Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities

ByMark Batterson

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How often do we find ourselves plagued with regrets? Times in our lives we wished we could take back and take a different response. The issue is that focusing on the regrets causes us to miss the possibility of the future. This book helps us to step through our regrets but look towards our FUTURE possibility with Christ! "If God is for us WHO can be against us?" If we as believers fully believed this verse would there be quarrels among us? Would the in church divorce rate be as high as those around us? Would churches end in splits and fights or die out due to not allowing for change? These things are caused on focusing on ourselves and our unmet needs... our REGRETS and not focusing in on GOD and his possibilities for a BEAUTIFUL FUTURE!
You need to read this Book!
Batterson is amazing at one liners that will stick with you for years to come! Put this on the top of your reading list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kara leung
Mark Batterson is quite simply the best Christian author. This book will challenge you and encourage you and make you BETTER! Love words of wisdom that jump into your heart immediately! Add this one to your "must read" list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I cannot contain my excitement about If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities. This book is rich, full of Godly wisdom, practical application, and expounds on the "Great Eight"--the eighth chapter of Romans. Romans 8 has never been more clear and applicable. This book is as encouraging as it is amazing.
My favorite chapter is Chapter 9 on the Anchoring Effect. As Christians, is Jesus and the Word of God our anchor? Do we allow worldly things and pleasures to be our anchor in this drifting world, or are we keeping our eyes focused on the cross?
Mark seems to cover the gamut of Christian living in If--justification, the importance of prayer, loving others, fighting the enemy, fasting and other spiritual disciplines, imputed righteousness, to name a few. And as he discusses those important topics, he gives memorable examples and practical applications to make his points clear.
I know this book was God-ordained to be placed in my hands. Let it be placed in yours as well, and let If change your life.
Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free - If You Only Knew :: If Only for the Summer :: If Only It Were True :: If Only (Masters of the Shadowlands) (Volume 8) :: Before You Know Kindness (Vintage Contemporaries)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Like all of Mark Batterson's readable, relevant and awe inspiring books, a fresh approach to living life better with Christ; IF GOd is for you, who can be against you? Get it! You will be changed from the inside out! Loved it!
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