Part One (Lost Kings MC Book 8) - Beyond Reckless

ByAutumn Jones Lake

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kandi west
He is dealing with guilt over the past.. She made it clear what she thought of motor cycle club life., but he wanted her
Will they make it ? Will he brothers approve of their relationship? Will her family tear them apart?
Autumn writes so in depth with her characters you can't help getting lost in her stories
This is a stand alone book but if you haven't you really should read the series. You will not be disappointed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bellablumama brockert
Always liked teller and I luv charlotte especially liked scene with trinity even though I thought charlotte didn't have to apologize and she said what any woman would have said,, I have never been a fan of trinity I'm sorry can't like seem to stand her even though I would have liked wrath with someone else.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mandy dawson
Most of my favorite books are MC stories. MC books should never be sluggish. They should be full of action. The women should be tough and the men should define BadAss. I have read 1/3 of this book and I am finished. It moves at a snail’s pace and the characters are boring. The only thing right about this book is the cover.
Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God - Long Story Short :: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 1) :: Dawn of the Clans Box Set - Volumes 1 to 6 :: Warriors Super Edition: Moth Flight's Vision :: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 7)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william porter
Sometimes a series comes along that you just love. That no matter what happens or whose book your reading, it feels like putting on an old boyfriends sweater and just feeling at home. This is the feeling Autumn Jones Lake has created with this series. The Loki men and women are like family to me and every time i crack open a new book it's like coming home.

Teller has always been a bit of mystery of me. I always figured he was a man that carried a lot of pain and hurt and would mask his pain with jokes and women. what surprised me was the amount of guilt he carries on his shoulders. This guilt is slowly consuming Teller and is turning him into an anger and bitter person.

There are so many times in this book that I wanted to shake Teller or give him a good slap and tell him to snap out of it. He seems to be on self-destructive path and doesn't care who he takes with him. When we meet Teller's women (it's a surprise so I can't tell you, sorry) we finally meet the person that won't be afraid to kick Teller's a** into gear.

What I soon learn is this women is just as broken as Teller and it's not about her saving Teller or Teller saving her. It's really about two people who understand each other's pain and together they will walk through the hurt and together they will heal together.

Autumn has once again created another compelling and beautiful story of perseverance, love, loyalty and family and I hope she never stops writing about these characters and the LOKI world.

*************Received a review copy from Author**********
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aaron k
Favorite Quotes:

… any woman who doesn’t want you when you’re a little banged up, doesn’t deserve you when you’re at your best.

Everyone has scars… They just mean you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.

Thank God you’re not one of those guys who wears skinny jeans… You know what I mean. The pants that are so tight you can tell what religion the guy is.

Rock judges people based on a number of things and skin color has never been one of them. He dislikes everyone equally.

What are you trying to tell me? You’ll look back and remember me as the one who put the snap back in your turtle?

My Review:

While reading the latest addition to the Lost Kings series, I was smirking, gasping, and fanning myself through some highly erotic sensual scenes and enjoying the irreverent humor, salacious banter, family drama, and a ton of naughty fun - all sandwiched into an engaging storyline. The Lost Kings are an unusual MC in how they treat each other and their women, although they are still proud alphas, loud, boisterous, and able to handle their business. I was rolling right along and enjoying this smokin’ hawt and lascivious MC romance packed with lewd and dirty talking yet sweet and quirky alpha men and their feisty women, when it came to a tense spot and then, just stopped. NO!

I am stamping my little foot, foaming at the mouth, spewing invectives and turning the air around me blue – grrr! I was totally unprepared for an incomplete story… I must have closure! A pox on you Autumn Jones Lake for so thoroughly hooking me like a big mouth bass and reeling me in, only to hold me dangling over a cliff for another month for part two as I must know how it resolves. But, no question about it, I will be eagerly awaiting the next installment to hit my kindle. I have never worn a cut and would give anyone a crack to the head if they called me a muffler bunny, but I am most certainly a LOKI wannabe and Autumn Jones Lake fangirl. But for now, I am off to purchase voodoo doll supplies that resemble a certain author, as well as some extra sharp pins!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well I shouldn’t be surprised that Ms. Lake wrote a story that took hold and held tight until the end, which is really not the end, so I’m still holding on, waiting.

