Misled (Death Dwellers MC Book 1)

ByKathryn C. Kelly

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I normally don't write reviews....actually this is the second book I have.....I couldn't put the book down. Read it in day n half.....loved Christopher n Maggie.....n how true these characters were...thank u!! Will there b any continuing to this story???
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ben hughes
It could have been better, there were some violent parts that I felt were just "thrown" in for shock value. And, there is quite an age difference between them, she is 18 and he is 32, that kinda bugged me. Not the best biker romance out there.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
WTF??? There are trash novels and then there are novels of trash and this novel is pure trash. The only redeeming quality this book has is that it's a stand alone novel and we will not be subjected with a sequel. The main character Christopher "Outlaw" Caldwell spent the entire book walking around poking his penis in heroine Megan Foy,at any and every appropriate and inappropriate opportunity. I really love a good book with hot sexy smut scenes but this was tripe. For example; Megan is tied down on a bed of nails, tortured for days nude and is covered the blood, gore and the brains of two club women who were shot in front of her but the moment Outlaw unties her he has sex with her in the cab of his truck. Puleez...run, do not purchase this book!
Down & Dirty: Zak (Dirty Angels MC Book 1) :: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 4) :: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 6) :: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 3) :: Takedown: A Thriller (The Scot Harvath Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jess francis
Rating: 4.5 Stars

"Gritty and Suspenseful"
If you could sum up Misled in three words, what would they be?
Realistic, Sad, Apprehensive

What did you like best about this story?
Even though this story seemed so sad most of the time, I felt it was the most realistic portrayal of what I think a true MC would be.

Have you listened to any of Samuel Valor’s other performances before? How does this one compare?
I have not but I'm looking forward to changing that. I've already marked the second book in this series on my wish list. He was very easy to listen to. He changed the tone of his voice when he had to do a female character. But was glad he didn't try to do a high pitch - it would have changed my enjoyment. It was a very serious story and I wouldn't do the story justice if I laughed every time Mr. Valor did a female voice. After listening to this book, I'm a fan.

Any additional comments?
This was more of a sad story than one that was romantic. This was more suspenseful than happy. And because of that, I enjoyed the listening experience. I don't know that if I read the book instead if I would have had the same understanding of what the Death Dwellers are all about. To truly know and experience this group of men, I feel that having someone read it to me just adds to what I need in order to understand the characters better. Because of this experience, I would enjoy adding more works by this author into my library as well as this narrator. They are a good combination.

I voluntarily reviewed an Audiobook copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristen burke
Book is awesome. I found I liked Meggie and Outlaw's story. Meggie is basically running from her crap life and thinks going to her dad will help. Because her dad is the boss of the death dwellers. Her home life isn't great at all. Meggie's mother married a monster, woman abuser who also abuses Meggie. But when Meggie has had enough she tells her step-father that her dad will take care of him for hurting her and her mother.
But when she gets to the death dwellers she finds that her father is gone. Enters Outlaw who is the new President and tries to help Meggie against what the guys want him to do.
Now Outlaw and Meggie become sort of friends. They banter back and fourth as if they are a couple. But can both of them realize what's in front of them before walking away? Outlaw's secret may push Meggie away. But can Meggie tell outlaw really what happened between her step-father and her? With everything going on there is also a trader in the death dwellers
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth thompson
~WARNING: This book contains rape, abuse, child molestation, cutting and cheating. Contains triggers!!~

Misled is a great book but it is not for the faint of heart. It contains a lot of graphic content. It is very dark and insanely intense. This is not your “normal” romance because you are expecting a happy romance then this is NOT your book.

Megan’s life is not a good one. Her stepfather is an abusive, child molester who the outside world thinks is a great man. She is very strong but a little immature. She expected Christopher to be a whole different man in the beginning and then was hurt when he lashed out. Eventually she realized he was no Prince Charming and she accepted him for who he was.

