A Highland Guard Novel (The Highland Guard Book 8)

ByMonica McCarty

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa conway
This was a terrific story of love between two people from opposite sides of a terrible war. The H, Robbie was a strong masculine character whose fatal flaw was his incessant desire for revenge. The h, Lady Roslyn, known for her beauty throughout England, is not only beautiful, but virtuous. Robbie must choose between revenge and love.
I couldn't put it down.
I also really enjoyed the author's notes at the end that explain further the historical facts of the time. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction, especially related to Scottish / English history. Terrific!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristy cross
Really good romance series. Well written and not cheesy. It doesn't have any real surprises, but that's not what I look for in a romance novel. Perfect for sitting but the fire or a rainy afternoon and relaxing. Brain candy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read The Knight prior to The Raider and although not necessary so glad I did. I have enjoyed all of Monica McCarty's books, and Raider is no exception. Really emotional. I appreciated a non superwoman lead who really was struggling with both sides of the war. I love the history and would highly recommend it.
A Medieval Romance (Swordcross Knights Book 1) - Honor & Roses :: A Highland Guard Novel (The Highland Guard Book 1) :: The Arrow: A Highland Guard Novel :: The Queen and the Cure (The Bird and the Sword Chronicles Book 2) :: The Hawk: A Highland Guard Novel
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha quinn
This was my favorite book by Monica McCarty so far. I loved the story line and the telling of two people who were meant for each other. Robert The Raider Boyd hated all English. He was captured by them and was treated as an animal. He was stronger, taller and most fierce in his actions to the English solders when trying to help a friend. When he is scheduled to be executed a lonely young woman name of Lady Rosalin Clifford helps him escape. She thinks her brother is wrong for wanting to kill this man. Then years later they meet and the sparks begin to grow hotter with each kiss they share. Can love keep keep them together or will fate take away their happiness? Please read this book you will not be disappointed. Thanks Net Galley for letting me read this excellent love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

The Raider by Monica McCarty
Book Eight of the Highland Guard series
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publication Date: February 25, 2014
Rating: 4 stars
Source: Ecopy from NetGalley

***Warning: this is an adult book, and for the eyes of mature readers***

Summary (from Goodreads):

After consolidating his gains against the enemy English, King Robert the Bruce of Scotland sends his best soldiers to fortify the lawless borders. These legendary warriors of the Highland Guard let nothing come before king and country--except the calling of their heart.

Of all Bruce's elite warriors, Robert "Raider" Boyd is the most formidable. A true patriot whose bare hands are a deadly weapon, Robbie is the fierce enforcer of the Guard, and his hatred of the English has been honed to a razor-sharp edge. But vengeance proves bittersweet when his enemy's beautiful sister falls into his hands and he finds himself fighting temptation--a battle he badly wants to lose.

Lady Rosalin Clifford barely recognizes the rebel prisoner she saved from execution six years ago. Though her girlish ideals for fairness have matured into a passion for justice, Rosalin believes she betrayed her brother when she helped this dangerous man escape. Now her traitorous act has come back to haunt her. But she can't deny the longing this tormented warrior ignites in her, or deny the passion that turns sworn enemies into lovers. Is the gentle love of a true English Rose enough to free Scotland's most brutal warrior from a path of vengeance--before it's too late?

What I Liked:

Ooo, this book! I liked it a lot! It was just about the time for me to read a really good historical romance, and this book came through for me. I've only read the seventh book and this book in the series, so there are six books that I have to read, and of course, the future ones. Each book features one of the Highland Guard warriors, and I *believe* they are all Bruce's phantoms.

This book features Robbie "The Raider", and Rosalin. Six years ago, Robbie and several other Scots were captured by Clifford, Rosalin's older brother. Rosalin, being sixteen and totally crushing on Robbie, frees Robbie and his other comrades. He vows to pay her back someday.

Fast forward six years later. Robbie is sweeping through a fair, which Rosalin and her nephew attend. Both are taken by the Guard. Rosalin recognizes Robbie, but he does not recognize her. When she reminds him of what she did, Robbie is tormented: follow his duty, and keep her and the boy as captives, or follow his word, and let them go? In the end, Rosalin goes nowhere.

This allows the relationship between Rosalin and Robbie to grow. Both already had residual feelings for each other, but this gets serious really quickly. The chemistry between these two is fiery, and while both of them do a pretty good job of restraining themselves (especially Robbie, because he knows she's a captive), when things happen, they happen.