In the author’s note, Ms. Lake worries about the lawyer biker dynamic repeating itself. Well Ms. Lake, as the brothers teased, like father, like son! Teller has been through so much, I was crushed after the accident, I was sure that those two were going to be together, so this book did a lot to sooth my sorrow. The twist about the heroine is fantastic!! This is the first book in a two-part set, so don’t open it looking for a happily ever after, but I have faith in this author, if you’ve read the series thus far, you have faith in this author so dive in and enjoy Teller’s story. 5 stars, 3 hands down the pants.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Autumn has done it again! She weaves a captivating tale filled with suspenseful intrigue, STEAMY sex scenes, and baby filled, giggle worthy moments. Her characters are well written with depth and complexity. You can't help but to become attached to the characters. I absolutely loved reuniting with the LOKI family. This story included many of my favorite characters, while also introducing some unsavory, frustrating, outraging, new ones. The writing had me so engrossed with the characters and events I was on the edge of my seat!
Teller, the hotness god of this story is a multi-layered guy who has been through the wringer. His protective layer makes him a gruff, surly guy. But with Charlotte that façade slips away showing us the lovable guy we knew was there. Unfortunately for these two not only do family and club connections stand in their way, so do their own scars. Someone has to lose. Charlotte or the club? Can Teller take another loss? These two jaded people, who deserve the greatest love, will have to decide if they will fight the obstacles safe guarding the love they’ve developed. Even if it means putting their family and club at risk. They will face the ultimate question…what is love worth.
This story is a must read!! I am so into the amazing connection Teller and Charlotte have developed. Teller has begun to show a vulnerability and awareness allowing him to grow beyond his hot-head reactions. Charlotte on the other hand, is still keeping secrets. Secrets that could destroy all they have developed. Will she learn to trust?
Even though some questions won't be answered until part two, this is definitely a must read. I can't wait until part two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy tolbert
I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

So I haven't read the previous books, but I didn't actually have a problem reading this one, but will definitely be reading the previous books now.

As treasurer of the Lost Kings MC Teller has spent his life caring for his sister Heidi and it seems his best friend Murphy and looking after his club. Now that it seems that the people around him are finding their happily ever after it seems like Teller is struggling, and his only regret is losing the one who got away. After a loss he is trying to recover when she crosses his path again and he is going to make damn sure that he doesn't loose her again.

I felt that these two characters definitely suited each other so much. Teller was so much the alpha hero, he was sweet, caring but he was also the alpha dominant hero that we love in our MC Books. And he has a secret that he needs to let the club in on and man totally did not see that coming. And his women is everything that he needs, she's tough, strong but she also has a vulnerable side that allows Teller to be there for her.
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Definitely a book that I can reread, but I also cannot for the next part as I really need to know how this is going to end. But I am definitely going back and reading the previous books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carolyn cahalane
***ARC provided in exchange for an honest review - Naomi / Scandalous Book Blog***

Knowing that we were finally going to get Tellers story, I was so excited to see this book on my Kindle.
Autumn didn't disappoint. Beyond Reckless was addictive and I loved my new drug.

Teller is still healing after his accident and still dealing with the guilt over loosing the one person he promised to keep safe. Unable to ride with his brothers is another blow to his ego too. Always the protector he continues to look after his sister and niece even when she is in a relationship with one of his brothers.

Its when Murphy lets the cat out of the bag that he plans to adopt the little girl that Teller reconnects with his past.

One night all them years ago sparked a fire in Teller that still smolders today. The woman he desires is everything he needs, She is fierce, passionate and could offer him the perfect future. However there is more to her than meets the eye and its THAT that could tear them apart before they ever really begin.

Teller knows his brothers are not going to like hi revelation, however the heart wants what the heart wants and he cant stay away from her no matter the consequences.

I would love to tell you how their story goes...However I am still very much in the dark!!!

