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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This CD-ROM is more about the philosophy behind SPIN selling rather than providing you with instructions on HOW to actually sell or use the SPIN system (which is the best thing out there).

If you want the best SPIN book on how to do it, get "The SPIN selling fieldbook" because that will give you actual exercises to do.

The thing I really didn't like about this CD is that there are no tracks on it! So if you want to advance from one part of a CD to another you've got to fast forward through the whole thing! Very impractical!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
raej jackson
This book was recommended to me by several highly successful people in the business world. These people emphasized that this book was the reason why they were so successful. It was with that in mind that I purchased this book.

There is no spin in spin selling. The title may imply some sort of deception, but that's very far from the truth. Spin is an acronym for the technique this book is teaching. I'm saying this because I've encountered a number of people who decided to judge this book on its title rather than giving it a fair reading.

Spin selling puts the reader in a position to understand what the customer is looking for and will be able to make recommendations in order to help them. The technique here is all about the customer rather than ripping the customer off. Spin selling, in that way, is about developing a relationship with the customer in order to guarantee more business with them in the future.

Give it a look and see for yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mrs chatel
My wife bought this book for me on a recommendation from one of our friends. I am the president of a 20+ year old consulting firm, Construction Technoloigies Consultants Inc. or CONTECH, that provides analyses on construction claims to the various parties involved in the construction industry. As such, much of my time is spent "selling" our services to these parties.
Spin Selling addresses the minor and major sales and our services fall under the "major sales" category. Although I had been following some of the important points that Mr. Rachman had included in his book for the best ways to "sell" major sales, this book brought a logic to my approach and added additional points that I had not utilized up to now.
I would recommend this book to anyone involved in the consulting industry as it shows the "how" and "how not" to present yourself and your products/servicews to the potential buyer.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a great book explaining a process for selling successfully. It has general steps that provide insight and the common language for a sales effort that enables the expert/experienced salesman communicate with the trainee. I recommend it. I only give it four stars because I think it was a little weak on explaining how to develop particular skills in selling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca glennon
Still the best sales book ever written. A must read for everyone in sales..... Which is everyone.
You are in sales. Not sure if you want to be. This contributes to poor results. If you could legitimise sales in your mind, you would achieve great results. SPIN selling is the answer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charles egeland
As a sales professional, the material presented really resonated with me. Of course there is a difference between a simple sale and a complex sale, a difference in the process, and a difference in the buyer! To expect that a standard model of selling fits all situations is not realistic. Seasoned sales professionals can attest to this. What I think is especially helpful with this book is that it is simply prescriptive as to how to handle larger sales using the SPIN methodology. The methodology is logical and it's easy to follow. This is a great read for any serious sales professional.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan ryhanen
Essentially all business organizations have some sort of selling division. As a recent MBA grad, even though I never plan on going into sales, this book provided priceless techniques on sales, understanding the customer, and even general tips on being a good leader/manager and influencing people. Though it's over 20 years old, Rackham's research and methodology still holds true today! Must read for ANYONE working in any business-related environment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joy hopper
In my company we have based our strategies in concepts like these and we have had interesting results. The most important is to put in practice the concepts of books like this.
In particular, I think Spin Selling has a good redaction, good examples, and the concepts are very easy to understand
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie rowley
This book will open your eyes. I am a pharmaceutical sales rep. Reps are always taught to close their customers but most reps never do unless their managers are around. Read this book to see why the reps have been right all of these years!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
timothy cameron
This book introduces the reader to the main differences between managing small spot sales and large and complex ones, which require much more strategy. The conclusions, based on hundreds of hours going on sales calls, give hints on how to shorten the sales-cycle an assure more closings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book introduces the reader to the main differences between managing small spot sales and large and complex ones, which require much more strategy. The conclusions, based on hundreds of hours going on sales calls, give hints on how to shorten the sales-cycle an assure more closings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
philip jon
This books helps you understand the process of selling to corporate customers or in general big purchases based on the value they provide to the customer. As disclaimed, this is not the book if you want to understand small item sales. For what it is good however, it really digs deep and puts forward very compelling case studies, and more importantly, gives you a framework to understand what you sell, and who you are selling to. I'm very happy with my acquisition.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Identifies difference between large and small selling. Overall does make a few good points but the author could have summarized in less than 20 pages. My recommendation: do browse through the book but don't spend more than day or two reading it.

Summery: Implication and need-payoff are the most important stages of large selling. More you work on these questioning stages better you will get at large sales, as you will learn objection prevention Vs handling.
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