The Ghost (The Highland Guard Book 12)

ByMonica McCarty

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book never really came together for me. I love this author, and I love this series, and this book had a great premise, but it just didn't come together. The heroine was immature and inconsistent. The hero was two-dimensional - handsome and knightly - but not compelling. They didn't have much chemistry together. The storyline was great, but because the leads weren't emotionally engaging, it read flat. I do sincerely hope that the author will launch a new series. I would very much look forward to it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is sadly the last book in the Highland Guard series but what a way to end this remarkable look at what is an important piece of history. This author has researched and given her own romantic slant to actual events and in doing so has brought to life such fantastical characters. Now with this book everything converges until this reader feels like I've been along on this journey and we finally get to what's arguably the most important battle in Scottish history, the famed Battle of Bannockburn!
Yet I'm getting slightly ahead of myself and must admit I've often wondered what became of the daughter of Bella MacDuff who played such a large part in the fourth book Viper. Now we see first hand that Joan has grown up with hate in her heart and a fierce need to set the rightful King on Scotland's throne. Called the Ghost Joan seduces information out of besotted English suitors but there's one who she really needs to keep a much closer eye on.
Once Alex Seton was a member of Robert the Bruce's most trusted and secret Highland Guard but he sought a more peaceful ending to the conflict and returned to England to help those he previously considered the enemy. Now considered a traitor by the Scots and distrusted by his English allies he fervently hopes to discover just who is the spy amidst them. Yet increasingly Joan infuriates him with her coquettish ways, flirting outrageously but try as he might Alex cannot want but to try to protect her. As Joan grows more determined to get intel for Bruce she's in danger from the very man who just might have stolen her heart!
This author writes such passionate romance stories. Such a rush as we watch her characters fight, squirm and ultimately fall deeply in love. Each book seems to have an intensity about it that plunges the reader headlong into the action. The fact that so much is based on actual characters and events is mind boggling. I love the interpretation, the twists and turns and its brought so much history to life. If you enjoy romance whether historical or not then this series is a must read and I cannot praise it highly enough. As for the epilogue it's everything this reader wanted and more besides. A sincere thank you Ms McCarty for this wonderful journey
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica carew kraft
As Monica McCarty's long running and popular Highland Guard series comes to its conclusion with book twelve, The Ghost, you cannot help but be awed by what a monumental achievement this author has accomplished. Every work in this series was complicated, detailed and impressive in its scope, The Ghost was no exception. With well developed characters all around Ms. McCarty takes her readers on an unforgettable farewell as Scotland gains it's independence and the warriors who helped facilitate it take their last bow. It makes sense that the most idealistic of the team Alex Seton is paired with the most determined of the team Joan Comyn as the two most enigmatic and misunderstood guard members secrets come to light as they surrender to their attraction. Equally devoted to their beliefs sparks fly as the hero and heroine battle inner conflicts and misconceptions. With the fabulous literary styling her readers have come to expect from Monica McCarty The Ghost completes her Highland Guard series on a bittersweet high note and confirms this series as one of the best to be found in Historical Romance.
*I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.*
*While part of a series this book can be read as a stand alone.*
A Scottish Wolf Shifter Romance - Highland Wolf Pact :: The Hawk: A Highland Guard Novel :: A Highland Guard Novel (The Highland Guard Book 8) :: A Medieval Romance (Swordcross Knights Book 1) - Honor & Roses :: Highland Brides (Highlander Book 1) - An English Bride in Scotland
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael havens
When she witnessed the inhumane treatment of her mother at the hands of the English, Joan Comyn silently vowed her allegiance to the king of Scotland. As soon as she was old enough, she used her wiles to extract vital information from powerful men and delivered it to Robert Bruce and his Highland Guard. She became known only to them as the Ghost, her identity secreted. But she was infamous to all as the effect of her treachery was damaging. Alex Seaton, formerly a member of the Guard before her time, is now working on behalf of King Edward and is committed to squirreling out the spy. However, he's beguiled by Joan and she with him.

This series is ending on the highest note as the story returned to its roots in history. There's high intrigue, suspense and action with the developing romance as more of a backdrop. The war strategies of both sides were shared so I felt like I was part of the adventure. Alex's internal conflict regarding his ill-advised decision to leave the Guard made the story even more interesting as it illustrated the pertinent issues of the period.

