How to Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life

ByLarry Winget

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon yeo
Everyone is so politically correct. Larry just tells you that if you think and take personal responsibility there is no reason not to stand for what you believe in. Be prepared to be looked at funny though.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barri bryan
I already pretty much subscribe to Larry's philosophy however I think it needs to be said that sometimes you need to be the better (not bigger) person and walk away or keep your mouth shut. These days too many unstable people out there with access to firearms and knifes. You just can't fix stupid. However, you can have SELF respect.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Was hoping this book was going to offer significant advice for a friend of mine in serious need of growing a pair. We both bought the book and we were pretty disappointed after reading it. The best part was the cover and the title.
SPIN Selling :: The Greatest Miracle in the World :: and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams :: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance :: Millionaire Success Habits
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roger gregory
Though I am no pushover, Larry Winget did make some valuable points on how to better assert myself. He has definitely made me very much aware of my surroundings and how I could "grow a pair" in different areas of my life. I've put some of his suggestions to work and will continue to work on this. I had hoped to read more...the book was short but to the point.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara van dishoeck
Larry keeps moving forward and encourages all of us to do the same! No better advice can be found.

Larry's books are always fun with unexpected comments and stories. Once you start they are hard to put down and you are ready to start making changes!

I found this book to be a compilation of all his other books wrapped up into one which makes it a real gem. Masterful!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
America's favorite friction writer has done it again with Grow a Pair. He takes on the "go along to get along" movement and mindset and tells it like it is. Another gem of the cold, unvarnished truth from the guy who tells it best. Winget minces no words calling out the loss of self respect and increasing depravity of entitlement that is suffocating society today. To mis-quote Jack Nicholson... Can you handle the truth?! If so you will thoroughly enjoy this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie casey
Great Book! Should be mandatory reading for every student, every employee, every spouse, every member of congress and every public servant and well, everyone else not covered in the previous categories! It has an important message that we all need to hear, even those of us who are committed to personal responsibility. Don't read this book if you want to keep making excuses for your life struggles that are holding you back, as Larry will take your pitiful excuses all away and leave you standing naked in front of a full length mirror where you can see plainly the person directly responsible for your failures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dido overgard
Best book I've ever read for personal development!! Things every parent needs to instill in their children to prepare them for life. I wish I had read this book upon graduating college. In fact I wish the college had offered this class senior year!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle janes
Best book I've ever read for personal development!! Things every parent needs to instill in their children to prepare them for life. I wish I had read this book upon graduating college. In fact I wish the college had offered this class senior year!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book is basic common sense which is an instinct millions seem to have misplaced. I enjoyed the book and pasted it on for others to read. I bought two copies and gave one as a gift to someone who can use it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Written for wing nuts and bullies. He thinks he is right in telling his meter reader, who is searching for a meter in his yard, that a green coat will not protect him from bullets or dog bites, and to leave and come back another day, at which time he may knock on the door for permission to enter his property. I see this as an assault. I think the wisdom in this book stems from his little head, right between his pair.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaity fuja
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book. Larry does not sugar coat anything. This is all about having the guts to live your life with integrity, standing up for what you believe in, voting for your beliefs, working hard at everything you do in life, etc., etc. He is all about speaking up when something is not right and telling it like it is. We all have the ability to control our own destiny and establish the lives we want. Yes we will fail, but failure is what leads to success most times. He wants people to stand on their own two feet and not be a pushover.

He is extremely blunt to the point others might be offended. I was not offended, however. I believe in the message wholeheartedly and have been living it for almost 40 years after my "a ha" moment. I am definitely passing this on to a like-minded friend as I am sure this will resonate with her as it does with me.

This book reminded me of the time I was a total pushover. I remember the specific moment of when that changed for me. When I was 17 years old, my high school classmates had all agreed to play hooky after the prom. I refused and attended school the next day. I was the only one in class. I was actually eager to learn on my own and have the teachers to myself, but they decided to cancel class. I was disappointed but I did not speak up. SHAME ON ME! Well at the end of the year, they gave out the yearly awards. I expected to receive the perfect attendance award as I had every year. However, the nun said that they were not giving out perfect attendance this year since everyone else had played hooky. Then she said, "I hope you don't mind." I just grunted "uh" and shrugged my shoulders as if that were okay. SHAME ON ME! Although I think perfect attendance awards are ridiculous, it was still not okay with me. From that point on I have stood up for myself. If that happened to me today, I would say, "Actually, I do mind very much! I did have perfect attendance. My classmates absence has nothing to do with my attendance. I have earned that award." Let's say I did say that. Even if I did not get the award after speaking up, at least my feelings would have been made known and I would not have been such a doormat.