Christopher “Outlaw” Cadwell is a major jerk but for some reason I still liked him. He was a man who lived and breathed violence but never hit woman. He had a spot soft for Megan right away and was attracted to her even though he knew it probably wouldn’t end well. I kinda hated how he made Megan hang out with his previous lovers but I understood he was trying his best.

This book is full of violence and murder but somehow still managed to have a happy ending. It was a very long and hard journey to get there. I liked most of the characters but I couldn’t stand Christopher’s family. I thought they were hypocrites. I really hope Kathryn makes this into a series because I would like to find out more about Megan & Christopher. Plus I would love to hear some of boys’ stories. (Hint, Hint)

~Special thank you to the author for the loan of this book in exchange for a honest review.~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was my first Ms. Kelly romance & she destroyed my safe Happily Ever After romance world, exposed me to the raw & rough MC club life & made me rethink my definition of a romance, but I LOVED IT! I have rewritten this review about 4 times because I didn't want to give anything away because this tale DESERVES & totally EARNS my AWE & needs to be discovered by all. This romance revolves around the raw, rough, gun running, drug transporting & a different woman or 2 every night Death Dwellers MC club, but Ms. Kelly exposed the soft underbelly of this dark world. This MC world is mean, cruel, scarring & also about a group of males who believe in totally loyalty & would die for their brothers. Now that me state up front that female were used sexually left & right in the club, but they were there willing, also scarred inside by their own lives & hurting a female is what caused the rift inside the club. It might be hard to swallow words like Old Lady or Bi*ches, but those words were given out of respect in their MC world. Megan was beaten, battered & bruised inside & out by abuse & neglect & also the old MC Prez little girl aka FORBIDDEN FRUIT! I never understood the whole cutting yourself thing, but this strong heroine made me understand that she had absolutely NO CONTROL over herself or her world, but cutting was her only CONTROL, plus helped to relieve the pressure of her nonstop anguish. Outlaw was tainted by his mom's rape that conceived him & his grandpa never let him forget it. The Death Dwellers MC was his only taste of male acceptance & he thrived in this violent criminal club, but he was still a little boy searching for the woman who could truly love him, flaws & all. These 2 had a lot of obstacles in their way like him killing her dad, jealous scanks, warring MC clubs, a deranged brother, deceit from inside the Death Dwellers club & even Outlaw own flesh & blood. Ms. Kelly had a total SEX FEST on steroids that even made me BLUSH, but no matter how hard, raw or rough Outlaw & Megan got down & dirty he always DEMANDED TOTAL EYE CONTACT & Megan's innocent light made him realize he DESERVED to be loved. Ms. Kelly gifted this book to me & said, "It's not for, everyone," & I totally agree, but if my romance peeps look past the public sex fest, the F#*king language, the way the club treated woman sexually & criminal element, they will be GIFTED to what I saw, felt, fell in love with & ACCEPT this whole dysfunctional Death Dwellers MC family into their hearts & never let them go. Ms. Kelly EARNED my top score of 5 fingers up & 10 toes for a truly heart wrenching & heart warming MC romance & that DEMANDS discovery of all romance readers!

ARC given for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anacristina silva
Complimentary copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t read a whole lot of MC series, so I’m going into this with a completely open mind. Wow am I glad I did, I am completely in love with this series!

Megan, or Meggie, is nearly eighteen and has runaway from the home that she shared with her mother and stepfather. Her stepfather’s advances are getting more and more brazen and Meggie knows that it is just a matter of time until her mother’s husband all out rapes her. Meggie’s mother, who is also abused by her husband, can’t stand up for herself, much less her only child. Meggie has decided to go find her father, who just happens to be the president of the Death Dwellers MC. Her father has always taken great pride in her, keeping her away from the MC for her own good. When she overhears her mother telling her stepfather that she is sending Meggie to live with her father, she assumes that he is expecting her, and will take care of her. Sometimes things just don’t go according to plan.

