A Vision of Shadows #2 - Thunder and Shadow

ByErin Hunter

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reham di bas
Hi! I'm Scorchpaw! And Alderheart and Sparkpelt finally got their medicine and warrior names. Finally! At least I have Lilypaw, Larkpaw, Honeypaw, and Twigpaw for company. Its noisy, but they're my Clanmates! Fine. I'm being called for a patrol! So exciting! See you later, kittypet! (First review LOL)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thunder and Shadow is a wonderful warriors book. Any warriors Fan must have this book. I have read it a least five times. It is a nice hardcover book. The cover is beautiful. This is a very good book, and if you get confused with the different cats you should visit encyclopediaofwarriors.blogspot.com
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilee cornelius
Needletail used to be my favorite character, now I hate her! I was glad Tigerheart was made deputy, and I felt sad seeing how Tigerheart was still loving dovewing. I was a bit surprised that Twigkit's mentor was not Hollytuft, Dovewing, sorrelstripe, or anyone else.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ShadowClan got a new sickness. Yellowcough. leafpool had to train puddlekit to become a medicine cat. his name is now puddleshine. I HATE ONESTAR!!!!!!!!!! he is such a jerk. the only cure for yellowcough is lungwort. lungwort is only found on the moor and stubborn old Onestar refused to let puddleshine and the other med cats collect lungwort. and ever since he lost a life with the rouges Onestar is acting totaly weird. he is now so stubbron and cruel. Harespring and Kestrelflight had to betray onestar and give the lungwort to all the med cats. The rouges that took one of onestars lifes took over shadowclan. they call themselves ' the new shadowclan '. the only remains left of the REAL shadowclan is Rowanstar tigerheart and tawnypelt. the rest of shadowclan eather died because of yellowcough of they goined the rouges. AKA ' the new shadowclan '. bramblestar is letting the real shadowclan stay with thunderclan. NeedleTAIL asked Viloetpaw if she wanted to stay with her or not. Viloetpaw chose to stay with needletail and the new shadowclan. Sparkpaw became Sparkpelt although Graystripe wanted her name to be Sparkfire and so did i. Alderpaw became a full med cat and his name is Alderheart. Alderheart had a dream with StarClan the night he became s full med cat. the dream was about these two cats sitting near a tree. Alderheart saw FIVE POINTED LEAVES. Alderheart needs to find SkyClan and possiby bring them back to the forest.

Warrior of ThunderClan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Calling all Warriors fans,

This truly deserves a five stars; I would give more if possible. Erin Hunter has added many astonishing twists which add suspense to the story. The ending could not have been better. After reading the first page, I was hooked onto the book, and I only stopped reading when it was time to eat. This book was the best book I have ever read. Want to know why? Buy the book!… or you could read finish this carefully crafted review.
Like most of you know, Alderpaw is now Alderheart. Sparkpaw is now Sparkpelt, though Graystripe wanted her to be named SparkFIRE after Firestar (and so do I). I officialy loathe/want to kill Onestar. ShadowClan was greatly impacted by this new sickness known as…
The only cure was lungwort, which could only be found on the moor, but Onestar stubbornly refused to give Puddleshine the cure. By the way, Littlecloud died and Leafpool taught PuddleKIT how to be a medicine cat, and his medicine cat name is JOHN CENA!!! Just kidding! It's Puddleshine. In the end, Kestrelflight and Harespring had to betray Onestar and give ALL the other medicine cats the lungwort.
ShadowClan had too many apprentices, and some of them (NeedleTAIL) joined the rogues. Yes, the rogues that drove out SkyClan and tracked Alderheart back to their territory.
ShadowClan lost their deputy Crowfrost to yellowcough, and two other cats also died. Many warriors in ShadowClan decided to join the rogues, and all that was left of the REAL ShadowClan was Rowanstar, Tigerheart (deputy) and Tawnypelt.
By the way, Littlecloud died, and the new medicine cat is Puddleshine.
The rogues and the ShadowClan cats who joined them are now the 'new ShadowClan'!!!

