Warriors: A Vision of Shadows #3: Shattered Sky

ByErin Hunter

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall this was a pretty good book. However, there were some flaws. Thunderclan continues to be the Mary sue's and alderheart and twigpaw, who I really enjoyed as characters were just bland. Only violetpaw's veiw was really exciting and even then, it just fell short.
I was really hyped about darktails past and was really shocked when i found out onestar was his father. And to nobodys suprise, Hawkwing and pebbleshing were twigpaw and violetpaw's parents.
Deaths- Purdy, Onestar, Echosong, Darktail,&Needletail
The next book is probably going to focus on how skyclan settles into the lake terriotory, twigpaw & violetpaw chosing what clan they will live in and of course whatever is going on between dovewing and tigerheart. looking forward o it but not as much as the last one
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca glassing
Spoilers alert!

But first, I liked this book better than the other two. Finally Darktail and his followers gets what they deserved by the all the Clans, including SkyClan.

Here comes the spoilers:

Finally Onestar got killed in this book. Ever since he become the leader of the WindClan , he`s been a big jerk, blaming ThunderClan for everything, even attacking them twice. He got worse and worse in each book. He`s the worst leader in the WindClan`s history. Wish that Breezepelt was killed too. He`s been such a brat form the very beginning.

And also finally the Clans got rid of of that mangy cat Darktail. Man, I HATED him, more than Tigerstar and Brokentail. Wish he had suffered a more horrible death, like been torn to pieces by a badger or hit by a car after everything he did. He was responsible for lot of character`s deaths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annabel schnitzer
The series is finally getting uphill again.
I still don't like the characters being dull, dumb, stereotypic or replaceable but I accepted that a long time ago as given. It feels like so many characters have the absolute same personality( Bramblestar/ Lionblaze/ Hawkwing or Leopardstar/ Squirrelflight/ Ivypool/ Needletail for example). No offence, I really like them but it's extraordinary boring seeing the same characters develope again and again to the same point. Also feeling really sad, that every former main character just shifts out of focus and starts sobbing characterless into the mass of the clan( there are a few exceptions I guess).
It's just overall a rather flat writing stile but for 10-15 years old reader probably suited.
Coming to the actual story of book 3:
The storyline developes unexpectedly good, I was already quite delighted by Dawn of the Clans and really liked the bit more complex characters. But Vision of Shadows got me there. Few fillers, more complex story and a really really dark atmosphere. Interesting plottwists, but it feels kinda set up, Onestar's story was interesting but really not planned realistic. Needletail and Alderheart had potential but yeah, I guess we all have to suffer losses. Her death got like zero attention at all, meh. Also wanted to hit my head against something hard when they let the kin escape 2 times instead of just killing them( I mean, the Erins wanted them to go the long way for the great BIG WOAAH battle at the end but it seems just so... set up and unrealistic in every aspect). Now we can hopefully wait for the Dovewing- Tigerheart Tragedy after it was like 5 times mentioned and stressed by all the characters. Really feeling the hype now WOHH.

I know that this review mainly contains critique in contrast to the 5 star rating but I am just comparing the book to the other ones of the same series. And I really enjoyed reading it in contrast to the older ones. Please keep on working on those points and the series will live up to it's great potential.
The Apprentice's Quest - A Vision of Shadows #1 :: Warriors: The New Prophecy #2: Moonrise :: A Vision of Shadows #2 - Thunder and Shadow :: The Quest Begins (Seekers #1) :: Survivors #1: The Empty City
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli simon thomas
Alderheart, Twigpaw, and Violetpaw’s adventures continue in Warriors: Shattered Sky. Violetpaw doubts her decision to join the Kin, the rouge pack of cats that took over ShadowClan territory. Violetpaw wants to stay to protect her friend, Needletail, who is the only friend she’s had since kithood. Twigpaw is young and carefree, happy and excited to train to be a warrior. But Alderheart’s visions start to change things for Twigpaw…
Alderheart continues to try to convince Bramblestar to look for SkyClan. He is convinced “what you find in the dark” is SkyClan, and they will “clear the sky.” Also, a new vision reveals SkyClan’s location!
Throughout it all, Darktail’s Kin are making the Clans’ lives miserable. They took ShadowClan’s and RiverClan’s territory! Do the Clans’ have what it takes to defeat the Kin?
I love the book! Almost everything is perfect in my opinion, but a cat dies, which I really wasn’t happy about. She dies a noble death, though! Erin Hunter lives up to her reputation, and the next book in this series is as good as the last! I doubt I’m the only one craving more of these books!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lucas bezembinder
I am in my twenties, have been reading this series since I was 12, and have never been motivated enough to write a review until now. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers. As you can see by the two star rating, I have quite a few criticisms about the book.

