Counter To My Intelligence (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 7)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laurie thompson
This book had great aspects, but should've been much better. Silas has been a seminal character. He's the evil biker dad that morphs into the undercover agent. He knows all and imparts wisdom just when needed. Here, he is wasted in a story with minimal sexual sparks with a woman unnecessarily 24 years younger. Sawyer kills 4 people in a drunk driving disaster. She goes to prison for 8 yrs. Except here's the rub: she wasn't drunk . The other driver pulled out in front of her with no lights in the pouring rain. But there's a farcical conspiracy of legal shenanigans. Ok it's just super, super stupid. Vale knows absolutely nothing about the legal system. It's embarrassing and distracting. For the love of God, interview a criminal attorney for 20 minutes and fix the messed up jargon and plot lines. Not one reporter, public defender or retired attorney sipping coffee while reading the paper saw the problems here???? Silas, super bad ass, is supposed to be undercover CIA. Ummmmm, right. CIA works overseas. There are other agencies that would put a guy undercover in an American MC, but NOT the CIA. Is there an educated adult editing these books?
Back to Silas: Captain Badass. Gets captured. Never catches the bad guy. Let's other folks kill bad guy. Doesn't check his house for bugs like the bad ass he's supposed to be. Lets his kids talk smack to his woman when she's supposed to be exonerated. Such a great chance for bad assery... Squandered .
Sawyer: survives 8 yrs in Huntsville Women's without being beaten or raped . Right. We keep hearing how strong she is, but not once is there evidence of this. Silas' kids give her s*** about killing people in accident. She says nothing. So here's a woman who survived prison, knows she was railroaded illegally, and she's taking s*** from a bitchy daughter.... Not once but continually??? The only time there's one prison life reference is when she tells someone not to eat her food.
People keep whispering in diners. This hurts her feelings. If a millionaire and a retired judge get arrested for falsifying evidence....This would be a huge news story. Cute little blond railroaded by rich dude? Vale gives us nothing. Just mentions his arrest in passing. At no point does Sawyer snap and unleash some righteous anger. She never stands up for herself. It's maddening. Chance for awesomeness....Squandered.
Ms. Vale, honey..... Research is your friend. You've pounded out enough of these books ... it's time .
PS.... It's "duly noted," not "dually." Geez.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Was not very impressed with book. I have just finished the "Undeniable" series and it was AWESOME! For me, this book lacked any kind of character development and I just felt the dialogue between the characters wasn't very strong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Once again I have enjoyed another story from this author. I have wondered if Silas was going to get a book since he is just so SILAS !! Then when I did the cover reveal I was like $#%$^%$^#^ WOW ! All LLV's covers have given such a great visual to these guys she has brought to life and this was one of the best !! The story itself has all things I love - drama , heartache , tragedy and hints here and there of trouble or more to come yet ending with a great love story and HEA. I am never let down when I read any of LLV's series and I look forward to more - not to mention the AMAZING cover for her next story !!

Silas has been to hell and back , that much we know. We have met his kids , known his struggle with them and he was always the character that I may not have loved but knew I would give a chance to since he had to have some crap background to tell us about. Now here we are with him in his 50's , running his club , doing his side work and finding love in a weird yet not so weird place !! He had a casual relationship with Reba , no real big physical stuff just both needing someone to be there for them , almost more like a cozy friendship , now her daughter is home from prison and for some reason the pull they feel is strong and honestly very innocent and honest in its journey. Yes Sawyer is just under 30 , yes her mom and Silas had been close , yes she is the talk of the town even still after 8 years has passed and she has paid her dues BUT none of that matters to Silas or Sawyer when it comes to their connection. Everyone deserves a second chance , a love that is true and real. Why not Silas and Sawyer ??

