A Highland Guard Novel (The Highland Guard Book 1)

ByMonica McCarty

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great beginning to the Highland Guard novels! The historical background was fascinating, and the concept of a Highland Guard fits seamlessly into the turbulent times. I have read it twice now, and thoroughly enjoyed it both times. Ms McCarty does a fine job developing the relationships among the Guard members and between the H and H. Fun, intriguing, and highly recommended!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audrey mckenzie
Has everything you could possibly imagine.
Innocent woman, falls madly in love with the hero, does everything possible to get him to love here back.
Jealously, and easy to feel what the heroine feels.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Good premise for a series of books. For me personally I would have preferred more info on training and the warfare aspects of the time period. Frankly, the graphic sex description gets old fast. Way too much of this manuscript is about the mutual admiration of each other's physical attributes. It is sad to me that what could be a great story is just filler between the sex scenes ...
The Arrow: A Highland Guard Novel :: The Queen and the Cure (The Bird and the Sword Chronicles Book 2) :: Warprize (Chronicles of the Warlands Book 1) :: A Space Fantasy Romance (Strands of Starfire Book 1) :: A Medieval Romance (Swordcross Knights Book 1) - Honor & Roses
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla hall
I have enjoyed Monica McCarty's Highlander stories from reading her first book "Highlander Untamed". Each book after that has kept the characters linked. One becomes a part of each character and her new series is no different.
"Chief" was very enjoyable and addicting. This story takes place before her first Highlander stories. The characters she introduced were fantastic. She brought each one of the Highland Guard to life. The training of the Guard was a wonderful way to begin this new series. I was hooked from the first page and could not put it down. I am looking forward to her next book "Hawk". I will be pre-ordering it.
If you like romance with adventure this as well as all of Monica McCarty's books are perfect. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting a good read.

K Harlow
A huge Highlander fan.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The characters in this book are terrible. The heroine is not suited to the hero at all. She's portrayed as childish and the differences in his maturity are glaring. The writing (in particular the word choices) is much too modern for the era the writer is trying to portray. i.e. the use of "visionary" in 1305?? I understand not writing in old English, but these out of place words are all over this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In 1305, Scotland appears to have lost its war with the English. Robert the Bruce knows his warriors cannot defeat the English in open combat so he decides to use guerilla special operation tactics to wear down their opponent. Thus alliances are made to unify the divided Scottish clans.

Christina Fraser heads to the island of Isla to attend her sister's marriage to ferocious Tormod "Tor" MacLeod. However, she offers herself in her sibling's place as she has much more fortitude to stand up against the roaring Highlander. Bruce offers Tor his clan lands back if he vows allegiance and leads a counter force. Tor is attracted to his new spouse but clan restoration and the war of Scottish independence come before personal desires.

This is an exciting historical romance in which the war preparations as a medieval special forces type unit adhering to the Scottish warrior code provide freshness to the tale. The relationship between the married couple add tension as he puts his clan and his battle team ahead of his growing love for his feisty wife who brought baggage into their marriage as her father supported Wallace. Well written, Monica McCarty's devoted romance fans will relish this deep look at Scotland trying to regain its independence.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris hart
Ok, unashamedly admitting it this is holiday beach reading. Scottish historic romance, with lots of descriptions of male arms and chests. This is part one of an extensive, but very well written series based around events in the reign of Robert the Bruce and As with her other books, Monica McCarty starts of with real names and places. As to the stories (And especially this one): I like them, not least as the ladies have the ability of keeping their alpha male heroes hopping. ..Literary merit, well possibly never qualifying for the Nobel prize, but feels good with drinks with umbrellas and chocolate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Ever since I got aquainted with Highlanders in Karen Marie Moning's Highlander series, I have had a distinct liking for historical romance. The combination of a past culture with modern day attributes is more than enough to keep me fascinated with this genre. Monica McCarty's, The Chief, only reinforced my appreciation. With its beautiful descriptions of early Scotland, the inlaid historical aspect of the English vs. Scottish war and the Scottish politics, all brought forth an impressive base for this novel. Above all, McCarty's great band of characters, easy flowing plot and scorching romance took this book to the next level.

Set against the scenery of the Western Isles of Scotland, The Chief merges Highland warriors with navy SEALs and black ops. In 1305, under the brutal control of King Edward, Robert Bruce contrives an elite guard of Highland warriors to partake in a covert mission to free Scotland from English dictatorship by overtaking the throne. The dual POV storyline is easy to follow, the pacing is well-done and the whole concept of an elite guard is refreshingly intriguing (and fun!). Along with the distinct personalities of the main characters, Tormod MacLeod and Christina Fraser, the overall progression (and execution) of the story is satisfying.

