Book 4), Enraptured (Vampire Awakenings

ByBrenda K. Davies

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
justin bryeans
I enjoyed reading this story almost as much as Awakened (Vampire Awakenings), the 1st book, which I loved. This story kept my interest. At no time was I bored. I liked the idea that Paige was a vampire hunter and Ian was a vampire. It added a different element to the story than the previous books and set up a situation where they were at odds with each other when first meeting. This helped keep the story interesting. Also Ian was a college student, which was the same as the hero and the heroine from the first book which I liked because it reminded me of it. This story had a HFN ending with a nice epilogue. This story had most of the former heroes and heroines from the previous stories make appearances, which I liked. Actually the only ones missing other than a slight reference to them were Liam and Sera, the parents of Ian and some of the other characters. Also Liam and Sera were the hero and heroine from the first book. I really liked them a lot and so it would have been nice if they made appearances in this book as well.

There are only a few reasons why I did not love this story like I did the first. I have a guilty pleasure. I love jealous, obsessive, & possessive heroes and Ian could not measure up to Liam in that regard. If he did then I could have recommended this story on an the store thread I belong to that lists stories with jealous & possessive heroes. Don't get me wrong, Ian was protective and somewhat possessive of Paige. However, he displayed very little jealousy. In fact, IMO Paige was more jealous than he was and it came out when OW paid attention to him. Men did not react to Paige like women did with Ian. In the first story OP were interested in and paid attention to both Liam & Sera. Liam had a hard time keep the jealousy under control. In addition, the intensity of Ian & Page's relationship paled in comparison to the first story although better then some other romance books that I have read. The sex scenes did not have the level of fire and passion that the1st book did. I am wondering if it had something to do with the fact that Ian needed sex from women to the point that he felt that he would die without it. Thus he had tons of one night stands, usually nightly. In fact, before meeting Paige, Paige saw him at a bar for 3 nights in a row and each time she did, he left to have sex with a different woman. When he met Paige and touched her, she calmed him. That of course, is a good thing but I wanted him to feel out of control passion like Liam did with Sera. I wanted Ian to feel like he had to be with Paige, that he needed to touch her and would die if she left him like Liam was with Sera. (I know that this is not realistic but then it is romance land and the story is with vampires and so it does not have to be the way men act in real life) While Ian eventually said words to that effect, I just was not feeling them. It was more telling than showing and as a result the sex scenes while fine, lacked hotness. There is a scene were Ian is sexually excited and needs a release. He makes out with Paige but then she hesitates to have sex with him. Ian told Paige that if she would not have sex with him then he would go have sex with OW because of his need. He was standing outside ready to leave to go have sex with OW when he told her to quickly make up her mind. That scene was a turnoff for me and I wish it was not added. With that said, I enjoyed the story and will be reading the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
oona baker
I havnt finished the book theres something about this book that is lacking and i cant seem to pin point it....the first three books i finished within two to three days and this book i cant even seem to get into it to finish it...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Enraptured is the 4th installment in her vampire awakening series and the wait was definitely worth it. If you’ve read the other books in this series you know that Brenda’s vampire world is different and entrancing. I love the difference between born and bitten vampires, and how well written her characters are.
Ian is a college student who is only about having fun and hooking up with yet another woman. Paige is out for vengeance for her secretive past. When they’re thrown together sparks will fly, and not in a good way. Things are rough for Paige with her beliefs that all vampires are bad, so it’s hard for her to accept the things Ian is telling her. Ian is not ready to be a one woman man, but can’t stop thinking about being with Paige in every way.

This book starts out a little slow, and takes a few chapters to get used to the jumping of first person views. One paragraph you’ll be reading from Paige’s point of view, the next Ian’s and back again. Once you’re used to Brenda’s way of writing, it flows and you’re sucked into the story.

There are not many books that have kept me up late at night reading, unable to put the book down. This book draws you back into the world of vampires and makes you want to be pulled right in. The men of this series seriously take your breath away and are so yummy you just want to jump in and take over the spot of the heroine! I love the family dynamic, and that while this is a standalone book, it still gives you a glimpse into the lives of the previous couples.

The path that Ian and Paige take in this book makes you feel like you’re right there with them, you’ll laugh out loud, you’ll smile and you’ll be at the edge of your seat waiting for the next exciting sentence! New characters are introduced and the world of born vampires gets a little clearer.

The end of the book was just perfect, and I can’t wait to see who Brenda writes about next!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lana shaw
I absolutely loved this book! This is the fourth book in the Vampire Awakenings series and Ian and Paige were fantastic. Ian is the player with his good looks, smooth talking and sculptured body and Paige who has a rather tortured background when it comes to family and Vampires.
I love how this book continues to engage all of the previous books characters we have fallen in love with over the first 3 books, Ian I have to say I fell in love with; he was so easy going and a total male whore who couldn’t explain what he was feeling at first when coming into contact with Paige. He was so easy to read and you couldn’t help but love him even though he couldn’t remember how many women he had when Paige asked him….. haha
Thank you for an amazing book “yet again”, I can’t wait for the next book in the series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An excellent read as per usual. I find that reading one of this author's books is refreshing. The characters have trials and tribulations, and must fight for what they want but they are not forever at odds with one another, asserting themselves just for the sake of it. This book and these characters are no different.

Ian is very charismatic and charming, something he uses to great effect to keep his demons under control. Paige, on the other hand, is prickly and not easily won over by Ian. He has to work to earn her trust and it was good to see his character grow. Paige, too, must learn to set aside her preconceived notions and focus on the things that are real and tangible about Ian and his kind.

I enjoyed the somewhat slower build-up to their romance and realization of the mate bond. Paige had a lot of emotional hurdles to overcome and Ian was patient and genuine in his actions to draw her out.

It was nice to see some of the other characters again and I look forward to more in the Vampire Awakenings series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Accidentally, on special I received the bundle 1-5 and was astounded! Truly, no real expectations, just something to set aside for whenever I was a little desperate. What a surprise! These stories are just different and unique enough to really grab me and I cannot describe my surprise and enjoyment with the series. The fact Brenda is willing to express her appreciation to her team causes me even more admiration. Leslie, Christina, Linda and Hubby I congratulate you all as her supporting team. Keep up the good work it is appreciated
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy fredrickson
Reading book 4 in the Vampire Awakenings Series was simply amazing. Following this series from the beginning it’s exciting to see where things progress from the original book in which Sera was human but chose the life that led to the various stories to follow. I truly thought that the story of Isabelle and Stefan would forever be my favorite but boy was I wrong. Enraptured follows one of the younger brothers as he reaches maturity and fights his inner battle with sex and a never ending line of women who never truly sates him. I love the role that Paige plays in this book and again shows that things aren’t always as they seem. I love the story line and the surprises that come along with it not only with Ian’s story but other favorites such as Isabelle and Ethan. My interest has also been piqued with one of the newest vampire characters which I have a feeling that we will see more of in the future. I loved this book and always Brenda/Erica delivers and leaves you craving for more.
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