Left with a cliffhanger...Its the anticipation of what will come next that has me more excited than ever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Review of Beyond Reckless (Lost Kings MC #8)
by Autumn Jones Lake
My Rating 5 Tellerific Stars!!
Teller’s story is one I have been patiently waiting for I knew he would have so much depth it’s not surprising that it’s going to take two books in order to get the entire story.
Autumn has this way to her writing that builds a character through each book and has you knowing the ins and outs of each one, Teller has so much depth to him and I’ve always had this soft spot in my heart for the man who stepped up to care for his sister fighting with all he has to be what she needed for him to be as her brother/family.
I can’t tell you just how damn excited I was to see who his heroine turned out to be as I was secretly hoping that Autumn would go there, you know and Hope and all…Yes, that’s all I’m saying. If you have been reading this series then you know Beyond Reckless is a MUST READ, If you haven’t started this series yet, what The Hell are you waiting for?? I’m patiently..okay, Impatiently waiting for part two and you will be as well.
Bravo!! Autumn Jones Lake!
** I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from Author & Enticing Journey Promotions**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Autumn Jones Lake has never let me down. Book after book of this series has kept me entertained and falling in love with her characters, and Beyond Reckless is no exception. I ache for this guy. He is messed up both physically and emotionally and it would take a strong and patient and smart woman to be with him...and I hope he found her. Since this is only part one of a story, I will have to wait till book 2 to get all my answers and find out if this new couple gets their HEA when all odds are against them at the point this book ends.
BTW...the first few chapters hit you in the heart and the lady parts with some full steam ahead scenes that were so hot they about combusted my kindle. Lordy, Teller is one fine piece of work and the way this author writes him is so engaging and amazes me every time how her characters come to life. If you have read the rest of this series you will just have to read this one...because Teller's story is one that demanded to be really told in full. Loved it!
I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.

***** 5 ***** "where do they go from here?" stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abo kalid
I absolutely love Autumn and her writing. I have not had the pleasure of reading many of her books.But I can say I absolutely loved this one. Teller is just amazing. A biker with a huge heart. He can woo a girl off her feet easily. His character hit a spot with me because of his childhood and the love that he has for his sister and neice. I did not get the chance to read about his accident but I absolutely love how he does not hide what happened it him and fights so hard to get back to the man he was before the accident. I absolutely love Teller and Char together. There is some very strong chemistry between these two. You can see it right from the beginning. These two are perfect for each other in more ways then one. They complement each other and she is strong when he needs her to be. I absolutely loved the scenes when they are in bed together . They both know exactly what each other wants and is not afraid to ask for it. I cant wait until i can get my hands on the sequel to this story. Autumn Jones Lake has delivered a hit. I cant wait to read more from this writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 Stars

Beyond Reckless is the eighth title in the Lost Kings MC series, and is part one of Teller's story. This title picks up where White Knuckles left off, and I would highly recommend having read the previous titles before reading this book.

Teller has always been one of my favorite members of LOKI he's a bad-ass, but he's also a protector, a care taker, kind, and caring. He's an alpha with a heart of gold. His love interest is quite similar to him in a lot of ways as she advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves. She's perfect for him in that she is no wilting wall flower, she's not afraid to speak her mind and she's strong, yet she has a vulnerability to her as well.

The chemistry between them is undeniable, intense, passionate, and very hot!

As I've come to expect with each of the LOKI books, drama, intrigue, suspense, action, and danger abounds. I cannot wait for the second title in this duet to be release and for secrets to be revealed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maxwell dillion
Steamy, hot, passionate, and emotional story.
Teller is back with a vengeance and truly rehabilitated!
Kudos to Autumn for giving us these lovable characters from The Lost Kings and Teller is no exception!
This is his story and he is not who I thought he was! His character developed nicely and his perspective on previous life events explains a lot about the other characters!
This series gets better, the writing gets better, the twists and the turns...
Told in dual POV's Teller reconnects with Charlotte who helped his sister 3 years before. One night changed a lot of things for him and Charlotte.
Neither expected the other to be completely different than what they thought. More importantly neither expected the outcome.
The end result you'll have to read to find out.
Even though it's stated that this book can be read as a standalone you can but you'll appreciate the characters even more if you've read the other books in the series!
4.5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Some series start to lose their luster after the first few books but not the LOKI series. It just keeps getting better. Ms. Lake’s amazing storytelling creativity is nothing short of amazing and this book is a fabulous example. The characters are so lifelike and lovable that you can’t help but feel like you know them and are experiencing all their emotions they are as you’re reading along. As for the storyline => she’s done Teller proud.

