Rise of a Phoenix (The Nix Series Book 3)

ByShannon Mayer

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
torrey smith
A good series, with many twists and turns. Shannon Meyer is a fantastic author with a great imagination. I just wish Abe would stay in the picture. So much protection, maybe that can continue somehow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The conclusion of The Phoenix’s story and boy did it go out with a bang! My anxiety was high reading through the twists and turns. I was shocked, literally my jaw dropped, on MANY occasions. My heart truly went out to Phoenix as she battled her way to her heart, her son Bear. The discoveries along the way had me alternately seething and giving watery smiles! Honestly I just loved the book!!!

Phoenix had to face her hardest battle yet. With Killian at her side grounding her and Dinah kicking her ass when needed she couldn’t fail! Bear is strong and brave, oh and just so stinkin sweet!

I not only recommend this book I am jumping up and down, waving my arms in the air with signs telling you this is a must read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book....all I can say is Wow!!!! Shannon has brought out all my emotions in this one. Laughter,tears,surprise,happiness..an awesome roller coaster. She has outdone herself here. This is a fantastic ending to a wonderful trilogy. It answers a lot of your questions that you might have wondered about from the first two books and like a movie you will be biting your nails and on the edge of your seat for the final climax at the end, then you will be sighing wistfully at the end just hugging the book. It is that awesome....
Well done Shannon Mayer, well done........
Blood of a Phoenix (The Nix Series Book 2) :: The Hammer and the Blade: An Egil & Nix Novel :: Skyborn (Dragons and Druids Book 1) :: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits - When Ghosts Speak :: Look to Windward (A Culture Novel Book 7)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
All those pesky questions that you have had since book one are finally answered in RISE OF A PHOENIX. Some things I saw coming, many I didn't, RISE OF A PHOENIX is full of twists and turns that will leave you both sated and wanting more.

The multiple POVs come into play more often in book three. For such a young boy, Bear sounds so grown up at times. I really enjoyed the relationship development between Nix and Killian . They fit together really well and I liked that they weren't immediately throwing themselves at each other considering everything that has happened.

I only had one small issue and I absolutely hate to mention it, but like some of Shannon's other books (ie: The Venom Trilogy) I did feel that there were a few parts in RISE OF A PHOENIX where the dialog felt forced and not as smooth. It didn't feel like natural conversation, more like trying to force words from a script into reality. I am a huge fan of Shannon's work, so I don't say this lightly. I didn't feel like the previous two books in this series had this issue, and thankfully RISE OF A PHOENIX didn't have a ton of it, just a few spots.