I really enjoyed Antony Ferguson's narration as he mastered all of those Scottish names and words I have only guessed at in the past (who knew McKay was pronounced Ma-kīe). His performance was skillful even if the female voices were a little strange as he captured the emotions perfectly for each scene.

I loved this story with the poignant twist of having the final member of the featured Guard be a woman. It has every element that drew me to the series and kept me coming back. I loved the ending and am satisfied with how the series concluded. Very well done. 4.5 stars

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received an ARC for an honest review. The last of the Highland Guard series! I'm glad she wrote about Alex Seton, because I always wondered what happened to him after he left the guard. The H/h were great together and both grew a lot in the story. As always, the historical aspect and the epilogue was interesting. I was so sad that this is the last of the series........but I found out the novella The Rogue is out! At least I can prolong the series for a bit. I'm hoping there is one more to the series, where it's not about just one member but maybe about all of them! I read the whole series as it was published and as a whole it was very enjoyable! My favorite is The Chief and the least favorite(but the one I was most looking forward to) is Arrow( bc of the heroine). Back to the Ghost, there were times when the heroine was too deceptive for Alex. But I can understand esp due to her history. I just felt she should have trusted him more and not been so rigid and pushing her way of thinking. This book was definitely the most suspenseful of the series.....I kept waiting for one or both of them to be accused a traitor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neil white
The Ghost by Monica McCarty is a 2016 Pocket Books publication.

I have had this book for a little while, but I’ve put off reading it because it is the final book in the “Highland Guard’ series, and I really hate to see this series end.

This twelfth installment features Joan Cromyn, a spy for the Scots, living in England with her cousins after she is stripped of her inheritance. She does her job so well, she had been dubbed, “The Ghost.”

Alex Seton was once in the guard, loyal to Bruce, but the war has dragged on for so long, he lost faith, believing that unless he could convince the English to work on a truce, the war would never end. To that end, Alex switches sides, hoping to find a way to end the war.

He has been commissioned to flush out the ‘The Ghost’, but he never anticipated running into Joan, Bella MacDuff’s beautiful daughter. He is shocked at how he reacts to Joan, but of course the couple can never have a life together, because her step-father would never allow her to marry a traitor. Can Joan convince Alex to rejoin ‘The Guard’, and fight once more for his own country?

Alex is perhaps the gentlest member of ‘The Guard’, and melted my heart. He is known for his gallantry and is teasingly referred to as “Sir Galahad”. What he tries to do here is something that has happened in all wars, when weariness settles in and no solution seems forthcoming. However, the English are just as mulish and he soon finds his heart and loyalties are torn more than ever before.

Joan, is an outstanding spy, and her boldness has only grown over time. But, it’s possible she is being watched and could be in grave danger. But, falling in love with Alex was never her intention, and it certainly complicates matters for her. What will Alex think if he ever discovers the truth?

I really enjoyed this last installment as it has a sentimental tone to it. The story highlights the strain and long term agony of war, and the toll it takes, but was also one of the most romantic and sensual stories of the series. I think Joan helped Alex find his way back, and Alex proved to Joan that there really are good, honorable men in this world.

I will really will miss this series. It is one of the very few that actually incorporated authentic historical detail, proving that historical accuracy enhances the romantic elements, and paints a realistic depiction of medieval days, the harshness of war, the grand love affairs, and the intense passions of the Scottish people.

Overall, the series closes on a high note with a special happily ever after.

This book was provided to me by the publisher and Edelweiss. This has no bearing on my opinion. I was under NO obligation to post a review on the store. This review is in compliance with FTC rules and the store's TOS
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdul manan
Originally posted on Smitten by Books Reviews

4.5 Stars - Top Pick

I think I have to preface this review by saying I’m not a big fan of medieval/Scottish romances. That said, I’ve made exceptions for Kris Kennedy and Margaret Mallory. I absolutely love their stuff.

I read The Ghost coming off my first Outlander bingeing weekend. Jamie Fraser. That should explain everything. After being introduced (reintroduced really) into a time period before 19th century England and the Scotland Highlands, I was super ready for more.

From the beginning, I was hooked. I completed it in the span of 24 hours. I read it in between my own writing and until I fell asleep last night. Then I woke up early to continue reading. You get the idea.

The Ghost is the 12th book in McCarty’s Highland Guard series. This was the first one I’ve read, though definitely not the last. So I was coming blind into a well-established series with characters series readers are familiar with. But don’t let that stop you because Joan and Alex’s romance easily stands alone.

