#1), Twice Shy, Bitten (Once Bitten

ByNoelle Marie

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had no expectations when I started this book but once I started it I couldn't put it down. I am in no ways affliated with the author and paid the full price for the book. I really hope the author is writing a sequel because I really liked the werewolf world that she created in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily wilkinson
I absolutely loved the book. Halfway through it greatly reminded me of Disney's Beauty And The Beast for all the right reasons. Katherine was taken for her own protection by a beastly man. His character hard and stubborn and like Belle Katherine would not let anyone tell her what to do especially by Bastian, the Alpha wolf. There's even a library! She starts to soften his heart and what happens is romantic and beautiful. There's suspense, thrilling events that leave you on the edge of your seat. I couldn't put it down. The second novel is just as good. These are a must read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ray user2637
When you think of werewolves you think of passion, loyalty, and warmth. There is none of that here. Just annoying people doing mundane things. That's it. Not really anything paranormal about this book besides the fact that they are werewolves.
Bitten: Book One of the Bitten Vampire Series :: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (1939) :: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot (2010-10-07) :: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats :: Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
adam ledford
Bitten begins when Katherine and her friends end up in a place they know they shouldn't be in. But when Katherine decides to go venture further, and finds a strange wolf after things go downhill fast. Mainly, after getting bitten by said wolf, her life starts to change in ways she never imagined. Now, the thought of werewolves, packs, alphas, and more are in her regular norm, but more she's attracted to the man who she can't stand. However, it's not exactly as it seems, and as Katherine goes further into this world she realizes she may not be able to stay away.

Bitten was a wonderful surprise. I found it on the Kindle Unlimited, and was extremely grateful for it. I adored this story! It was so extremely different from most werewolf romance, and it was awesome.

I loved the whole plot line. The beginning makes it seem like your typical young adult story, but that quickly changed as the story progressed. Then when I least expected it a really awesome alpha male hero shows up and I adored Bastian and Katherine together. They were amazing!

Also, I really liked all of the other members of the pack, and seeing the heroine's relationships with them as well.

The only downside to the story was I was annoyed with how sometimes the author would refer to the characters by the color of their air instead of their names, it was a bit odd and frustrating as well.

Other than that I really enjoyed this one, and thought it was really good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Looooved it! From beginning to end! Just wished the cover for Bitten showed Bastion as he is in the books (and that Derpy right eye, lol). Lots of adventure, laughs and Romance! I love how there is an actual culture to these werewolves and I love how they ACTUALLY shift often in the books ( most WW books, they shift maybe once or twice.) My only thing was how Katherine, throughout the series, seemed she had a curse that if left on her own... Something always happens to her! People complain about her rash decisions, but I think they forget how it was to be 16-17, not to mention her adjusting to being a werewolf. Love the culture and concept of Haven Falls. You will fall in love with the Prince Pack! If you love wolf shifters, actual development and culture, hot romance, and tense moments, this series is for you!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kathy juveli hauck
*this review contains spoilers*
I like werewolf novels and I like paranormal romance, but I had a ton of issues with this book. There were the many typos of course, which coupled with the author's overuse of hair and eye color as a means of referring to previously named characters, made it feel like a first attempt at writing a novel. That the author includes two scenes where the the main character is being threatened with rape, in addition to describing some women as "easy" when they express their sexuality, or "asking for it" when they wear clothing that shows a lot of skin, makes me question whether this book supports a culture that empowers women and promotes gender equality. The insignificant age difference between the main character and her love interest didn't bother me. However, the love interest is written more like a father figure, and romance isn't really written into the story until it is clumsily introduced near the end. I hope the second book is better, but after suffering through this one, I don't want to waste my time.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shelia hall
So the story immediately drew me in and could have been an epic book BUT ... The whole story is about three months time frame and after her parents die and friend she just moves on after three days or so. I keep thinking that somewhere in the story they would revisit the issue but no. If the Author had left that whole part out (in my opinion) this book would have been Great. It was just hard to get past it .The ending was awesome though and I never you saw it coming. Over all it was a pretty good YA read and I would recommend it to others but with a little warning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started this book after dinner and thought I would just read an hour or two. Didn't work out that way. Several hours later, after my normal bedtime, I was still reading I couldn't put it down until I finished it. I loved the characters and the ending was perfect!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While I liked that this werewolf story was different and more realistic it was a tad slow. The characters are there but all only have minima rolls. I liked that the love wasn't instant and it wasn't sappy. I also enjoyed the fact that the author made it seem more realistic how one might react to being bitten.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
siddha malilang
Great storyline for young adults. However, I have to say, use of the wrong words detracts a LOT from the reading experience. Improperly edited sentences and poor structure pepper the book & interrupt the flow of the story. Character development of the main 16yo heroine is just slightly less than what it COULD be. But, not bad at all.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mccall carter
Since this is the authors first book, I was impressed. The story does feel like a little teen age drama at times. I though it was kind of unusal because main H was at least 20 ( well past the teen drama). It did get a little tiring the author kept refering to the characters by the hair color. Kind of annoying. There were some editing issues, but nothing i couldn't figure out.