Nevertheless, I like the progression of their relationship. I liked watching Robbie and Rosalin fall in lust and love. They have hot chemistry, but they also have a really nice understanding of each other. In the end, both of them fought for each other, and both of them had to concede something to be together. Neither had it easy, but I liked how things ended.

I love the history that this novel brings about. McCarty really does her research with this series. I love reading about the Highland Guard, with all the strange Scottish names and places and language. The warriors are beautifully written, with their sense of honor and their brutal fierceness. Everything is portrayed with a good deal of accuracy, but also with a thread of modernism to keep things interesting.

Basically, I really liked this book. I really like this series. Each book features a different Guard, and I think it's cool to see each Guard reappear in each successive book. It makes me curious about the Guards who are single after every novel - hopefully, they'll get their own books!

What I Did Not Like:

I don't think there was anything specific that I didn't like about this novel. This book is long. That's not a bad thing, but sometimes, you just have to power through it. But otherwise, eh. It was great!

Would I Recommend It:

I would honestly recommend any of the Highland Guard books! I've only read book seven and this one, book eight, but I am quite sure that all of them are fantastic. If you're a romance novel lover, or a historical romance novel lover, this book (and series) is a good one!


4 stars. I really should go back and read the other six books of this series that I have not yet read. McCarty knows her Scotland history and a good romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marwa hamed
I never thought that a series could just keep getting better and better, and every time I think I have a favorite Highland Guard Novel, Monica McCarty comes out with a the next book in the series to have me fall in love all over again for these "jumping-out-of-the-page heroes."

Lady Rosalin Clifford could not allow her brother, Robert the First Baron de Clifford, and one of King Edward's most esteemed knights to execute his newly captured prisoners, even though one of them includes the "Devil's Enforcer," Robbie Boyd- a.k.a. Raider in Robert Bruce's Highland Guard Phantom of Warriors, because it was just plain wrong; after all, these men were supposed to have come only to parley under a truce, but were ambushed by the English army instead. She finds her opportunity to free Robbie one night while he is being held in the pit prison of darkness for bad behavior and before his timely escape, he manages to steal a kiss from the very young girl covered in a heavy cloak. He is very grateful and goes throughout the years looking for his guardian angel, but little does he know that she is of nobility and simply not just a mere servant or fellow Scottish prisoner. It is six years later that the two meet again as Robbie needs silver to refill Bruce's coffers and acquire the much needed grain to feed the army when he sets his raiding plan into motion at a village fair. Once he captures Rosalin and her nephew, he doesn't recognize her at first but he is taken aback by her great beauty. Robbie fights his deep attraction for Rosalin, but it is only a matter of time that he deeply falls in love with her. She is not only very beautiful, but has great compassion and empathy towards everyone she meets, no matter what side of the war people are on. But, Robbie's fated love will not be an easy one, because this fair maiden indeed is his guardian angel is the very same girl who set him free from that dark pit prison so long ago is also his worst enemy's sister.

Robbie is described as immensely chiseled, rough and gruff as well as the rest of the Highland Guard protagonists have been, with the exception that he holds deeply embedded hatred for everything English since his family suffered terribly at the hands of King Edward, "Hammer of the Scots" and his son King Edward II. Robbie participated in every battle against the English alongside William Wallace, his village was plummeted, pillaged and the women raped- including his sister Marian who could not live with such a horrible tragedy and ended her life by committing suicide. These tragedies hardened Robbie and rightfully earned him the infamous title of "The Devil's Enforcer."

I loved this hero- he was true to his convictions- never swaying, and not even for a pretty lass for that matter. Robbie never falters and keeps his missions as his single force, although Rosalin tends to test his resolve at every turn. He loved passionately and remained loyal and true throughout the entire story. I loved his "frenemy" relationship with English born Highland Guard Alex "Dragon" Seton. Alex was Robbie's "Jiminy Cricket "and was the only one to go head to head with Robbie, even if that meant beating each other up to a pulp. Rosalin was no fragile and gentile woman, in spite of her very sheltered and secluded upbringing. She had a good mix of innocence, with a very mild naiveté, but she held her own very well. She was not flat or boring, but funny at times. She was a bit too rebellious and would take advantage of her only brother and his authority, but I guess this would be acceptable given the great age difference between the two siblings. She was classy and sharp at the same time. I loved how she would mess with Robbie's head in order to pull his tight strings, and with his bad temper, he was easily goaded in. But what I loved most about Rosalin was her very caring heart no matter how bad the evidence looked for anyone. She followed her heart and defended people's character. She never gave up on Robbie and was definitely paired brilliantly with this hero.

