Darkness Dawns (Immortal Guardians series Book 1)

ByDianne Duvall

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love vamp books and although Christine Fayhe is the queen with her carpathian novels (which this oddly seems so much like) this was not a let down by any means! I can see her in the likes of J.R Ward and Charlene Harris with her attention to detail! I felt like I was in the room with the characters at times due to her vivid use of imagry. She has an absolute gift for setting the stage but funny how some of the love scenes lacked that detail. I wonder if she was keeping it R vs
X rated because I would have enjoyed a bit more floral language in those heated moments!! I am looking forward to the next book and staying with the characters such as the lovely mysterious red head Ami! This was a kindle freebie but the price now is worth it and more for sure! Yes these immortals keep being written about but Ms. Duvall does not let down in the least.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My favorite character; Roland. Considered the anti-social of the Guardians, and a royal pain in the back. Literally how everyone describes him. (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵) Roland finds himself wanting to protect the young mortal teacher from danger. Roland meets Sarah through horrible and embarrassing circumstances; which he doesn't mind. Sarah is strong, and independent. Roland feeling guilty over the danger she has been brought into,balso feels a trust not felt in centuries. ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ some may find their relationship to come across fast; but sparks✨ are there and their relationship is filled with love and laughter. (‘∀’●)♡ They both laid their hearts and souls, and dealt with misunderstandings and consequences. Never have gotten tired of this book. >―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ May not be considered the best; but it is my favorite of the Immortal Guardian series! If you love PNR, ٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶ you will end up having every single book I. series! I could only give it 5☆'s as it doesn't go higher than that.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
greg savage
I downloaded the Kindle version of Darkness Dawns for free, and was rather glad that I didn't pay anything for it. The premise is a tried and true frame for a vampire story -- very similar to Sherrilyn Kenyon's Darkhunter series. The plot and characters were interesting enough, if typical, to keep my attention -- I loved the addition of the immortal cat. The idea that the immortals are aliens or from a different species of humans is a twist that I appreciate. Several secondary characters, particularly the antagonist, Bastien, are great characters that could definitely handle their own story. All in all, this book is a great beginning, except for one huge flaw.
My only issue with the story is the main female character, Sarah. There might be a few spoilers here, but I want to back up my opinion with why I believe it. Sarah's character has a lot of potential but she remains very one dimensional to me. She is too perfect, written without one flaw given to the character, making her completely unrealistic and difficult to relate to. Sarah is a 30 year old music professor with a doctorate. I imagine it is unusual to receive a doctorate and full professorship at such an early age, but since her profession doesn't really play into the story, it can be overlooked. However, keeping in mind she is an academic with no real medical or military training, her responses to the continual bloodshed, wounds, and general mayhem are unreal. Knowing how to handle a gun and being a good shot is one thing, but Sarah doesn't react at all to those dieing around her, even when she kills a person for the first time. Even soldiers trained have some fallout from taking a life! It's not even mentioned - just her worry for Roland. Beyond that first freak out when confronted with vampires existing, Sarah immediately accepts the immortals, right down to their drinking blood and Roland mentioning he wants to bite her during sex. Accepting that Roland doesn't want to kill her is a far cry from accepting their lifestyle - there is no thought on her part about it, no real introspection. She offers the two suggestions that turn the course of the battle against Bastien. After three days of training to fight vampires, where she is of course a natural, she wants to go fight with the rest. In the end, she is of course a gifted one with prophetic dreams that were never before mentioned...it's too tidy an ending for something that had no groundwork previously. Sarah has no flaws, no real trust issues despite her horrific upbringing, no areas where she needs to grow. Without room for growth, she's a static character and utterly boring. I found myself skimming the parts with her and Roland so that I could read more about Marcus, Bastien, Seth, or Ami.
