Insights from a Doctor's Personal Journey through Depression
ByDr. Michelle Bengtson
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed ragheb
I was excited to receive this book from the publisher to read in exchange for my honest review but I had no idea I would be so greatly impacted by the contents. I never believed I was someone who suffered from depression, and I really haven't "suffered" with it - but I could relate to some of the ways Michelle talked of it. I had "down days" I would call them and there were days I didn't understand why I felt so "blah" and after reading through this book, I can see all those days were magnified by the voices I chose to listen to in my head. I loved the faithful prayers she offered at the end of each chapter for those who were reading it. I honestly felt, as I read them, the power of her prayers behind them. As a music lover, I found the list of her songs an added bonus. What a great idea! To offer a list of songs to uplift and encourage. Dr. B offered great tools within this book to help anyone who suffers from depression. I have to believe that the journey she walked through, while in the valley of depression, has made her an exceptional Dr. for all those she counsels in her practice. Thanks, Dr. B for this extremely beneficial and timely book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Depression is a topic the church seems to shy away from, or minimize. Clinical depression isn't the same as being sad, and looking on the bright side of things isn't going to cure it. In Hope Prevails Dr. Bengston delicately spans the idea that treatment for depression for a Christian must include our faith. I liked that this book did not downplay the severity of realness of depression, but it also didn't shy away from faith-based principles. To be able to read a perspective from not only a doctor, but one who suffered through severe depression, was definitely unique. If you or someone you love suffers from depression, you will definitely enjoy this book.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is such a wonderful insight into the world of depression, written by someone who went through it herself as well as being a Dr. This book tells of a women who thought she knew all about depression from a clinical point of view, but realizes when she goes through soul crushing depression that there is something missing in the way she had previous viewed depression.
I love how the author explores the world of depression in such easy to understand terms and talks about what depression does to a person and also the hope of getting on the other side of depresion.
Well written and truly engaging this book is an excellent read.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I love how the author explores the world of depression in such easy to understand terms and talks about what depression does to a person and also the hope of getting on the other side of depresion.
Well written and truly engaging this book is an excellent read.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I don’t review books without having finished them. (Okay, maybe once or twice.) But this book will have to be an exception. I haven’t finished reading it because it’s so good. I can’t guarantee that I agree with everything in this. All I can tell you is that it’s worth reading, if only for the playlists at the end of every chapter. (I’m gradually compiling them on Grooveshark, and I really like about three-quarters of the songs, which is pretty good for me.)
My favorite quote from this book (so far):
God won’t allow our depression, our resulting frustration and despair, or even our misguided anger to change the security of our destiny as long as we are Christ followers.
That’s a truth I lose hold of on occasion, but it’s a very good one to remember.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
My favorite quote from this book (so far):
God won’t allow our depression, our resulting frustration and despair, or even our misguided anger to change the security of our destiny as long as we are Christ followers.
That’s a truth I lose hold of on occasion, but it’s a very good one to remember.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristine bruneau
Pretty sure Michelle and I have the same playlists! Many of the songs she mentioned in her book are on my phone already! I've battled depression for as long as I can remember and this is the first book I've read that leaves me feeling accepted, loved and hopeful. Others share only of a victory testimony (which is great but not to someone going through darkness at the moment) or simply focuses on the science (good too but still makes me go "Ok, now what?"). I'm going through a crazy time of uncertainty and just so much change. I'm in a very loving church family allowing me to walk this hand in hand with others - but Michelle's book is like my way of really talking it out with God. Even as a writer, the words just come so hard right now. Starting to journal again.
This is a must read for anyone who has lost hope in the battle against depression. It's the first book to really give me hope and plus, I follow the author's blog and I believe she is the real deal. Authentic. True.