Since then I live my life this way. I even told three different doctors on five occasions that they were wrong and guess what, I was eventually proven right. This book is all about that. Challenging what is wrong and right and sticking up for yourself.

SPEAK UP! Have integrity! Stand up for what's right! "Grow a Pair."
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
salahuddin al azad
This book is terrible. The first 40+ pages is not much more than a bunch of whining. Worse, there is no new information. The whining is about issues that anyone paying attention is already aware of. It's full of tough talk bravado with no practical advice for someone who needs to be more assertive. Respectfully submitted, with balls, Dale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth fraser
Lazy, complacent and apathetic people make me sick...physically sick. They're contagious. Complacency, sloth and apathy are infectious diseases and they're destroying our society.

Larry Winget has the cure. It's his newest book: "Grow a Pair: How to Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business, and Your Sanity."

Sure, there are some circumstances and conditions you simply can't control. If you're focus is on things you can't control, it's on the wrong target. You can't control the government, the economy or even the guy in the cubicle next to you...

...but you can always control your response and your attitude.

"That's right- work on you before you concern yourself with other folks...instead of worrying yourself with fixing everyone else, focus on fixing yourself."

That's part of Larry's opening salvo- and he doesn't stop there. Stop worrying about what you can't do and focus on what you can do; even when it comes to business, society, government and the economy.

You can make a difference, if you "Grow a Pair." Whatever happened to the notion that every person makes a difference one act at a time? We better get it back and Larry's book is a powerful guide.

"People with a pair have reasons for things not working out; people without a pair have excuses for things not working out."

Larry takes on some big issues in "Grow a Pair." One that particularly resonated with me was our growing problem with incivility.

"I know this flies in the face of the PC crap we have been taught. You should be tolerant of who people are, but intolerant of their stupid actions."

He tackles parenting:

"Kids will learn more by watching you and the example you set than from any other thing...So be a real parent, and grow a pair. Stop being your kids' friend. Be their parent and do your job."

The economy:

"Interesting that some people used the recession as an excuse to fail and some used it as an excuse to reinvent themselves, get stronger, work harder, serve their customers better and grow their businesses."

And even the government:

"Bare minimum, vote for politicians who have a for people who stand up for their beliefs and yours...Can I guarantee that things will change if you vote? No. But I can guarantee that things will never change if you don't vote!"

There is one glaring problem with "Grow a Pair." That problem is that the people who need this book the most will never open the cover...unless you grow a pair and make sure they do!

If you believe like Larry does, and like I do, that the answers to our problems lies in the simplest of each of our daily'll find "Grow a Pair" a thoroughly enjoyable and validating read.

More than that, as always, Larry challenges each of us to look in the mirror and face up to whether or not we're really doing our best.

Jim Bouchard
Author of THINK Like a BLACK BELT
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had Larry on my podcast, The Entrepreneurs Library, to give a deep dive on Grow A Pair. With Larry’s experience he gives amazing insight on bettering your attitude and ultimately changing your life for the good. If you would like to hear a review from the author himself check out episode 120 at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first was introduced to Larry through his speeches. He's funny and had lots of entertaining tips. In this book, he hits the nail on its proverbial head. This is the truth that everyone in America needs to hear. Logical, unvarnished truth. Great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex clermont
I first became aware of Larry Winget roughly seven years ago while visiting my brother in law at his house. There in his kitchen was a book titled, 'Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get A Life.' I picked it up, started reading, and felt like I had found the holy grail. I devoured page after page and every few minutes would burst out laughing and saying to my brother in law, 'damn, this guy really does tell it like it is.' Since then, I've read every one of Larry's books and have even gotten to know Larry himself. I can say without hesitation that the Larry whose voice you hear when you read is the same Larry you'd meet in person. He walks the talk and 'Grow A Pair' is no exception. It is a no-holds barred look at life and how to excel in it. Fact is, we are only on this planet for a brief moment in time. Read this book, grow a pair, and as Steve Jobs said, "leave your dent on the universe."

Steve Olsher
Keynote speaker and author of What Is Your WHAT: Discover The One Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven gilbert
Larry does not leave anything on the table here. He "grabs" the reader with in-your-face language and examples. This is particularly valuable for women business owners operating in a mostly male environment. Great job Larry at helping us realize our weaknesses and how to overcome them every day.
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