All in all, this was the best book I ever read, and I anticipate Shattered Sky, which will be out on 11 April, 2017. Sigh…

Yours faithfully,
Leader of Thunderclan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nichole aguirre
During each interval of time between each book in this series, I forget how great it is and exactly why it's still one of my favorite series. But every time I start reading one, I'm reminded of the wonderfulness of it all. I love these books so much, this one included.

I've heard some people complain about this series being dragged out too long, but I don't find it a problem. Each series set is about a different (main) problem, and each of them are equally interesting. Admittedly, I was a tiny bit worried about it when I heard that A Vision of Shadows was coming out, but I'm reassured now, after reading the first two books.

To review, the original series was about Tigerstar, The New Prophecy was about the Clans moving to new territories, Power of Three was about the powers of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze, and Omen of the Stars was about the rise of the Dark Forest. And Dawn of the Clans was about the history of the Clans. Now, in A Vision of Shadows, the problem of SkyClan arises. In the first book, some ThunderClan cats tried finding SkyClan, but they instead found a group of rogues who took over the Clan. Now, in Thunder and Shadow, these rogues have followed the ThunderClan cats home and began threatening everyone. The abandoned kits Alderpaw found, Twigkit and Violetkit, somehow played a large role as well. The Clans believed that they're part of the new prophecy, "Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky."

A lot of the novel is spent on Twigkit and Violetkit's relationship. Since Needlepaw, a ShadowClan apprentice, had been with Alderpaw when he found the kits, ShadowClan demanded they have Violetkit. As a result, the two sisters were separated, one in ThunderClan, one in ShadowClan. Both had insecurities about each other and fitting into their Clans. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking to read their thoughts and misguided actions. I especially felt for Violetkit, because ShadowClan was the most chaotic Clan in this book. She kept (figuratively) getting pushed over by Needlepaw--one moment, they're best friends, and the next, Violetkit hears Needlepaw making unpleasant comments about her. Then, later, Violetkit would realize that Needlepaw really cares about her, and the cycle starts over. I wasn't sure what to think of the Needlepaw...it seemed like she only showed affection whenever Violetkit started to dislike her. Anyways, I don't like Needlepaw very much. She was a large source of Violetkit's inner turmoil, especially towards the end.

It was exciting to read about characters who were important in the previous series--Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Jayfeather, Leafpool, Graystripe, etc. Having them as more background characters was nice. However, the one thing I was slightly disappointed about was the seemingly nonexistent relationships between some characters. For example, Jayfeather and Lionblaze didn't even say a word to each other throughout the whole book, even though they were close brothers. I know it's probably because Lionblaze isn't important at all compared to the previous series, but it would've been nice to see some casual interaction, like a warm greeting.

A large issue addressed was rebellion. In the previous series, there had been some discontent among cats in the Clans, but it wasn't ever started from the apprentices. Now, in ShadowClan, the young cats seem to have lost respect for their leaders and done drastic rebellious acts. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this was a very likely thing to happen, and the progression of the young cats from each generation was just like our young generations in the human world. A long time ago, young people wouldn't dare oppose against their parents too much. Nowadays, it happens much more often. Yes, it is a good thing for people to be speaking their thoughts and having independence...but they should still know to respect certain people. This issue, brought up in ShadowClan, was very interesting to read about.