This is a must read for anyone who has lost hope in the battle against depression. It's the first book to really give me hope and plus, I follow the author's blog and I believe she is the real deal. Authentic. True.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was really good and super encouraging, it definitely helps to see whats really going on in the lives of those going through depression, I would recommend this to everyone. Its good to know how to encourage others and how to seek encouragement from Christ.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandybell ferrer
I suffered one traumatic event after another while in college. I thought I had coped fairly well with those. However, it wasn't until I experienced the greatest blessing in my life (the birth of my twins) that I suddenly realized I hadn't coped well at all with those previous traumatic events. You see, for whatever reason, that postpartum period brought a flood of emotions and events that I wasn't prepared for. All of a sudden, my world started spinning out of control. I sought out help from my OB-GYN, began medical treatment for postpartum depression, and within a few years was able to discontinue the medication. However, I have always known that there has been a lingering shadow, ever-present and ever-ready to take hold of my emotions. As a Christian, I felt the struggle between admitting my weakness and claiming healing once and for all. Then, God led me to Dr. Michelle's book and companion study! What a tremendous relief to truly find someone that has "been there"~ walked a journey so close to the one I've been on, and can offer professional experience to her recommendations for me!! More than anything, I appreciate that she sought to get to the spiritual roots of depression, knowing that unless and until the spiritual roots are found and addressed, the battle with depression will never be won. The Bible study takes the book to an even deeper level, as Dr. Michelle poses chapter questions that take you to the heart of each topic. Similar to the book, she again leads us into conquering the enemy by praising God and lists beautiful praise and worship music at the end of each chapter, too (different songs for each chapter than the book!), which is something I looked forward to at the conclusion of my times of study!! I can't recommend this book highly enough for anyone that may be currently walking through a season of depression, anyone that knows and/or loves someone walking through depression, or for anyone that may be in church leadership~ so you may be better equipped to help put this resource into the hands of people who need it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What has helped me most after reading Hope Prevails is learning to recognize the lies of the enemy (they really are a whisper), taking those thoughts captive and then speaking God's truth to them. This book has brought to life these words from 2 Corinthians 10:5 "bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." I never really knew how to do that. Now, I am amazed at the number of thoughts that fly into my head in any given moment that are not my thoughts. I can say: NO. That's not what God says about me. That's not how God made me. That's not the plan God has for my future because my future is full of hope and peace. It's truly life changing. Thank you, Dr. Bengtson.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt reynolds
In March 2016, my family unexpectedly got thrown into a season of the unknown. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Shortly after undergoing brain surgery, I found myself facing brain cancer head on. I was also preparing to leave my family for 3 long months. I had to travel out of state, in order to undergo 36 rounds of radiation treatments. It would be by far the most difficult but rewarding season God had ever blessed me with. I quickly became lonely while suffering with depression. Living in a hotel room for so long and all alone, gave the enemy a crack to slip through with his lies and boy did he take full advantage of it! The beautiful part is that God had already planned way ahead for this season. After returning back to my hotel from my morning treatment, I became so overwhelmed with my depression and could only sit there crying at the edge of my bed. Feeling so helpless and sick from treatment all I wanted to do was cry. At that very moment I got a call letting me know there was mail waiting for me at the front desk. It was that day when I received a book from a friend with a card of encouragement. The books cover read "Hope Prevails: Insight's from a doctor's personal journey." What a blessing would this book become for me while I completed the rest of my radiation treatments. It became my peace and strength from God as a reminder that I was not alone in my battle against depression. I took it with me everywhere. I couldn't put it down! At a time when I had almost given up on myself this book came along and changed everything. With a confident heart I highly recommend this raw & openly honest insightful book and bible study to all who find themselves facing, have faced, or know someone who is currently facing depression. Hope Prevails is more than any book, more than any bible study you have ever came across- It is the beginning piece of a puzzle that once felt impossible to put together. If you are reading this review and fighting your own personal battle with depression please know that it is not by accident. Little did Michelle Bengston know that she would one day create this amazing book and bible study. God did though. Just like He knows each hand and heart that Hope Prevails will touch. #HopePrevailsBibleStudy #HopePrevailsMoreThanABook #BlessingInABook #HopePrevailsAlways
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
owen kendall
This was a very encouraging and refreshing book. People in general, even Christians, seem unaware of the fact that so many of the causes and/or aggravators of depression are spiritual issues. Dr. Bengtson wisely understands that depression is not going to be cured by a pill or a therapy session, if the heart is not right with the Lord.