Alex Seton is a great hero. He’s truly the knight in shining armor; knight by title and chivalrous by nature. He was once one of the Highland Guards until a near-tragic incident made him switch to fight on the side of their enemy, the English and King Edward. Actually, his reasons were less straightforward than I make it sound. I’ll just say his heart was in the right place. Call it idealism and naivety. That’s the way I saw it.

Joan Comyn is the daughter of the heroine, Bella MacDuff from The Viper. Her mother’s imprisonment shaped the woman she’s become. After being stripped of her legitimacy and inheritance, she now serves as companion to her cousin. She’s also a member of the Highland Guard and the spy named Ghost. Joan is beautiful (distractingly so) but cunning, resilient and shameless (in a good way). She has to be given what she has to do. She’s also been linked to many men and has gotten quite the reputation. But is she really the seductress most believe her to be? Hint: Not so much, though she isn’t a shrinking virgin.

I enjoyed all those qualities about her. Did I think she took risks that made me squirm? As in, No Joan, don’t go in there--and certainly not with him? Yep, that does happen. But she’s a spy and how else is she supposed to get information from the men who hold the information she needs?

I love that the attraction between her and Alex is explosive and immediate. It gets even better when things kind of fall apart immediately when he learns about her reputation. Fighting the attraction is a good thing, especially on the part of the hero. And Alex fights it. This is Bella’s daughter, a woman he cares for deeply. He can’t be attracted to her. And Joan quickly realizes who Alex is. A traitor. A man who turned his back on the Highland Guards and his country.

As you can tell by now, the conflict here is great. So much push and pull. So much denying and eventually succumbing. And it’s just the right amount to keep you reading even when you should have been asleep hours ago.

I will say this, there are a lot of characters’ names and relationships it took me a fair amount of time to grasp. And sometimes I had to go back to figure out who was on whose side. But it wasn’t a big deal at all. Kept me on my toes and involved.

The other reason I so enjoyed this book was because while there was intrigue and suspense, there weren’t any gory fighting scenes. When I was watching Outlander, I fast forwarded through those. In a book, I pretty much skip them. If you’re okay about hearing about the suffering that occurred after the fact, and written with a certain amount of distance, this is the book for you.

You’ll meet with many of the characters from prior books. Lots of children and, of course, happy marriages. Throughout the book I was always wondering about Joan’s relationship with her mother. Kind of broke my heart that Joan didn’t choose to go and live with her mother and her stepfather Lachlan.

McCarty does a great job pacing the story. I felt it took the right amount of time for Alex and Joan to fall in love and get together, and were together the right amount of time before disaster strikes, and then when their relationship goes through its greatest test. I especially loved their journey—what they learn about themselves. Poignant stuff.

All in all, a great book. It’s a good thing there’s a nice long backlist for this series. I have a lot of catching up to do.

~ Beverley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It’s a journey six years into the making. With the release of The Chief, book 1 of the Highland Guard series, my favorite historical romance of all time, back in March 2010, Ms. McCarty started us on a literary journey filled with intrigue, claymore yielding handsome heroes, realistic historical drama, and heart melting romances. Having enjoyed all these memorable, engaging Scottish romantic tales, I for one am verra, verra sad to see it come to an end.

Leave it to Ms. McCarty to add a unique, welcome twist in her final full installment, The Ghost. You see, there is much more to Joan Comyn, our beautiful feisty heroine, than meets the eye. In fact, she has been the eyes and ears for Robert, The Bruce, for quite some time. Nestled within English society and walking amidst knights and nobles, Joan uses her training from the Highland Guard and her womanly wiles to secure any/all information she can to help retaliate against the English throne that cruelly tortured her mother. Nothing will stand in the way of this bonny Scottish lass and her revenge.

Alex Seton is equally determined to accomplishing his task, as well. His goal is to bring the war’s senseless death, destruction and mayhem to an end. A handsome, Scottish born English knight, who once was a member of the Highland Guard but left disillusioned by their tactical fighting methods, he finds himself equally dismayed by the sheer stupidity, stubborn, arrogant English rulers who won’t listen to any voice of reason that could lead to peace. He finds himself once again questioning which side he really should be one. It doesn’t help he often feels pangs of guilt over leaving The Guard two years ago. This good guy hero doesn’t particularly care which side wins, only that the carnage stops.

