampires of the Seven talk up Naasir's idea of a host gift. It seems innocuous until it snaps at Elena and Naasir. And it is perfect. Perfect for Elena's interests and in line with what we've been led to expect from Naasir, lol.

Wow. Ash has her own way of holding a vampire prisoner. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Even more wows…Janvier has figured out how to talk Ash into what he desires.
The Story
It's a three-man team whose mission is to piss the enemy off and distract them. It works, even when one of the enemy slices Ashwini wide open. Worse, it makes Janvier tender, soft…kind.

It's irritating.

Now, not only must Ash investigate a mummified dog, humans, cattle, are complaining about ill-treatment by their vampire. And now there's a question about Lijuan. Is she dead or is she the creature who is sucking animals into a dry husk?

And Raphael's wings now flame with white.

The Characters
Ashwini "Ashblade" Taj is a dyslexic Guild Hunter with a psychometric gift. Honor is her best friend. Dr. Arvan "Arvi" Taj, a neurosurgeon, is Ashwini's brother. Nineteen years older than her and has acted as her father since their parents died when she was nine. Tanushree "Tanu" was/is Arvi's twin sister, but she too is lost. Her father had been a professor literature; her mother was a professor of literature with an emphasis on South Asian texts. The whole family is of a professional bent.

Janvier is a 200 and forty-five-plus-year-old Cajun vampire who now works for the Tower using his ability to charm enemies and make friends wherever he goes on its behalf. The twin kukris he carries were made by Rhys, Neha's trusted general. His mother adored him, and he had two baby sisters: Amelie and Jöelle. Shamiya is the vampire who seduced him.

Raphael is the archangel who rules North America from New York City. He's mated to Elena "Ellie", a Guild Hunter who became an angel (see Angels' Blood , 1). Eve is Elena's younger sister. Caliane is Raphael's mother who only woke recently. She holds Amanat, a lost city that rose to the surface after an eon, and doesn't care for Elena (see Archangel's Consort , 3). At the Angel Enclave where Raphael and Elena have their home, Montgomery, with his larcenous soul, is Raphael and Elena's vampire butler. Sivya is the cook.

The Seven are…
…a group of vampires and angels who are Raphael's trusted men. Dimitri is the most powerful vampire in the world and Raphael's second. Honor St. Nicholas, an expert in ancient languages and history, is his wife whom Raphael turned into a vampire for her safety and Dimitri's love (see Archangel's Blade , 4). Dimitri remembers his first wife, Ingrede, and their children, Misha and Catherina. Illium, a.k.a., Bluebell, is one of the most beautiful angels and renowned for his blue wings. Aodhan, a.k.a., Sparkle, is struggling with darkness. Jason is the spymaster; Mahiya is his mate ( Archangel's Storm , 5). Keir is an angelic healer. Made by Neha, Venom is the youngest of the seven. Izak is one of the wounded angels. Once he heals he will be in Elena's Guard.

Naasir was the third man, er, vampire in the shadow team in Archangel's Legion . He's one of the Seven and their best scout. I don't recall anything being said about Naasir's mindset before Archangel's Shadow, and it's scarily interesting as well as heartbreaking. Trace is one of the young ones with an interest in poetry and art. Emaya is a combat-trained vampire out clubbing with Mateo.

Sorrow is a woman changed by a mad archangel.

The Guild Hunters are…
…bounty hunters. They track the vampires who think they can skip out on their contracts. They also police the vampires…and sometimes the angels themselves. Sara is the Guild Director, and Deacon is her husband and a renowned weapon master (see "Angel's Judgment", 0.5). Saki recommended an oil to help Ashwini with her deep-tissue healing. Other hunters, friends, include Honor; Ransom, a former street kid whose librarian, Nyree, just said yes; Demarco; and, Elena. Vivek runs the computers for the Guild, and he's recovering from being Made by Aodhan. It should give him back use of his paralyzed body. Bracken is the Guild trainer. Hilda is another Hunter.

The Archangels are…
…the Cadre. Terrifying creatures of tremendous power who rule huge areas of the world and take almost no notice of the lowly humans.

