A Valuable Guide to Knowing - and Loving Your Wife

ByGary Smalley

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I'm desperate to improve my marriage and this book looked well-reviewed and seemingly solid at first glance. The caveat to my review is that I'm only half way done with the book AND I've yet to attempt it's methodologies (just got it today).

Here are my objective observations thus far:

1) VERY Christian-based. I guess I'm ok with that, but we'll see how that bears out.
2) VERY traditional/old school regarding sex roles. I guess I'm just a sensitive new-age guy, but I cook, I don't hunt or fish or hang out with the boys. Many of the stereotypical male characteristics identified in here I think were more prevelant in the 1950s - 1970s. In many cases my wife acts more like the "man" in this account (hypercritical, not sensitive to my needs, quick to anger, etc.)

But, I will remain open-minded; there are pearls of wisdom in it, if you can read through the old school/biblical limitations. I agree males do possess profoundly different emotions and attitudes as identified. Above all, I'm not done with the book, and have yet to put it to work. Once, I've done this and given it time to prove itself, I will follow on this review; either knocking down further or eating major humble pie and giving it FIVE stars.

I guess so far, I'm somewhat underwelmed and felt the two shortcomings I cited above were not clearly advertised in the surface review. I'll be happy to eat my criticisms if I'm proven wrong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Mr. Smalley presents, from his own experiences, just HOW to get along well with the people of 'the mysterious other sex'. If only a lot MORE men would read (and carefully consider !) the pointers in this book, my feeling is that most (although not all !) major problems in relating to women would be avoided. And both sexeswould be much better off !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Possibly one of the most helpful books for any married man who wants a happy wife and a strong marriage. I found it when I was going through a rough time in my marriage. Although I found three truly helpful resources during this challenging period in my marriage, this book was probably the single most helpful resource of all. When I first began reading, I thought "I don't know about this". But there truly is worthy advice on every page of this book. Even if you are not having marriage trouble, this is still your best resource on how to have the happiest wife you can have! I highly recommend it to any man who is married or about to get married.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
uzma noormohamed
Very good advice with bilical references to back it up. I learned a lot of what NOT to do or what I had done wrong in the past. It also leads to the correct way to care and love your wife by helping you understand the way women typically see things.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A little too religious for my taste. Some good information though.
I personally liked "How to help your spouse heal from your affair" by Linda MacDonald (especially for the unfaithful spouse)
and "How can I forgive you?" by Janis Abrahms Spring (especially for the betrayed spouse).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katie jones
I understood everything the author was trying to convey throughout the book. In fact I read it in a day, hoping to find the motivation to fix my relationship. After completing it, I feel even worse about my marriage and the possibilities of making it better. I do not disagree with his theory and it all makes perfect sense. Seriously consider your own mental state and self esteem before embarking on this journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is for every young person thinking of marriage or for older married couples facing challenges in their marriage. Opens up the mind to be more supportive and loving. This is a 100% guarantee endorsement.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
camille corbett
This book has been an inspirational tome in helping me identify issues in our marriage that must be resolved.
Examples involving male and female communication barriers, and insights about how women resolve conflict among each other have been very eye-opening for me.
We have been separated for 5 weeks after 10 years of marriage.
I am committed to changing my lack of listening and understanding and to show her that I honor, value and treasure her.
This book has given me understanding of how to express and communicate that to her in words AND actions that SHE can understand.
Buy it and absorb the lessons inside. Love is a choice, a loving marriage is work, and worth every ounce of effort we expend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca rebecs44
Men if you really want to save your marriage, READ this book. And men who are planning tying the knot, READ this book. If "I" only knew all the things I read in this book, my married life of 20 years would have been so much more fun and trouble free. So far is working and my marriage is safe, my wife is happier and so am I.
Last thing, men if you are divorced and you ex has not remarried, READ this book and try to win her back, and if you are remarrying READ this book and don't make the same mistakes that led to your divorce. God bless!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca thornburley
Men if you really want to save your marriage, READ this book. And men who are planning tying the knot, READ this book. If "I" only knew all the things I read in this book, my married life of 20 years would have been so much more fun and trouble free. So far is working and my marriage is safe, my wife is happier and so am I.
Last thing, men if you are divorced and you ex has not remarried, READ this book and try to win her back, and if you are remarrying READ this book and don't make the same mistakes that led to your divorce. God bless!
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