I look forward to reading the next installment of the Highland Guard Series, "The Arrow" just to see what kind of woman will bring this "pretty boy" to heel, but in The Raider we were kind of left hanging with Alex "Dragon" Seton, so I had hoped that his would be the next book in the installment. I hope that we will get to read Alex's story because he left us a bit disappointed and with some pretty unfinished business if you ask me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Originally posted at The Book Nympho

About this Highland Guard
Robbie Boyd, aka Raider, is skilled in physical strength and hand-to-hand combat. No one's been able to best him in many years. He was friends with William Wallace when they were kids and he's now Robert the Bruce's authority on the borders. His most hated adversary is Englishman Robert, Baron de Clifford.

The conflict
Six years ago, Clifford had Robbie imprisoned and he faced certain death. His younger sister, Rosalin, was fascinated by the young warrior and secretly helped release him. Now, by pure chance, she was inadvertently abducted by him and she's desperately trying to find the nobility she once saw in the now war-hardened man who is driven by vengeance. Robbie's never forgotten her and both are struggling to avoid an ill-fated romance while he holds her hostage and bargains for her release with her brother on behalf of Bruce.

The heart of the story
Rosalin is the ideal heroine. She's appropriate for the era but has just enough backbone and wits to make things interesting. Robbie is brash, fearsome and completely undone by this Englishwoman. She rounded his sharp edges and worked hard to revive that honorable and idealistic young man she discovered six years ago. Robbie is an utterly formidable Highland Guard and kept things really exciting with his struggles of conscience and desire for retribution. The historical accuracy continues to fascinate me (I tend to Google certain details as I read along).

The bottom line
Another hit in this Highland Guard series. As much as I lusted after Robbie, Rosalin is who makes this story interesting. She's clever and knows how to handle both Robbie and her brother. There are lots of tense moments and the romance is really well done. Wrap all this around an important time in Scottish and English history and you have another fine story in this exceptional series. 4.5 stars

(I received an ARC from NetGalley)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Raider by Monica McCarty is a 2014 Ballantine Books publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

As a teenage girl, Lady Rosalin Clifford freed Robert Boyd and saved him from execution. Now six years later, her lofty ideals and prinicples are being put to the test. Rosalin and her nephew have been taken hostage by Boyd the infamous "Raider". Rosalin recognizes him at once, but Boyd is a little slow to catch on. Once he realizes that the sweet angel that freed him six years ago is a Clifford, he can't comprehend it. Boyd HATES the English with a passion. Having Rosalin and her nephew as hostages couldn't be better. That is until he finds he is beginning to care for Rosalin.
Rosalin spent the past six years feeling guilty about freeing Boyd. She thought she saw something in him that was honorable and of course her romantic inclinations at that age also played a role. Now, Rosalin is sadded to see that the man she freed has changed. He fights only out of bitterness and hatred. He has forgotten the reasons behind this war and has lost perspective. While Rosalin, who is bethrothed, finds that after six years her feelings for Boyd haven't wavered, she is ready to throw away all she has ever known for the love of this one man.
Boyd, however, continues to struggle with the fact that Rosalin is English, that he hates her brother, and that she makes him feel something he has never felt before. As a result he is at once romantic, passisonate, and a stubborn jerk that only thinks of himself and his situation without once considering what Rosalin is prepared to do on his behalf.
Ultimately, a show down will force The Raider to make a decision between this war and the lady he loves.
Rosalin is a strong willed and principled woman with a clear set of values she tries to stick to. She doesn't understand all the politics of war, and of course she has been protected from the ugliness of battle until she finds herself kidnapped and at the mercy of this rather brutish group of people. Rosalin will learn first hand the horrors of battle as she sees things from Robert's point of view. She will fight against the physical violence she sees perpetrated against the women she is encamped with, and she will show Robert what true unconditional love is really about.
Boyd has held onto his hate for so long he doesn't know how to feel anything else. It consumes every part of his life until he finds himself not only in a battle against the English but a battle within his own self when a new unsettling feeling begins to grow in his heart. These feelings will come between him and his long time comrades and force him to reevaluate everything he has known for most of his life. This is not an easy thing for this hardened warrior. When he stands to lose the woman he loves it will be Robert's turn to decide on what side he will stand on- his pride or true love. Which one will he chose?
A wonderful Scottish romance featuring characters taken from the pages of true history. Monica McCarty is always coming up with great stories and romances that have authenticity, humor, steamy romance against the backdrop of the Scottish Highlands. It's a combination that is hard to resist. This is another wonderful outing for Ms. McCarty. Overall this one is an A.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This installment of the Highland Guard series tells the story of Robbie Boyd, a fervent Scottish patriot, and the lady he comes to love, Rosalin Clifford, an Englishwoman. That alone sets up quite a conflict for a romance novel. What I like about this author’s novels, however, is that the storylines include many complexities and details that really pull the reader into the novel. For example, Boyd’s relationship with fellow guardsman Alex Seton gives insight into Boyd’s character. Robbie is not always a nice man, he is far from perfect, but the reader is provided enough information to understand why he acts as he does, even if some of his decisions are unwise. Lady Rosalin is a great pairing for Robbie’s gruffness. She is sweet and caring, but just as strong as Boyd is in her convictions.