8 years ago Sawyer made a choice that changed her life and ended others. It was an accident , it didn't make sense as to why she was punished so severely BUT don't you worry , Silas has mad skills at solving cases and he won't let this go. Now out of prison and getting back to reality we find Sawyer struggling to fit in and find a place to be. She is ashamed of her past , guilty for what she caused and hurt to find not everyone had been truthful and faithful to her in her absence. A few run ins with Silas has her feeling all kinds of things and so why not just go with it. This is what I love about a love story - when it happens with ease and honesty. Sawyer and Silas are super hot , their chemistry is off the charts and honestly I didn't really think of their age at all , who cares. They both have pasts that haunt them and it is touching to see how they help each other heal and give each other strength. Their journey is not without hurdles but it is safe to say their hurdles never leave us questioning how they feel for one another. I love their HEA and if anyone deserves it they do !!
For the Love of Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 7) :: Go to Hail (The Hail Raisers Book 2) :: Lights To My Siren (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC :: A Tiger's Curse Novella (The Tiger's Curse Series) :: Beard Mode: Dixie Warden Rejects MC Series, Book 1
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Counter To My Intelligence by Lani Lynn Vale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of my favorite series and has been since the start. I fell in love with the addition of each new hero and heroine as the series continued. Silas *sigh* I've been waiting for his story probably the most out of all the Dixie Wardens MC. There is just something about him that caught my attention from the start.

Aside from that HOT HOT HOT cover, a favorite theme of mine is older male/younger female so this story couldn't come fast enough for me.

One of the things that I loved the most between Silas and Sawyer is that their age difference was never really a factor for them or anyone else. With that much of an age gap it's usually obsessed over by the H/h and the people around them. I was so happy that Lani did make this an obstacle between them. I also loved how easy they got together. They didn't fight the attraction they had for one another. There wasn't any real drama/angst between them. With all the struggles and hardships that they each individually endured it was great to read them not struggling in forming a relationship. They were perfect for each other.

I was surprised how much Sawyer grabbed my attention from the opening pages. What she endured was heartbreaking. I loved that Silas was always there for her and wanted to help and support her. He was exactly what she needed.

The sex between these two fogged up my Kindle!! ;) My favorite has to be the garage scene. Oh...the shower scene right before that also. ;) lol

Loved the epilogue!! So good!! Lani Lynn Vale is a master with her epilogues. Only a few write them as well as she does.

I cannot wait for Ruthie and Sterling next!! I was so excited to read that Ruthie was getting her own story. I'm so looking forward to their HEA. I'm also hoping to get more of Silas and Sawyer in their book along with the rest of the Dixie Warden MC.

Such a great story and another awesome addition to an already awesome series. Definitely makes me want to go back and reread the series from the beginning.

Silas *sigh* He definitely didn't disappoint.

***ARC provided for review. Thank you!!

Belle's Book Bag Top Pick
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another MC book that is truly a representative of why I am head over heels addicted to all things tattoos, leather cuts, beards, growls, bikes and alpha male personalities.. among many of the other welcome traits. Que in Silas and his irresistibly HOT as hell attitude.

Marking this story a 4 seemed fair to me. That was BEFORE I started to think of this review and what I truly thought of and felt with how COUNTER TO MY INTELLIGENCE was created.

I couldn't find many faults, if any actually that would keep me from proudly saying its a definitely 5 star.

I loved it.

Clear and simple.

To be honest though, I was a little apprehensive about the age different between him and Sawyer. I don't tend to normally find it easy to connect with those type of main characters, purely because I have yet to see it done well and from personal experience as well. That would be my only negative factor. The prologue was very fast paced and I loved the way it opened up the story. With the first couple of chapters, or rather, before Silas met Sawyer I wasn't as eager to understand how I would connect with their relationship. That is truly as far as my personal concerns went. Everything beyond that? Pure addiction in yet another well crafted MC story.

I understood how each of the characters - Silas and Sawyer - backgrounds affected their current state of mind. In influenced and is still doing a great deal in how it affects their mind sets.. I connected so fast with their distinctive personalities that at one point at had to remind myself it is just fiction, tears shouldn't be this painful. Truth be told, COUNTER TO MY INTELLIGENCE evoked so many emotions that rarely happen especially with MC books.