Titus is a powerful African archangel and an ally; he shares a border with Charisemnon. Galen's mother, Tanae, is part of Titus' army. Elijah and Hannah are a couple and friends of Elena and Raphael's. Favashi is the Archangel of Persia with the heart of a cobra. Neha is the Queen of Poisons and Snakes and rules in India. Janvier was at her court for most of his 100 years. Michaela is a treacherous bitch of an angel who is already clamoring for some of Lijuan's lands. She's sleeping with Astaad's second, Dahariel.

Lijuan is the oldest of the Cadre and rules China; she is the enemy who came against Raphael in Archangel's Legion . She'll drain her people into husks. Her generals include Xi, Alistair, Philomena, and Cornelius. Charisemnon is one of Lijuan's buddies with a new ability to create disease.

The Refuge is…
… a neutral retreat for angels to heal, teach, work as well as their home and a sanctuary for their young. Galen is the weaponsmaster ensconced at the Refuge. Jessamy is a handicapped angel who teaches the children at the Refuge and is both the angels' historian and librarian (read their story in Angels' Flight: "Angels' Dance", 0.4). She's also been giving Elena lessons in protocol.

The Legion is…
…a repository of power that woke during the battle in Archangel's Legion . They are powerful with wings like bats. They are led by the Primary.

Giorgio and his cattle
Giorgio was once a renowned physician. Brooke is the one who complained. Leisel, Marie May knows "Janni", Penelope, and Laura are the rest of Giorgio's stock.

Dr. Shamar is the vet performing the necropsy. Tony Rocco runs an Italian restaurant. Coby is his son. Nic is the doorman at Ash's apartment building. Carl is a nurse at Banli House, a medical and psychiatric facility. Bill Smith is a vampire under contract who thinks he found a loophole. Maeve is the vampire architect tasked with converting the building into a home for the Legion. Silvan is a vampire who dwells in the bayou in Nimra's territory.

The vampire leaders in New York
Anais and Severin are the worst offenders.

Cattle are humans who choose to be "kept" by vampires. Vampires are made by the archangels after undergoing lots of testing. Part of the deal is a one hundred-year contract of servitude. Umber is a new drug hitting the streets. Gilded lilies are vampires who are old, wealthy, and bored, so bored that they seek out new sins.

Wildfire, born of the Cascade, is a new angelic gift Raphael now has that he can use with his angelfire. Club Masque is an exclusive and dangerous nightclub for the vampire upper class. Rupert and Lacey are a sweet couple. Flynn and Benita Ko, a nasty sadist, are a couple and work at Club Masque. Adele, who owns the club, is pushing her luck. Louis is a bouncer at Hinge. Khalil is a very dark vampire. Blood-for-Less is the blood café where Ellie has an interest.

Felicity Johnson is a woman with many friends, including Aaliyah, Carys, and Sina. Marta and Bridget are more friends. Taffy is Felicity's cat. Seth is a student and works as the building super. Lilly Ying doesn't want her parents to suffer.

The Cover and Title
The cover is a determined Ashwini in her black leathers and a tight black T, one hand fisted on her hip and the other holding a gun pointed at the ground. It's the city at night, fat flakes of snow falling, steam rising from a grate, and Janvier in his leather jacket and jeans, holding a helmet as he half sits on his red motorcycle, waiting for Ash. The rest of the background is a streetlight shining behind Ash, bridge supports behind Janvier, and a windowed building at the very back.

The title is about Ashwini, Janvier — and Naasir, for they are the Archangel's Shadows.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
austin netzley
...but I can't help feeling like they got shortchanged. I've been waiting on their story since the first novella and I was so excited when I bought this book, but it reads like she didn't want to give them their own story, I saw way waaayyy more of the other characters than usual in relation to what is Supposed to be the main couple. That really upset me, I had to skim through so many of the parts with Elena and Raphael, this could've been a novel about them just as much as about the purported main characters. I really hate that because Ash is definitely my favourite, and I was so looking forward to this story. I still enjoyed the novel, despite my disappointment, but I feel that Nalini shortchanged them, and those of us who really wanted to see them. I hope I see more of them, though that may be an issue one given how little they showed up elsewhere, even in their own story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This, the latest in the Guild Hunter series, all of which I have loved reading! New twists & foes - and familiar characters give the story a great feel all the way through. The story of Ash & Janvier has been touched on in more than one book in this series, so it was good to see their full stories & bring them together. While not as much action as the other books- Nalini Singh also gave further snippets of other characters we've come to know! With the strengthening of other charecters that have just been 'referred' to, I KNOW there have to be more stories coming, there just has to!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashley roth
Reviewed by Annie and posted at Under The Covers Book Blog

Fans of the series will be trilled to note that ARCHANGEL’S SHADOWS is Ash and Janvier’s book. As if the novella wasn’t enough, Singh shines the spotlight on the kickass Guild Hunter and our favorite Cajun hottie while also hitting us with an intriguing mystery as well.