This series has potential despite my problems with Sarah. While I'm glad I didn't pay for this book, I'm still curious about the author's next story. Hopefully, she'll develop her heroine a little better next time.
Darkness Rises (Immortal Guardians series Book 4) :: Vampire's Faith (Dark Protectors Book 8) :: Night Unbound (Immortal Guardians) :: Night Unbound (Immortal Guardians series Book 5) :: Shadows Strike (Immortal Guardians series Book 6)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoyed this book. The characters were fun and sexy though without Sarah's and Roland's relationship was a bit simple and superficial. I definitely want to know more about the mystery woman. Not a deep book but a fun easy read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer colwell
I loved this book!! I was startled to read reviews from people who didn't! Who cares if they eat healthy? That is minor stuff, more properly labeled as nit-picking foolishness. The premise is that there are 'Immortals' who are like vampire super-heroes! They are wicked-fast, super-strong, and work together to defeat Evil (of course, with this grand a concept it has to be "Evil" with a capital "E"!!). It starts out fast, and just keeps going. Sure, the vampire thing is getting so old it is beyond cliche, but THIS is new, fresh, and exciting! To humanize it all, turns out 'Immortal' does not translate to 'Infallible.' All I can say is, this is a fantasy book with a GREAT premise - if you can put aside your nit-picking cap and jump in, the water is fine!!! The only time I was deeply disappointed was when it was over. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam litton
Usually I read reviews on books(sometimes I listen to them and sometimes I dont) but I have never been one to make a comment on them but on this book I just couldnt pass up. I absolutely enjoyed, enjoyed (did I write that twice. Yup I sure did) this book. I started reading it obviously because of the previous reviews that were made and Im glad I listen to them.
I bought the book, started reading it and the next thing I knew the book was done. Since I have never read anything by this author before I searched to see if she had anything else out there and I saw that there is a 2nd book coming out but not until DECEMBER.
When I saw the month of the new release I wanted to scream because again I really enjoyed this book. I dont think I have enjoyed a book like this in a very long time. It has plenty of action, the romance was good but not over the top or over shadowed as some books can be at times and it was funny. It has me laughing more times that I could count. I would like to thank the author for writing this book. As Tony the Tiger would say IT WAS GREATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!
I hope the 2nd book is as enjoyable as this one was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nuno mendes
I loved the humor that was woven throughout the story - that was a very pleasant touch. Just enough romance and just enough action. Well done! I enjoyed both books in this series and look forward to the next one. I am very intrigued with Seth.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shawn stapleton
Sarah is a music professor and Roland is an immortal whos life she saves when he is left for dead. As he protects her they get cozy....yadda yadda yadda. The book was very predictable to say the least. I will admit it is well written (grammer, style ect). Its the first romance I've read where the immortal/hero is a goat cheese eating pansy. Yeah thats the impression he left on me no matter how much butt he kicked. After about the twentieth reference to health food I almost stopped reading... and thats bad coming from a health food freak.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason fretz
Sassy Sarah Saves the Day...
Meet Sarah, just another human. She's had enough of her students & is gardening as a stress buster when she overhears an assault in progress. Meet Roland, an immortal with only a few vulnerabilities like sunlight and quite possibly Sarah. Sarah proves her worth by saving Roland more than once in the ongoing battle between crazed vampires and the immortal guardians who strive to protect all innocents. Wonderful cast of characters and inventive story.
Can't wait to read the next book in this series. (Mildly erotic love scenes.)