Packed with Biblical principles, this book is full of encouragement and advice from someone who has been there, and who can now look back. I loved that Dr. Bengtson included suggested Bible verses to memorize at the end of each chapter. Also, I appreciated the ‘playlists’ of music she’d found encouraging in her own journey, and the personal prayers for those reading the book.
I only had a couple of issues with this book. The first was that it seems to be advertised as a book to help ‘anyone’ who is going through depression, but when reading, it was clearly a book for those who are already believers in Christ. Many of God’s promises covered in this book are for His children only. They would not apply to someone who does not know Him as Savior and Father. Farther into the book, Dr. Bengtson clarifies that salvation through Jesus is the first step towards freedom; while I am thankful that she did clarify, this clarification should have been nearer the beginning.
The second fault I found was a collection of statements regarding one’s perception of individual worth. A couple of quotes such as “…you have infinite worth because Christ paid the price of his life when he died on the cross to save us,” and, “If you were the only one living, God would have done that just for you because he found you worthy,” bothered me. Christ did not die for us because we were so valuable and worth saving – He died for us out of HIS own goodness and mercy and kindness, and His love is what gives us our value. Before He redeemed us, we were despicable; He and His love are what have cleaned us and made us new and beautiful. He didn’t buy us because we were/are valuable – we are valuable because He bought us. While there are certainly people who struggle with understanding their value in the Lord’s eyes, I think Dr. Bengtson could have done a better job of encouraging them scripturally in this case, judging from her excellent level of communicating in other areas.
Lastly, though I loved how she used large amounts of Scripture throughout the book, I did wish Dr. Bengtson had used the King James Version (or at least the New King James) which, based on research and study experience, I have personally found to be the most true translation of the original text.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to Christians struggling with areas of personal darkness and discouragement.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.
Packed with Biblical principles, this book is full of encouragement and advice from someone who has been there, and who can now look back. I loved that Dr. Bengtson included suggested Bible verses to memorize at the end of each chapter. Also, I appreciated the ‘playlists’ of music she’d found encouraging in her own journey, and the personal prayers for those reading the book.
I only had a couple of issues with this book. The first was that it seems to be advertised as a book to help ‘anyone’ who is going through depression, but when reading, it was clearly a book for those who are already believers in Christ. Many of God’s promises covered in this book are for His children only. They would not apply to someone who does not know Him as Savior and Father. Farther into the book, Dr. Bengtson clarifies that salvation through Jesus is the first step towards freedom; while I am thankful that she did clarify, this clarification should have been nearer the beginning.
The second fault I found was a collection of statements regarding one’s perception of individual worth. A couple of quotes such as “…you have infinite worth because Christ paid the price of his life when he died on the cross to save us,” and, “If you were the only one living, God would have done that just for you because he found you worthy,” bothered me. Christ did not die for us because we were so valuable and worth saving – He died for us out of HIS own goodness and mercy and kindness, and His love is what gives us our value. Before He redeemed us, we were despicable; He and His love are what have cleaned us and made us new and beautiful. He didn’t buy us because we were/are valuable – we are valuable because He bought us. While there are certainly people who struggle with understanding their value in the Lord’s eyes, I think Dr. Bengtson could have done a better job of encouraging them scripturally in this case, judging from her excellent level of communicating in other areas.
