Fallen Stars (The Demon Accords Book 5)

ByJohn Conroe

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The book was a good read. Without going into detail, I had no problem with the significant plot change some reviewers are griping about. It is a quite common one (e.g., korean dramas, taiwanese dramas, etc.)and gives the author alot of flexibility going forward. I look forward to other installments of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Conroe is awesome. Disappointed I was at Chris's amnesia but yay another book. Please don't stop writing. Ever! I probably will just start the series again as I cannot get enough of the Young Queen and powerful Chris, not perfect in anyway as Christ, but as his strong " enforcers" with self-will.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sky bray
I enjoyed the continuing story of the vamp/wwolf hybrid hero. The author's answer to criticism of characters invulnerability was slighty simplistic, however, still an interesting way of developing the character.
Balance (The Divine Series Book 1) :: Brutal Asset (The Demon Accords Book 3) :: The Soul of a New Machine :: a Man Who Would Cure the World (Random House Reader's Circle) :: God Hammer: A novel of the Demon Accords
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bambinista cricket
If you enjoy good plot lines, great characters and want to experience that great feeling of pure joy from reading, you will love the Demon Accords. I can't wait for the next book. I have read and enjoyed Butcher and Hearne, and I would compare Mr. Conroe's story telling with them.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Loved the series up to this book. Read through the first four books in about a week. Then this train wreck came along. While it is not a horrible read and I did complete the book, this was the first one I considered not finishing and found myself getting bored about half way through.

In some ways its as if someone else wrote the book. Character development found in the previous four has deviated considerably. The fighting style of the main character is dumbed/weakened down, whether in response to other reviewers stating he was too powerful or life events from the authors life (he covers this in asides in the book prologue and epilogue sections briefly).

While I can understand the author potentially used the book as an outlet to deal with home life issues, most of us read to get a break from reality, to fully immerse ourselves in the world the author spins, a break from our own lives with it's own problems.

Someone that was was borderline invincible is suddenly rendered amnesiatic from a mundane event. Everything that developed from the first four books (relationships, character growth, abilities) are then just thrown out like trash and you get to start over from scratch. Kind of infuriating. Someone that could potentially kill hundreds if not thousands of supernaturals almost instantaneously is now having a hard time killing a few and is back to using normal weapons. His alter ego (Grim) if even toned down to be calmer and more controlled.

Thats the gist, this book does not follow the first four well at all, and I am sorely disappointed in its direction. Hopefully we will see a return to the God gifted and driven Chaotic Good superhero that was putting all evil-doers on notice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ching in
This series has been highly entertaining. You can't help but love the characters and look forward to each new battle. Even though the skills of "Grim" can sometimes be over the top, you can forgive the writer as he balances out the two sides to Chris. Avengers eat your heart out. Make way for the new super hero's!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely my loved this story and the four that came before it. I read the whole series in a matter of my just a few days, I simply couldn't stop reading them. If anyone is looking for a supernatural plot line that grabs on and doesn't let go, I highly recommend these books. Now I have the hard task of waiting for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather mc
I almost bypassed this book for a while instead of reading on because of reading a bad review I'm so thankful that I did not listen to that review because the review stated that the format had changed and didn't like the direction that the characters were going in I did not get that from this book I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought that the introduction of new characters with their own personalities are adding to the overall Joy of this new world that the author has created. reading the author's notes at the end also helps to understand the direction of this book and it also explains how someone as powerful as Chris can still have vulnerabilities and struggles like we all do if he didn't have any kind of struggles the storyline would become less interesting to me at least. Thank you John Corie for sharing you story's I have enjoyed them so much I have gone over my allotted budget for books for the month I just couldn't help myself
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished rereading this series and have to say it is one of my favorites. I can't tell you how much sleep I've lost from reading them. One chapter flow right into another and before you know it, it's 3am.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad jae
I have one major complaint. It should have been longer. Not that the story needed expansion, but I finished it too fast and now a long lonely wait for the next one. Even though Black Frost was a good stand alone with no loose threads, I do see the very real possibility of crossover happening. Hurry back Chris and Tanya, but please bring Lydia with you as I really love my little spiked hair PITA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Got this one and read it in one afternoon.

Another good one from Conroe.

After running for his life from the NY Coven, without Tanya, Chris finds himself on a trip to NC with Stacia. The Malleks had a mission for him involving a pack in North Carolina.

With nothing better to do Chris and Sos head for NC with Stacia as his liason to the Asheville, NC pack.

Stacia, of course, has the hots for Chris. He's doing his best to ignore her desire for him but finds its getting more difficult with Tanya back in NY. He's manning up though and doing his best.

On arrival in NC they meet the Asheville pack. Ned Granger is the Alpha, along with his Beta Jep, meets with Chris, Stacia and of course Sos at a bar thats owned by the pack.

All doesn't go well at first. The Alpha is tired, grim and has no patience. Chris senses something is very, very wrong. The Alpha apparantly isn't willing to talk. He motions for his Beta to remove Chris. Of course that ain't happening. Grim takes a hand. He doesn't kill the packs Beta but does throw him across the room. Point made.

Chris and Stacia then learn that the Alphas twin daughters and the Betas daughter have been taken over by demons in the packs headquarters residence. There is also a missing priest who tried to assist.

After a battle royal involving Chris, Stacia, Sos and Jep the Beta and the hellbourne, they manage to get the girls out and close a door to hell. A big, big door to hell.

After the kids are freed and on a more normal note Chris, Stacia and Sos are invited to a cocktail party by Ned. A group of European pack members are the guests. A meet and greet. Chris and Stacia accept the invitation.

Chris, Ned, the European pack members and a few others then step outside the residence. Grim takes over and moved Chris just as he is shot. Grim then takes off and kills the shooter. Chris isn't killed but with that shot, Chris's whole life is turned upside down.

Now the story really gets interesting and is one hell of a read.

Everyone in Chris's life is affected by that single shot.

Just a great story. Five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jazmine cardenas
Great read. Love the series. Just keeps getting better

This was one of a series that gets better and better. One of the best series out there and I have read many. You won't regret reading these books
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rose marie
Fallen stars moves more predictably than Conroe's other books, but then most of the original tricks have already shown up. It's still great fun for fans like me, but less likely to hook newcomers than the previous books. The (spoiler alert) memory loss lets him meet new people again, and the final fight scene is fun. Not great, but still likable.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
In the beginning this book was great, just like the other Demon Accords book had been but then MR. CONROE did the unthinkable, he sold out. Made the hero, Chris, loose his memory which in turn brought him and his powers down to help make him more vulnerable to his enemies. I was really into the series up until John Conroe had Chris shot in the head. Ridiculous. I will not buy another Demon Accord book, Conroe changed his main character saying he had made Chris too powerful and needed to knock him down a notch. Well to do that after 4&1/2 books is down right dirty and I am no longer going to speak highly of this series.
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