Teller’s story has it all. Emotions of happy, sad, anger, rage, fear, you name it, you’ll most likely feel it or at the least I did. The connections, the brotherhood, the sense of family and love.. It’s just heartwarming and breathtaking to watch it all unfold for Teller and his woman. This is just a must read. I highly recommend not only this book (which can be read as a stand-alone) but the series too. The series is very high on my 2017 must be read series list. 2 thumbs up and I look forward to the next LOKI Book to hit my kindle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fleur parker
FINALLY Teller, I've been waiting FOREVER for his book. Yeah Yeah I know she can only write so fast, but that's not an excuse! I'll admit from the beginning I was a little shocked, who he ends up dating is NOT who I thought it was going to be. I can freely admit I was wrong, and she's a much better choice. Of course that's because Ms. Lake does a PHENOMENAL job with her stories. This book, like all the others, is incredibly well written. The characters show depth and realism. They are emotional, easy to relate to and engaging to read. The main characters here are no exception. As with all of the other books they the author has continued the series as well as developed the individual couple as well. The MC Brotherhood is growing and I swear to God, that her books are so realistic I sometimes think the author is secretly living with an MC and it makes me wanna drive around the boonies of NY to find them. You know a lot of people hear stories in their heads, but only the talented can make those stories come to life the way Ms. Lake has. Ok so back to the story at hand and not the author's overall talent. This book ROCKS, Teller is the type to hold onto his guilt, and he's got a lot HE thinks he should be guilty for (an opinion held by noone but him). A lot of that guilt is dissected and processed in the book, making it every emotional. I always thought he was a little less "mean" than some of the other guys in the book, that he wasn't so obnoxious to the girls, this book TOTALLY proved it without a doubt. I love him more now. I think his reaction to the change in his personal family dynamics, is upsetting, because he's upset and it's easy to empathize with him, but it's also enlightening, and heartwarming. This book of course focuses on Teller and the mystery lady, but does a fantastic job with the previous couples as well. I also love that these stories are not one sided, that we see the situation from both people's perspective without it getting dizzying trying to figure out who's talking. Another fantastic effort, and of course there's now Part 2 to read. I CAN'T WAIT!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vida salehi
Y'all Autumn Jones Lake has done it again!! Teller's story is AMAZING!! ??I don't wanna spoil anything so I won't say much about the story except that Teller has for sure met his match and watching him fall for her is just the sweetest most swoon worthy thing ever! ? Throw in their off the charts chemistry and you have a sizzling sexy love story! Don't worry though, Autumn still brings the drama and danger that is always threaded throughout the LOKI series!! I can't wait for part 2 and I pray everyday that Autumn never stops writing this series. I'm totally ok reading about grampa's Rock, Wrath, Murphy, Teller, Z and Grama's Hope, Trinity and Heidi!! LOL Maybe throw in a book about Alexa as a teenager! That's how phenomenal this series and Autumn's writing skills are!! A definite must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really felt connected to this story from the beginning. Lake does a great job of getting into the heads of the characters. I could feel for each party involved in this story's romance. I understood the rationale behind what a lot of the characters do and even during frustrating plot lines I knew that they were just doing what they believe was right. Definitely a character driven story, and a good one at that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been waiting for Tellers story, and what a tale it is! Teller is the treasurer of the Lost Kings, and is the typical bad boy, who loves to party and sleep around. Teller just needs to meet the right one, for him to be convinced that he is so worth being loved. They have many obstacles to overcome on the way. I cannot wait for the 2nd part of Teller’s story!
This is an awesome story which is well written, passionate, heartbreaking, and loving. I was hooked and intrigued from the very beginning. Brilliant story Autumn!!
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francesco lamberti
The fantastically talented Autumn Jones Lake delivers another wonderful addition to the LOKI saga.

Teller and Charlotte are wonderfully flawed characters that complement each other on so many levels. In Charlotte, Teller can find a sense of easiness in his chaotic world. In Teller, Charlotte can find excitement that still can keep her safe. Both have scars from life but together seem like they can overcome.

This book had a great balance of action, character interaction, and seriously steamy moments. While normally I am not a huge fan of serials/part 1, 2, on and on, blah, blah, blah this book definitely lent itself to that set up. I think the pause in the storyline is a good thing to allow Ms. Lake the chance to flesh out that much more of an arc for an amazing couple.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cory parish
I have two problems with this book, ok maybe three. 1. I knew i should have read this series and for some unexplainable reason I kept putting it off, sigh, regrets. 2. I have to go back and from the beginning due to my idiocy. 3. It ends in cliffhanger and I have to wait, which in away is not bad because it gives me time to catch up. But this is again a lesson to myself that if I enjoy a blurb not to put off and read, damn it. Let me tell you guys, you will be not miss or make my mistake
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elivia qodrunniswa
I already loved this series and knew that Beyond Reckless would not disappoint, it was everything I was hoping for and so much more.