Bodies are showing up in various times and places, all involving some suspicious and similar traits. Tasked with finding out who is responsible for this, Ash must go hunting for this unknown killer. Yet Janvier isn’t willing to let her go alone, especially not when he considers her his.

Ash still has that tough exterior which makes her an easy one to love. However, Singh does reveal details of her past that are also quite devastating. While it adds a certain touch of sadness to the book, it also adds so much more depth to her character as well. I felt that I grew to love her more with this book.

I absolutely adored Janvier before reading this book but found myself loving him more now. His unconditional love for Ash is evident from the first page and only becomes more obvious as the story goes on. Paired with the mystery, Singh infuses this story with so much action and suspense, it actually reminds me more of a typical Urban Fantasy with a Nalini Singh twist rather than just your regular romance.

Of course, Singh’s authorial voice remains a strong presence in this book, painting vivid images with her words. The lyrical approach definitely adds another dimension to the series and can be seen as it’s own character with that it brings to this series.

The entire cast of characters are present, some getting more time than others. However, there is one character in particular that intrigued me. We haven’t heard much about Naasir until now. But Singh still leaves a lot of unanswered questions about him. It makes me very excited to see who she will focus on next in the next book. I’ve got my eye on a certain blue-winged angel I’m hoping gets his book told soon too.

ARCHANGEL’S SHADOWS takes the action and suspense of Urban Fantasy and the passion and intimacy of romance and blends them effortlessly together to create a story that grips you until the very end.

*ARC provided by publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe sacksteder
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Guild Hunter, Ashwini, is careful who she comes into contact with because just a simple touch can flood her with a person’s memories and thoughts. As you can imagine, some of those thoughts and images she sees can be pretty ugly. She doesn’t have that problem with her favorite repeat collar, Janvier. She isn’t affected when the sexy Cajun touches her, well not in that way at least! Although he does have the tendency to scramble her brains a bit, filling her with all kinds of sexy images from her own imagination!

Ash, Janvier, and, Naasir made a great team during the battle, even if Ash did get hurt. Something that still haunts Janvier. He could have lost her. Mortals are just too fragile and he will do anything to convince her to become a vampire. Her star cannot go out!

And when Ash’s new, easy, assignment turns out to be more than they expected. Ash and Janvier will get to work together once again.

It started with the discovery of a drained mummified dog, but then a human is found in the same condition. Ash and Janvier, with the help of the Tower and the Guild, must get to the bottom of what is happening, and fast! But neither of them were prepared for the torture that these victims have been put through.

I’ll admit it, I did get downright giddy when I saw that this book was going to be about Ash and Janvier! I love the cat and mouse game that their relationship is! And this book did not disappoint!

I absolutely love Janvier. He’s a lot of fun and I love watching him flirt with Ash, even if he can be a bit crude at times. You can feel his love for her from the very first page of this book all the way to the end. The thought of losing her to spend eternity alone, is a dagger straight to his heart.

I found the mystery in this one to be quite entertaining and it kept me interested throughout the book. And the steamy scenes between Janvier and Ash didn’t hurt either!

The killers in this book were pretty depraved and sickening. Smart, but a typical case of using your skills for evil! I’m glad that Raphael can be so ruthless in his punishments at times, although they deserved Dimitri’s kind of torture!!

This was a solid read that left me with a goofy grin on my face when I was finished! Any Guild Hunter fan will be sure to enjoy it! Especially if they enjoy sexy Cajuns! Full Throttle.

Now I’m left wondering who the next book will be about. Naasir? Keir? Or my favorite angel, Illium? The anticipation is killing me already!

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In the aftermath of a devastating war, which has pitted archangel factions against each other and left many dead in its wake, something dark and dangerous threatens the citizens of New York, and the archangel Raphael and his contingent are faced with unraveling the mystery of the new and deadly threat. Ash, a human Guild hunter, and Janvier, her vampire partner, are racing against time to unmask the killer before it's too late, all the while fighting an ever-growing attraction that they should not act upon.