I loved all the painful and dark emotions that the characters exuded from mere single sentences. More than anything, I absolutely got lost in the way "sexy and hot biker" had a very strong, clear and domineering soft, loving and soulful personality. In a very weird way, Silas managed to melt every bone in my body at the same time that he touched a small part of my messed up heart. He is one of those characters that has you crying with a painfully aching heart but blushing like a nun seeing a six pack for the first time. Take a moment to create that visual.. Yeah.. See. I did say it's weird but trust me, once you get your hands on Silas's story, you'll see what I mean ;)

Sawyer, she like Silas is a very complex character but with qualities that make her enviable. Strong minded and kindhearted are just some of the long list that make her an admirable character. There was a certain point in the story, more towards the first third that completely made me feel the pain that she was going through. It was that connection right there that made me scream from the inside out in having her work things out with Silas.

I mean, their relationship was a hot fire waiting to be extinguished especially with everything going around them, not to mention between them. But if anything their chemistry and understanding of one another only made for their undeniable flames to blaze in the highest heat possible!!

There was so much to this story. The story doesn't have a calming point to it, not really. It goes from heartache, to steaminess, then some sexiness, followed by gasps, tears, and anger with alpha dominance and all things loving throughout. Convinced enough?

I couldn't get enough and can only hope to see their relationship in the next potential The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC.. here's hoping that we get more Silas and Sawyer if not a couple as strong and sexy and soulful.

Thank you much to the author, Lani Lynn Vale for the ARC copy of this beautifully dark, sexy, and addictive read. In this early start to 2016 I have read a story I never thought I would, let alone LOVE it as much as I did!! Thank you for that and for introducing that irresistible Silas. Here's to finding a real life MC hunk who is at least an ounce as drool worthy and heart melting as he is.. *sigh* If only life was that fair..

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lee wilson
SILAS!!! Every book in this series we've seen bits and pieces of the mysterious and sexy man, but we've always been left guessing about who he really is. now we finally get to know him, and it was worth the wait! Sure, these books can be read as standalones, but if you haven't read the books before this one then you won't have any idea why a book about Silas is so damn special. Trust me, you'll enjoy this all the more if you start at the beginning.

I love older man/younger girl romances, but wow...... this was so much more than that. Plus there's no creepy 'daddy' talk or role play either, just animalistic lust and an overprotective alpha male who will crush anything and anyone who dares hurt what is his.

Sawyer lost 8 years of her young life because of an accident. A mere mistake that many of us have made ourselves but she was unfairly punished for. She's now the town pariah and no one seems to care if they publicly humiliate her on a regular basis. Silas enters the picture and decides there's no way he's going to allow that. And what Silas wants, Silas gets. He does everything in his power to get justice for her because he hates seeing her hurting.

Silas is a complicated individual, to say the least, and his past has always been kept hidden for very good reasons. Now all those secrets he's kept in the dark have come back to haunt him. His fear is that history will repeat itself (you just have to read to see what that means...) and he can't bear to go through all of that again. He has to rely on his MC brothers to help protect those he loves and hopefully protect himself too. Letting Sawyer into his heart and opening up to her about the things that most hurt him is a risk he's really afraid to take. Seeing Silas in a vulnerable position of any kind in this book is so at odds as to how we've seen him before. And I love it. He's more real, and gentle, but fierce in his love and care for those around him he feels are his responsibility.

This book is more than a romance story between Silas and Sawyer, it's also a family story about past conflict and long held grudges and how they can affect our lives and the lives of the people close to us. Saying that I loved this book doesn't do a proper job of expressing my feelings about it but I can't come up with a better word than love right now, so it'll have to do!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sawyer Berry is finally free. After spending eight years in jail, she is starting over in her hometown where everyone knows what she did. Between getting settled at home and doing her best to ignore the looks and the whispers from the locals, Sawyer has a lot on her plate. She isn't who she used to be and Sawyer knows that she needs to find her way on this new path in life. Little did she know that Silas Mackenzie, the president of The Dixie Wardens MC, would make his way into her life.

Silas Mackenzie didn't see Sawyer coming. He definitely didn't expect to want her as badly as he did, especially because he dated her mother. He feels as if they've both suffered enough and Silas is finally going to go after what he deserves. Even if she is only 29 years old.