Lastly, though I loved how she used large amounts of Scripture throughout the book, I did wish Dr. Bengtson had used the King James Version (or at least the New King James) which, based on research and study experience, I have personally found to be the most true translation of the original text.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to Christians struggling with areas of personal darkness and discouragement.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. Bengtson's book tackles a tough subject in an uplifting yet practical way. The easy-to-read chapters make this book great for reference, as well. I would feel comfortable recommending this book to any of my friends. It will definitely be helpful to those battling depression, but I also feel the wisdom Dr. Bengtson shares would be valuable for anyone wanting to find more hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff bradley
Dr. Bengtson is someone who really 'gets it.' This book doesn't address depression in a typical way. Rather, it takes you on a journey of healing with someone who is not only a dedicated physician but has walked through the disease herself. This is more than just someone telling you how to 'get over it.' It's a good friend walking alongside you with tried and true advice that has the potential to change everything if you dare to let it. If depression is something you or someone you love is struggling with, this is the best gift you can possibly give. Hope really does Prevail in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tabitha blewett
The expertise of a professional, the compassion of a patient. That's what is unique about this spiritually-based, practical, and helpful resource for those suffering from depression. It's also a good read for those who have never experienced depression, but loves someone who has or does. Hope Prevails should be in Christian counseling offices, church libraries, and as a resource in the hands of all the brave souls who struggle with depression but battle with hope.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dar darrow
Dr. Bengtson is an authority on the topic not just because she has studied it extensively, but because she has lived it. And because of that her analysis and suggestions are practical. They will help anyone work their way through depression with a deep sense of hope for the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna featherston
If you have ever or are currently battling with depression or anxiety, Dr. Bengtson offers hope and healing through the One who has the power to heal completely. She has not only "been there, done that," but is uniquely gifted by God to offer practical and spiritual aid.
The end of each straightforward and Scripture-saturated chapter, Michelle provides practical steps to bring healing, Scripture to commit to memory, and music to soothe your heart.
The end of each straightforward and Scripture-saturated chapter, Michelle provides practical steps to bring healing, Scripture to commit to memory, and music to soothe your heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor o brien
Depression can force one into a vicious cycle of shame, creating hopelessness. In this book, Dr. Bengston gives practical "prescriptions" to break that cycle. Live-changing and even life-saving, if you or someone you love is suffering (or even suspect you might be) this book is a must. Easy to read but packed with wisdom from Dr. Bengston's own experience and her knowledge as a neuropsychologist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily tenenbaum
This book stands alone - it is not a detached intellectual commentary on depression, providing the reader with facts and suggestions for help. Dr. Bengtson, the neuropsychologist, lived it. Felt it. Walked it. She invites YOU to join her on her journey to hope- the Hope that Prevails. You will not be disappointed. There is so much here to read and contemplate that it will not be a, "once read and done" book. This one will be a reference for you to come back to, to reread at times, and maybe more importantly, to give away. you may want to purchase 2...or more. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vitong vitong
This book is for anyone currently experiencing depression, or who has a loved one who is struggling. Dr. Bengston pairs scientific knowledge with an acute understanding of the need for a spiritual component to healing because of her own struggles with depression. It's a book that says "me too" and here are some steps to walk towards healing.
I received a copy of this book from Revell Books in exchange for an honest review.
I received a copy of this book from Revell Books in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chase parnell
If you or someone you know is suffering with depression, get this book from my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson. She knows the medical side of this, but she also knows the spiritual. She has walked this road and has a word for those who are living with depression. Pick up a copy for yourself or a friend. No heavy doctor talk her, Michelle is warm and transparent. An easy read on a difficult subject.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan prince
"Hope Prevails" brings a great insight around feelings of depression, anxiety and fear.. Written by Dr. Michelle Bengston, a neuropsychologist, who has suffered depression herself. In the process of "treating" herself with the recommendations she had given over the years to numerous patients, she found there was something missing. The Scriptures, prayers and worship songs used in each chapter were comforting. I highly recommend this book for everybody, whether you suffer yourself or not. The tools offered in "Hope Prevails" will strengthen, encourage and heal anyone who reads Dr. Bengston's words. This book is not intended to disregard treatment that you may be undergoing and I like the fact that this book is intended to supplement the spiritual element that Dr. Bengston felt was missing as a critical accompaniment to a holistic healing approach. I love this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
b verduzco
I really enjoyed this book. I've never been diagnosed with depression, but have suffered much loss this year, and this was a good read. The author includes lots of Bible verses and sound scriptural basis, plus her background in counseling and her personal experience really bring the book to life. Loved the song choices at the end of each chapter!!! A really good read that truly shows that hope prevails!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Dr. Bengtson is not only a neuropsychologist, but has also suffered from depression. She noticed that doctors rarely included the spiritual aspect of healing when dealing with a patient's depression. Since this played a huge part in her recovery, she wrote a book so that others could benefit from her journey. There are questions, prayers, and playlists at the end of each chapter that help make the chapter relevant and offer hope.