Keep in mind that this is a erotic fantasy tale. 5* of 5*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
drew dyck
I gave this rating because although I enjoyed the story while reading it, I did not enjoy it enough to be interested in reading a sequel. The twist is that there are two kinds of vampires - good guys and bad guys. There are no gross flaws but the characters are not well developed and the plot - once given the setup - is not very original.

If you like the genre and want something to read to pass the time, this book is okay, but it's unlikely that you will remember it in a week.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Sarah is a music professor and Roland is an immortal whos life she saves when he is left for dead. As he protects her they get cozy....yadda yadda yadda. The book was very predictable to say the least. I will admit it is well written (grammer, style ect). Its the first romance I've read where the immortal/hero is a goat cheese eating pansy. Yeah thats the impression he left on me no matter how much butt he kicked. After about the twentieth reference to health food I almost stopped reading... and thats bad coming from a health food freak.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
boglarka szabo saxena
Sarah Bingham was just a teacher who rescued a stranger and then becomes a target in a battle between vampires and immortal guardians. Roland Warbrook is something that Sarah is so drawn too but she doesn't know that she is standing with someone who wants her with a hunger that is more than sexual. He doesn't want to lose her now that he has found her but would she be willing to risk everything to be with him? I absolutely love this book and I have a feeling this series is going to be a favorite of mine as well. The chemistry between Sarah and Roland is off the charts hot. There is something for everyone in this book; hot immortals, battles, hot sex and alpha males everywhere. Definite must read for any paranormal or romance lover.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa nims
Sassy Sarah Saves the Day...
Meet Sarah, just another human. She's had enough of her students & is gardening as a stress buster when she overhears an assault in progress. Meet Roland, an immortal with only a few vulnerabilities like sunlight and quite possibly Sarah. Sarah proves her worth by saving Roland more than once in the ongoing battle between crazed vampires and the immortal guardians who strive to protect all innocents. Wonderful cast of characters and inventive story.
Can't wait to read the next book in this series. (Mildly erotic love scenes.)

Keep in mind that this is a erotic fantasy tale. 5* of 5*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I gave this rating because although I enjoyed the story while reading it, I did not enjoy it enough to be interested in reading a sequel. The twist is that there are two kinds of vampires - good guys and bad guys. There are no gross flaws but the characters are not well developed and the plot - once given the setup - is not very original.

If you like the genre and want something to read to pass the time, this book is okay, but it's unlikely that you will remember it in a week.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
wouter kop
I really like the series, but agree with other people who have complained about the author's pushing her health agenda through her work. And what kind of sexy hero drives a Prius anyway. Can't the immortals and vampires just outrun it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Immortals are humans with special DNA, infected by the same virus that turns humans into vampires. Their special powers are put to good use in protecting the innocent human population against the blood thirsty vampires.
After rescuing such an immortal, Roman, music teacher Sarah Bingham is caught in a battle between the two powerful species.

This is basically a romance with a twist and clearly the first of a series since the author introduces many interesting characters. I look forward to the next installment. Well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When the very normal Sarah bravely acts to rescue an injured stranger from torture and certain death, she is drawn into a world she never dreamed existed - for Roland is not truly the undercover agent he first claims to be but actually an immortal protector who guards humanity from predation by insane vampires.

I actually really enjoyed this debut effort. Even though I am no longer a huge fan of vamps, author Duvall brings some science and enough of a twist to the vampire mythos here to avoid some of the 'same old same old' in the romance along with a sweetness to the relationship that I really liked. Sarah is capable and caring without being one of those stupidly suicidal heroines who refuses to acknowledge that being independent doesn't mean taking on an enemy who outmatches you. Roland, is pretty much everything you'd want from a vamp leading man - minus the arrogance. Plus, his history brings Roland a good amount of vulnerability without making him emotionally crippled, so that it is the Sarah's kindness and sense of humor that wins his heart instead just the sizzling physical attraction between them.

I actually really liked all of Duvall's immortals. While the starring pair did get most of the screen time, there was a nice amount of development/introduction to other characters in the world. Roland's friend Marcus has a particularly poignant story, and the most ancient of the immortals, Seth, was intriguing as well.

So, good new world, a sweet and steamy romance, enough vampiness to make vampire fans happy and enough deviation from the old standard vamp romance formula for those who aren't. I am definitely ready for more of Duvall's world, looks like the next book  is tentatively scheduled for December 2011, I can't wait to see who's up next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Enjoyable story specially since I caught it for free. Loved the cat. Not very original with aspects from nearly every other Vampire romance novel I've ever read. Still an enjoyable read and I will look for the next in the series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aran suddi
I bought this book on the great reviews and should have paid more attention to the bad reviews. The story should have been great.... the problems that really irked me:
1. The Organic Food - goodness, I don't want a menu every time a character sits down to eat.
2. Her tiny feet and her tiny hands. Her small hands. Her petite body. Her tiny hands.... yikes. Is she a child?
3. She is a music teacher yet there is no mention of her listening to music. Also, her home is filled with exercise equipment - shouldn't she have some musical instruments instead?
4. She turns into a "fighter" after 3 lessons. Come on, she was a music teacher!
5. The mean antisocial vampire who has been alone for 800+ years turns into a big pile of mush the minute he meets her.

