How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe

ByHeather Mac Donald

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heather McDonald's comprehensive review of the present crisis in law enforcement and community relations with police is sorely needed to help sort out the facts from the fiction on this explosive topic. She carefully documents the results of recent attempts to address these issues after a period of effective measures that brought about dramatic reductions in crime in the previous twenty years, spearheaded by such leaders of former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The trouble is that these new measures, partly in response to events like the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of Michael Brown, are proving to be detrimental to our shared goals - actually making things worse and getting more people killed, both police and especially minority populations in the inner city.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heather Mac Donald nails it! At a time when police officers are being attacked by the mainstream media and the BLM crowd comes this well researched and well written treatise based on the facts and data! Heather makes no excuses for law enforcement officers but properly points out that there are no facts which support the notion that police officers are racist or that use of deadly or non-deadly force is used dis-proportionally against black males. As the author of Use of Force Investigations: A Manual for Law Enforcement I applaud Ms. Mac Donald's fact and research based tome. Sadly the attack on police officers has resulted in a natural pull-back from proactive policing (which is as Mac Donald suggests exactly what these groups want). The result? The Ferguson Effect and an increase in violent crime. If you're a concerned citizen or LEO, then this book is worth your time and money. To Heather Mac Donald...thank you for writing the truth!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ella elonen
Truth does matter! This book is highly readable and jammed packed with evidence and facts. Heather does America great service because she actually goes into the neighborhoods and speaks to people. She particularly gives voice to those who live in the high crime neighborhoods who want the police there because without them they are the victims and they are afraid, especially the elderly and the young. She speaks to the police and what they've been dealing with since the lie of "hands up don't shoot" began. If you care about truth this is must read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The author's research is impeccable even if common sense makes it depressing; people have to be told such obvious truths?! Of course, the bulls&$@ factory of academia has confused many and gotten many more to pretend that nonsense about crime & punishment makes sense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book should be required reading for all NFL football players who take a knee." If reading is difficult maybe they could get the book on audio. It states the true, verified facts of what is going on in the situation between African-Americans and the police. If money was no object I would order an audio copy for all of them and send it to them. More importantly, I would send one to Roger Goodall. Maybe if he knew the facts he would react to them as he has treated Tebow and his beliefs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'd seen and heard several other interviews with Heather MacDonald, as well as reading some ratings. It's a scholarly, well written book on just what happens when emotional raves are thrown out instead of rationally obtained statistical data on crime, shootings by both police and civilians, and the probability of one's likelihood of being shot by a police officer, or a hoodlum, black, Hispanic, or white. While it wasn't an eye opener for me, it should be more widely read. Over time, we all develop the ability to make judgements on what's termed "soft data". This book certainly turns those soft data into hard facts.

We're treated, almost daily, the diatribes by media of all types, and various groups with an axe to grind, how blacks are mistreated by police officers, and are beaten and jailed for any-to-no reasons. Most glaring is the "Black Lives Matter" group, which has openly advocated violence to be visited on police officers, damn the facts.

That stated, I was a bit disappointed in the last part of the book. It turned into a detailed examination of the debauched California Corrections and jail systems. It was a real struggle to maintain my focus on these chapters in an otherwise scholarly work.

Overall, a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ed cruz
This very thorough assessment of urban crime, perceived police racism, trends in crime and policing following Ferguson and other high profile police shootings of black youth, prison management is a must read for all but particularly those with a liberal bias. MacDonald debunks the conventional narrative convincingly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara harris
This is a well written, well documented book that is very timely for today current events. It gives the reader insight and understanding of what's really happen in America with our law enforcement and NOT what the Democrats and liberal media wants you to believe. Excellent book. I would encourage anyone to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff drucker
Heather Mac Donald is a new voice in the reporting world and well worth following. The War On Cops is insightful, wonderfully researched and for someone not in the system, extremely detailed and understandable. It should not be missed in terms of serious reading and serious contemplation about the world around us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
racquel torres
It's refreshing to read something from someone who knows what's really going on in America and that cops aren't out there looking for excuses to kill black citizens for no reason.

Ms. Mac Donald understands the dynamics of a police Use of Force encounter and what force options (including deadly force) the law allows officers to use when faced with a dangerous threat (even if unarmed).

She also provides the numbers and facts to completely explain and refute the national media narrative that cops are running amok and killing blacks at an alarming rate.