**spoilers possible**

As if a gorgeous, alpha protective, compassionate knight isn’t enough to make you swoon, wait until mid-way through, my true romantic at heart friends. This is no womanizing manho. He doesn’t just talk the talk about respecting women, he takes it to a level seldom seen in this genre. In his own words: ”The next time he made love to a woman she would be his wife. It wouldn’t be one night of passion and lust without promises, it would be making love with vows and a future.” You see, after his older brother talked him into one brief intimate act with a woman as a teenager he was so repulsed by the very idea men would use woman for sex without an emotional connection he actually threw up afterwards. From then on, he saved himself for marriage.

When Joan finds herself having to go further out on the proverbial limb to secure information, she puts herself and her reputation in serious danger. I must admit I felt her repulsion of every unwelcome kiss and groping she endured to get the job done. To the point, I found myself wishing she would just stick to trying to overhear conversations/sneaking in rooms looking for missives, etc. I wasn’t a fan of her flaunting herself/taking such risks trying to seduce details out of the English men. It almost didn’t seem credible considering she was raped when she was 15 by her boyfriend.

With several twists and turns and writing that flowed, this NetGalley reviewer highly recommends you read this book and the entire series, preferably in order. Though each is a stand-alone romantic tale, you will certainly experience more in-depth character development if you do.

P.S. There will be a novella, The Rogue (Book 11.5), which will also be released in 2016. The Ghost is the last “full length” novel.

Title: The Ghost, Series: Highland Guard (Book 12), Author: Monica McCarty, Pages: 416, stand-alone but part of a great series, strong/feisty alpha heroine, some violence, an attempted rape scene, the ultimate good guy Scottish born English knight hero, heroine was raped at age 15.

(This review is based on ARC generously provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion. No compensation was paid to the reviewer nor is there any affiliation between the reviewer and author/publisher.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline choi
An undercover warrior and her sworn enemy play a seductive game of cat-and-mouse in New York Times bestselling author Monica McCarty’s sexy new Highland Guard novel.

Joan Comyn swore allegiance to Robert the Bruce the day she witnessed England’s barbarous king torturing her famous mother, Scot patriot Bella MacDuff. Now the mysterious beauty slips into men’s hearts like a specter and entices England’s most illustrious barons to unwittingly divulge their secrets, then shares them with her king. Known only as the Ghost even among her Highland Guard brethren, Joan has become the most wanted traitor in England.

The man determined to uncover her identity poses her biggest threat yet. Alex Seton once stood with Bruce but now fights for the enemy. Though Joan knows she must avoid the handsome warrior or risk discovery, his knightly chivalry touches a place in her long since buried. When his suspicions grow apparent, Joan realizes she must do everything in her power to stop Alex from revealing her mission and convince the powerful fighter to join forces with the Highland Guard once more. But as the ultimate battle in the great war approaches, will Alex choose love or honor?


So, I planned that just right. I came in and read the last book in the series

Having said that, I was not lost at all. The Author did a great job of catching me, the reader up and in my opinion this could totally be a stand alone title. Though now that I have finally read a book in the series my interest is even more piqued and I want to go back and read about all the other Highland Guards. I think not having read all the others before helped me in that I had no preconceived ideas or emotions for this last book in the series.

One of the first things that stuck out for me was that this Author did her homework and really had to have done a ton of research. Everything was so detailed, that I really got a feel for the times and the people. Then at the end of the book she gave all the background on the characters and who they were based on.

Another thing I liked was that the story was full of action and intrigue and that Joan and even her cousin Margaret were the spies, not the men. Making the ladies the spies made the story more interesting for me. I really like strong, smart, capable women characters. Again, not reading other books in the series I think helped with me liking Alex, having not read about him in the other books made me not come in disliking him. Was he too gallant? Probably, but I liked how he transformed and saw that everything is not black and white, but a lot of colors in between. Joan and Alex together, what a smart couple and the chemistry oozed off the page. Their romance was very exciting and satisfying from beginning to end.

Great book! Now to go back and read the rest :)


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Action, adventure, romance and just enough historical facts to make it interesting but not bog down the story, The Ghost is a bittersweet end to the Highland Guard series.

I was really excited when I learned this final installment would feature Alex Seaton and Joan Comyn, two characters who've played small, albeit important roles in the previous books. Both are stubborn, strong-willed, and set in their beliefs. Watching their relationship unfold was thoroughly entertaining.