Teller's story will captivate you from the beginning. Beyond Reckless is packed full with love and loyalty. Teller was always meant to be with a woman who is strong and can give as good as he can and boy did he meet his match! He found someone who showed him all he is worthy of.

You will laugh, cry, and absolutely fall in love with this book and the entire MC. This entire series is complete perfection and once you start reading you can't put this book down. I just can't get enough. Although this can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend that you start at the beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian brawdy
This book…
Wow. This book was AMAZING! It brings Teller into the limelight, which is right where he deserves to be! Some MC books become predictable. Same lines.. Same type of characters… But not this one! Autumn has a way to distinguish her characters from others. And Teller is just simply amazing. He made me swoon with his rough character.. He made me nervous with his sometimes-reckless behavior. I wouldn’t change it if I could though. The story was gripping and sexy. Who doesn’t love a bad boy biker? I would recommend this to anyone who wants to read a fantastic MC romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie rocks
4.5 stars
I've really enjoyed reading about the Lost Kings. I got to see a different side to Teller in this book. I liked the chemistry between Teller & Charlotte and the little surprises that Charlotte was hiding helped build the anticipation of what was to come. How Teller handled the situation when her secret regarding her family was revealed surprised me. He refused to give her up despite knowing the impact her connections could have to his club. I can't wait to read the rest of their story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok confession time I had not read her books before, I know where have I been to where I did not read her before but I promise I am changing that!! That being said Teller's story has made me an Autumn Lake Jones fan!!
He has been through so much that it tore at my heart , and the wreck was devastating but sometimes life throws us a lifeline just when we are droning and that is with his woman but her secret and believe me it is a good one but it is not one his club is very happy with
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
draconis blackthorne
Autumn Jones Lake is one of my favorite authors. I couldn't put Beyond Reckless down till I finished it. Teller has always been one of my favorites cause of the love he shows for his sister, Heidi. Charlotte and Teller really care for each other. I love this series and I'm looking forward to part 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer jones
I started the LOKI series last year and have been hooked from the beginning. Teller broke my heart and I understand his streak of not being nice but in his book he was what I imagined he really would be like. Charlotte well lets say I knew deep down that was who was going to be his girl. I like her a lot and teller and Charlotte are going to make a great team. I highly recommend Beyond Reckless and Autumn had let me down
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mani makkar
I really liked this book! It was sexy, exciting, surprising & infuriating at times. Charlotte & Teller had sizzling chemistry & were totally meant to be.

Teller... Ok, he said & did some seriously a**holio things to Heidi & Murphy but with the way he behaved in the past, I kind of expected it. I mean, I wish he showed a bit more maturity but it didn't completely turn me off of him, like it seemed to do to other readers.

I very much enjoyed the relationship between him & Charlotte. He didn't push her away (like SO many guys do), he manned up where his feelings were concerned & he worshiped her body like a boss. But dude... loved that you bought a new bed for her place but you also should've bought one for your room in the clubhouse. Makes me itchy just thinking about that one. #yuck

Charlotte... I liked this woman. She was intelligent, strong & not stuck-up at all, like so many assumed she'd be. Super intrigued about her past experiences with the Wolf Knights... there's a secret she's holding back & I can't wait to find out what it is! Too bad her Uncle Chuck is such a pain in the butt. He totally gives me the heebie jeebies when he rubs up on her! Her #GingerPower with Murphy though... Loved it.

Like I mentioned above, it was very sexy. The best thing was that it was sexy without feeling redundant. I didn't skim the steamy scenes (like I did in Wrath & Trinity's books), I devoured them. I loved the breath play & variety!

Curious how things will turn out with the whole babysitting-a-porn-star thing. But... not really looking forward to it because those b****es be crazy. Let's just keep that s*** in Sway-ville.

Didn't much care for that ending though. It obviously wasn't a HEA but it didn't even feel like a HFN... more just straight-up cliffhanger-y. (Not my jam.) Lucky for me, Part 2 is already out. On to Beyond Reason! :)

P.S. Ok, so I see who Grace more than likely belongs to... Now let's make it happen! This series needs some buns in the oven, STAT!!

P.P.S. B**** move for Trinity to go tattle on Charlotte. Rude of her to blurt out what she did but seemed out of character for Trinity to act like that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aya katz

Marcel, aka Teller and Charlottes story.

Three years ago, he thought he’d met the perfect woman, only to have her reject everything he is—a Lost King.

I love this series the characters are so easy to love, they are all one big happy MC family and as you get to know each of them you can't wait to see who is going to find their O'l lady next.