ARCHANGEL'S SHADOWS, the seventh book in the Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh, is an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat read from the first page. Ash and Janvier are a team, the human Guild hunter and vampire working in the service of the archangel Raphael. The attraction which has always existed between them is becoming stronger, with Janvier making no effort to hide his desire to become Ash's partner in every sense of the word. But Ash is hiding a secret that could tear them apart, and that keeps her from giving in to the desire that she feels.

This is the first book that I have read from the series, and while I sense that there is a lot of backstory that I am missing, it did not keep me from thoroughly enjoying this book. I am a huge fan of paranormal romance, and Nalini is a master of the genre. The characters are unique and engaging, and the heat between each of the couples is palpable. I love that the female characters are strong and respected by their male counterparts, with not one delicate flower in the lot. These ladies are capable, and aren't afraid to let everyone know, which is one of the things that resonated most strongly for me. As well, the Seven, whom have all been introduced in earlier books, are fascinating to me, and I really enjoyed the banter and real affection that they have for each other. All of these things, combined with the mysterious threat that Ash and Janvier are facing, made for a read that I couldn't put down. I look forward to going back and starting the series from the beginning, and also continuing to read the upcoming installments.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I love this series and nalini singh, but this was a real disappointment. The bits with Elena/Raphael and Honor/Dimitri and other side characters were wonderful. But, Ash and Javier unfortunately weren't interesting, their short story was so much better
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nalini Singh creates a paranormal world like few others can. She makes the reader really believe her angels and vampires are definitely not human and humans are right to be leery. The series has held onto all that made it good even though we are now seven books and several novellas in. The focus has shifted a bit from Elena and Raphael to a few other regular series characters getting the spotlight, but that doesn't alter how much I enjoyed the story.

I don't plan to offer up any spoilers, but for those who haven't started the series or at least gotten to book six, it's possible I'll make a comment or put something in my summary that gives up the goods on something so read ahead at your own risk. And yessiree Bob that means that this is a 'must read in order' series. Sorry all you series hoppers (like me).

The last book in the Guild Hunter series was a boomer when it came to intense emotions and actions along with game changer reveals. War had come to New York. In the aftermath, several things have changed and new elements have become part of the norm. I wasn't sure what to expect about the story that would follow up on the huge battle and big-bang ending. It would take a deft touch to top or at least equal that baby. I trust this author to pull off such a story and I was curious to see where things are headed so I grabbed this latest up with strong anticipation. Oh and the fact that it is Ash and Janvier's story? Icing + cake= yum! I've adored these two since they were introduced early on in their novella and have been playing cat and mouse ever since.

The story opens not long after the war between the archangels and their allies that took place over and in NYC along with the manifestations of the mysterious event known as The Cascade. NYC is shakily recovering and going through a rebirth. Angels that went through The Falling are healing and getting back into fighting trim, the Legion are adjusting to their new home, Rafael is coming to terms with his new power, human and vampire residents also warily start the recovery though something evil still remains among them.

Ashwini Taj, the hunter, was seriously injured doing her part in the war and almost lost her life, but it is not that which shakes her very foundations. It is discovering through it all the depth of Janvier's feelings for her as he tenderly cares for her during the critical part of her recovery. She could have handled it if he had remained his playful, flirting self, but to hold her and even feed her when she was too weak? That feels too good and makes her want what she can't have. Ash has a dark secret that will not allow her to dream of a future and she can't let Janvier get attached either so she pushes him away. He reluctantly goes.

But then they are brought back together when Ash is called in to investigate a seemingly easy case since she is still recovering and not ready to return to full duty. A dead dog is found in a mummified state with all the blood sucked out of him and the Guild is called in because it looks like a crime done by an immortal. This is odd and disconcerting, but then it gets real when a human body is found in the same condition. The case just became priority even as Rafael's people are looking into a new drug on the streets that's causing blood lust amongst the vampires and keeping an eye on the smoldering powder keg in the vampire quarter of the city.