Christopher, or Outlaw, is the current president of the Death Dwellers MC, a title he came about by nefarious means. When Meggie shows up at the MC’s door, he knows exactly who she is, given her father had spoken at length to Outlaw about her, but he isn’t exactly sure what to do with her. He knows he needs to do something to take care of a young, naïve, girl that is homeless and penniless. He knows given the situation with her stepfather, he can’t simply send her home. As she spends more and more time with him, he sees her as more than just a sex object. But will secrets he is keeping threaten any chance of being with her? Can he come to terms with being in an actual relationship, given the amount of women constantly thrust in his direction? Will Meggie ever understand her place in the MC world?

Bikers aren’t normally my thing, but HELLO CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL! He is such a rough character but capable of great emotion. Yes, he’s a bit of an ass (actually a pretty big one) but everything he does, he does big. He loves hard, he hates hard.

Meggie at times can come across as immature, but given her upbringing, it is easy to understand how she might not be able to process things sometimes, especially given that she is only eighteen. Outlaw is significantly older than her; she doesn’t have the experience that he does so much of their relationship is new ground for both of them. Meggie arrives a virgin and it doesn’t take long for Outlaw to deflower her, but once that happens, things definitely heat up.

Misled is gritty, dirty, and downright hot. It’s an MC romance; if you are offended by the F-bomb, or strings of them, this series is not for you. Sex is prevalent, sometimes under questionable consent; if this is a problem, look elsewhere. However if you’re looking for a love story of two people who manage to make it work despite the odds, then this might be for you. Ms. Kelly did an excellent job of capturing the youth and naiveté of Meggie, and the hard knock life of Outlaw.

This book is a five star read and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the series holds for not only Outlaw and Meggie, but for the rest of the supporting cast as well. It is obvious that family plays a large part of their lives. Whether related by blood or friendship, there is definitely sense of loyalty. The characters are real, raw and well developed and the storyline had me hooked from the first chapter. I can’t wait to dive right into the next book, Misappropriate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My `Blogging Reader's Review' after reading `MISLED' by Author Kathryn Kelly (via: Booksmoviesfandoms.wordpress.c o m):

`Misled' is the first novel of the `Death Dwellers MC Series' by author Kathryn Kelly. I was excited to be invited to read the first three novels of this series, especially after reading the synopsis for each of these novels. As the reader, you will be able to read this novel through the two P.O.V.'s(point of views) of Megan `Meggie' Foy and Christopher `Outlaw' Caldwell.

Megan `Meggie' Foy is a pretty, blonde haired, blue-eyed, seventeen year old, who's home life with her mother and stepfather is nothing like it seems to the outside world. Behind closed doors, her stepfather is very abusive, in more ways than one, to Meggie and her mother Dinah. After one horrific night of the abuse, Meggie decides that enough is enough. Meggie has been out of touch with her biological father Joseph Foy, for a while now at the request of her mother and stepfather but she is determined to find him to tell him the truth about her home life. He's not your average father, Joe `Boss' Foy happens to be the President of the Death Dweller MC(motorcycle club). She holds onto the hope that he will be her salvation.

Then you have the tall, dark haired, tattooed, muscular man who goes by the name of `Outlaw', in his early thirties who has taken the lead in the Death Dweller MC(motorcycle club), after the former President is killed. The world he is a part of consists of illegal dealings and acts of violence, tons of sexual fulfillment and drugs on a regular basis. The Death Dweller's have been going through a rough time adjusting to the new leadership and the demise of their former leader, who happened to be `Outlaw's' mentor. When a young beautiful blonde with blue eyes that match his former mentor shows up at the Death Dweller's MC property, he finds himself wanting to get rid of her but at the same time, a part of him is trying to pull her close.