The Epilogue was a nice touch and brings the series, and it's characters full circle. However, and this is a little spoilery so proceed with caution, [ the lack of closure between Joan and Bella was a big disappointment for me. I didn't expect them to be close, but I was anticipating to see some kind of reconciliation or relationship between mother and daughter. Joan and Lachlan have fostered a really close relationship---she calls him Father--and it seemed odd to me that she would have no contact with her mother. The Epilogue mentions the two women being in the same room together but that isn't the same. (hide spoiler)]

As with the previous books, Monica McCarty includes an Author's Note in which she shares what is fact and what was fictionalized for the sake of the story. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when she met the "real" Alex Seton.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Ghost (Highland Guard #12)
by Monica McCarty
The final book of the Highland Guard series, with the epilog giving introduction to each of the characters in the previous books, explaining briefly the stories, and situations covered in the previous 11 books.
The ghost has given much for the cause. The placement within the English stronghold has been fruitful. The information has saved lives provided intelligence that helped the cause of the Scottish freedom. The invaluable resource of insider information has shave the Bruce’s life and that of his men over and over. But the Ghost is being hunted by the English.
The Dragon was disillusioned with war... which caused him to change sides from the Highland Guard of Scotland to the English army. He was lost... he betrayed his friends in the hopes of saving his people and changing the tide of war. But unfortunately the mounting pressure of all he was trying to do was exploding in his face.The ghost is his solution.. if he only sees passed his ego and pride. The final story shows how an individual can affect the lives of those around them and how it can benefit people as a society.
The love scenes are outstanding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
antoinette maria
A wonderful book in a wonderful series.
I loved the whole book/story. It was a little slow at times, but it was still a great read.
If you have read all or only one book in this series, you should read this one. Each book in the series can be read as a stand alone. However, reading all of them is beneficial for truly knowing the characters.
Joan, knows her role as a spy is dangerous, but she never guessed how dangerous it truly was. With Alex around, Joan realizes not all men all jerks, some are still noble. But Alex is dangerous to Joan in more than one way.
Alex is given the mission to find the spy, yet no one thought that it could be a lady. Did anyone think that it could be more than one spy? I mean the information given could have come from more than one source.
I loved Joan and Alex together, they fit perfectly!
* I have not read all the books in the series but they are all on my TBR list and I am really looking forward to getting them all.

*I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
All the features that have made the Highland Guard series truly compelling are in the twelfth and final installment. THE GHOST repeatedly takes actual people plus historical occurrences to make every single moment come across as absolutely riveting. Monica McCarty cleverly interweaves fictional scenarios with genuine events to create circumstances which are constantly conceivable. I often looked up a battle or a certain individual, and I was amazed at how accurately the story followed historical facts. Any instances where the author only imagined an incident never seemed made-up, as I always felt as though these moments might have also taken place as depicted. Monica McCarty ends her Highland Guard series with a remarkably original romantic story.

When Joan Comyn was only twelve-years-old, the horrific actions of the English king toward her mother changed the path her life would take. She vowed to make certain Robert the Bruce became the Scottish king and to get the English out of her homeland. Now that she is a grown woman, her femininity is a valuable asset she uses against her enemy. Pretending to be infatuated with different Englishman has allowed Joan to attain crucial information which is passed along to her Scottish comrades. Her identity has been kept secret, and this mysterious spy is known as the Ghost.

It was the goal to see England and Scotland at peace with each other that caused Alex Seton to start fighting with the country where he was born instead of the one in which he was raised. But he knows the Highland Guard warriors with whom he was once a part will always see him as being disloyal, not trying to make a difference. When Alex and Joan happen to meet while he and other Englishmen work out strategies for upcoming battles with the Scots, she needs to learn of their plans yet must not let the observant knight discover her intentions. Passing along secrets is always her top priority, so giving in to growing desire for Alex must never occur.

Monica McCarty puts meticulous effort into making every character exceedingly realistic. I though Alex and Joan were particularly true-to-life, as I never questioned any of their reactions or what they said. When they are happy, the moment is filled with palpable joy. But if fear or anger is the main emotion in a scene, then the sentiment is expressed with much intensity. Joan is caught in a situation where the truth could condemn her, and my worry over what would happen keep mounting with each new lie. She is extremely brave more than once, and I could not keep from fretting over how the circumstances would turn out. There are so many words I could use when referring to Alex, but the two that stand out are honorable and respectful. He is definitely a noble knight. Their relationship has one challenge after another, and I often could not see a possible way for them to work out their differences.