The romance is where my likes for this novel ends. There is nothing awful about the romance - there is an alpha hero, an innocent heroine, the emotions and passion are ever present - yet the word I would use to describe it is annoying. Tor and Christina's relationship is tentative and tender. Albeit this, to keep loyal to his clan, Tor refuses emotional attachments, treating Christina like dirt. In simple, I detested Tor for treating Christina like a doormat and I detested Christina for constantly going back to him, like a love-starved puppy. I am a big romantic (for anyone who knows me, you know I love my romance), but this was too much even for me, that I actually would have condoned a non-happily ever after, if the author hadn't changed the situation. Despite the glitch in romance, The Chief is an enjoyable read, and I'm definitely going to read the next installment.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ben jarvis
I reviewed this book for Romance Reader At Heart website.


Set right after William Wallace's execution, King Edward, the mighty Hammer of the Scots, is on the throne of England and Scotland, but Robert the Bruce is trying to stake his claim as King of Scotland, so he gets an idea to draft and organize a group of special `soldiers' to help him overthrow Edward and unite the Scottish clans under his banner. Bruce is looking for a special man to lead and train this `elite group' of men who excel in fighting. In Tormond `Tor' MacLeod, who's a chief of his clan, he finds such a man; alas, he's not so keen on it. Tor would rather stay out of the English/Scottish feud, but relents at the end, after he's found taking our heroine from behind by her father and some witnesses. That scene was painful to read.

I just couldn't buy this. The story didn't ring true, and here's where I lost all interest in it. The premise of Navy SEALs of the Highlands working for Robert the Bruce was plain silly. For me, reading this book was a slow and arduous process, and I was trying to figure out why. Is it the writing or the characters I had a hard time with? I believe it's both. I found myself not liking Christina one bit. Her `naïve' and `spirited' nature seemed forced and not natural. As for Tor, I got annoyed with him and couldn't understand his reasons for always keeping his emotions to himself.

In my opinion, the story felt rushed and not quite developed, so at times it read flat. Even the characters, and there are many, were not as developed or as rounded-off as they should have been, and that's why I had a hard time keeping up. So at the end, I'm blaming poor execution, a wimpy and childish heroine, and a stubborn hero for my disappointment in this read.

To be fair, the author takes the time at the end of the book to explain a few things to us through her notes, but even that didn't help me to understand or like THE CHIEF any better.

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sheryl gottdiener
Reviewed by Alyssa for My Secret Romance Book Reviews
This book was provided by the author/publisher in return for an honest review.

To sum it up: Scouring the darkest corners of the Highlands and Western Isles, Robert the Bruce handpicks ten warriors to help him in his quest to free Scotland from English rule. They are the best of the best, chosen for their superior skills in each discipline of warfare. And to lead his secret Highland Guard, Bruce chooses the greatest warrior of all.

The ultimate Highland warlord and a swordsman without equal, Tor MacLeod has no intention of being drawn into Scotland's war against the English. Dedicated to his clan, the fiercely independent chief answers to no one-- especially not to his alluring new bride, bartered to him in a bid to secure his command of the deadliest fighting force the world has ever seen. The treacherous chit who made her way to Tor's bed may have won his hand, but she will never claim his heart.

Although her husband's reputation is as fierce as his manner, Christina Fraser believes that something softer hides beneath his brutal shell. But the only warmth she feels is in their bed, in glorious moments of white-hot desire that disappear with the dawn. When Christina's reckless bid to win her husband's love goes awry and thrusts them into danger on the eve of war, Tor will face his ultimate battle: to save his wife and to open his heart-- before it's too late.

How Tor looked in my mind:

(In real life, Gabriel Aubry doesn't have blue eyes of course, but since Tor is described with having piercing blue eyes in the novel, I decided to make a few changes!)

(When all else fails, picture my boyfriend Chris Hemsworth! Gabriel Aubry's face worked for me, while picturing Tor... but Chris Hemsworth's body? Ummm... YES PLEASE!)

I have to admit... I was a bit hesitant going into this book, because I had heard it features a lot of history. That's not something that I tend to mind too much, as long as it isn't done to the extreme. Nothing is worse than feeling like you're getting a history lesson, instead of reading a romance. Although I enjoyed this book, I just felt that it could have focused less on the historical/political aspect.