First off, the characters were kind of flat in this one. Alderheart, who started out as an interesting, somewhat insecure character in book one is just bland. In fact, pretty much everyone is bland. There isn't really a whole lot to differentiate them, and it was tough to make myself care about them. Violetpaw was probably the most interesting of the three mains. I liked her story arc; her viewpoints were a bright spot.

Another thing I noticed was the fact that the characters think obvious thoughts every other page. Basically like this: 'Oh, a thing happened,' thought Twigpaw. One page later, 'I wonder if this thing has to do with the thing,' thought Alderheart. Another page later 'I think this about the thing,' Alderheart thought again. Look, I get the target age range for these books is 8-12 years, but they don't need to have their hands held so they can get through the plot. The internal dialogue of the characters was excessive and jarring.

I won't give anything away, but several events in the book that I thought were major history and life changing events were just skimmed over. I was looking forward to seeing the reactions of the various cats. . . and it just wasn't there. One thing I noticed, that I'm actually hesitant to mention, is the fact that this series seems to be focusing more on the social/political issues as opposed to the arcs of individual characters, and I'm not a big fan of that. The older series focused on broad moral issues and themes, and now there's our ancestors banished SkyClan guilt and refugee groups and WindClan closing its borders(??? They live in Clans, aren't closed borders a part of the warrior code anyway?) I'm just not into the obvious parallels to the real world. If it was pulled off well it would be fine, but in this case it seems like views are getting pushed, and I think this wider focus has been to the detriment of the individual characters.

One last thing. There is a certain revelation at a certain point in the book that comes completely out of nowhere. There was nothing to suggest this certain thing happened in the previous series, and it felt like a retcon. I won't reveal this in a review, but yeah, if you read the book you know what I'm talking about.

In conclusion, if you've read all the Warriors books, you should probably read this one as well. For all its faults, there is a story there. Hopefully the next one is better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah pitts
again erin has outdone herself. i have been on the warriors bandwagon for a while now but i have to say that this is my favourite series yet! the characters are structured really well and they tug at the heart strings. i have actually read all the books at least 5-6 times and as i said before they are just getting better and better. i felt as though this book was the last in the vision of shadows series as it was quite dark and intense like the last books in the other series except it is the 3rd in this one! can't wait for 4,5&6 to come out! overral loved the book and if i could i would give it an 11/10 :))
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nando villa
Wow! This was a great book with plenty of adventure mixed with mystery and sadness it had me hooked and I read it nonstop until I finished it. I was thrilled to see SkyClan back and to also figure out that Hawkwing was Twigpaw and Violetpaws' dad. Although it was shocking and sad when many cats died I was extremely happy at what happened at the end. ;P
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lon dailey
Just as every other warrior book I loved it. Though i did notice something that bohered me a bit. In this book, Erin kind of over used the word "erect". No parents, it is not what you are thinking, this refers to the cats tails. Instead of saying that their tail stood right up the author would use the word erect instead. Everytime.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
why did onestar had to end like this Spoiler Alert darktail was supposingly onestar is son which meant that onestar was half kittypet. It really made me astonished that Onestar one of the best clan leaders of the series had died of his son. this book had made me sad but it was one of my faviorite books of the warrior series. Jasonstar out
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