There are so many intriguing incidents in THE GHOST. Sometimes there is a twist I did not see coming, while other scenes are packed with so much emotion that I almost could not breathe until everything played out. With this being the final book in the series, the author brilliantly took her Highland Guard warriors through many ups and downs as feelings were explored and choices had to be made. I can only hope whatever Monica McCarty comes up with next will be just as entertaining. THE GHOST is an outstanding novel of inventiveness and profound emotion.

Received copy from publisher for Always Reviewing blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kanissa saragih
I have followed this series from the start. It is well written and I loved the mini history lesson in the author notes. This was the last book in the series and I hate to see it end. She brought all the characters to life the fictional ones as well as the known historical ones. The story brought the last two characters together and the deciding battle between England and Scotland. The epilogue was the hardest to read because I had followed the history along with the story and I felt as though I was mourning a friend. If you love Scottish history then read this series. I recommend that you read the series in order because you will miss out on the characters story throughout the series. Highly recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen healey
Final book in the Highland Guard series. While this book could stand alone, I feel a reader would be much better served reading the entire Highland Guard series to follow the progression and historical action. There are also two ebook novellas to the 12 book series that are a worthy read as well. As the final book, it brings us to the end of Robert the Bruce's quest for the crown. This is the story between the traitor, Alex Seton, and (Joan Comyn) the daughter of one of Scotland's heroines: Bella McDuff who is spying for Robert in England. The twist: Alex is charged with finding the spy all on the eve of Bannockburn, the focal battle of the Scottish War of Independence.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I definitely enjoyed this book. This is the first book I have ever read by Monica McCarty and apparently it is the last one in a good size series which means I have a backlist to find!! Very excited about that.

I enjoyed the relationship between Alex and Joan throughout the novel, their snipping at each other was funny and served to keep the mood light in what is essentially a war time novel. I also thought the author did a good job explaining the motivations behind the main character's actions. It is not easy to make a traitor likable, but she managed it.

I did find Alex's return to the Guard a bit abrupt. I felt as though the author was building up to a big scene and it sort of fell flat for me. She also skimmed over the ramifications of Alex's betrayal of the English crown, for example: did he loose his lands in England over this?? But that is my one complaint for the entire novel so it's a keeper in my estimation!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a exciting, attention keeping, all emotions evolved story. I have loved this series from book one and each one just kept getting better than the last so this one does not disappoint. Joan is the best type of person to read about. The authors writing really brings you into the story and you can feel everything around you. Makes me want to read the series all over again from start to finish.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chase steely
Monica has out done herself with the Highland Guard series. It is one of the best series in historical romance EVER! These stories even intrigued my (non loving of romance novels or chick flicks), history buff of a husband! If your looking for a great series or just a fabulous book, you will be thanking me for the suggestion... Happy Reading!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book -- and this entire series. McCarty did an excellent job pulling everything together for a great finish to the series but I am still so sad that there won't be more Highland Guard books. Can't wait to see what her next writing endeavor will be!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Ghost (Highland Guard) by Monica McCarty
Historical Romance -May 31st, 2016
4 stars

The Ghost is part of the author's Highland Guard series. It can be easily read by itself but several characters plots are continued so reading prior books would highly increase the reading pleasure.

The elusive Ghost is a spy for the Scottish against the King of England. As an informant in the mist of the enemy. Bella MacDuff has no reason to love the English. They have stolen her birthright and caused her nothing but misery. But she plays the flirtatious maid and loyal companion to her selfish cousin. As such Bella uses her wiles to find out information on the English movement to save Scottish lives. But in the English court she meets the one man that truly makes her heart race. Alex Seton once stood by the Scottish but later realized that their cause was hopeless. Will he is still loyal to Scotland in his heart he has 'switched' sides in hopes of getting the English King to compromise with the Scottish instead. Now not quite trusted by either side the noble knight is frustrated by his lack of progress. But he is quite distracted by beauteous Bella. He is concerned that her flirtations will lead to trouble but soon finds himself wanting to be one of them! When he discover Bella's true leanings he must make tough decisions. But will they be the right ones?