Lani Lynn Vale never fails to pull me into her stories. She definitely didn't disappoint here with Counter to My Intelligence. I loved Silas and Sawyer. Overall, the story flowed very well. It's fast paced and I swear Lani had me in tears from laughing so hard at the quotes before each chapter. I couldn't help but sympathize with Sawyer and what she went through. Finding out the story of Silas' past and seeing his growth throughout the book, really drew me to him more. Everything about Silas is tempting from his cut, to his beard and shaved head. No wonder Sawyer couldn't say no. The chemistry between them is unmistakeable and I was really able to connect with them. Counter to My Intelligence is the perfect balance of love, humor, and suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4 out of 5 stars

Sawyer has already suffered so much in her life that when she’s released from prison, she assumes her life is already over and she just commits to going through the motions. Silas has lived his life the hard way - in the CIA and as president of the local MC. I don’t think I could have picked out two less likely characters to hook up and make a book about…

I would have been so wrong! Ms Vale did a wonderful job of taking us on the journey of Sawyer and Silas. These two, despite the 24 year age gap, have everything in common they need and their differences just make the book that much better. I enjoyed every part of this book -- learning the background stuff wasn’t easy, but necessary. Enjoying the sex scenes was just hot...what else needs to be there? Watching their relationship grow and develop was just like any of my other favorite romances.

This is my 3rd book by Ms Vale and the others weren’t read in any sort of order, but each one does a wonderful job of bringing me back to another book of hers. I want to keep reading this author and I want to go back and catch up with all the guys in the Dixie Wardens MC. There’s just something about the way that she can incorporate the drama with the love that makes me keep coming back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra marietti
Counter to My Intelligence (The Heros of The Dixie Wardens MC #7)
Lani Lynn Vale
5 bazillion stars

Lets quickly talk about the cover. Once again Lani has nailed it. Alfie G. is the PERFECT Silas in all ways. His personality, his kindness, that he would do anything for those he cares for is exactly the same as the character he is portraying on the cover of Counter to My Intelligence -- Standing ovation for the cover alone.

Sawyer Berry’s life changed forever the night Bristol and Issac talked her into going to that party. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine eight years of her life would be gone shattering her and tainting her forever. Only 28 years old and time lost behind bars. Thank goodness for Ruthann Comalsky, her cellmate. She would have never gotten out alive much less for the most part untouched. Sawyer owes this woman her life and when she gets out she will make sure she repays her. Ruthie is her best friend. She understands her … but now Sawyer is on her way home without Ruthie by her side. She doesn’t know what to do or who to turn to. Bristol is still there, now married to her brother but Issac, not so much. Rude awakening there … how is she supposed to handle the day to day grind knowing what she did? How is she supposed to survive now?

Silas McKenzie is President of the Dixie Wardens MC, a volunteer firefighter and much more. He was on shift with the volunteer fire department eight long years ago. He remembers the body bags. He knows Sawyer will never be the same. Silas wasn’t always “just a biker. “ He originally was thrown into the MC deep undercover by the CIA. He lost everything because of it. His kids aren’t fond of him to put it nicely, well at least half of them. His lies and his deep betrayal has turned them off of being a part of his life. So yeah, Silas knows heartache and suffering and he also knows Sawyer has done her time. Coming home isn’t going to be easy for her. Sawyer may only be 28 years in age but her soul is much older. Prison and traumatic events do that to a person.

And we are off ….. I cant being to express the beauty in the story between these two exceptional characters. Not only do I love this MC as they are all made up of “community helpers” but they are true family men who protect their own not matter the costs to them. Silas is the man that every girl wishes would stand by her side protecting her from the bad and showering her with undeniable committed love. In a remarkable love story two characters who have endured enough find something that most of us only uncover in our dreams while we are sleeping.

Every page isn’t filled with hearts and flowers though friends. Silas knows something is off with the time Sawyer spent in prison. He also knows she suffered on the inside and he plans to find out at the hands of whom. An evil from Silas’s past also comes back slithering through the shadows. The claws dig in and tear into his soul moving onto those he loves forcing him relive his darkest moment. Im telling you that you will become a “stoplight reader” with this one; meaning you will be picking up your Kindle at every red light! Yup that’s me! And yes its only at red lights, but also waiting in line, any gym equipment that I can run on without killing myself while reading …. You name it .. I didn’t put it down.

You don’t need to read the entire series to read any of these books but I recommend that you do eventually pick them all up. They will make your essence sing ladies or make you sneer at your husband because you want a Lani man.