Not only that, but everyone's last names were so darn confusing! MacLeod, MacSorley, MacRuairi, MacLean, MacGregor, MacKay... catch my drift? How is someone supposed to focus on the story-line, when all of these similar names are consistently thrown on every other page? I found myself (many times) having to stop and wonder who these characters were- were they the good guys? Or were they the bad ones? It just took away the entire enjoyable reading experience for me.

I will say this though: I loved the hero and the heroine. The heroine, Christina, was naive and vulnerable... aside from her appearance, which men often thought, looked very sensual. She wanted to be a good wife, and more than anything, she just wanted Tor to like her. She knew his lovemaking, but she knew nothing of the man. He kept his thoughts to himself. And no matter how hard she tried to break through the wall he'd erected around himself, nothing worked. Many readers would definitely consider her character very needy and lacking some major back-bone... probably even border-line pathetic. Of course this didn't bother me in the least though, since those are characteristics that I adore in my heroines!

Tor on the other hand, was everything I love in my heroes- he was a big alpha sexy highlander who didn't have time for a woman's tender feelings. He was a warrior chief, and nothing more. The only thing that concerned him was his clan, and making sure that they were always taken care of. He had no wish to hurt Christina, but neither did he want to encourage her obvious love-sick feelings for him. *sigh* ...who the heck doesn't love a hero who constantly keeps himself at an emotional distance from the heroine?

I can't say for sure if I'll continue on with the series- I liked this book... but I didn't love it. I will say this though: Monica McCarty knows her history- and she had a beautiful writing style- I just felt like I got more of a detailed history lesson, more than I did a love story.

Some of my favorite quotes:

-"I know your face. And if I so much as hear of you touching an unwilling woman again, mine will be the last you ever see." -Tor

-"...He gave a harsh laugh. "Apparently, it is difficult for you to understand, but I don't want, nor do I need, your help. You are my wife, by God, not one of my men. I warned you not to interfere. I told you to never- under any circumstances- come to the broch again. Your `help' has put my clan, the men I've been training, and me in grave danger... you have no idea what you've done." -Tor
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this novel, but I found myself frustrated. I wanted to slap Tor right all up in his face. And then probably kiss him, but still the slapping is first. He was such a jerk sometimes that I had no clue how Christina could put up with it. But, then there were the moments that he showered tenderness. From when he first saw her, stared at her at dinner, saved her from some disgusting man, and everything past that just broke my heart. Melted it more like it. And of course, how they were thrown together was like nothing I had ever read before. That was hella crazy couple of days, and her father is a real piece of work. And the historical background to the story (which involves a certain Braveheart) didn't hurt. There was a lot going on in this novel and it constantly grabbed at my attention, and made me fall in love with the characters.
Christina--props to her for being independent, for trying to fit in, and for trying to prove her worth. And...she's a reader so I basically have to like her. P.s. even for your time I have no clue how you, or your brother didn't manage to punch your father right in the face.
Tor--You mad my toes curl.
Tor-Sometimes I also wanted to slap you and had no idea how she put up with you.
Overall (Writing style, story line, and general):
Overall I loved the novel. I loved the story that was not only filled with romance, but adventure and Scottish men being Scottish men. Ou la la. The story line was very easy to follow and kept you entertained all the way through. I loved and was frustrated with the character (like I'm sure you are suppose to) and kept wanting to know what would happen next. The story sucked me in and didn't let me go, I definitely think this will be a series I want to continue with.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
erica nairn
Premise of the story was interesting and solid. It also sets up the foundation for the rest of the Highland Guard series.

The gripes I had with this book. The heroine was much too needy, clingy and insecure. Her constant need for attention and approval was very annoying. She definitely did not act like a woman of one and twenty. I didn't see why the hero would fall for her. There was very little character development for her throughout the book. Another thing was the language. It was too modern. It did not reflect the times in which the language was spoken.

