Flight (The Crescent Chronicles Book 1)

ByAlyssa Rose Ivy

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked "Flight", good story line, believable characters, well written. The only reason I did not give it 5 stars is that the ending was chopped off. The book was like a roller coaster, fun and exciting but at the end it was like the coaster tracks just ended and you plummeted into nothingness. It was too abrupt of a finish. The preview of the second book would have been the perfect ending for the first. You felt a bit of closure but were baited into the next book of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Super interesting. I have never read anything like this. It's it's own supernatural world. The main character is strong and really easy to relate to. This book also made me laugh more than once. The supporting characters and really well thought out and awesome. They are interesting even if their not the ones in the spotlight. The only thing I had a problem with was the fact that the main character is only 18 and drinks everywhere without ever being carded. This kind of ruins the effect of it being realistic. Other than that I really enjoyed the book. It is definitely worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was awesome. Omg I love it. Every single page was a pleasure to read, it was hard to out down and go to bed. I had it in my kindly for a while a decide to read I'm glad I did. Levi is soo sweet I live him!! He's defiantly my new book boyfriend hahaha can't wait to read the second one.
Trash :: Awaken (The Patronus Series Book 1) :: Notes from Underground and the Double (Penguin Classics) :: The Idiot (Signet Classics) :: The Burning Girl
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa denn
Allie and her best friend Jessica move down to New Orleans for the summer to work at her dad's hotel before college starts. She meets a boy named Levi who is instantly falling for her and trying to get Allie to go out with him. She has sworn off men, but in a very short time span Levi was able to convince Allie to go out with him. There was really no explanation as to why she has decided to go out with him. The author kind of threw out a few pick up lines (that I think was supposed to ramp up the sexual tension, but just feel flat) and that was all it took. I am having a hard time connecting with Allie or Levi, I just feel like I don't know them as people.

We find out that Levi is hybrid of sorts. He is a crow hybrid, his people are shape shifters, but they shift into crows and people with black wings. I realize that some people are tired of the angel/demon thing, but shifting crow people? Really? And Allie thinking it's sexy?!? In what world are crows sexy?? And another thing I find odd, why is this girl just out of high school (18 years old) and drinking at so many establishments. And all the time!!

I will not be buying book two, and I don't recommend this book for other readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Interesting plot in an interesting location. The character developement seemed a little weak and Book 1 seemed not to end; the story just abruptly stopped. A little disappointed in the Allie's attitude. Not my type of woman, I guess.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I wanted to like this book. Foolishly, I even caved in and read the sequels. Three disappointments.
Number One intrigues a reader for about 15 pages (at best). But there's no "flight" arising from this storyline. The entire premiss barely takes off before it hits the ground like a flightless, extinct bird.

The young male characters are like split personality boys, showing either obnoxious behavior or short lived, superficial charm. Unforgivably, the lead female character, Allie, with all of her verbal kung fu and street wise abilities, allows herself to be manipulated dozens and dozens of times, with nothing more than a 5 minute pout. She's like another waffling Freshman heroine, whose "raging hormones" wipe out her sense of self-protection. She doesn't come off as a skank, but there's no reason to like her at all.

Weak, immature lead characters are impaired by generic, adolescent actions; the parental figures waver from outright evil to some acceptable civility, and the whole experience is as empty and flat as a Taylor Swift, wanna-be Country song. Frankly the whole cast of supernaturals have no charisma, no purpose, and unconvincing.

I'd characterize this tale as "Cinderella Meets the Flying Monkeys of Oz". It hurts me to say this about any literature, but don't waste time or money on this series, and beware of this author's other books. It's just sad when any Y.A. storyline "falls flat" so completely.

Ozmatoo (accompanied by a host of corny similes).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ary utomo
This was so not what I anticipated, an interesting read because of the peculiar way things unfolded in the storyline. Made me curious enough to want to find out more. Though there is a great deception that annoyed me and left me feeling a little infuriated with the character
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Okay, I love paranormal romance. I love the whole I-love-you-more-than-humanly-possible, I'm-gonna-love-you-forever dynamic. But when did it become okay to trap the person you supposedly love and to make them unknowingly bond themselves to you without their understanding or consent? Taking away someone's freedom to choose isn't romantic; it's called emotional abuse.