Thank you Lani for the ARC! Thank you Alfie for the amazing cover you gifted us. Get this one on release day friends -- January 6th. BRILLIANT – Review to post to Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets.

Next in this series: Right to My Wrong - Sterling

Other books in the series:

Lights to My Siren: Sebastian
Halligan to My Axe: Kettle
Kevlar to My Vest: Trance
Keys to My Cuffs: Loki
Life To My Flight: Cleo
Charge to My Line: Grayson

There is also her KPD SWAT series and Freebirds series. I know this is a ton of books but I can promise you there is not one bad story in any of these. Click them up when you get the chance and meet all of the men given to us by Lani Lynn Vale.

**** This is NOT a full review as it will come closer to release day.***

HOWEVER let me say if you have not planned to click this book up or preordered you need to do it now.

Not only has Lani written another brilliant 5 star story but she also has given us a fantastic cover with Alfie Gordillo portraying the one and only Silas Mackenzie, the president of The Dixie Wardens MC. Silas is everything and much more than we ever imagined ladies. I can, with all the confidence in the world, tell you that Silas will reign as one of my top three favorite characters.

I have rambled enough. Full review to post closer to release day on Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets. Lani I cannot thank you enough for the ARC. Alfie ... you nailed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When you’re an MC President, your name alone carries status, and if you fought like hell to put your club on the right course and do everything in your power to protect those you love and cherish, your persona becomes larger than life – in both positive and negative ways.

This description fits Silas Mackenzie, the president of The Dixie Wardens MC, perfectly, but it doesn’t show the whole man…it doesn’t show who he is on the inside that made he make the choices that he did in order to save himself and his family. And if people, like some of his children, don’t bother to look beyond the façade…beyond the hard to understand actions then they’re only going to see a crass man who’s lived a hard life and had to do things he’s not proud of, not understanding that every deed has been in the name of justice and love.

I’m a bit late to the game when it comes to Lani Lynn Vale’s The Heroes of the Dixie Wardens MC, so I was completely unaware of Silas’ backstory with his family and the club, but I didn’t feel like I needed that information; in fact, it might have helped me more not knowing his past actions because I went into his text with an open mind and allowed him to explain to me why everything in his life played out the way it did, and to me, regardless of how “inappropriate” people may think his relationship is with Sawyer Berry, a woman 24 years younger than him , is, she’s exactly who Silas needs to realize that he deserves all of the love, support, and acceptance Sawyer’s willing to give him.

Sawyer Berry is not your typical 29 year old. A tragic mistake cost her 8 years of her life and turned her into a woman whose demons make her feel worthless and alone. She doesn’t believe she deserves anything good in her life because of what she did and those feelings are only made worse by a community who refuses to see past her mistake and treats her like crap.

But Silas becomes Sawyer’s champion, and with his particular skills and connections, Silas is a man who gets things done, working behind the scenes to ensure justice for those he loves, not expecting anything in return just believing that things needed to be set right, and he was the man to do it.

Silas is an absolute gem of an alpha hero, and he finally gets his happiness after all of the s*** that he's gone through for his job...for his club…for his family. I love how Lani Lynn Vale shows the two sides of Silas; it allows readers to fully understand what makes him the man he is, and it also gives his children what they need to make amends.

Sawyer and Silas’ chemistry is off the charts and even though Silas is a few decades older than Sawyer, that only works to both of their advantage because he knows how precious the gift is that Sawyer’s willing to give him and he’ll handle it with care and make her not regret her decision to be all in with him.

And a happy ending is what both Sawyer and Silas deserve after the hell they’ve been through, and despite the malestorm that they have to meander through to get there, readers can be assured that a man like Silas will get things done in order to give Sawyer EVERYTHING!

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lani Lynn Vale does it again! Counter To My Intelligence is everything lovers of Biker Romance would want—an overprotective, possessive Alpha Man; strong, a take-no-shit heroine; and an intriguing, sexy, and well-thought out story line.

We have met Silas Mackenzie in numerous of Lani’s previous books and I’m happy that he finally received his own happily ever after, even if it’s not necessarily conventional. Silas has sacrificed a lot for his family, his country, and his MC, and it’s about time he took something for himself—his own slice of happiness. He appears to be this big, bad, bas-ass biker, but underneath all the leather, tattoos, and beard is a sweet man who would do anything for the people he loves. What he didn’t expect, however, is fall for a woman half his age, especially when a threat from the past has just surfaced again.