I highly recommend this novel. The writing is excellent with vivid descriptions, a good plotline, and interesting characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nora white
The Raider.........Monica McCarty. Four Stars

As always Ms. McCarty weaves history, action and romance seamlessly in her latest Highland Guard novel.

Robbie Boyd, known as The Raider is infamous for his hatred of the English, and love for his people and King. He has been chasing his worst enemy for six years, and would not rest until Sir Robert Clifford, and his army were out of Scotland for good. Years ago, he had been captured when Sir Clifford had ignored a truce, and trapped he and his men. He was in the castles pit prison waiting for execution when a very young girl bravely helped them escape, and he promised he would repay her kindness and bravery if they should ever meet again.

Rosalin Clifford, sister of Sir Robert is that young girl, now a woman. She is staying with her brother and his family, although Clifford feels she would be much safer in England. It is very difficult to ignore Rosalin's wishes. Taking Roger, her oldest nephew with her, escorted by soldiers from the castle, they ride to the local village for their market day. She hopes for a distraction from the cold castle walls. After a loud commotion, and the word they were being attacked, a group of Scottish rebels grabbed her nephew, and she jumps in and tries to fight them off. They struggle with her, and finally take them both off at a hard gallup. They have been kidnapped. She meets her captor, it is Robbie Boyd, the man she set free years ago from prison. Despite her anger and fear, she feels the sizzling sense of attraction she had felt for him when she was sixteen. Robbie doesn't recognize this beautiful woman, but knows he has a priceless gift, Clifford's son and his aunt. He vows on his honor no harm will come to them, he is just using them for ransom. What he doesn't expect is his growing attraction to this stubborn, sharp tongued woman.

I enjoyed this novel, as I do all Ms. McCarty's works. We confront danger and brutality, and the harsh lives these rebels have lived. Love grows between Robbie and Rosalin despite all the obstacles they must conquer to be together. Rosalin's stubbornness and Robbie's temper do not help. If you enjoy historical romances, this novel is one to try.

I received this novel from the publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.

Pat Fordyce
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
courtney dobbertin
This is the eighth novel in the Highland Guard series by this very talented author . Set in the time of Robert the Bruce we meet a band of men who have come together to fight for their rightfull king and country. Determined to vanquish the usurper English who have repeatedly sought to conquer Scotland these hard men rally around their King to defend and retake Scotland. Feared by all they seek the defeat and retreat of the English once and for all.
In this setting we meet Robbie -the raider- Boyd, a fierce man who has sworn vengeance on all English for the brutal slaying of his family. He has seen first hand the evil deeds some are capable of and wants nothing more than to aid his countrymen in their fight. He managed to escape from capture six years ago when held prisoner by King Edwards commander Robert Clifford . At the time he was aided by a young mysterious girl and has never forgotten her.This harsh and fearsome warrior is sent to fortify the gains that they have made in recent times . Now the Scots seek to push forward into the border country and claim allies and supplies wherever they can.
Lady Rosalin Clifford has recently returned to her brother Robert Clifford's home and although recently betrothed still remembers the Scottish prisoner she once helped. Plagued with regret at her betrayal of her brother and country she never expects to see the noble warrior again but fate has other ideas. Rosalin finds both herself and her nephew Roger captured by Robbie and his men and struggles to reconcile her girlish notions with the reality of this fierce fighter. Robbie is determined to use to his advantage the capture of these valuable captives and struggles not to let his more honourable notions stand in his way. Intrigued by the compassionate beauty and besieged by confusing feelings for her Robbie must nevertheless push forward and seek to claim his revenge . These are dangerous times and Rosalin faces a fearsome ordeal as she struggles against the one thing that might break her, her own treacherous heart!
I loved this book. Ms McCarty has written an amazing story filled with heart. Her descriptions of the surroundings and characters just pull you in and it's such a joy to picture the events. This is a book that's sure to delight lovers of both historical and highland fiction. As for the romance? So hot you will be fanning yourself! A fabulous read and I can't wait for the next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zachary underhill
Six years ago, Lady Rosalin Clifford saved Robert "Raider" Boyd from being executed by her brother. So when he kidnaps her and her nephew during a raid, she tells him he must re-pay the debt by releasing them.