This story definitely has some heavy situations but the characters and the depth of the story keeps your interest from beginning to end. I liked how the author put focus on how easy people can be judgmental and how `looks can be deceiving.' Meggie and Christopher(Outlaw) go through a roller coaster of emotions as they both fall for each other; her inexperience becomes alluring to someone like `Outlaw' because all he's known is fast women. Christopher `Outlaw' must make difficult choices when it comes to Meggie, the truth and his role as the new President of the Death Dwellers MC. When Meggie finds out the truth about her father, will she be able to cope? Can `Outlaw' find out who's been disloyal to him as the new leader of the Death Dweller's MC before it's too late? This is not your conventional love story but it's definitely enticing and enthralling in it's own right. I do recommend you check this novel out. Excited to see what the rest of the novels in this series have in store.

My Blogging Reader's Star Rating for 'MISLED' is 4 1/2 out of 5 stars! :)

Visit my Blog and see Memorable quotes and character photos of how I imagined them while reading MISLED (Death Dwellers MC Series).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara altman
Find this review and more at Lusty Penguin Reviews!

Lovers of darkly themed biker romances will thoroughly enjoy Misled, the first book in the Death Dwellers’ MC series, by Kathryn Kelly. Misled contains plenty of profanity and graphic descriptions of physical abuse, violence, and rape, making this book not for the faint of heart.

Megan Foy was molested by her stepfather, Thomas, for years, so when the opportunity presents itself, she takes off to find her father, Joseph “Boss” Foy, and the safety he can provide. When she finally locates the Death Dwellers motorcycle club, Megan discovers her father isn’t there, but finds Christopher “Outlaw” Caldwell instead. Against his better judgment, Outlaw provides a safe place for Megan. Stunned by his attraction to Megan, Outlaw is willing to help her, but he also wants his distance since he killed her dad a year ago. Even though Megan is just eighteen, and at times acts her age, she is perceptive and sees past Outlaw’s violence and profanity to the vulnerable man underneath, which I found to be the most amazing part of her character. Outlaw carries shame and humiliation within his heart since he was the product of his mother being raped by a neighbor and his family truly never accepted him. I found Outlaw a difficult character to wrap my head around because, at times, I just wanted to hit him upside the head and tell him to grow up and just be a man. Although I love Megan’s character and have mixed feelings about Outlaw, I was completely ensnared by this couple and really enjoyed watching them get their relationship onto the same page. The sexual chemistry between them is electrifying, and the sex is steamy hot and frequent, even occurring at times that I would have thought sex would be the last thing on their minds. Along with the romance, such as it is, Kelly develops a multilayered plot of club conspiracies, the hunt for Thomas, and other surprises that provide plenty of pulse pounding action. At the end, I was happy that all of the bad guys, especially Thomas, got what was coming to them in spades.

Throughout this novel, Kelly does a masterful job of introducing numerous secondary characters from the MC and from Outlaw’s family. I especially enjoyed Johnnie, Outlaw’s cousin, and the relationship he forges with Megan. Johnnie is an interesting and mysterious character, and I can’t wait to read his story. Also, Zoann, Outlaw’s sister, is downright nasty woman to him and everyone around her, making her a character that you will seriously love to hate. I especially loved how Megan stands up to this awful woman, which brought a huge smile to my face.

With gripping characters, lots of hot sex, and plot twists a plenty, Misled is a well-crafted page-turner and a satisfying beginning to a new series. I, for one, can’t wait to revisit these characters again.

I received an eBook copy of the book for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review, and all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
krystal palmer
Mislead (Death Dwellers MC # 1) Two Ordinary Girls and Their Books

This book comes with a warning, and that should be took in to account as the story involves, rape, abuse, child Molestation and Cheating. This book is defiantly not for the faint hearted.