Sawyer Berry has just been through hell. Imprisoned for eight years for a crime she didn’t commit, but blames herself for regardless, she has just been released. She lost most of her twenties to the prison, dodging sexual assault from guards, and has matured beyond her 28 years. Sawyer is not the studious, shy, innocent girl who went to school to become a nurse anymore. She’s a hardened, and somewhat broken woman, with no self-worth. She further believes that she doesn’t deserve happiness due to the grief one night caused other people and the whole community. She meets Silas as her most vulnerable, she doesn’t think herself worthy of love.

Watching Silas and Sawyer fall for one another was beautiful. Silas is your typical hot alpha man, stuck in his ways, and knowing what he wants. And he goes after what he wants, even if he has to convince her that she is worth it. Silas and Sawyer’s chemistry is explosive. Even though there are quite a few obstacles in their way—their age difference and his grown children—they manage to build something strong and solid.

I immensely enjoyed this story. Their love grows gradually and beautifully, and even though there are the usual trials they go through, nothing is over-the-top and only for drama’s sake, which I loved. Once they commit to one another, they didn’t cause unnecessary drama by not communicating. This is a great book for any alpha biker romance!

While this story is part of the Dixie Wardens MC series, and I highly recommend reading them all due to the interconnectedness of the characters, you can read this as a standalone.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victor rivera
Lani Lynn Vale, hits it straight out the park…yet again! And this time she gives the main man his shot at happiness and that made me very, very happy indeed.
Silas is an enigma, there is an air of mystery and intrigue about him that means he just oozes everything that an alpha male should and without even trying I though he came across as an exceptional human being.
Yes, he had been, seen and done things that most of us could only ever imagine but his feet are well and truly on the ground…that is until Sawyer finds her way into his world because her presence means that his life is about to change.
Now it is no secret from the blurb that Sawyer is significantly younger than Silas but it made not one jot of difference, if anything I found the age gap one that drew my attention, I wanted to see this man of experience learn how to handle a young woman, who had been through so much and had learned to hide her heart away.
Could he show her that she was worth more than she could ever comprehend, because if anyone could it would be Silas.
Her situation meant that she was a shadow who desperately tried to keep out of the line of fire, she had an almost inherent need to try and achieve not only Silas’s but everyone’s approval because without it she couldn’t forgive herself for her past.
Silas is the man that Sawyer needs, he had the dynamic that she can feel sheltered by, he will protect her with everything he had, even from herself and I adored that about him, he was willing to put himself on the line for a woman that wasn’t strong enough to stand up for herself.
His life experiences brought out the best in him and in turn that meant that he was able to bring out the real Sawyer.
He taught her how to be the woman that she was destined to be, not who he wanted, not who her family or friends (not that she had many) wanted, not who the system tried to change her into but who she was on the inside, who her heart wanted her to be and that was a strong, charmingly beautiful woman.
Someone to stand beside Silas as more than just decoration, as his woman!
I don’t want to tell you what happens and that is because I adore this series and each and every book is a just fabulous, Silas and Sawyer are no different in their excellence, so reading this to find the full path that they have to travel is no hardship … you deserve the time that it will take to read their tale, go on spoil yourself!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
audrey p
Lani Lynn Vale has really tackled some hard subjects in this installment of the Dixie Warden's.
So when I started reading I had the first bump to overcome. The heroine Sawyer was younger but that's not a big deal to me. NO, the problem came from her being his ex girlfriends daughter.

But this author hasn't ever let me down and I was happy to know that this "ex girlfriend" wasn't much more than a good friend. No hanky panky in the family tree folks!!

I have always had a very low opinion of Silas in a lot of ways. For one I abhor cheaters. I really don't care about reasons or excuses. Cheating is always a choice. So going into this book was very very hard for me. I wanted to believe that this man who had so many men that followed him and respected him was deep down inside a good man. I wanted to believe that he could be redeemed. For me I do believe that people can change and also that who you were 20 years ago is no where near the same person you are today. Silas was no longer that man. He lived through his own mistakes and he earned every moment of regret he shouldered. But truthfully Silas did regret and he did feel bad and he owned up to it.