I loved the cover. It's beautiful and calming. The author has a doctor's background as well as personal experience, something that all of us want when we go to talk to someone about our experiences and problems with depression. She is honest and open about her own experiences and how they shaped her. The last chapter shares some insights that deal with all forms of help, such as medication, therapy, health, etc. So the book isn't just touching on the spiritual aspect, but also the physical. The book is well written and the author shares stories and personal experiences to make it interesting to read.
These are my feelings, so in no way should take away from what the author is trying to accomplish. I truly hope this book is what others will find extremely helpful.
It felt to me like the author was saying that a spiritual need is the basis of all depression and if we can get that aspect inline correctly that the rest of our depression issues will go away and we can "recover". This wasn't something that I could relate to at all. I clung to God the most and felt closest to Him when in my darkest moments. I did not ever feel like the devil was whispering lies in my ears. My symptoms were mostly physical and while I knew that I was blessed and had a great life, I felt like my brain fog was not allowing me to enjoy it. This isn't the direction of the book at all. And so reading it was not helpful and actually made me feel anger and frustration while reading. I read this with a friend who also suffers from depression and she experienced the same thing as I did. So my recommendation would be to read this book with the mind set that some of the things might not apply, but there are some great take-a ways if you want to read through everything to get to them.
I received this book free of charge. I was not compensated for writing this review and all opinions expressed are my own.
I loved the cover. It's beautiful and calming. The author has a doctor's background as well as personal experience, something that all of us want when we go to talk to someone about our experiences and problems with depression. She is honest and open about her own experiences and how they shaped her. The last chapter shares some insights that deal with all forms of help, such as medication, therapy, health, etc. So the book isn't just touching on the spiritual aspect, but also the physical. The book is well written and the author shares stories and personal experiences to make it interesting to read.
These are my feelings, so in no way should take away from what the author is trying to accomplish. I truly hope this book is what others will find extremely helpful.
It felt to me like the author was saying that a spiritual need is the basis of all depression and if we can get that aspect inline correctly that the rest of our depression issues will go away and we can "recover". This wasn't something that I could relate to at all. I clung to God the most and felt closest to Him when in my darkest moments. I did not ever feel like the devil was whispering lies in my ears. My symptoms were mostly physical and while I knew that I was blessed and had a great life, I felt like my brain fog was not allowing me to enjoy it. This isn't the direction of the book at all. And so reading it was not helpful and actually made me feel anger and frustration while reading. I read this with a friend who also suffers from depression and she experienced the same thing as I did. So my recommendation would be to read this book with the mind set that some of the things might not apply, but there are some great take-a ways if you want to read through everything to get to them.
I received this book free of charge. I was not compensated for writing this review and all opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've never seen an author so passionate about changing the future of the lives of anyone who is battling depression. This book is very transparent and offers a spiritual foundation mixed with true accounts of life experiences to help individuals overcome depression. #hopeprevails
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill millard
Hope Prevails is written by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, a neuropsychologist. This is a book of her personal journey with depression. The author points out that a lot of people who are suffering from depression are embarrassed to talk about it. The Bible tells us we will go through difficult painful times. But God will be with us. If we do not take time to rest in God's presence and listen to him,we can become lonely. Satan can get a hold of us and can steal our joy, peace and identity. We have a choice, we can let depression define us or we can desire joy enough to pursue it with prayer, obedience, gratitude and sacrifice. .
The author also touches on anxiety. Anxiety is the absence of peace. Anxiety is the feeling of being out of control. To have perfect peace, we need to surrender to God, give up our need for control and let God be in control.