Misled is the first book in the Death Dwellers MC Series. I havnt read any of Kathryn Kellys books before and I do like a good MC book, so I was excited to get stuck in, even after the warning.
Misled was quite different to any MC book I have read before. The story was gritty and took you on a roller coaster of emotions throughout. This story wasn't for the faint hearted.
The story had tons of passion, sexy alpha males, lots of violence and a lot more abuse than most MC books.
Outlaw, Christopher Caldwell is the president of the Death Dwellers MC. He is gorgeous and always takes what he wants regardless.
Megan's life has been shocking. She has spent most of her childhood abused and far worse by her step father. Except to the rest of the world they think he's a great man.
Megan stumbles in to the club house, beaten and scared looking for her real father. There she meets the new Outlaw, Christopher Caldwell is the new president of the Death Dwellers MC Club now.....he's gorgeous, always takes and gets what's...Oh and he killed Megan's dad! He's a cocky barstad, who lives and breathes violence, but never against women.
Outlaw knows instantly who the girl is whose stumbling through the doors beaten and even looking the way she dies, he still feels a connection towards her.
I loved the sexual heat between Outlaw and Megan. You could feel it instantly through the pages. However, like many MC books....they all like their women and are not one women kind of men. Megan is a very jealous person though and I think she has every right to be. I loved that even after all she's been through, throughout her life, she's as tough as nails, so strong willed and I really liked her. If she havnt of been through so much though and acted the way she did on some occasions though, I think I could find her annoying and she would get on my nerves.
I did really like the story, it was very gritty and dark...some would say to much and unrealistic. I find it hard to believe she gas been through so much in her life with men, but within days at the club, she's performing sexual acts on Men. I wouldn't believe that. I'd of thought she'd be a scared, crumbling mess and wanting away from, strong, aggressive, violent men, not nearer them.
The whole book was violent and not the norm on violence levels with MC books. Thus book is in a world of its own. Some people will love it's so dark and different to MC books, others will hate it, as it pushes the boundaries so much.
I'm in the middle. I liked the story and have read one similar before, but it wasn't nearly as violent, raw and gritty.
I read the whole book to find out what happened, but some parts did disturb me and at some points I wasn't going to carry on as it was just to much.
3.5 Stars
Reviewed on behalf of Two Ordinary girls and their books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noah levenson
I just finished Misled and I really loved it. Anything with bikers is always a go for me and I am glad that I had the opportunity to read this. Megan "Meggie" has had enough of the abuse from her stepfather. When she finds out that her dad "President of Death Dwellers" is coming for her, she knows that his is her chance for freedom. She has to save herself and her mom so not wanting to wait for him anymore she goes and looks for him. Basically becoming a runaway she finds herself in a conundrum. But this leads her to Christopher "Outlaw" the new president of Death Dwellers. All she wants is her dad but Outlaw cannot give her answers that she seeks. Christopher has a problem on his hands, he is feeling something for this girl even though he wont admit it but what will happen when she finds out that he had something to do with her dad's disappearance? You will have to read and see...

I really loved this story. This is not your unicorn and rainbows kind of story and it that is just the way I like it. This to me is real and it was HOT! Outlaw was just yummy. One of the most foul-mouthed dirty talkers I have read, will have you blushing and he makes some stupid mistakes that would just want you to smack the ever loving crap out of him but you will love him all the same. Megan is such a good girl and I felt bad for her for what she had to go through but it has ultimately made her stronger and she doesn't want to take anyone else's crap, especially Outlaws. I can tell you thought that the chemistry between this is hot and it is undeniable and I love how hard he fell...It was painful for him but he now loves every minute of it!

I liked the secondary characters, even though there were some bad peeps. In a bikers story, you expect that but they all had their roles to play and it made the story better for me. Even at times predictable, it still was an enjoyable story and if you like bikers you have to give this one a try. Honestly, you will not regret it.

Reviewed by Shay for Crystal's Many Reviewers

Story 4.5
Sex 5
Overall 5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Oh my mother living FIVE BILLION STARS loving god. This book.

Yes. This book. Seriously best freaking book ever. I can't even tell you how much I LOVED this book!!!!!!!!!