Robert didn't know that it was his enemy's sister that saved him all those years ago, but he can't let her go. He needs her to get a peace treaty signed by the English and stop the bloodshed that is tearing apart his country.

Robert (Robbie) has had a place in Roselin's heart since she saw him acting the gallant warrior while imprisoned. She can't believe that this is the same man that she thought deserved to be free. Six years of war have hardened Robbie and he is no longer the man that he use to be.

Roselin and her nephew try to escape at every opportunity, but as Roselin spends more time with Robert she sees the man under the warrior. She must decide if what she really wants is to go back to the English or fight for the love of a Scottish warrior.

This is the first book that I have read by Monica McCarty and it definitely won't be the last. I usually read series books in order, but didn't have time to read the other 8 before reading this one. I will definitely be going back and reading them now. Even though there were 8 books before this one that I hadn't read, I didn't feel like it took away from the story at all. Several characters and story lines were mentioned, but nothing that had me wishing that I had read the others first.

I loved the faith that Roselin had in her brother even in the face of all the bad things that Robbie had to say about him. Her brother was all that she had left and even if it meant losing Robbie, she did not lose her faith in him. Robbie was the same with his convictions, he would do anything for his country even if it meant losing Roselin.

I don't want to give away too many things, but it was a really great book. I hope to find the time to read the rest of the series very soon!

Thanks go to NetGalley and Ballentine Books for a copy of the book in exchange of an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicholas thompson
I don't read historical romance that often, but when I do it usually has or one or more of three elements: highlanders, medieval era, or paranormal. This book had two of those three. This is the first Monica McCarty book I've read but I don't think it will be the last. Even though this is Book 8 in the series, I didn't feel lost. I could tell some of the other supporting characters had their story told in previous books, and though it would certainly have been nice to have read the series in order and know more about these other characters, it wasn't absolutely necessary to enjoy this book.

As far as the historical aspect of the story goes, I'm not a history buff and I read more for the romance than the history, so don't know (and honestly don't care that much) about the accuracy of historical details. Speaking of the romance, I liked the way it was slow to develop and the characters had to work towards it.

I actually read this book a couple months ago so I've lost a lot of the smaller details but I do remember that overall I liked it. One thing that did disappoint me was the lack of a Scottish brogue in the dialogue. I've always considered that one of the yummy bits of a highlander romance so, yeah... disappointed there. I just had a hard time remembering that Robbie was a highlander and I had to keep reinventing the character in my head. If anything keeps me from going back to start the series from the beginning, it would be that. Outside of that, I enjoyed the story.

(I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Robert “Robbie” Boyd is King Robert the Bruce’s authority in the borders and is warrior name is Raider. His job is to bring the English barons under control no matter what. He is strong, smart, and loyal and hates the English and their treachery and cruelty. While fighting with William Wallace for freedom for Scotland he sees the treachery and he is bent on revenge.

Rosalin Clifford is English. She is kind, compassionate, and loyal and has spunk. She is also courageous and honorable. Her tender heart has gotten her in trouble and made people admire her. She is the sister of Sir Robert Clifford, the man that lied to, and imprisoned Robbie.

They met in the pit prison where Robbie had been placed by Clifford and Rosalin is infatuated and helps Robbie escape. Fast forward 6 years and they are thrown together again during a raid not far from her brother’s strong hole on the border. Rosalin becomes his hostage and they struggle to come to terms with their mutual attraction and deeply divided loyalties. He is awed by Rosalin and the feelings she loosens in him. Robbie’s grand gesture of faith and love had me reaching for tissues- everyone should have a grand gesture in their life! They each learn lessons in trust, jealousy and love. Together they learn that freedom, like love is worth fighting for. The historic tidbits that are peppered throughout the story are brilliantly woven in. When I read this I was not aware that there were other books in this series, but I will be catching up!

I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dena garson
6 years ago Rosalin fell in love with the prisoner of her beloved brother and set him free. Now, years later, they meet again and Robbie wants revenge on her brother. He kidnaps Rosalin as a means for barter. Rosalin knows deep down that Robbie has a good heart and makes it her mission to break down the walls around his heart. Unfortunately, with Rosalin's angry fiancee, along with several mistrusts and misunderstandings, this proves to be quite a challenge. Can she win his love and convince him and her brother that their love for her means more then their hatred for each other?