This is a good book that uses many verses from the Bible to reinforce that we are loved by God and that He wants to take our pain. He knows that He has so much better for us. The author ends each chapter with questions to ask yourself, was well as with steps to take in your walk through depression, a prayer for our lives during depression and a song list of suggested uplifting songs to listen to. I appreciate that the author briefly point out the need for medical help. She also explains the use of certain medication as other steps we can take in our lives to help with depression. Some of those include prayer, spending time in God's word, getting enough rest, proper nutrition, exercise and stay socially active. The part in the book that really stands out to me is God loves us as we are, not as we think we should be. He gives us his love freely, we do not have to be in church all the time, serve on committees or give a certain amount in the offering to receive his love.
I received a copy of this book from Revell Publishing and have written an honest review.
The author also touches on anxiety. Anxiety is the absence of peace. Anxiety is the feeling of being out of control. To have perfect peace, we need to surrender to God, give up our need for control and let God be in control.
This is a good book that uses many verses from the Bible to reinforce that we are loved by God and that He wants to take our pain. He knows that He has so much better for us. The author ends each chapter with questions to ask yourself, was well as with steps to take in your walk through depression, a prayer for our lives during depression and a song list of suggested uplifting songs to listen to. I appreciate that the author briefly point out the need for medical help. She also explains the use of certain medication as other steps we can take in our lives to help with depression. Some of those include prayer, spending time in God's word, getting enough rest, proper nutrition, exercise and stay socially active. The part in the book that really stands out to me is God loves us as we are, not as we think we should be. He gives us his love freely, we do not have to be in church all the time, serve on committees or give a certain amount in the offering to receive his love.
I received a copy of this book from Revell Publishing and have written an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla aimee
LOVED this book!!! As someone who has suffered with depression and held the sweet hands of others who have as well, I found Dr. Michelke Bengston's book one of the most helpful and encouraging books to aid in the struggle of depression. Depression is not a "wake up and get over it" life. The struggle is real. Dr. Michelle not only offers educational information, she then offers you real life application and exercises. She not only helps with her professional advice, speaks from experience of her own. She gets us! This book has great solid information and encouragement to aid in the struggle of depression.
I received a copy free from the publisher for my honest opinion. I was not prepared to be so blessed and encouraged by the words in this book.
I received a copy free from the publisher for my honest opinion. I was not prepared to be so blessed and encouraged by the words in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pj nights
You are not alone anymore. Dr. Bengston is not only a neuropsychologist, but she has walked through the valley of depression herself. She offers the voice of a dear friend to help you, or someone you love, walk through the valley and come out on the other side. Dr. B. shares her experience and gives you practical steps to take when depression seems to overwhelm your life. There is no stigma, no finger-pointing, no quick-fixes, simply the voice of a wise Christian friend holding your hand and pointing you to the light at the end of the tunnel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick bender
As a pastor's wife and ministry leader, people come to me in search of practical and biblical advice for the issues they face in real life. This book offers valuable insight to combat the pain of depression. Within these pages, Dr. Bengston helps us reset our thought patterns to faith-based principles. Vulnerable about her own struggle, Dr. Bengston points the way to the hope and breakthroughs she discovered.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dean turnbloom
Listening to the audio version of Hope Prevails was like drinking soothing water from a fresh flowing spring. Life is full of ups and downs; and this book, with its well-balanced blend of Scriptures and personal examples, offers readers the perfect boost of encouragement to bring peace to the hurting soul.
Dr. Michelle Bengston isn't just a psychologist with all the right answers. She is someone who has been there, stuck in the valley of darkness, trying to come up for air. In writing with vulnerability and transparency, Dr. Bengston helps readers learn to put up their protective shield against the enemy's assaulting lies.
From page one to finish, you will be assured that God loves you, sees you, and is strong enough to carry you through. You will also know that when you come out of this, God will use you to reach out to others with the same powerful comfort you yourself received. There's hope!
Dr. Michelle Bengston isn't just a psychologist with all the right answers. She is someone who has been there, stuck in the valley of darkness, trying to come up for air. In writing with vulnerability and transparency, Dr. Bengston helps readers learn to put up their protective shield against the enemy's assaulting lies.