OK so Sawyer comes into Silas life like a freight train full of broken pieces. She was hurting and she was scarred in so many ways. She hit it all in this tough exterior that came from protecting herself and her friend after being in prison for so long. I hated the injustice that was brought against Sawyer and Ruthie. I adored Silas for how he was determined to make it right for Sawyer.
He felt for Sawyer something that he never even came close to before.

His heart was finally owned completely and I loved every dirty talking bossy moment of this dance they shared.

I honestly fell for Silas completely.

This was a true Lani book because there was passion, humor and so much suspense that I didn't want it to end. I am so happy that Lani Lynn Vale is the energizer bunny of authors because I am so addicted to her sexy stories.
I can't wait for Sterling's book.
Ruthie does indeed need this Hero right her wrong...
Awesome job Lani.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you’ve read this series before than you were probably like me and could not wait for Silas’ story! As the leader of the Dixie Wardens MC he has always been there to provide support and/or a kick in the butt when needed. Solid and sexy, he could give the tingles to anyone, regardless of age. And age is one of the obstacles as he is attracted to a woman who he should not be giving a second glance to, his ex-girlfriend’s daughter. This isn’t the only stumbling block but like the others, Silas couldn’t care less…

“Like I give a f***. I’m old and on the downhill side of dead. I don’t have to please everyone anymore. All I have to please is God and myself…”

Sawyer may be young physically but she really is mature beyond her years. Even though she is trying to get her life back on track she worries the community may not be as accepting. She is having a hard time reconciling everything so it’s not a stretch that others will feel the same. It’s a good thing she has good people at her back…

“Some days are harder than others. But those other days I usually drown myself in wine, so I’m not quite sure if they’re actually easier or if I’m drunk.”

I really enjoyed this story about a woman trying to get her life back on track and a man who would do everything in his power to ensure she got the chance. Sawyer was not looking for a pass, she was taking full responsibility for what had happened. I couldn’t help but admire her strength through it all. Silas acted exactly the way I thought he would – with fierce protectiveness and an “I don’t give a da**” attitude. While there may not have been the same ‘feels’ as in other books in the series there was more than enough heat, drama and intensity for this story to keep me totally satisfied.

I love this series and am so thankful for the day I stumbled upon the Heroes and this author!

Random favorite quote:
“I love food. But I hate my fat pants. The dilemma is real.”

**Reviewed for Nerdy, Dirty & Flirty**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela saenger
I was really looking forward to this book that, I couldn’t wait to see how Silas and Sawyer story turned out. This is Counter to My Intelligence (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #7) by Lani Lynn Vale. Another five star read by this author who has been on fire with some fantastic books.

In the beginning of this book we meet Sawyer who just gets out of prison after eight long years. Silas is a badass ex CIA/president of Dixie Warden MC. When Sawyers gets out of prison she is lost and slowly trying to find her way back to life she had before she went in.
“She had eight years of experience on the inside, and if there was one thing I knew, it was that prison changed you.”
From the start these two get each other and don’t ask a lot of questions. Her transition back into the real world was not easy, but with Silas help it got easier for her. Silas didn’t see the woman who had been in prison, but the person who she is.

“That’s why I’m here, too. Figured I had a better chance with a man that didn’t know my life story,” I murmured embarrassingly.
That’s why, I truly loved this story it was about second chances and starting over for not only Sawyer, but as well Silas. He has made mistakes in the past and tried to make things right even with his kids, but they didn’t make easy on them.

Yes, of course you’ve got the drama that goes along with trying to find the truth about how Sawyer was even in prison. The storyline flowed from the first page to the last that, I kept thinking what is going to happen to Sawyer and Silas in the end. You did have some really good sexy scenes that made you go wow. What I loved about Silas he helped to clear Sawyer name, but he just loved her for her nothing else matter. They did have to deal with someone from the past, but the person paid in the end. The age difference didn’t bother me at all, I thought it was hot. By the end of this book the story came together. I loved this book and it did live up what, I expected it to be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Counter To My Intelligence is finally here! If you are a fan of the Dixie Warden MC books, Silas has been a mystery throughout. Actually, he has been a mystery since the Free series and it's amazing to me how I feel about him now compared to when I first met him. I love this guy! :)

The story of Silas and Sawyer is a sweet one, which I was shocked about because Silas is a huge bada**. But, at the same time, it worked perfectly. It was the perfect foil needed for his character. I don't think I would have liked it as much had their romance been loud and brash.