This book started off pretty good for me, it kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next. That being said, about 75% of the way in, I had to set the book aside for two days, and when I came back to it, I was quite surprised that I needed a refresher on what I had read. Not a good sign for me. From there, I had lost some interest and just wanted to skim.

I did really like Robbie's partner Alex. I almost wished the friendship between him and Rosalin would develop into something more. They seemed to be a more natural fit. What I would have changed was the language. When I read historicals, especially if they involve Scotsmen, I want period appropriate language. I want to hear the Scottis burr or the English accent. Because (I felt) the story lacked in this area, I had a hard time becoming fully immersed. I felt the writing was a bit too modern for my tastes. All in all a good book though, but I doubt I will re-read it.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review The Raider (Highland Guard #8) by Monica McCarty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claire slavovsky
I don't read historical romance that often, but when I do it usually has or one or more of three elements: highlanders, medieval era, or paranormal. This book had two of those three. This is the first Monica McCarty book I've read but I don't think it will be the last. Even though this is Book 8 in the series, I didn't feel lost. I could tell some of the other supporting characters had their story told in previous books, and though it would certainly have been nice to have read the series in order and know more about these other characters, it wasn't absolutely necessary to enjoy this book.

As far as the historical aspect of the story goes, I'm not a history buff and I read more for the romance than the history, so don't know (and honestly don't care that much) about the accuracy of historical details. Speaking of the romance, I liked the way it was slow to develop and the characters had to work towards it.

I actually read this book a couple months ago so I've lost a lot of the smaller details but I do remember that overall I liked it. One thing that did disappoint me was the lack of a Scottish brogue in the dialogue. I've always considered that one of the yummy bits of a highlander romance so, yeah... disappointed there. I just had a hard time remembering that Robbie was a highlander and I had to keep reinventing the character in my head. If anything keeps me from going back to start the series from the beginning, it would be that. Outside of that, I enjoyed the story.

(I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
atul sabnis
Robert “Robbie” Boyd is King Robert the Bruce’s authority in the borders and is warrior name is Raider. His job is to bring the English barons under control no matter what. He is strong, smart, and loyal and hates the English and their treachery and cruelty. While fighting with William Wallace for freedom for Scotland he sees the treachery and he is bent on revenge.

Rosalin Clifford is English. She is kind, compassionate, and loyal and has spunk. She is also courageous and honorable. Her tender heart has gotten her in trouble and made people admire her. She is the sister of Sir Robert Clifford, the man that lied to, and imprisoned Robbie.

They met in the pit prison where Robbie had been placed by Clifford and Rosalin is infatuated and helps Robbie escape. Fast forward 6 years and they are thrown together again during a raid not far from her brother’s strong hole on the border. Rosalin becomes his hostage and they struggle to come to terms with their mutual attraction and deeply divided loyalties. He is awed by Rosalin and the feelings she loosens in him. Robbie’s grand gesture of faith and love had me reaching for tissues- everyone should have a grand gesture in their life! They each learn lessons in trust, jealousy and love. Together they learn that freedom, like love is worth fighting for. The historic tidbits that are peppered throughout the story are brilliantly woven in. When I read this I was not aware that there were other books in this series, but I will be catching up!

I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
6 years ago Rosalin fell in love with the prisoner of her beloved brother and set him free. Now, years later, they meet again and Robbie wants revenge on her brother. He kidnaps Rosalin as a means for barter. Rosalin knows deep down that Robbie has a good heart and makes it her mission to break down the walls around his heart. Unfortunately, with Rosalin's angry fiancee, along with several mistrusts and misunderstandings, this proves to be quite a challenge. Can she win his love and convince him and her brother that their love for her means more then their hatred for each other?

This book started off pretty good for me, it kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next. That being said, about 75% of the way in, I had to set the book aside for two days, and when I came back to it, I was quite surprised that I needed a refresher on what I had read. Not a good sign for me. From there, I had lost some interest and just wanted to skim.