Our political and community leaders need to read this book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
peyton herrington
This book is a commentary on the politics that are affecting policing. It holds both the criminals and the politicians responsible for the rising crime rate , specifically violent crimes. It addresses police criminal behavior as well as behavior of groups protesting. It is however very repetitive. The information is more suited to a magazine article than an entire book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heather Mac Donald has been writing on this topic for a long time. If anyone knows this topic it's Heather Mac Donald. She presents the facts, the statistics, the background, and especially The Problem. More people need to pay attention to her study and authorship. She makes the case > it is up to us, the citizens of the United States of America, to come to the defense of our local Police Departments and make sure that they are protected, defended, well armed, have modern up-to-date technology and allowed to do their job without being encumbered by mandates from the Department of Justice and the White House.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mel siew
This book should be required reading for the general public who are woefully ignorant on actual real police work. I have been in law enforcement for 15 years and can tell you that the author is dead on. We feel under siege by the media and the public. Unti BLM, and the media and public for that matter, admit what the real problem is, nothing is going to change. I have never, ever seen police brutality in my many years on the job. But I have been involved in many incidents that the public would think is police brutality. This is due to the complete lack of understanding. This book could go a long way in educating the general public.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frances thomas
Being a retired law enforcement officer I found it very informative. Also I find it very disturbing that this behavior is being encouraged by a certain segment of our society. My admiration and respect for those in law enforcement today and for their safety and well being. God Bless and stay safe to all law enforcement people.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While the book is extremely engaging at the start, reading it as I did just shortly after the police officers were assassinated in Dallas, it begins to wander into territory not implied by the title. In my view, the author proves the case that there is a thorough and organized war on police departments in the country. While citing alarming statistics which lend credence to her postulation, she also relies too heavily on anecdotal evidence which, in my view, simply elongates an already proven point.

Perhaps because she spent so much of the book off-topic, wandering at great length inside our prison and jail systems, I found myself skipping over obvious redundancies, wondering and hoping for a time when she would go back on topic. Unfortunately, she never does.

While criminal incarceration plays an important role in the criminal justice system, the author fails to tie it in, in any meaningful way, with the main thesis of the title. Frankly, she made her case convincingly in the first third of the book. Much of the rest felt like a slog.

I'd still recommend the book, but with some provisos.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Truth about crime and the liberal media is laid out with statistics to back it up. DOJ is creating a huge injustice to our police and America.
We are doomed if the false narratives of police shootings are allowed to fester because of political correctness. We are talking about the loss of life. Sad. Noneca es
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda arceo
This book confirms what I already knew, that on the whole law enforcement officers across this country are not racist. Police departments deploy their officers where crime is taking place and the reality is that most of the violent crimes are being committed in the poor and often black neighborhoods. More blacks are being arrested because they are offending at much higher rates. Why are blacks offending at much higher rates? Pretty simple. No family structure, no fathers in the home, 70% plus illegitimacy rates, failure to attend school, no positive role models for young blacks. I don't think Snoop Dog, Lil Wayne, Ghostface Killah and 50 Cent are cutting it as role models. Look at the south side of Chicago, west Baltimore, Detroit, St Louis, Milwaukee etc. Violent crimes by blacks are rampant. The liberal elite, academia, most of the media, and other "advocates" rant against "broken windows policing" and the stop, question and frisk tactics which have reduced crime across the nation during the past two decades. Who does this hurt the most? The good and decent black folks who live in high crime neighborhoods. Now comes Ferguson, MO (2014) and the so called "Ferguson Effect" (cops backing off) and violent crime is heading back up. It's insanity. Great chapters on the subject of incarceration, the insanity of a three judge federal panel taking over the California prison system primarily because the prisons were not providing adequate health care to inmates (deemed cruel and unusual punishment), the lie about the prisons/jails being full of simple possession drug offenders. The DOJ and the Civil Rights Unit are out of control. Thanks for nothing Eric Holder. This book should frighten you. There is no doubt that violent crime is on the way back up. Inmates are being released early, "broken windows policing" is on the decline and the future is bleak for the safety of many Americans, especially the blacks in high crime urban areas. It seems very clear that the liberal elites and other leftist care not one wit for the scores of blacks being murdered by other blacks. When a black American is murdered in this country in more than 90% of the cases the killer is another black. Read this book and learn. Everything is documented with stats. Keep in mind the lies of Black Lives Matter, the assassinations of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, the dismissal of all charges against the Baltimore 6 in the Freddie Gray case. Ms MacDonald is a prophet. Best 250 pages I've read all year. A hard rain is gonna fall in this country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ishita shah
Sadly, a very accurate and well written books.

The people who are knowledgeable about current conditions will agree with it. Most unfortunately, both the well intentioned and not the usually not so well intentioned liberal left will not agree or accept the truth in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam mayle
It is truly disgusting that the MSM have become nothing but Pravda propaganda. A republic depends on an informed citizenry. We no longer have one. BLM is a hoax. This book will inform the reader what the real facts are. Well researched. Heather Macdonald is a leader in her field. Highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana farthing
Heather addressed the elephant in the room, blacks commit a disproportional amount of crimes and they are victimized overwhelmingly by other blacks. Her empirical data completely refutes the media's and Black Lives Matter anecdotal representation that police officers are racists. Excellent book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book but it is hard to get through because it is so depressing to learn how a certain faction has purposefully hung our public servants out to dry. I never had any delusions that they were all perfect but to see the way in which they have been used and abused is frightening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sadly, a very accurate and well written books.

