And More Anne Shirley Books (Xist Classics) - Anne of Green Gables
ByLucy Maud Montgomery
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
heather andrews
I am only applying a three-star rating because it did not appear on my Kindle device as expected. When I purchase on my original Kindle, the content is also available on my Kindle Fire, not so the other way around. I purchased the collection while on my Kindle Fire and the content is not included on my original Kindle. I was very disappointed because I use the original Kindle for bedside reading. Is this a setting glitch on my end?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler b
I wasn’t planning to reread Anne of Green Gables – or any book for that matter – this year, but the book began to call to me several months ago. Suddenly, Anne Shirley is everywhere. Just in the last week, I wrote about the life lessons I learned from Anne of Green Gables, and I learned the CBC is working on a new film adaptation, set to premiere in early 2016. In line with this resurgence, here is my review of L.M. Montgomery‘s most famous novel, Anne of Green Gables.
Let me begin by saying that the 2008 Puffin edition – pictured above – quickly became my favorite. I’m not the biggest fan of change, so, although I enjoyed Lauren Child’s illustrations for her Charlie and Lola series, her version of Anne was not my version. Mine was the 1982 Starfire Anne, who smiled out from the boxed set that had been a bookshelf staple for ten years. This strange, pale impostor bothered me. But the Puffin edition’s recipes and glossary placed it far ahead of the pack. It’s the perfect gift for young readers who may have difficulty navigating the language of early-20th century Canada without assistance.
Speaking of which, I remembered Anne of Green Gables being intimidating in its wordiness, and this perceived difficulty had stuck with me from childhood. That, I believe, is why I put off rereading the Anne books for so long: no one wants to feel ignorant, especially an English major reading a children’s book.
Thankfully, my experience rereading Anne was a perfect one. Montgomery’s prose is the simple foil to Anne Shirley’s flowery speech. The result is a book that’s simple enough to make for a light read, but interesting enough not to bore.
Reading Anne of Green Gables was just as delightful at 25 as it was at 10. Its heroine’s foibles are just as comedic and endearing today as they were years ago. Reading Anne today is like watching your past self navigate life. Sure, you weren’t perfect, and you make yourself cringe at times, but you know it’s all going to turn out right in the end.
Let me begin by saying that the 2008 Puffin edition – pictured above – quickly became my favorite. I’m not the biggest fan of change, so, although I enjoyed Lauren Child’s illustrations for her Charlie and Lola series, her version of Anne was not my version. Mine was the 1982 Starfire Anne, who smiled out from the boxed set that had been a bookshelf staple for ten years. This strange, pale impostor bothered me. But the Puffin edition’s recipes and glossary placed it far ahead of the pack. It’s the perfect gift for young readers who may have difficulty navigating the language of early-20th century Canada without assistance.
Speaking of which, I remembered Anne of Green Gables being intimidating in its wordiness, and this perceived difficulty had stuck with me from childhood. That, I believe, is why I put off rereading the Anne books for so long: no one wants to feel ignorant, especially an English major reading a children’s book.
Thankfully, my experience rereading Anne was a perfect one. Montgomery’s prose is the simple foil to Anne Shirley’s flowery speech. The result is a book that’s simple enough to make for a light read, but interesting enough not to bore.
Reading Anne of Green Gables was just as delightful at 25 as it was at 10. Its heroine’s foibles are just as comedic and endearing today as they were years ago. Reading Anne today is like watching your past self navigate life. Sure, you weren’t perfect, and you make yourself cringe at times, but you know it’s all going to turn out right in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jacqueline simonds
Anne of Green Gables is arguably one of my favorite movies, but sadly, I had never read the book. I am glad to finally check this off of my reading bucket list as it is truly a classic. However, this is one of the few instances where (even though this book is great) I liked the movie more. This is probably because I first watched it when I was around six, and almost annually ever since. And also...why is Gil hardly in this book! I must get Anne of Avonlea soon in order to redeem this. (
Anne's House of Dreams (Anne of Green Gables Series) :: Rilla of Ingleside: Anne of Green Gables Series #8 :: Love is a Dog From Hell :: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 1 :: Off Guard
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beloved by girls and women everywhere, the Anne series follows a young orphan from her first true home through her youth to a home and family of her own. Set on picturesque Prince Edward Island, it's good clean fun that you'll keep coming back to for a nice palate cleansing after the more edgy fare that today's media offers as entertainment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle clarke
My grandma bought me the anne of green gables series when I was child. I have read it over a ddozen times . I began looking for ebook copy of the series because my copies are getting old and this is a series worth sharing with the next generation. This e book is good because it is a complete series and the overall layout is descent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
herman rapaport