Teller has been the carer of Heidi his sister for so long that even now she has her own possessive Alpha biker to take care of her Teller still can't seem to let go.

Teller has loved and lost and it was good to see Teller/Marcell finally find happiness and someone for himself, he is a selfless kind of guy.

Charlotte is the lawyer who assisted with the case when Heidi was younger living with and in the care of her Grandmother. All this has gone on through each of the series the MC is very much a part of each members lives. You don't just get the story of the two main characters in each book you get little bits of everyone else too. Not a bad thing.

I have grown to love all these characters which is why although it can be read as a stand alone, it would be appreciated more to start from the beginning.

Heidi once again needs Charlotte's advice so Teller takes the opportunity to go along and see Charlotte again. Three years earlier they had a one night stand following Heidi's custody case Charlotte left and Teller didn't see her again until she saw him wearing a biker jacket and got spooked she had only seen him dressed for court up to that point but Charlotte also has her own secrets.

Autumn states at the end of the book that she did't intend on this being a duet but it is.

There is so much about Heidi and what has gone on previously including other things at the club at the beginning of the book before you get to Charlotte and Teller reaching a relationship it makes you think, could it of been one book? if Autumn had mainly focused on the main characters and not backtracked or over elaborated ? but this is how Autumn writes and so I just going to have to wait to see what happens next in the second part for Charlotte and Teller.

Contains fan me down hot scenes, told in dual first person's pov, no heavy angst or drama it's kind of unusual for an MC read to have no grit but this is what I love about this series and the family feel of the MC and it finishes leaving you wanting more.

Arc received for review purposes
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tim shaffer
it ends in a cliffhanger really so....a second book on this couple is coming- if i knew this id have
probably waited to read it....another thing was a bit too much repetition and slow moving for me compared to the other books and charlottes insecurities at times got on my nerves....

finally, if its been a while since you read #7 re-read it so you can start this one off on a good foot and fully get whats going on.

generally i really love this series so id read the next one in hopes that its better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francesca moore
I have waited for this book for what seems forever. Tellers story has been a long time coming. We have seen Teller grow up, go through life altering events, now we get an even deeper look into what makes Teller's heart belong to the woman he met and fell in love with. A love neither were ready for, but when they meet again they're ready. Secrets from the past can't stop their love. Absolutely love this book, this series and this Awesome Author. Now I have to wait for part two to be released.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book…
Wow. This book was AMAZING! It brings Teller into the limelight, which is right where he deserves to be! Some MC books become predictable. Same lines.. Same type of characters… But not this one! Autumn has a way to distinguish her characters from others. And Teller is just simply amazing. He made me swoon with his rough character.. He made me nervous with his sometimes-reckless behavior. I wouldn’t change it if I could though. The story was gripping and sexy. Who doesn’t love a bad boy biker? I would recommend this to anyone who wants to read a fantastic MC romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5 stars
I've really enjoyed reading about the Lost Kings. I got to see a different side to Teller in this book. I liked the chemistry between Teller & Charlotte and the little surprises that Charlotte was hiding helped build the anticipation of what was to come. How Teller handled the situation when her secret regarding her family was revealed surprised me. He refused to give her up despite knowing the impact her connections could have to his club. I can't wait to read the rest of their story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ok confession time I had not read her books before, I know where have I been to where I did not read her before but I promise I am changing that!! That being said Teller's story has made me an Autumn Lake Jones fan!!
He has been through so much that it tore at my heart , and the wreck was devastating but sometimes life throws us a lifeline just when we are droning and that is with his woman but her secret and believe me it is a good one but it is not one his club is very happy with
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin brandt
Autumn Jones Lake is one of my favorite authors. I couldn't put Beyond Reckless down till I finished it. Teller has always been one of my favorites cause of the love he shows for his sister, Heidi. Charlotte and Teller really care for each other. I love this series and I'm looking forward to part 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edwin chisom john
I started the LOKI series last year and have been hooked from the beginning. Teller broke my heart and I understand his streak of not being nice but in his book he was what I imagined he really would be like. Charlotte well lets say I knew deep down that was who was going to be his girl. I like her a lot and teller and Charlotte are going to make a great team. I highly recommend Beyond Reckless and Autumn had let me down
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
oscar manrique
I really liked this book! It was sexy, exciting, surprising & infuriating at times. Charlotte & Teller had sizzling chemistry & were totally meant to be.