Hopefully, the heroines will improve in her future books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
r nathaniel fifer
I was looking forward to the Scottish history on which these books are based, and I liked the afterword from the author on who the characters were based and what bits of history she had gleaned aspects of the story from. I did not like the repetitive nature of the book. How the characters seemed to go through the same actions and thoughts again and again and again and again until the conclusion. I found myself wishing there was less of the main story and more of the warriors and the history. I know, I know. I expect way too much from what is basically a romance novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmad adel
Tor MacLeod, renowned for his skills with a sword and being a formidable Highland chief, is determined to stay out of Scotland's war against England. His first dedication is to his clan and he doesn't see the need to risk their livelihood in someone else's fight. He gets entangled in a scheme where he ends up with a wife and an agreement to train an elite group of warriors for the Scottish cause but has no plans to command them when complete. His new bride, Christina Fraser, turns out to be more than he anticipated, determined to win his heart in spite of his efforts to the otherwise.

This is a fascinating story, entrenched in historical fact but made even more interesting with the fictional characterizations. The relationship between Tor and Christina is very complex. He agrees to take her as his wife because of a number of factors, none of them having to do with love. She, though initially repulsed by the fierceness of this warrior, is enamored of this man and works hard to gain his approval not only as a wife but a lover.

Meanwhile, the intrigue abounds as loyalties to England and Scotland aren't always clearly delineated and there is a traitor in the midst of Tor's clan. The warriors assembled for the elite force aren't all on the same page and have divided allegiances to other clans. It takes all of Tor's skills to accomplish his goals (in secret) for this group while also managing his clan. He's also struggling with emerging feelings for his new wife that he's just as determined to fight off as he is to fulfill his role as chief.

The story is so well written and effectively weaves fact and fiction. The tone of the dialogue is in keeping with the region and the era and every relationship is carefully developed. I loved the evolution of Tor and Christina's relationship and while there were many steamy moments, you also experience her heartache as Tor refuses to commit anything more than physically. The ending is extremely exciting and satisfying and I definitely will continue this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Monica McCartney does not disappoint her readers with her latest novel The Chief, the opening tale in her new Highland series. This book goes beyond just the feuding between clansman and the English; it is a tale about brotherhood, clan loyalty and romance.

Set during the time of Robert the Bruce, Tor Macleod is chief of his island home and he wants to stay out of international intrigue, therefore he takes no sides in the English Scottish feud. He is a great warrior and a smart one; he doesn't go looking for useless fights.

Lovely Christina Fraser is fiercely loyal, so when she discovers that her father plans on marrying one of his daughters off to Tor she volunteers to wed him so that her sister can follow her dream of entering a convent.

Tor is against marrying anyone and he doesn't like being pushed into marrying Christina even though he is attracted to her. He finds himself however married to Christina and training in secret a crew of elite fighters (kind of an early special ops unit) at the behest of the Bruce.

What makes this novel so refreshing is the hero and the difficulty he has in keeping all of his secrets and trying to juggle his duties of clan loyalty, his fighting force and Christina. Like the modern man he sometimes cannot get his priorities in order and this causes conflicts on many levels.

Christina is young, a bit naïve but very appealing. She is honest and expects it of others. Her spirited attitude with the right touch of humor makes this story zip along at a nice pace. Her romantic interludes with Tor are sweet but also passionate.

The amount of pages dedicated to the fighting unit was the only drawback to this novel, sometimes it overwhelmed the story between the leads, but since this is the first novel in the series it is expected Ms McCarty needed to introduce the reader to this band of brothers, and they all are intriguing. All in all, this is an excellent romance between a hardened warrior and a sweet heroine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chad jordan
This book was an absolutely brilliant read. Monica McCarty completely raises the bar in historical romance reads with this book. It was totally riveting, full of suspense, drama and unpredictable; a book not too easy to put down and forget about. The characters felt very real within a plausible storyline.

What is also appealing within this story is that the author maintained her stance as to the personality of the Chief. Even though he falls in love with the heroine, he battles with the fact that he is not only a clan leader, but also the leader of the Highland Guard, which calls for him to stick to his convictions and keep his romantic feelings in constant check and not turn into a crazed and overly lovesick puppy. For me, it is VERY unrealistic when historical writers turn these alpha tough and rugged male heroes into completely tamed and dumfounded men at the end of their stories. When this happens, in my opinion, the story loses all real meaning and flavor. A clan Chief cannot effectively rule if he's constantly gyrating all over the place with his love struck emotions. Throughout the book, you can feel that he is deeply falling in love with the heroine but he is on a very important mission for king and country while naturally battling his growing desires for his new wife. One can greatly feel the struggle, turmoil and desire the characters go through. The author gives such excellent and vividly detailed descriptions within her writing(scenery, character emotions, personalities, romance, etc ) that one can actually visualize the story as it unfolds. Although one of the traitors was no surprise for me, the storyline is deeply entertaining due to so much action, suspense, drama, humor and the all expected romance. This book is definitely full with the complete package of genres.