Bella is impetuous and intelligent a deadly combination at court. She is a true highland lass but her heart has secretly longed for the noble Alex. As she tries to hide her actions she is tortured by the thought that the man she is coming to love does not have the same loyalties as she does. Bella is admirable and cunning but gets in over her head when she plays with a man that is far more seasoned in court politics. Thankfully, Alex is there to rescue her. But Alex is a tortured individual. He believes in Scottish independence but know realistically that is impossible unless there is a change. He has never fit in in either court but his unmatched integrity makes him respected as a knight. Caught between his ideals and reality Alex tries his best to navigate the treacherous waters of nobility. But he finds his honor tested by the sweet Bella. This was an inspiring and sweeping romance. The only issue I had has with Bella. She is is so focused on her goal and allegiance to Scotland that she is unwilling to compromise and understand Alex. I felt frustrated with he my or the highway point of view and wondered if Alex should have to compromise his ethics. As a result, the ending was a little to pat for me. However, most fans will enjoy the happy conclusion I found myself dissatisfied.

This heroic Scottish romance will have fans wishing for more.

Reviewed by Steph from Bookaholics Romance Book Club
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie rose
I loved this entire series. Great premise. I hate to see it end. The only reason I'm giving this four stars instead of five is because I just wasn't as drawn into the characters in this book as much as in several of the others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love all of the novels in this series. Monica McCarty is one of my favorite authors because her books never disappoint. If you are into historical romances, I highly suggest any one of her books. This was sad for me though because it is an end to my favorite series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam butterworth
Loved reading all of the Highland Guard stories!! It's hard to pick which one you liked! Monica McCarty is an excellent author! The main point in this review is that if you haven't read these books start with The Chief.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wonderful ending to a great series! "The Ghost" had it all in the Highland Guard finale. With the writing of book 12, and the amount of background and consistency with the telling of great characters, it was again like peeking into the past with a love story and hardships. I was so happy to see Alex Seton have a great reunion with the Guard and his own HEA with Joan Comyn. Monica McCarty is a wonderful storyteller, and I am in awe of the amount of work she must put in to bring such rich stories to life. Although each book can be read alone with its own conclusion, I would have not have wanted to miss the storytelling of this time in history. If you love great historical romance with accurate storytelling, then I highly recommend you read "The Ghost". I look forward to going back and reading this series again. I would like to say Thank You to NetGalley and Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books for gifting me with an ARC of "The Ghost" and asking for my honest opinion. My review and opinion is my own. 5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy price
The last book in the series (crying hysterically) is greatly anticipated; it focuses on Alex "Dragon" Seton and Joan "Ghost" Comyn. The ghost was the silent member of the Highland Guard that we didn't know the true identity of (for sure), though there were hints. Alex left the guard two years ago, fed up with how the war was going and how it was being waged. He wanted to make a difference, to try and end the war. Where this book picks up is two years after his defection and instead of being the "Englishman" in the group he is now the "Scot" in the group- he can't win in that sense. He is also coming to realize that his goal of ending the war isn't going as he hoped it would and is regretting his decision to leave.

Joan is getting more and more bold in her attempts to extract the necessary information Bruce needs to win the war. When she sees Alex she knows who he is and he also recognizes her, but they play it off as "oh, I remember seeing you...". They are attracted to each other, but she doesn't trust him and knows what he did two years ago, so she sees him as a traitor and as the last person she should get close to. He is drawn to her but when he finds out about her reputation he is disappointed in her and tries to forget her, but can't. He tries to play the knight in shining armor and protector of her. She doesn't want or need his protection. Plots become complicated; he is charged with finding the spy, and she has to use him to get valuable information (though she doesn't want to by that point, because she is acknowledging to herself that she is attracted to him).

Without giving any spoilers away, this book was delicious and enjoyable and their love affair had most of the characteristics we expect and want in a Monica McCarty romance. The intense emotional turmoil wasn't as intense in this one as in others. He doesn't betray her or condemn her (not really), though he does disappoint her and he still leaves (for a time). In the end there is an epic final battle against Bruce's forces and Edward II's forces, and the love story has its happy ending (you will just have to wait to find out how when you read). Questions are answered about whether Alex will be brought back into the fold or stick to his knightly moral code and remain with the English forces. What happens after the war with each couple was beautifully done and everything ends wonderfully.

I don't want the series to end and would love to have a spin off series with all of the kids and the next chapter of English/Scottish history. This was a very enjoyable read and I am so excited that I got to read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have followed the author from the beginning and am sad to see it ending but the book was well written and heartfelt. I loved the History and the Romance. Her heros are so yummy you want to keep reading to see what happens to them afterword. I wish she would write sequels to all of the books!
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