Nix's story doesn't feel over to me. The current storyline is finished, but the end felt like it was left open for more. I hope to see more of Nix and her growing family in the near future.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicholas lind
The first book in the series was riveting enough despite the cliffhanger that I downloaded the second immediately. The second book wound around and again annoyingly ended in another cliffhanger. To be blunt, the second book was mostly filler for the 3rd. But since the series was on Kindle Unlimited, I figured I'd finish it up. This last book bordered on ridiculous - the characters ran around here and there and back again - if it was routed on Google Maps, it would look like a dog navigated the journey. Moreover, every action scene was followed or interspersed with pages of Nix's inner dialog, mostly about her former husband. He's a good guy, he's a bad guy, maybe he's okay, no he's a really, really bad guy, blah, blah, blah. If you excised out the role of the husband in the story, the series could have been one book without adverse impact to the dramatic effect. So it gets 3 stars for a strong heroine who triumphs but loses 2 because a trilogy is unnecessary.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel crawford
Wow!!! I am in awe of Shannon Mayer's brilliance. I don't know how she does it! She has a way of putting the reader into her character's position. You are in her book. And you can't get away.
So many emotions ran through me all throughout this book. I did read (and review) the other books in this trilogy, so I was rather invested in these people and their situations.
The eternal struggle of good against evil, light against darkness and the STRONG LOVE between mother and child. You just don't mess with that. Demons don't know that though. Stupid demons. LOL.
Phoenix is a force to be reckoned with. She'll give her life to keep those she loves safe. That doesn't mean she won't fight the baddies tooth and nail with her own talents. Demons are hard to get rid of, almost impossible. And those that are impossible, you improvise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica jazdzewski
I enjoyed this read. Some good characters and interesting storylines. Good pacing. My only issue was that Mayer chose to write Bear's chapters in first person and have a ten year old boy the written voice of a 30 year old worldly androgens being. No kid uses vocabulary like that and every time I read one of his expressiveness a struggle Roberts with it. It would have been so much better if Bear's storylines were in third person so the narrator could have shared all that in a much more believable way. In first person, it was like the screech of brakes bringing a fun reading ride to a grinding halt every single time I had to plow through his sections. Too bad. Maybe a thought for future books when attempting to write from a child's perspective??
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz matz
Lets just start with Nix rocks. The boogeyman for abnormals, Nix's name strikes fear into the hearts of all. Her demon dealing daddy still has her son in his grasp and Nix is going to get him back. Dinah and Eleanor are the must have weaponry that a fierce mother needs to take down the big bad. Killian steals the heart in the way only an Irish bad boy hero that shoots lightening can. The two uncover plenty of danger and secrets as they work their way to finding Bear. Bear is not whimpering boy himself, learning to channel some of the powers he inherited from his mother. The characters in the this story draw the reader in and the story holds on tight for a one sitting read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this third and last installment of the Phoenix series, Shannon Mayer takes us on one of the most intense roller coaster rides of a story and quite honestly you will have no idea how it will end. Rarely does a book leave me with NO idea how it might end up, but this series did it to me. I literally could not put it down, or sleep, until the final word. And then my heart broke a little that there were no more books in this series….because this is by far one of the best series I have ever read….and I read a lot! So many amazing characters and stories all woven into one amazing telling - I am once again in awe of this author and her ability to continually up the ante! A job so brilliantly well done Shannon Mayer - please don't ever stop writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a big fan of this series. I like the rough edge that Nix has over Mayer's other characters. She's bold, sometimes rude, and determined. She does what she has to do, even if it feels like it's going to break her.

There was a lot of action in the final installment. From one challenge and complication to the next. Nix takes down one obstacle after another--stopping at nothing to get to her son.

My only complaint (mild though it is) is that the ending felt a little "Little House On the Prairie" to me. However, it didn't stop me from enjoying the whole series. I also like the openness for a possible spin-off.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lukman arbi
Perhaps this trilogy could have been engaging if it had been written as one book with a clear plot line and developed characters.
Instead, the author created three books with a mind numbingly repetitive theme: danger from horrible villains, heroine saving the day only to be betrayed, again and again.
The supposed suspense became tedious and boring.; I found myself wishing the heroine would just fail and stop torturing her poor readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pat werner
I enjoyed this read. Some good characters and interesting storylines. Good pacing. My only issue was that Mayer chose to write Bear's chapters in first person and have a ten year old boy the written voice of a 30 year old worldly androgens being. No kid uses vocabulary like that and every time I read one of his expressiveness a struggle Roberts with it. It would have been so much better if Bear's storylines were in third person so the narrator could have shared all that in a much more believable way. In first person, it was like the screech of brakes bringing a fun reading ride to a grinding halt every single time I had to plow through his sections. Too bad. Maybe a thought for future books when attempting to write from a child's perspective??
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lets just start with Nix rocks. The boogeyman for abnormals, Nix's name strikes fear into the hearts of all. Her demon dealing daddy still has her son in his grasp and Nix is going to get him back. Dinah and Eleanor are the must have weaponry that a fierce mother needs to take down the big bad. Killian steals the heart in the way only an Irish bad boy hero that shoots lightening can. The two uncover plenty of danger and secrets as they work their way to finding Bear. Bear is not whimpering boy himself, learning to channel some of the powers he inherited from his mother. The characters in the this story draw the reader in and the story holds on tight for a one sitting read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather rushing
In this third and last installment of the Phoenix series, Shannon Mayer takes us on one of the most intense roller coaster rides of a story and quite honestly you will have no idea how it will end. Rarely does a book leave me with NO idea how it might end up, but this series did it to me. I literally could not put it down, or sleep, until the final word. And then my heart broke a little that there were no more books in this series….because this is by far one of the best series I have ever read….and I read a lot! So many amazing characters and stories all woven into one amazing telling - I am once again in awe of this author and her ability to continually up the ante! A job so brilliantly well done Shannon Mayer - please don't ever stop writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley gresh
This book....all I can say is Wow!!!! Shannon has brought out all my emotions in this one. Laughter,tears,surprise,happiness..an awesome roller coaster. She has outdone herself here. This is a fantastic ending to a wonderful trilogy. It answers a lot of your questions that you might have wondered about from the first two books and like a movie you will be biting your nails and on the edge of your seat for the final climax at the end, then you will be sighing wistfully at the end just hugging the book. It is that awesome....
Well done Shannon Mayer, well done........
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a big fan of this series. I like the rough edge that Nix has over Mayer's other characters. She's bold, sometimes rude, and determined. She does what she has to do, even if it feels like it's going to break her.