Janvier faithfully assists Ash in her investigation trying to be patient enough so that trust can be built. He wants her to feel like she can share with him what secret hides behind the wall she puts up between them and why she is so set against being Made so they can share a future together longer than the human lifespan. She feels its a big enough thing that she can't have a relationship and he should move on, but Janvier's heart has been hers since the moment she threatened to shoot him with a crossbow years before. Ash is his and he doesn't want to go on living without her. He has to think of a way to change her mind about becoming like him even as their investigation puts them in danger as they stalk a predator that bares uncanny resemblance to someone who should be dead.

The story wasn't as riveting as the last book- which I didn't expect it to be all things considered, but it still kept me pretty engaged. There were a few tender moments and I confess to two that made my eyes burn with tears. I loved the scenes with all the regulars. Elena and Rafael just never get old particularly when they are flying together. And time with any of the Seven is pretty awesome. I was dying to know what Ash's secret was. Janvier was a gorgeous hunk of Cajun heat and his devotion to Ash made him even more so.

The murder mystery was like one of those slow build cozy mysteries as Ash and Janvier pursued clue after clue. Actually, much of the plot was that way. It had ripples of excitement, but it was a slow build that was definitely a change of pace from the last book. I guess that's probably the biggest thing to remember is that the reader has to give this one time as it isn't full of the explosive scenes, but the tension is less obvious, below the surface. It's like the lull between huge storms because there is plenty of foreshadowing for trouble on the horizon. It will be a tight race whether Rafael's people can recover in time for the next big thing.

Speaking of Rafael's people, I have no idea which of the Seven will get his story next, but I seriously don't have a preference. All those guys intrigue me. Now I have to patiently wait until next year to see who it is and what his story will be.

To wrap it up, this one was good though not intense with action, but more of a suspense type read. The romance is a bit more backseat, but it does get hot once they cut loose. This is a paranormal romance series, but it has an Urban Fantasy tone so might appeal to either or both camps of readers particularly if they like their angels and vampires more along the scary lethal type.

My thanks to Penguin Group and Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
subha varshini
I checked Archangel's Shadows out from my local library. This may be my favorite Archangel book. I really loved the development of the characters, although the overall plot didn't advance too much during this book-- in fact, it raised more questions to keep readers hooked on this great series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Nalini Singh books are always a great story and I have been anticipating Ashwini's story. I wasn't disappointed another great read but I do have to say I expected a little more sizzle between Ash and Janvier
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tammy whitten
It never ceases to amaze me how Singh can ingross you in the story of 2 characters while weaving that story within the overall continuing storyline.

I love this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve romero
I love Nalini's books, they are well written and I can feel myself being emotionally involved in all the characters lives. Always look forward to the next book and the story around the different 'people' - they why they are, as they are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele hayes
I will read anything in the Guild Hunter series, Nalini never disappoints. I loved reading about the relationship between Ash and Janvier. There was some intense, dramatic things going on with our Ash and it was heart breaking to read about. Nalini does do a good job on solving the problem. Janvier was a wonderful, supportive, loving hero and he couldn't have been written any better. We get some interaction between Elena/Raphael, Honor/Dmitri and some more background on Nassir. He's still a strange one but he does grow on you. Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellen hinrichs
The Guild Hunter series is my favorite...although the Psy-Changeling series is a close second. I have been waiting for Ash and Janvier's story...was not disappointed. Okay Nalini...what about the rest of Raphael's Seven.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
damian valles
Finally the story of Ash and Janvier! This was more subtle than I expected but just as amazing as everything else she writes. This couple knew what they had and after everything they had gone through in the war and what was happening now, they realized that it was real and they had to act on it. Ash was the problem of course but learning about her life and what she was capable of was so engrossing. The decisions she had to make felt real and the way she handled talking to Janvier finally was wonderful. What a male!

I loved this book!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael young
Okay so I normally dont write reviews but I just "HAD" to for this book. I'm a Hunter Guild fan and absolutely LOVED all of the series preceeding this book. But in my opinion this book was sooo predictable and utterly boring. I wont give anything away but you know the pattern of "super mentally/emotionally messed up person falls in love with immortal who fixes everythig?"

Well its just repeated in this book but without anything that makes the storyline really unique. Theres hardly any action which is one of the reasons I love these books, theres hardly any more information given about the mysterious legion and the "mystery" that served as the main conflict in the book was sooo lame, drawn out and again predictable. Like I've said I loved all the books up to this but I think I'm done with this series.
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