Of course you should read it, but I suggest you do that after reading the first book in A Vision of Shadows. For anyone who has already read that, then definitely start this one next.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
betty boothe
This won't be a comprehensive review of the book, but more of an overall summary of my feelings toward A Vision of Shadows up to this point. I've read both this book and the first one. No story-related spoilers will be included.
I was really optimistic and excited about this arc at first. However, it reduces my favorite character Jayfeather to a grump whose only purpose is to be surly and make bitter, sarcastic remarks. Another of my favorite cats, Bramblestar, hardly gets any time in the spotlight.
The new characters are rather.....boring, for lack of a better word. I don't find myself growing attached to them like I grew attached to, say, Fireheart. What's more, they aren't particularly memorable. Mousefur? Memorable. Hawkfrost? Memorable. Fallen Leaves? Unforgettable.... I really wish I could say that i'm attached to these new guys. But, somehow, for whatever reason it is, i'm not impressed.
The plot is pretty interesting. I think I would enjoy it a lot more if the characters were more fleshed out, and just generally more likable. If there's one new character that I don't usually mind reading about, though, it's Violetpaw. I personally think that she has more character than any of the other new cats.
Dawn of the Clans was way too slow-paced to be entertaining for me. This arc is worse, though. I won't be reading the rest of A Vision of Shadows.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ed timek
The new arc of the Warriors series is greatly making up for the little lower quality previous arc, Omen of the Stars. This book shows the real life relationship of sisters that anyone can relate to. It is an amazing addition to the infamous Warriors series , and one that you should seriously check out. It is very sad to see how Twigkit's and Violetkit's relationship is starting to collapse, like Gray Wing and Clear Sky from the prequel series to Warriors, Dawn of the Clans, whose brotherly relationship never really mended. It is a very heartfelt book that is for ALL ages, no matter what critics say. Erin Hunter, you will always be a very close favorite. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat bean
This book is amazing! The details and plot never fail to amaze me! I got my book five days early and I was so glad I did! I couldn't wait to read what happened next! I'm looking forward to Shattered Sky! I'm happy that Alderheart and Sparktail now have their warrior/medicine cat names! I agree with the other reviewers that say that "Sparkfire" would've been a better warrior name choice, but I guess the Erin's know what they were doing. Not a fan of Needletail. It made me so mad how she rebelled against Rowanstar and the rest of ShadowClan and left. Which encouraged the other apprentices that were dissatisfied to leave too. I hope ShadowClan can get back to the way it was before! One thing though.. They really need to re-check for errors. There were quite a few that I noticed. There were multiple mistakes on a lot of pages. Characters' names were incorrect or they were described incorrectly. Other than that, I really enjoyed this book! I can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hi! I'm Petalpool! (my original warrior cat) Right now I sould be at the Moonpool but anyways, I personaly love my Clanmate's new names! (ears twitch) Coming Alderheart! (mutters) Bossy little furball. (grunts) Thanks for the talk kittypet but I need to get to the moonpool by moonrise. So bye!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa lawless

I love how this book focuses on the relationship between twigpaw and violetpaw and shows almost everything that is going on between them, and it isnt just a completely different topic. Great book. Amazing job. : )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer conerly
After reading Hawwing's Journey, I started to read this series. With the know events with the rough darktail and his gang (from Hawkwing's Journey) and reading these first two books, It actually started to give me feelings for ShadowClan. I am wondering, if Skyclan will be in the lake Territory and if those rough cats will be stopped soon..... What will be next? River or Wind... or Thunder.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The books amazing! The people who gives the book one star, two stars, three stars are all wrong, the story is really interesting, if you have read this book and liked it, you have to read the next one!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
andrea blythe
In general all Warriors books are bad now a days. They contradict each other and are terrible written. Not to mention their enormous lack of originality.

The first series was amaizing and the second one wasnt bad either. However it is now clear that the new books are nothing more than a tool used to milk out money.

I mean theirs literaly like 60 books!

The charers in the new books are also completly unreleitable. Their actions and thoughts make little to no sense! The only characters that I felt a small conection with in this series were Needlepaw and Alderpaw. Let me assure you that this book ruins them.

It also ruins all of the previous characters (No surprise there)

The Erin Hunters have even admited that they write each book in a single weekend.

The books and the fans both deserve better. Warriors had brought me so much joy and entretinment back in Middle school. It breaks my heart to see what its been turned to.

Please move on. You cang continue living in the past. Warriors used to bring us so much joy but sadly its time to move on.

Thank you for your time
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