There was a lot of action in the final installment. From one challenge and complication to the next. Nix takes down one obstacle after another--stopping at nothing to get to her son.

My only complaint (mild though it is) is that the ending felt a little "Little House On the Prairie" to me. However, it didn't stop me from enjoying the whole series. I also like the openness for a possible spin-off.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Perhaps this trilogy could have been engaging if it had been written as one book with a clear plot line and developed characters.
Instead, the author created three books with a mind numbingly repetitive theme: danger from horrible villains, heroine saving the day only to be betrayed, again and again.
The supposed suspense became tedious and boring.; I found myself wishing the heroine would just fail and stop torturing her poor readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren bishop
I received an ARC copy for an honest review.
This is my favorite of the NIX trilogy. I feel the main character’s purpose is best summed up in this quote, “she has it in her to change our world. Or, at the very least, cleanse it of some of the evil it carries.” Cleanse the world and taking names is definitely what Phoenix does as she works to save Bear. Lots of reveals in the last book but also a strong hook into the next series in the world. My favorite quote from the book comes from Kilian, “After may never come, no matter how you look at this. And I don’t want to miss anything. I don’t live for tomorrow, Lass. I live for today.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anthony renwick
Ah....Shannon Mayer you do love making us go through tissues don't you? I love Ms. Mayers work. The worlds are always so full and the characters are people you want to get to know. By the end of the series, you feel like you do.

In Rise, we finish Nix's storyline - the current one at least. It seems like there is room for more. Nix defeats the bad guy and gets a happy ending. Maybe not one she originally envisioned but, one she deserves. We get multiple points of view in this book. It's not something I'm normally a fan of, but it works here. I cannot wait to read more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracey carroll
Well this series is clearly my favorite by Shannon Mayer. I didn't think she could ever beat Rylee Adamson but I honestly feel like I love Nix more. I love the type of person Nix is. I really love the type of mother she is. She knows her Son is the MOST important person in her life the way it should be. I laughed, I cried and I just never knew what was going to happen from one time to the next. Nothing about this book is predictable at all. You need to read this entire series. I can't wait to read more about the other characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david fuquay
ARC received in exchange for honest review.