I'm totally looking forward to the next novel within this series (The Hawk), because the ending to the Chief was so brilliantly executed. Readers will truly appreciate the continuation to this book; the ending to this book totally sets the stage for the next book(s). The author further exalts herself by providing us with factual notes supporting the storyline, as well as an excerpt from The Hawk to effectively corroborate to the different Highland Guard stories that will unfold for the very different heroes comprising this elite league of warriors.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
peggy shea andrews
Christina literally bends over backwards to try and please Tor to no avail. She's too young and has her head in the clouds, and a hope of making a pleasing home for herself and Tor. He ignors her efforts, treats her like a play thing he can come to in the middle of the night for a tryst then leave immediately after his lusts are satisfied. She deludes herself with fairytales of honorable knights who fall in love and live happily ever after. Same as many of these type books she doesn't grow a backbone till the end of the book, he suddenly decovers he loves her and all ends very quickly. I don't like men who treat women like doormats, or women who really don't mind being treated that way.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
linda higgins
I love the concept of this book but the execution didn't work for me. I love history and I love romance books so this should have been perfect for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

I knew I was in trouble when I didn't like Tor. It's never a good sign when I'm neutral about the hero. I didn't dislike him, I didn't like him, he was just OK. I did like Christina and even enjoyed their romance. It worked and felt real. I got very bored with Christina pushing for a relationship and Tor refusing her. It was good the first 2 or 3 times but it kept going on and on which ended up being rather monotonous. This could have been a great history book with the Highland special force team training in secret or it could have been a good romance, it's the combination of the two which I didn't care for. I think it would have been better if either Tor's special team or the marriage had been given top billing. As neither story was primary I felt they were competing with each other and that brought the entire book down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tor MacLeod was considered one of best warriors Scotland, but he wasn't about to let himself or his people be drawn into the war between Scotland and England. But he quickly finds himself helping to train an elite squad of warriors and taking a bride he never planned on. Tor had desired Christina Fraser the moment he saw her but wasn't looking for a wife. Trickery found her in his bed and forced the marriage. Christina Fraser had no choice but to marry However, she quickly finds that Tor is a man worthy of her love. But Tor is a man that has no desire to risk his heart on love. With enemies surrounding them, can he admit that he's fallen in love with his wife before it's too late?

I love Monica McCarty's new series! How awesome an idea is it for a Scottish "special forces"? Christina and Tor kept me turning the pages, sniffling one minute and reaching for the fan the next. Sexy and full of adventure The Chief is one book that all lovers of Scottish historical romance shouldn't miss. Get a copy ASAP!!!

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have purchased this book, primarily for the good rating received at the store; however, I am slightly disappointed, due to some issues with heroin's immaturity and hero's inability to have feelings. The beginning was really interesting and pulled me in, but after reading, I found myself frustrated at the heroin's immaturity due to her young age and felt let down by the hero's luck of motivations to try to save their marriage regardless of the circumstances. All he did was moaning about his marriage and that she was from his enemy clan, but he could very well spend that energy on improving their relationship. That ultimately affected their romance, as it lacked profound, emotional connection that is the ultimate foundation for feelings to grow!
Needles to say, there was a lot of chemistry and sexual attractiveness between the two which is important too, however, for me to be really special it needed more dept. I certainly did not like the fact that the hero had a wife in the past, mainly for the purpose to bear him a child, which makes him less appealing, as the author did not explained much on that account like he did not care much less for her and their child.

This book could have been so much better if there would be deeper and emotional connection between the two and all I got was heavy description of how their were having sex, but I could not feel emotionally drown to it and I struggled to understand why the author put them together were it was evident from the start, he did not want to marry her and she was far too young for him and that they had little in common. It would be much improved if the heroin would show more maturity and independency and the hero to be more gentler and considerate.

I suppose, this is a matter of taste and some may agree or disagree, nevertheless, I am not giving up yet on this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
drew conley
Very much enjoyed this novel. Although I sometimes felt annoyed with the heroine, Christina's cleverness, kindness, compassion, earnestness and general good nature made up for those times and helped keep the story interesting and my attention engaged. I found the Highland Guard to be an very interesting part of the story; and Tor is such a perfect blend of stubborn laird and considerate, unorthodox highlander, as to make a very appealing hero. Well written, interesting, a very good highland romance.
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