It was perfect. It was INSANE! It was HOT! It was terrifying! It was suspenseful and oh my goodddddddd!!!!! Seriously. Wow.

I EVEN CRIED!!!! This book is torturous!

I think if I wanted to sum up a book that I could read over and over again???? This is ITTTTT!!!!!! This is every single theme that I love in a noon all put together!

Strong willed girl (not a fake stupid b word) ? DOUBLE CHECK!
Hotter than the blazing sun men AND sex?? Check!!!!
Intense/suspenseful? CHECK!!!!!!
Romantic??? Check!
Able to connect?? CHECK!

Everything. Just wow. Completely speechless right now.

Please. Take the time to read this!!!! It took me five hours straight through but I was HOOKED!!!!! I seriously, I'm re reading this RIGHT NOW!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeremy piatt
Christopher "Outlaw" Caldwell and Meggie keep thinking about sex even in unusual and dangerous moments. Instead of running away and save themselves their libidos win over every time. When someone dies instead of mourning they think to go at it. I love sexy reads but my hero and heroine need an head too above all in their Dangerous world. I take that Megan is young but often she's acting very stupidly and childishly, inconsiderate of her own well being seeing the world she's living within and the criminal people she have to do with. I was sorry for Kiera and Ellen. Now I've a doubt...is Val Zoann's baby's father? It's left unsaid and it seemed these two had a thing going on so I guessed Val was the baby daddy.The ending is cute but as far as I like the concept of the story this is just an ok read for me. The book is a standalone but maybe there'll be a book about Johnnie.


Originally I give an ok rating to this book but since then I keep coming back to it again and again firslty to read some scenes I liked the most and later to re-read the whole story. Now there are still flaws but I can say that I see things in a different light. And Outlaw is to die for!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Misled begins with Meggie being abused by her stepfather so she sets off to find her father. She ends up living on the streets for a while until she finds a way to reach the club her father his suppose to be the Prez of. The thing is when she finally makes it there, it is not at all like she thought it would be. First off her father isn't there, and they say he isn't coming back. She has no idea what to think about that, and it gets worse she the current prez of the club, Outlaw, is super hot, and she's super attracted to him. But he does his best to try to push her away, and also keep her close at the same time. These two go through a whole lot of pain and heartache before finding out what really matters to them...

Misled was interested. I had a really hard time deciding if I liked or disliked the book. Because there were some parts I liked, and some parts I really hated.. I won't go into a whole lot of details because that will ruin it. But I don't like cheating. I'm not saying there is cheating in the book, but I'm just throwing that out, and once you read the book you will understand what I mean. I also didn't get the whole "spoiler alert" thing about Outlaw wanting to get Meggie pregnant, and her letting him if he didn't want to keep her and claimed she didn't mean anything to him... Seriously?!?!?! WTF?? I so didn't get this at all. It drove me nuts, and had me losing a whole lot of respect for the book. But other than those things I actually liked it for the most part.

More reviews at Shooting Stars Reviews, [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
MISLED is totally different than any of the other biker books I have read. I can't really put my finger on what makes it different, but it has a total unique vibe. The lead male is absolutely unrefined and rough around the edges - not unlike other biker book characters, but Christopher, aka Outlaw is somehow different, and I like it!

The characters use lots of variety when it comes to using the "f" word - sometimes I thought it got in the way of whatever they were trying to convey, but totally in line with their over all personas.

Christopher is kind of raunchy, but I quite enjoyed his dirty mouth and he just might make it on my best dirty talkers list... I have to review his rhetoric before making that final decision on that. But here is a teaser of one of my favorite scenes that might make your panties melt, so you might as well go ahead and take them off – and if you don’t, just know that you have been warned!


See what I mean? Hot-A$$-Dirty-Talker! I totally love that author Kathryn Kelly was able to incorporate some humor with that naughty rhetoric – that takes special talent and she has it in spades. If you are looking for the next best biker book, then you have got to get this! You are going to love it!!