It bothers me immensely that these Kindle (and other eBook formats) collections state that they are complete when they do NOT have all of the books in the series. I could not find even one collection, at any price, with the complete series. The books in order are: (1) Anne of Green Gables, (2) Anne of Avonlea, (3) Anne of the Island, (4) Anne of Windy Poplars, (5) Anne's House of Dreams, (6) Anne of Ingleside, (7) Rainbow Valley, (8) Rilla of Ingleside, and (9) The Road to Yesterday. And then there are the short stories Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles of Avonlea. Upon further research, I was told by a publisher in NYC that (4) Anne of Windy Poplars, (6) Anne of Ingleside, and (9) The Road to Yesterday (which is actually a group of short stories found after her death and published by her son in 1974) are still under copyright and are not in the public domain. This is why, evidently, they are not included in the "complete collections" available on Kindle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have loved the DVD movie series with Megan Fellows for years. At my daughter-in-laws suggestion, I decided to read the books. The first book is very much like the movie, with minor differences. Anne of Avonlea was my least favorite. Honestly, it was boring at times. I think the editor should have cut 75% of it and added the interesting parts to Anne of Green Gables. The next two books got increasingly better. I loved Annes House of Dreams and am currently reading Rainbow Valley, which I can't seem to put down. By the way, I'm 61. :) You're never too old to read children's books. I would definitely recommend these for children of "all ages". It takes you to a simpler time of life, when parents taught their children about honesty, integrity and kindness, and good hearted fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anca haiduc
Contains a lot of whimsical descriptions. I am halfway through the collection and have enjoyed it so far. It is not a "cliff-hanger" type of story, but a pleasant read. It starts out when Anne is 11 years/old and continues throughout her lifetime. Each book in the collection covers a special period in her life. There is no graphic sex &/or violence. When someone is expecting a child, the pregnancy is barely alluded to and the baby just sort of appears on the scene. Subjects are handled gently. The book would be very appropriate for a young teenager, or preteen. As I have mentioned, I find it a very nice break from so many of the books I have read lately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy campbell
I haven't found many writers who write as beautifully descriptive as LMM. This was a trip down memory lane for me, having read all but the final book in the series in my pre-teens. These stories are at the turn of the last century, and pre WW1 set on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The Anne books are a foundation of some of the tourism on PEI. Kindred spirits, the family of Joseph, children playing, the reality of not having enough food to eat and clothes to wear, pure romance without the sex, even the "secret" when pregnant, these are stories of long ago, a bygone era and not everyone's cup of tea. But for me, it was a walk down memory lane, everything I had hoped and more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was so amazing how could you write these are they about your life ,dreams or just made up
My whole life I have wanted to write stories but maybe I don't need to you are the best story writer, out of all the books I have read I think this is the most popular among the rest of the books.
I vote this book out of ten I vote one thousand, it is so good I will always vote over the limit
Lucy Maud Montgomery, I bet you are loving them to.??
My whole life I have wanted to write stories but maybe I don't need to you are the best story writer, out of all the books I have read I think this is the most popular among the rest of the books.
I vote this book out of ten I vote one thousand, it is so good I will always vote over the limit
Lucy Maud Montgomery, I bet you are loving them to.??
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have loved the DVD movie series with Megan Fellows for years. At my daughter-in-laws suggestion, I decided to read the books. The first book is very much like the movie, with minor differences. Anne of Avonlea was my least favorite. Honestly, it was boring at times. I think the editor should have cut 75% of it and added the interesting parts to Anne of Green Gables. The next two books got increasingly better. I loved Annes House of Dreams and am currently reading Rainbow Valley, which I can't seem to put down. By the way, I'm 61. :) You're never too old to read children's books. I would definitely recommend these for children of "all ages". It takes you to a simpler time of life, when parents taught their children about honesty, integrity and kindness, and good hearted fun.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline gray
I found the Anne of Green Gables Collection to be very entertaining. I enjoyed the imagination presented by the characters and the descriptions of the many scenic sights around Green Gables. The story developed the Anne character from childhood to adult, which I found intriguing. I would recommend this book to young girls as well as old.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wes davis
I loved these books. I think they are considered books for young people but I found them delightful. As a youth I wasn't so much a reader so I missed them. I'm glad I got to read them as a senior citizen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherry dinkins
I bought the whole collection on Kindle for $0.99 and I just love the stories! I've always heard people reference Anne of Green Gables but have never read them myself, and who would pass up such a great deal? The narration of the scenery is wonderful; it makes you want to be there with her. I haven't finished the collection so I'm curious how Anne finally says yes to Gilbert.
Please RateAnd More Anne Shirley Books (Xist Classics) - Anne of Green Gables