Anyhow, I was hoping I had found a new author and series but I was wrong. This was a bit too disappointing. I will not buy anymore of her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Darkness Dawns is the first book in the Immortal Guardians series from author Dianne Duvall. With non-stop action from early on in the story - right through to the last page - a new twist on paranormal makes a great read for anyone who loves the Urban Fantasy genre. Duvall's writing and characters are strong and without a doubt will hold their own in this ever growing genre.

The heroine Sarah finds her world turned upside down one early morning. Without realizing it, the events that happen that fateful morning will forever change her and the world around her. She's feisty, with a strong head out her shoulders, which in my eyes always makes a good heroine.

When Roland finds his way into Sarah's life he knows her life will be forever changed, he just doesn't know that his will be too. Roland is a solitary person. He wants nothing more than to go through life... his long life, being an Immortal, all alone.

We learn throughout more about his back story and the history of Immortals. Duvall has a knack for making the Immortals history and that of characters that have been around for so many years extremely interesting. Sometimes reading lore can be daunting, but with Duvall's storytelling and interesting characters I looked forward to learning all that I could.

Like I mentioned earlier in this review - the action didn't stop, which made the pacing throughout the book fast, keeping me on the edge of my seat. The building relationship between Sarah and Roland worked great and the romance was at the beginning a slow burn, however, it really fit with who each of our main characters are.

With other Immortal Guardians mixed in throughout this first installment, it's easy to see just who the next book might be centered around. One of those Immortals I can't wait to learn more about is Marcus. He's got a past that is only touched on, but wow, talk about interesting and different!

I do have to also mention that there's a bit of a side story, which follows the head of all Immortals - Seth - and a woman who... well, you really need to read this book because it's all a bit of a mystery. By the end we still don't know much about either, however we learn just enough to leave us with a cliffhanger surrounding these two.

With a main story, side story, writing, characters and romance that all fit together with ease, Duvall will have readers eager for more after this welcomed addition to the genre. I can't wait to read more in, not only this series, but also future titles from this author. I highly recommend Darkness Dawns to anyone who loves a good Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance. Enjoy!

For more info and reviews please visit my Book Review Blog here - [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica miller
Sarah Bingham kicks ass for a different kind of vampire. They call themselves Immortals. She falls hard for Roland an antisocial Immortal. She saves Roland so often he fall in love with her. More telling he trusts her when he has stopped trusting anyone for good reasons. Sadly Sarah can not become a Immortal because she has no "gift".

I hope the next book is about the "mystery lady." She may hold the key to what the Immortals are...aliens...a different species...or something so different only Dianne Duvall can tell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah chudleigh
Darkness Dawns is an excellent start to the Immortal Guardians series. Ms. Duvall does a great job of developing the characters. The book sucks you in with action packed, witty dialogue. Once I started reading, I couldn't put the book down until finished. I quickly bought the next book, Night Reigns, and loved that one too. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood or the Midnight Breed series, then you will love the Immortal Guardians series. Dianne Duvall is now on my MUST read list!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I agree with the reviewer two posts down. I hate being preached at. Why the author felt the need to beat up the Christian faith is beyond me. Stopped reading after the comment regarding the fundamentalist student. I was vegetarian and also socialized with Carnivores and omnivores. But you need to be polite and shup up already about food. Eat what you can and dont make a big deal about it. That will convert folks more easily than this bludgeoning of views in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
siunie sutjahjo
I follow books like blackdagger brotherhood and the fated series and I think this series is a good comparison to those series in the story lines but original with different twists and of course the romantic stuff:)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Darkness Dawns is a great beginning to a new series. The Immortal Guardians defend humanity from vampires. DD lays the groundwork for a whole new clan. It introduces us to the differences between vampires and immortals while entertaining us with Sarah's love affair with Roland and her interaction with these dry-witted protectors.
Anxiously await the next read from Dianne Duvall.
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