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews - See more at: [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Is the first in the series Death Dwellers. That right there tells you a little about the series. It is a darker MC series.
Megan father was the President of the MC and when life finally was more than she could take, she dean away from her mother and abusive step father. On the run for months she had found her fathers club, but wasn’t finding him.
‘Outlaw’ Christopher has taken over for the club and he is why Megan’s dad hasn’t been seen. Misled brings Megan and Christopher together and their relationship develops. Because of the club there are issues with Megan’s safety and the safety of those close to Outlaw. This book has detailed sexual scenes and profanity, if this offends you this is not the book for you. If you like books that are darker romance you just might like this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book 1 in the Death Dwellers MC series
I received this book from InstaFreebie via the store.
This book really surprised me. Had me hooked straight away with its powerful content and characters.
Christopher (Outlaw) is the president, but since Boss was killed and he took that position, life has been anything but quiet. Add in Boss's son Snake, who wants revenge, and who's side is anyone really on.
Megan Foy is living with her mother with an abusive step father. Thing get so bad that she starts looking for her father, Boss.
This is not a soppy love story. It's gritty and painful, and will make you want to knock a few heads together. It is the perfect MC book and is a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann cser
Outlaw is the President of the Death Dwellers MC. He lives his life free and does exactly what he wants to do. When Megan shows up, he is thrown back. She is Boss’s daughter and she can’t know the truth. He tries to keep her away but somehow, he can’t. She is young but so smart. Can she make him see that they are meant to be or will he keep pushing her away? Somehow, the truth must come out. Excellent writing. I loved each character and what they brought into the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gaye larsen
I LOVE when MC romances stay gritty, even with all the love and stuff. Boy does this one have some grit. Just excellent, everything was good, characters, storyline, all good. Life isn’t all roses and my favorite books show that while giving you roses. Just happened upon this one, but I’m on a search to see if there’s follow up. This author has a new fan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christian acker
~*~My Thoughts~*~
A 5 star rating
Its been awhile since I've read an MC book and oh how I've forgotten how much i love them!! I loved this book!! I absolutely love how gritty and raw MC books are and this one did not disappoint at all. Christopher "Outlaw" Caldwell is just wonderful hes filthy mouthed with a bad attitude and walking sex and i loved every minute of it. Megan was young and definitely innocent but it didn't get on my nerves at all. I ended up really liking her and i think i would feel the same in a lot of the situations she was thrown in. All in all I loved this book and can't wait to read the rest of the series!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nanee's Review: upallnightreadallday.blogspot.com

I absolutely loved this book. Christopher "Outlaw" Caldwell is a bad ass biker and president of the MC club the Death Dwellers and he sure lives up to that name...oh my god is he one sexy sexy sexy bad ass though. Megan Foy has had a horrible child hood, she goes through things no one would ever wish on their enemies but she runs and looks for her non existent daddy but what she finds is sexy as hell Outlaw. I thought the sexual heat between these two was perfectly written, the need to be around each other the need to touch each other but Outlaw is not a one women man and Megan is one jealous bitch (as the guys would say) this book is hot as hell, well written and violent but a must read. I loved Outlaw and John boy and Megan and wanted to kill the others. I hurt for Outlaw and the things he has to go through me his loss and want him to have some good in his life. Great characters. Great secondary characters and great writing. Love how Megan called Outlaw Christopher his given name it made him human.
5 stars or 5 bad ass bikers
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brian kubarycz
Mislead (Death Dwellers MC # 1) Two Ordinary Girls and Their Books

This book comes with a warning, and that should be took in to account as the story involves, rape, abuse, child Molestation and Cheating. This book is defiantly not for the faint hearted.