I did really like Robbie's partner Alex. I almost wished the friendship between him and Rosalin would develop into something more. They seemed to be a more natural fit. What I would have changed was the language. When I read historicals, especially if they involve Scotsmen, I want period appropriate language. I want to hear the Scottis burr or the English accent. Because (I felt) the story lacked in this area, I had a hard time becoming fully immersed. I felt the writing was a bit too modern for my tastes. All in all a good book though, but I doubt I will re-read it.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review The Raider (Highland Guard #8) by Monica McCarty.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rosalin was finally getting the chance to visit her brother in the Scottish Highlands. For her own safety, he kept her confined to her room as much as possible. Rosalin was fascinated with one of the rebel prisoners her brother was currently holding at the castle. As she watched, she could see the prisoners weren't getting enough to eat. Rosalin decided to secretly give them more food without her brother knowing. When the prisoners were found out, punished and put in the prison pit, Rosalin knew it was all her fault and she had to do something about it. She knew in her heart the prisoners didn't deserve the punishment and plotted to set them free. She only hopes her brother never finds out the part she played in their escape…

Ms. McCarty is a skillful, historical romance author who has a knack for giving us the detail needed for the story in a painless, quickly absorbed, sneaky sort of way. She's so deft at it that we don't even realize it was anything but entertaining and exciting! The characters were so romantic I almost wanted to back up and read certain parts again and again, even before I finished the book. There have been some of this series I've missed, but now that I've had the chance to read The Raider, I'm definitely going back and finding out what I've overlooked. I adored the hero, Robbie, and wanted him for my very own…yum! He's sexy, romantic, and very protective. Even though he thinks he's not very chivalrous, Rosalin knows he really is…and so do I! The Raider is just scrumptious and I'll be reading it again I know, along with each and every book in this series. It's a keeper!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gregg gleichert
I just finished reading THE RAIDER written by Monica McCarty, her 8th novel in her Highland Guards series. I would have given this book 6 stars if I could! Ms. McCarty has done it again! I was captivated from the first page until the end. This story was fantastic! This author is a high quality writer who knows how to pull you into her story with words flowing. I loved the hero Robert “Raider” Boyd, a fierce legendary warrior of the Highlands, but also a tender and protective man! Rosalin was the perfect match for him! It all started when Robert, a Scottish prisoner, was saved by Rosalin, an English young girl of sixteen! Six years later, they meet again, and she remembers him and discovers that she still holds deep feelings for him. But he is a warrior with a vengeance, he wants to follow his mission and won’t let anything or anyone distracts him from it. Will he be able to resist this beautiful English woman? Will she be the ideal woman to make him feel alive again? You will enjoy inflamed loves scenes, very well written, sensual, passionate, romantic and intense. King Robert the Bruce’s band of shadow warriors, the Highland Guards, will stop at nothing to gain Scotland’s freedom. I devoured this novel! I highly recommend THE RAIDER to be published on February 25th. I am looking forward to read her next book THE ARROW, the legendary marksman Gregor “Arrow” MacGregor. This is my honest opinion and this review is based on the ARC provided by Net Galley. Thank you Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for approving my request.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ben clabaugh
The Raider was fast paced, romantic and sensuous story. I really love the H/H Robbie Boyd who is the strongest and best fighter of the Highland Guard and his love interest Rosalin Clifford. The 16 year old Rosalin helps Robbie and some of his men escape her brother Lord Robert Clifford's imprisonment. Six years later at age 22 Rosalin and her nephew Roger have been kidnapped by Robbie and his warriors. This begins the growing love and affection between the 2 characters. I also, liked that the violence has been toned down in this story. We all know what happens to women and children during war, without being reminded of it. This was a great story and I love reading an catching up with some of the other characters from previous stories. I love all the history associated with this series. Very Well Done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan byar
They call him Raider. Robbie Boyd is also called the Devil's Enforcer. While war is waging between England and Scotland, a few of the Highland guard are sent to secure the borderlands. Robbie Boyd, aka Raider, and a few others have been captured by Sir Robert Clifford. Clifford's sister, Rosalin, doesn't like the way the prisoners are being treated and eventually helps them escape. This is when, at 16, Rosalin gets her first kiss from a young Robbie Boyd. At that time, he didn't know who she was. Six years later and she and her nephew are kidnapped by Raider and the memories come floating back for both of them when they realize who each other is. The attraction is strong but Robbie must stay true to the cause. Will he be able to get past the fact that the woman he wants more than any other is English?

What an amazing book! I couldn't put it down. My emotions were all over the place while reading this book. One moment I was rooting for Raider and the next I was cursing his stubbornness. I love seeing a big, strong, muscle-bound Highlander, trip over his own feet over an English woman. I also love to see a female character that is a lady but at the same time can put any man in his place with a few choice words. Thank you Monica McCarty for another fabulous Highland Guard book!