Over all a good start of a series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
So the story immediately drew me in and could have been an epic book BUT ... The whole story is about three months time frame and after her parents die and friend she just moves on after three days or so. I keep thinking that somewhere in the story they would revisit the issue but no. If the Author had left that whole part out (in my opinion) this book would have been Great. It was just hard to get past it .The ending was awesome though and I never you saw it coming. Over all it was a pretty good YA read and I would recommend it to others but with a little warning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started this book after dinner and thought I would just read an hour or two. Didn't work out that way. Several hours later, after my normal bedtime, I was still reading I couldn't put it down until I finished it. I loved the characters and the ending was perfect!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While I liked that this werewolf story was different and more realistic it was a tad slow. The characters are there but all only have minima rolls. I liked that the love wasn't instant and it wasn't sappy. I also enjoyed the fact that the author made it seem more realistic how one might react to being bitten.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Great storyline for young adults. However, I have to say, use of the wrong words detracts a LOT from the reading experience. Improperly edited sentences and poor structure pepper the book & interrupt the flow of the story. Character development of the main 16yo heroine is just slightly less than what it COULD be. But, not bad at all.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
patience phillips
Since this is the authors first book, I was impressed. The story does feel like a little teen age drama at times. I though it was kind of unusal because main H was at least 20 ( well past the teen drama). It did get a little tiring the author kept refering to the characters by the hair color. Kind of annoying. There were some editing issues, but nothing i couldn't figure out.

Over all a good start of a series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
esti sulistyawan
Noelle, I really really loved Bitten. Now I'm about to settle down with SHY.
Bitten was really different from most modern shifter stories and at first I wasn't sure about it. As I got deeper into the story I fell in love with it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa hewlett
Great YA Paranormal Romance. couldn't put the series down once i started, seriously. Some parts seemed a bit juvenile, but hey, thats what it is. Just loved it. I would recommend this series to anyone who loves werewolves.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I do not understand the many positive reviews, I got so mad at the story line that I stopped reading about halfway through.

Why I do not like it: I hated the male "hero". Bastian is portrayed as a male hero, but really in any real story he would be a villain.

*Spoiler* Even if he could be forgiven for what happened at her parents house, which could be seen as an unfortunate event he did not know would happen (which I do not buy since he was trying to "warn" her about it). Nothing in my eyes could forgive him for playing Russian roulette with her life. The life of the woman that he supposedly love (I don't know if he actual loves her, I never finished the book, but the story has that direction). If you love someone (or if you are a decent human being), you don't risk their lives for your own selfish needs *Spoiler*

Now haven gotten that of my chest, I do believe the author has talent and could write a good book, this just is not a good book for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The only thing that bothered me from this book was while I was reading I caught some errors. A he where there should of been a she. A word whose spelling is close to what the author actually intended to use. Other than all of that, I don't think I have laughed or cried so many times while reading. I absolutely loved his book. I do have to say I wish Katherine wasn't so whiney, but then again she is 16. I would recommend this book to anyone.
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