Misled is the first book in the Death Dwellers MC Series. I havnt read any of Kathryn Kellys books before and I do like a good MC book, so I was excited to get stuck in, even after the warning.
Misled was quite different to any MC book I have read before. The story was gritty and took you on a roller coaster of emotions throughout. This story wasn't for the faint hearted.
The story had tons of passion, sexy alpha males, lots of violence and a lot more abuse than most MC books.
Outlaw, Christopher Caldwell is the president of the Death Dwellers MC. He is gorgeous and always takes what he wants regardless.
Megan's life has been shocking. She has spent most of her childhood abused and far worse by her step father. Except to the rest of the world they think he's a great man.
Megan stumbles in to the club house, beaten and scared looking for her real father. There she meets the new Outlaw, Christopher Caldwell is the new president of the Death Dwellers MC Club now.....he's gorgeous, always takes and gets what's...Oh and he killed Megan's dad! He's a cocky barstad, who lives and breathes violence, but never against women.
Outlaw knows instantly who the girl is whose stumbling through the doors beaten and even looking the way she dies, he still feels a connection towards her.
I loved the sexual heat between Outlaw and Megan. You could feel it instantly through the pages. However, like many MC books....they all like their women and are not one women kind of men. Megan is a very jealous person though and I think she has every right to be. I loved that even after all she's been through, throughout her life, she's as tough as nails, so strong willed and I really liked her. If she havnt of been through so much though and acted the way she did on some occasions though, I think I could find her annoying and she would get on my nerves.
I did really like the story, it was very gritty and dark...some would say to much and unrealistic. I find it hard to believe she gas been through so much in her life with men, but within days at the club, she's performing sexual acts on Men. I wouldn't believe that. I'd of thought she'd be a scared, crumbling mess and wanting away from, strong, aggressive, violent men, not nearer them.
The whole book was violent and not the norm on violence levels with MC books. Thus book is in a world of its own. Some people will love it's so dark and different to MC books, others will hate it, as it pushes the boundaries so much.
I'm in the middle. I liked the story and have read one similar before, but it wasn't nearly as violent, raw and gritty.
I read the whole book to find out what happened, but some parts did disturb me and at some points I wasn't going to carry on as it was just to much.
3.5 Stars
Reviewed on behalf of Two Ordinary girls and their books.
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mandie mc
There are books that I read that leave me feeling invigorated and there can’t possibly be any other book out there as good as that one. Now we all know as readers that there will be another book that gives you that same feeling, it doesn’t replace the book we read before but, makes us want to explore what else we can find. Now this book found me and it left me breathless. Misled gutted me, exposed raw emotion and left me wondering, “Where the hell do I go from here?”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just discovered this author and I love this book. Would highly recommend to anyone who loves the MC genre. She's become one of my top go to authors. I can't believe I almost didn't read it because of some bad reviews. This book is better than the blurb and the cover give it credit for. JM
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
judy g
This book hit some serious topics of abuse, physical and mental! I loved reading the journey these characters had to take to reach happiness with one another. They had to find their way through the walls they built up to protect themselves, danger, betrayal and age differences. Not everyone comes out of the danger alive. It was emotional and scary and you feel like your living it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marcela maldonado
It was a good read with strong character personalities. It seemed there were many peaks and then a quick ending. I would have liked more emphasis on how the story plays out in the end then on trying to create small action scenes. Overall I did like this book and will go on to the next in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I couldn't put this book down. Absolutely loved Christopher "Outlaw" and Megan. I rooted for them the whole time. He was a little rough but I fell for him quickly. Looking forward to finding more of her books.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I borrowed this book and really enjoyed it. I see where others are bashing the book, but I loved it, I thought it was good. It was a cute read, the story was consistently moving and leaving you to wonder what was coming next.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Downloaded this book without reading the reviews and I really regret it. Didn't realize it was going to read like a bad porn. And the whole biker gang thing? It reads like someone who has no idea what they are talking about. I doubt she has ever been around bikers or has seen any drugs, much less done them. The main characters are awful. The heroine wants to have a baby with a guy she just met who treats her like crap. I cringed the entire book. Only reason I finished it was because I was stuck at the airport.
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