I was given a copy for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an exciting story. All of the Highland Guard books have been great. This is the 8th book of the series. If I could give it more stars I would.. Everything about it was interesting. This was a definite page turner from the beginning to the very end. I actually got a little flushed during some of the story; especially page 187. WOW! I love this authors writing because it has just the right amount of everything in a book you could ask for even a little humor. The characters were very well described to the point you felt like you knew them. There are two more books to the series but the last one has not been released yet. I am on the pre-order list. I love this series and will keep them to re-read again sometime in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Of all Bruce's elite warriors, Raider; Boyd is the most formidable. A true patriot whose bare hands are a deadly weapon, Robbie is the fierce enforcer of the Guard, and his hatred of the English has been honed to a razor-sharp edge. But vengeance proves bittersweet when his enemy's beautiful sister falls into his hands and he finds himself fighting temptation--a battle he badly wants to lose. I admit I'm partial to a well written story full of action with a knock-out, tough hero who collides with a strong heroine. Also, very important, I like happy endings, real life has enough sad ones. This book by Monica McCarty meets all the requirements needed for my reading pleasure. In fact, this may be one of the best of the Highland Guard series. Don't miss reading wonderful stories about the mysterious and secretive group of people who put everything on the line to save Scotland and put Robert the Bruce on the throne of Scotland after the king of England annexed and occupied Scotland. Monica McCarty is well worth your time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather clark
Romance, betrayals, and political battles. We get all that and more in The Raider. This book was absolutely wonderful! It was a fantastic addition to a lovely series and I truly enjoyed reading it.

Rosalin was a strong heroine. Even though she had been cared for and cosseted her entire life, she had a will of iron and the determination necessary to get whatever she wants. She was also very kind and loyal to those she loved. I really liked her. I thought she was a wonderful character.

Robbie gave me a harder time. On one hand, he could be very sweet and he was intensely loyal to his cause. On the other hand, he could be an ass. He was frequently blinded by his general hatred for the English and that affected how he treated Rosalin. I could understand that at first, because he didn't know her yet. But, after he got to know her and saw that she was a truly good woman, I don't think he had a reason to continue his suspicions. He allowed those suspicions to make him be unkind to Rosalin and to almost destroy their chance at a relationship. The thing is, those moments when he finally let his guard down, he was downright lovable, so I couldn't help but still like him, even as I wanted to whack him upside the head. So, definitely a lot of mixed feelings with him.

The romance was lovely. Despite Robbie's hesitance, their relationship still deepened and they still fell in love, which I thought was sweet. And, the chemistry between them was there from the moment they met. It definitely led to a few hot moments.

The plot was fast paced and I was hooked the entire way through. There were plenty of surprises as Rosalin and Robbie navigated the treacherous political battles. It all kept me riveted. I really enjoyed the story and I though the ending was lovely. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!

The Raider was a fantastic historical romance. I really enjoyed reading it. Lovers of romance, this is a book you'll want to check out.

*I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this one!!! OMG. The conflict was fantastic & for most if the book I found myself thinking "How the heck will they work this one out?" It was a toughie!!! I abso adore Rosalin. From the start her inner strength was fabulous & I love that she had the guts to stand up to her big tough guy. Seeing Robbie in the other books, I didn't know how I would feel abt him in his book. He's always been kinda a jerk & I love Alex Seton so I didn't know. But I adore him too. Robbie is a big tough guy but the bigger they are the harder they fall holds true. Loved it & look forward to The Arrow!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
guihan ko
Monica has written another thoroughly enjoyable book. She has done a great job researching her Scottish history and facts. Robert was a real person. He raided and fought for the Bruce. There were fights and chases. Again, here the ladies are the ones who overpower their men. I'm thinking maybe not so much in real life but it makes a great story. I can't imagine living in such a blood thirsty era. I couldn't put this book down. Each book seems to be better than the previous books. Now I wait for the next book. This is a series but the books work as stand alone too. Give this one a good read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carlene bermann
The story is set in 1306 in the Scottish Highlands. It is the story of a brave young woman that believes in doing what is right regardless of the consequences. This is the story of one member of the legendary Highland Guard, Robert Boyd. Our hero is taken prisoner by our heroine’s brother and is to be put to death. She helps him escape from the pit in her brother’s dungeon. Our Hero does not realize who she is and searches to find her. After six years they cross paths during a raid and our heroine is kidnapped but is not recognized as the “Angel” that saved him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I chose this because I wanted a Scottish romance. It was... But it was more a story of love in a conflict with the protagonists on opposing sides. The conflict was believable and not infuriating as happens so often. There weren't any stomach-dropping or butterfly-invoicing moments, but it was an enjoyable read.
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