Teller... Ok, he said & did some seriously a**holio things to Heidi & Murphy but with the way he behaved in the past, I kind of expected it. I mean, I wish he showed a bit more maturity but it didn't completely turn me off of him, like it seemed to do to other readers.

I very much enjoyed the relationship between him & Charlotte. He didn't push her away (like SO many guys do), he manned up where his feelings were concerned & he worshiped her body like a boss. But dude... loved that you bought a new bed for her place but you also should've bought one for your room in the clubhouse. Makes me itchy just thinking about that one. #yuck

Charlotte... I liked this woman. She was intelligent, strong & not stuck-up at all, like so many assumed she'd be. Super intrigued about her past experiences with the Wolf Knights... there's a secret she's holding back & I can't wait to find out what it is! Too bad her Uncle Chuck is such a pain in the butt. He totally gives me the heebie jeebies when he rubs up on her! Her #GingerPower with Murphy though... Loved it.

Like I mentioned above, it was very sexy. The best thing was that it was sexy without feeling redundant. I didn't skim the steamy scenes (like I did in Wrath & Trinity's books), I devoured them. I loved the breath play & variety!

Curious how things will turn out with the whole babysitting-a-porn-star thing. But... not really looking forward to it because those b****es be crazy. Let's just keep that s*** in Sway-ville.

Didn't much care for that ending though. It obviously wasn't a HEA but it didn't even feel like a HFN... more just straight-up cliffhanger-y. (Not my jam.) Lucky for me, Part 2 is already out. On to Beyond Reason! :)

P.S. Ok, so I see who Grace more than likely belongs to... Now let's make it happen! This series needs some buns in the oven, STAT!!

P.P.S. B**** move for Trinity to go tattle on Charlotte. Rude of her to blurt out what she did but seemed out of character for Trinity to act like that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jo kneale

Marcel, aka Teller and Charlottes story.

Three years ago, he thought he’d met the perfect woman, only to have her reject everything he is—a Lost King.

I love this series the characters are so easy to love, they are all one big happy MC family and as you get to know each of them you can't wait to see who is going to find their O'l lady next.

Teller has been the carer of Heidi his sister for so long that even now she has her own possessive Alpha biker to take care of her Teller still can't seem to let go.

Teller has loved and lost and it was good to see Teller/Marcell finally find happiness and someone for himself, he is a selfless kind of guy.

Charlotte is the lawyer who assisted with the case when Heidi was younger living with and in the care of her Grandmother. All this has gone on through each of the series the MC is very much a part of each members lives. You don't just get the story of the two main characters in each book you get little bits of everyone else too. Not a bad thing.

I have grown to love all these characters which is why although it can be read as a stand alone, it would be appreciated more to start from the beginning.

Heidi once again needs Charlotte's advice so Teller takes the opportunity to go along and see Charlotte again. Three years earlier they had a one night stand following Heidi's custody case Charlotte left and Teller didn't see her again until she saw him wearing a biker jacket and got spooked she had only seen him dressed for court up to that point but Charlotte also has her own secrets.

Autumn states at the end of the book that she did't intend on this being a duet but it is.

There is so much about Heidi and what has gone on previously including other things at the club at the beginning of the book before you get to Charlotte and Teller reaching a relationship it makes you think, could it of been one book? if Autumn had mainly focused on the main characters and not backtracked or over elaborated ? but this is how Autumn writes and so I just going to have to wait to see what happens next in the second part for Charlotte and Teller.

Contains fan me down hot scenes, told in dual first person's pov, no heavy angst or drama it's kind of unusual for an MC read to have no grit but this is what I love about this series and the family feel of the MC and it finishes leaving you wanting more.

Arc received for review purposes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice lowry
Another great story, Teller was not someone that had endeared himself to me, but I have to admit I'm firmly team Teller now. There are bits of the story like the breath playing, it was written perfectly by Autumn, even if it's a subject you hate , the way it's been written is just perfect. Now pre-ordering Beyond Reason.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
it ends in a cliffhanger really so....a second book on this couple is coming- if i knew this id have
probably waited to read it....another thing was a bit too much repetition and slow moving for me compared to the other books and charlottes insecurities at times got on my nerves....

finally, if its been a while since you read #7 re-read it so you can start this one off on a good foot and fully get whats going on.

generally i really love this series so id read the next one in hopes that its better.
Please RatePart One (Lost Kings MC Book 8) - Beyond Reckless
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