The people who are knowledgeable about current conditions will agree with it. Most unfortunately, both the well intentioned and not the usually not so well intentioned liberal left will not agree or accept the truth in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terrie fox erhardt
It is truly disgusting that the MSM have become nothing but Pravda propaganda. A republic depends on an informed citizenry. We no longer have one. BLM is a hoax. This book will inform the reader what the real facts are. Well researched. Heather Macdonald is a leader in her field. Highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly lack
Heather addressed the elephant in the room, blacks commit a disproportional amount of crimes and they are victimized overwhelmingly by other blacks. Her empirical data completely refutes the media's and Black Lives Matter anecdotal representation that police officers are racists. Excellent book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book but it is hard to get through because it is so depressing to learn how a certain faction has purposefully hung our public servants out to dry. I never had any delusions that they were all perfect but to see the way in which they have been used and abused is frightening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george farrah
A well documented, thoughtful and detailed analysis of the many serious challenges facing law enforcement. Breakdown of the family and the resulting lack of respect for authority is one of many factors that makes law enforcement difficult and dangerous and often thankless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa goodyer
I purchased this book for research on my thesis for my Masters in Criminal Justice at Tarleton State University. The book has by far exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend this book to anyone studying Criminal Justice or working in law enforcement.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jd avidreader
An outstanding description of what is going on in this country. Readers will be shocked and dismayed by the level of political support of freeing convicted violent felons from prison,, political advocating for reduced sentences for convicted felons and total ignoring the devastating affect on minority communities.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ms. McDonald uses readily available sources as the basis for her book. The book includes some very unpopular and politically incorrect conclusions regarding today's law enforcement and who is actually comitting crimes. Perhaps a little longer than it needed to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Heather Mac Donald has written a book that EVERYONE should read. This is a compelling book that tells the real story about the "War On Cops".

Thank you Heather for getting the word out!

Heather Mac Donald
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
randeletta howson
A well written book that shows another way that uninformed and (maybe) well intentioned liberals screw things up. The people hurt the most by their policies are law abiding people in black neighborhoods. Strengthening of both black and white family mores would help but I don't see much hope in that improving soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allisa ali
Meticulously researched and well written. This book does a great job deconstructing the media narrative surrounding the recent spate of high profile police shootings. To be fair I am a proponent of pro-active policing, being a former resident of Stockton and current resident of Oakland, CA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jake goretzki
I highly recommend this book if you want facts and not hyperbole from a preconceived point of view. Very informative, well written, and should be a reference for anyone wanting to discuss the subject intelligently and not emotionally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa g marone
This was a very informative book. It obviously required tons of research to compile all the data in it. Heard about it on Rush. I started in LE in 1971 and am still working. It was very interesting to me. Thank you Ms. Mac Donald.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesse w u
Heather McDonald lays bare the not so subtle reasons behind the sinister war on Cops. There are alot of political motives behind these attacks and if we do not contain these forces we will all suffer. A VERY compelling read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vincenzo dell oste
The single largest obstacle to lowering crime rate and cops being killed just left Washington DC.

The one element missing in this discussion is how will the parent less family problem be corrected. Another book falling short way short of being productive.

It is so obvious to me what the answer is. It is the black community church with their leadership running charter schools. If the black church would team up with NFL, NBA, and MLB players who have community programs it would give credibility for the schools. Of course the players would be more effective if they were married to the mother of their children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has been widely circulated (by me) to people in law enforcement and they were so glad to get the information. Heather MacDonald has done an amazing job of compiling statistics that can't be misunderstood.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I kind of got bored with the area discussing medical and psychological care in the prison systems, but the book kept me interested and presented legitimate arguments against the "mass incarceration" theory.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edrillan vampire junkie
Excellent research, excellent analyses, excellent and clear prose. This is a masterpiece describing the reality of current society and the changing lines between social and antisocial people at all economic levels of society.

This is a masterpiece for understanding society and for explaining it to friends and colleagues -- you will highlight so many sentences for future review and deeper understanding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
travis jackson
The author is very articulate. Her facts ARE CERTIFIABLE AND PRECISE. This is an indictment to the incompetence of the US Dept. of justice. She clearly contradicts the current federal governments premise that our local police are racially biased. She iterates the federal government is destroying our countries judicial system. A really good read. I learned of this literary work on Rush Limbaugh.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric curiel
Thank you for laying out the facts and telling the true stories on this emotionally charged topic. So many people are spouting mindless slogans and propaganda these days. They should be reading this book instead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe ruiz
This book was well researched and provides probable cause for the concern of everyone in Law Enforcement. The vitriol spread by main stream media has no place in the modern American society troubled by out of control violence.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan scheminske
Well researched, clearly written with a journalistic style — this book is a must read if you want to understand the root causes of our recent racial breakdown, and how too many proposed solutions are making things worse.
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