The finally of the Nix trilogy was full of revelations and most of them where of the "holy crap" variety. After a betrayal so deep, Nix finally wraps things up. I must admit the ending left me wondering and I'm sure we will get more stories from in this world. After some of the things that went down there is no way that is the end of everything. Mrs. Mayer's stories getting crazier and crazier and I can't wait to see what she'll hit us with next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, well really this entire series, shows off some serious skill. Mayer knows how to do her job WELL. It's just a fantastic story with just everything a reader looks for in a book. Its simply an excellent testament of how talented this author is. I would put this series up against any well known series written by popular and successful authors and say "Shannon Mayer has you beat y'all". This series should be winning awards.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah avery
An exciting conclusion to the series. This is one of my favourite series by Mayer. Nix is a strong, relatable, and fierce character that I, as a Mother, felt a strong connection with throughout the stories. Her struggles felt real. Mayer captured the emotion, strength and devotion of a Mother's love perfectly. It was great to see how her relationships with certain characters grew and how others ended in this book. A great wrap up of a terrific series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter banks
There is a love and hate relationship that I developed with this series. I love the fact that I did not want to put the book down. Love the action and the storyline. I hate the fact that I wanted more. I read through all three books faster than I wanted to. Trying my best to stretch them out as long as possible. Mayer is a favorite writer of mines and I will be waiting the next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn boren
Phoenix learns how her guns were made; who Justin and Noah really were; and how to eliminate the threat to her son, her self, and Killian. Killian stays with her through all the fighting, through two-faced helpers working both sides, and keeping her son protected as best he can. Her son comes into his power, a man-child rising to every challenge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This whole series was phenomenal!!! Phoenix is what every mother wants to be! The struggles she goes through are so metaphorical to the struggles we have as parents day in and day out. I cried, I laughed, and I loved right along with her. I can only expect more of this greatness to come with the side series she has coming up. Thank you for making this book series as it filled a hole I think I was missing, but never knew.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
se n patrick sanford
I've loved this series but this third book was particularly good!
Twists and turns, unexpected revelations, so much going on, I couldn't put it down!
The characters are well developed and the storyline has been well planned. It's a really well written series and I'm so pleased I read it.
Will suit supernatural action lovers but make sure you read the series in order
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like fast paced action and surprises, and paranormal fiction, geez here we go; incredible world building, demons, kick ass warrior women, emotional story lines (Shannon yer killing me here), romance, and the inability to put the darn book down??? Hanky needed a few times. Only complaint was Abe. Did you have to?? sighhhh you have a fan for life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hayal ensoy
I truly enjoyed this series! I wonder where the future will take us.. and I hippie it's back in their world. Between Easter and Dinah's trip & Emerald. Future of Bear, the desert witch and her child. And theirs more, maybe from Killian's side of family, with Nix, Bear, Killian & the new wee one on the way. So many directions to go and I can't wait.
Another homerun on this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This has amazing twists and turns in the story. The excitement is continuous and intriguing. It’s extremely hard to find such an interesting and exciting author who not only writes intelligently but also proves top rated plots, characters and excitement in the stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beverley marriott
The Phoenix series is awesome. I could not put it down! Frustrated when I had too!!
Shannon Mayer knows how to write amazing stories with kick butt heroines. The Phoenix Series is her best, so far. I'm looking forward to starting the Witch series now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberley brock
The series started dark but light bloomed and fire came. I really enjoyed this heroine, flawed but with centrifugal force of a mother's love. Often the motivating forces behind heroine is love. It was refreshing to have something so natural intertwined with the fantastical.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbarallen mullins
Twists and turns. Love and deceit. Everything you could possibly want in the conclusion to a spellbinding trilogy. Only thing better would be not ending after three. I have enjoyed them immensely and I am certain I will be reading them again one day! Thank you Shannon Mayer
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is simply a must read I enjoyed reading all three books and still couldn’t get enough of it. This third instalment had so much revelations it had my head turning, I can’t wait for the fourth instalment because I know it would be just as good as the others .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this series! So many twists and turns. Beautifully written. I was so happy with how everything turned out. I kind of wished for a little more romance between Killian and Phoenix but overall great series. I can’t wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kai wang
Shannon's clever story telling kept me guessing up to the end. I cannot say enough good things about this series! I think I love the guns as much as I love the main character. There are lots of twists in this book so I don't want to spoil anything so read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john wollinka
The minute I started the first book in this series I didn’t stop reading. I got lost in the story and all that was happening in it. Abe grabbed onto my heart and wouldn’t let go. Would definitely recommend this book. But beware, it will be hard to put down until you finish it. Enjoy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’ve really enjoyed this series. She never fails to amaze me with her creativity, adventure and devious thinking. I read these three books in less than a week and am panting for more. You never fail me I’ve read all of your books. Thanks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
blake larson
Oh wow did this book surprise me! The book brought out so much emotion. There are parts I was screaming on the inside. Tears shed for everything Nix went through. I'm sad to see this story end. Looking forward to Easter' s story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer healey
I can't believe this book! It was amazing. Phoenix is who I wish I could be. Strong, never gives up, and willing to go to the end of the Earth for her son. I can't wait until we get to find out what happens to Dinah's daughter.
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