From page one to finish, you will be assured that God loves you, sees you, and is strong enough to carry you through. You will also know that when you come out of this, God will use you to reach out to others with the same powerful comfort you yourself received. There's hope!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer mencarini
Hope Prevails offers exactly what the title promises: hope prevailing over depression. Dr. Michelle Bengtson writes from the heart. Her personal experience makes this book more than just a book on overcoming depression. It shares her journey and what she learned about overcoming depression. There are specific strategies Dr. Bengston finds helpful. I especially enjoyed her Rx ideas to try at the end of each chapter and her playlists to help focus my heart and mind on Christ and the Truth instead of allowing the enemy to continue to feed me lies.
If you or someone you love suffers from depression Hope Prevails will help you.
If you or someone you love suffers from depression Hope Prevails will help you.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Dr. Bengtson is not only a neuropsychologist, but has also suffered from depression. She noticed that doctors rarely included the spiritual aspect of healing when dealing with a patient's depression. Since this played a huge part in her recovery, she wrote a book so that others could benefit from her journey. There are questions, prayers, and playlists at the end of each chapter that help make the chapter relevant and offer hope.
I loved the cover. It's beautiful and calming. The author has a doctor's background as well as personal experience, something that all of us want when we go to talk to someone about our experiences and problems with depression. She is honest and open about her own experiences and how they shaped her. The last chapter shares some insights that deal with all forms of help, such as medication, therapy, health, etc. So the book isn't just touching on the spiritual aspect, but also the physical. The book is well written and the author shares stories and personal experiences to make it interesting to read.
These are my feelings, so in no way should take away from what the author is trying to accomplish. I truly hope this book is what others will find extremely helpful.
It felt to me like the author was saying that a spiritual need is the basis of all depression and if we can get that aspect inline correctly that the rest of our depression issues will go away and we can "recover". This wasn't something that I could relate to at all. I clung to God the most and felt closest to Him when in my darkest moments. I did not ever feel like the devil was whispering lies in my ears. My symptoms were mostly physical and while I knew that I was blessed and had a great life, I felt like my brain fog was not allowing me to enjoy it. This isn't the direction of the book at all. And so reading it was not helpful and actually made me feel anger and frustration while reading. I read this with a friend who also suffers from depression and she experienced the same thing as I did. So my recommendation would be to read this book with the mind set that some of the things might not apply, but there are some great take-a ways if you want to read through everything to get to them.
I received this book free of charge. I was not compensated for writing this review and all opinions expressed are my own.
I loved the cover. It's beautiful and calming. The author has a doctor's background as well as personal experience, something that all of us want when we go to talk to someone about our experiences and problems with depression. She is honest and open about her own experiences and how they shaped her. The last chapter shares some insights that deal with all forms of help, such as medication, therapy, health, etc. So the book isn't just touching on the spiritual aspect, but also the physical. The book is well written and the author shares stories and personal experiences to make it interesting to read.
These are my feelings, so in no way should take away from what the author is trying to accomplish. I truly hope this book is what others will find extremely helpful.
It felt to me like the author was saying that a spiritual need is the basis of all depression and if we can get that aspect inline correctly that the rest of our depression issues will go away and we can "recover". This wasn't something that I could relate to at all. I clung to God the most and felt closest to Him when in my darkest moments. I did not ever feel like the devil was whispering lies in my ears. My symptoms were mostly physical and while I knew that I was blessed and had a great life, I felt like my brain fog was not allowing me to enjoy it. This isn't the direction of the book at all. And so reading it was not helpful and actually made me feel anger and frustration while reading. I read this with a friend who also suffers from depression and she experienced the same thing as I did. So my recommendation would be to read this book with the mind set that some of the things might not apply, but there are some great take-a ways if you want to read through everything to get to them.
I received this book free of charge. I was not compensated for writing this review and all opinions expressed are my own.
Please RateInsights from a Doctor's Personal Journey through Depression