Second, there are holes in the plot that are never explained. There needs to be more back story. What are these pterons and why were they created? What is their purpose? Why are they more powerful than the other mythical creatures? And what fate befalls the human world if Allie chooses to walk away?

I get that the supposed financial implications to the city of New Orleans may be destructive, but that shouldn't affect Allie. She is much more tied to the fate of New York, her hometown, than New Orleans. She may even harbor feelings for Levi. But that doesn't give the author literary license to take away her common sense.

All in all, I keep having more jarring moments of disbelief than warrant a higher rating for this book. It's a good thing this was a free download or I'd have wasted more than the time spent reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was amazing!! I loved it so much. I finished it in one day, I couldn't put it down.
I loved the beginning and the middle... Sadly the end mad me sad. The two characters were so cute together. They need to make in the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jakob b born
This book was well written, and there were parts I loved, but also parts I didn't. Allie's best friend was no best friend at all, I thought she was awful and often didn't care how Allie felt and was happy to throw her under a bus so to speak. Not cool. Levi wasn't really all that great to me, and while I get that the (spoiler) ring part should have maybe made me mad at him, I actually liked that part. Finally he did something interesting and it made the story so much better for it. Suddenly Allie is (spoiler) kidnapped and the ante just lifted a lot. It also made Levi and Allie's relationship more fun to read.

I've already read the next story (just going back and catching up on reviewing) and I really enjoyed that one a lot better. So I recommend this is you're looking for something paranormal (but a different twist), a female lead who is a good match for the male lead and if you're not looking for any steamy bedroom scenes. After reading a tonne of NA romances, it felt odd to get to that bedroom scene and then the chapter ends and the following chapter is the morning after. It was refreshing and a little frustrating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fatemeh zj
I could not put this book down. What a wonderful world to be in! Unexpected storyline that took my breath away. Chivalry, romance, action, adventure all soar to new and unknown heights! Can't wait for Kindle's, Book 2.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jana ulrich
This story wasnt awful, but the charaters are so unbeliveable and very immature. There is no dynamic between any of them. you are left think why are they even together and why would Levi even tell Allie his huge family secret in the first place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana paola
Love this book! Great story line and great author! Easy to want to read this over and over again! Takes you to a whole other world that you don't want to leave! Highly recommend this book and anything written by this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are tired of your standard werewolf paranormal this series is an excellent option! I loved the characters and the new take on the paranormal scene. Definitely a book worth the time and money to read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Taking into consideration that book was $0.99, it was okay. I liked that the main female character had a good head on her shoulders who didn't immediately fall for the love interest. Yes, she found him attractive but he had to work for her affection. She also wasn't ridiculously mean for no reason like some female leads. She was a nice mix, she had somewhat realistic reactions to the situations presented to her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ali amur
This is a wonderful book with many twists and turns. You will not be able to put it down. The only reason I gave it 4 instead of 5 was because the book goes by so fast. I would/have recommend this to all my girls.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen s conclusions
Amazing. This book was incredible and kept me on my toes. I never could get enough of it. I still can't believe that terrible thing happened to allie. I am so obsessed with this book that I am buying the second book right now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly rist
Where to start? Oh my goodness! I absolutely LOVE this series. Not only is Levi (the main character's love interest) TO DIE FOR but I love the way that Alyssa Ivy portrays the female lead, Allie, as a strong and smart young woman. There need to be more books out there that portray the women as self-sufficient and helpful to their own cause rather than a bumbling, stumbling damsel in distress. Good moral undertones while still maintaining a very fun and accurate depiction of college life. A much needed great addition to the entirely too small genre that caters to college aged/"new adult" readers!! Obsessed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel murphy
A new and refreshing twist! Love it! Very unique and nothing like all the vampire/werewolf books that are out now. Nothing wrong with those books but it's nice to read something new for once. I love all the characters and their relationships with one another as well. Especially the humor as they poke fun and tease each other lol. Can't wait to see how the series ends and what else this author has in store for us!
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