I loved Sawyer from the beginning. She went through so much and yet she is not a whiney heroine at all...and believe me she has plenty to whine about if she wanted. As usual, Silas came to her rescue I was not so impressed with some of Silas' adult children: Sam and Cheyenne. Can you say bratty? Yet, Sawyer handled them with grace and it made them look like the a**holes they were being. Of course, my man Sebastian was much more gracious. I'm a bit of a Sebastian fangirl so I was thrilled to see he was not joining in with his siblings' ill treatment of their dad's new girlfriend.

As I think back, I can't find anything I disliked about the book especially because it is the lead in to the book about Sterling. I have been drawn to him since he was a prospect for the club and I can't wait to see he and Ruthie get together.

5 stars to Lani Lynn usual :)and I was thrilled when he made everything right for her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david schaafsma
Oh, Silas..... If two words could sum up and entire book review, those would be it.

Lets be honest...We've all wanted to get a Silas HEA from the get go. If you say no, you are clearly in denial.

Silas is the enigmatic leader of the Dixie Wardens MC, father of Sam, Bailey & Sebastian, ex (ish) CIA operative. He has a lot to make amends for with his children, which he loves very much even if they refuse to acknowledge it. He carries a lot of guilt on his glorious shoulders.

Sawyer knows all to well what its like to carry guilt about things that have happened in the past. She spent 8 long years behind bars for a crime she didn't commit. Hard time ages a person well beyond their years.

Can Silas help Sawyer believe that she is worthy of being free? Can Sawyer help Silas see that sometimes the heart CAN have what it wants?

This is my Confession: We have waited and Lani DID NOT let us down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nevertell anyone
This was everything !!

"A beard is like the magic key of the panty world. If a man has one, he can get into any woman's panties that he wants to"

I love, love Lani, all her books are fabulous but this one stole #number1 fav spot.
Sawyer was sent to prison at a young age, for an accident she was involved in. For eight years she paid the price, her world that she knew changed with a blink of an eye.

"Like I give a F. I'm old and on the downhill side of dead. I don't have to please everyone anymore."

Silas the president of The Dixie Wardens MC. Older and mature having already a family of his own, but something missing. When he meets Sawyer everything changes.

The sexual tension , the chemistry these two have is off the charts HOT, it jumps of the pages. Silas is everything you want in a sexy alpha man, he's adorable , strong and is a hero. You can't not love him.

"Hold on to me. Never let me go. If you do, I can't promise I'll be there when you come back"

I love the action, the laughs, the mystery and the romance that is this story, plot and characters are awesome, I loved how the story unfolded I would re read this again in a heartbeat.

I absolutely Loved this story!!
One click today !!

"Ladies", Baylee announced loudly, "l'd like to introduce you to the bear tamer"

****5 Stars*****
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Dynamite Stars!!!!

Where to start with how much I LOVED this book!!! There's everything I like in a MC book - drama, angst, amore than hot, hot, hot Prez of the MC and a beautiful woman that when they get together could literally light my kindle on fire!!!

I've never been disappointed with a book written by Lani. I've literally devoured this series and am always ready for the next book as soon as I turn the last page on the current book I'm reading. What I especially liked about this book is how even though there was a big age difference between Silas and Sawyer, it didn't really bother me because of the way the story is written. This author has a way with words that totally makes me get lost in her books. Especially with this one though because when I read the synopsis of this book, I wondered how she was going to deal with this crime that Sawyer was convicted and sent to prison for.

Well, not only did she make it work, I was bowled over with the grace and beauty of their entire story. These two definitely belong together no matter what the obstacles. And they have their fair share of them, that's for sure.

I think of all the books in this series, this is my favorite. When you read it I think you'll feel the same. Do yourself a favor and go pick up Silas' story and get lost in his and Sawyer's story.
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