Phantom Shadows (Immortal Guardians series Book 3)

ByDianne Duvall

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author lives up to her reputation, subject matter is delivered in expected consistency of paranormal adventure, pleasing characters, romantic angle delightfully covered; an all around pleasing read that leaves one waiting in anticipation for the next novel. Readers will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have found this whole series to be a worthwhile read. Each book is well written, has a good overall plot as well as a plot specific to the main characters of the individual book. Each character is well written and believable. The action has you on the edge of your seat and the romance and passion is hot, but not dominating throughout the books, like in some. Anyone looking for a new series to read in the paranormal romance genre, then I recommend you check this series out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the best. I enjoyed the action, the fighting and the romance. I loved catching up with the previous characters. This book had everything to me, love, family, fighting, humor. I can not wait until she writes a love interest for Seth and David. I didnt put my kindle down all day Saturday. Loved it
Blade of Darkness (Immortal Guardians Book 7) (Volume 7) :: Burned by Darkness (Dragons of Eternity Book 1) :: Rendezvous With Yesterday (The Gifted Ones Book 2) :: Stolen and Forgiven (Branded Packs Book 1) :: Night Unbound (Immortal Guardians series Book 5)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah sofiana
Really starting to love those books ...
I was SO waiting for Bastiens book and now I can not wait for Zachs

"„You’re right. This isn’t high school. It isn’t a popularity contest that means nothing in the greater scheme of things. It’s life or death“"

33.0%"„Bastien’s scowl deepened. “What is it you Americans say—that’s so funny I forgot to laugh“"

64.0%"„Zach spread his arms wide and borrowed a phrase from Seth’s black sheep. “So be it.”“"

76.0%"I had a really hard time - with all those new "lifeforms" bumping into a book - but i am kind of getting to like the idea and the characters reslly grow on you. Looking forward to zach getting his own story"

89.0%"„I can make you rich!” Emrys screeched. “I can make you all rich!” Seth’s lips stretched in a smile that nearly made Bastien shiver. “I can make you scream.”"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole rasch

I am completely obsessed with this series! AH! Dianne Duvall knows how to write a fantastic paranormal book. It has just the right amount of romance and just the right amount of action. This is my new favorite series. I just finished this one and I am currently listening to the fourth book Darkness Rises as I'm writing this... no joke y'all I can't stop.

Melanie is a badass! I love her. I love that Sebastian tries to keep her at a distance but Melanie doesn't let him. And I love that she doesn't let what everyone else says about Bastion sway how she feels about him. I think it says a lot about her that she stuck up for him in front of everyone when no one else would. Especially since she didn't really know any of the immortal guardians all that well. I love strong female leads and she was defiantly that.

And then Sebastian .. I knew I would love him. I always seem to love the guy everyone else hates. But he is so adorably awkward sometimes.

What I love the most about these books is how she can bring in different POV and not make it overwhelming. It's obvious that there are two main characters in each book but then there will be a chapter or two in Seth's or one of the previous main characters POV and I love it. It keeps you connected to everyone as a whole but still focused on the main characters love story. I have read a few books that have tried to pull this off and NONE of them have. I am completely in love with it.

OH MY GOD!! AMI!!! ahhh!!! Seriously. What a bomb to drop on me at the end. Not cool Dianne. Not cool. Kidding. Just means I have to jump right into the next one.. which I am. so job well done :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth ann
3.5 stars
Phantom Shadows is book 3 in the Immortal Guardian series. There were a lot of characters in this book but they were all so well developed it was easy to keep track of them all.

There was a lot of action throughout this book that kept me on the edge of my seat. I really liked Bastien and Melanie’s characters together. The author did a great job of creating angst with these two.

The part that is keeping this from a higher star rating is because of what felt to me like a little too much unfortunate circumstances happening to Melanie. The rest of the story was great and kept me riveted throughout.

I am definitely looking forward to reading the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Actual Rating: 4.5 stars

The Immortal Guardians series should be read in order. I don't believe you will get as much out of any of the books if you haven't read the preceding books.

I liked how this one starts with Bastien's point of view. This was interesting for me, because I knew he was the villain in previous books.

The book jumps right into the action. That's one of the things I love about this series; the action scenes are very intense and balance the romance well.

Duvall also mixes in some humor, which I appreciated. Richart's sidekick Sheldon was funny.

The romance was enjoyable as well. Phantom Shadows focuses on Dr. Lipton and Bastien. I liked how Dr. Lipton was the one pushing. She was more sexually aggressive than Bastien, which was a nice change from having the man be the aggressor. But, she wasn't too pushy. She just didn't want to hear Bastien's excuses about why they couldn't be together. She's open and fun. I liked her character a lot.

I also appreciated that they had known one another for a while; so there was no chance of insta-love.

The book had a few problems. I saw a couple of misspelled words, which was surprising for a book published by Zebra. Another problem was the vague scenes with Zack. They were confusing at first, and I didn't see the point of bringing him into the story (unless the author was trying to set something up for the next book). I also didn't like how the fire department was portrayed as being super slow in responding to an event. During that same event, a massive war, not a single cop shows up. That wasn't believable, and it gives a bad impression of the police in general.

Despite those few problems, I did enjoy reading Phantom Shadows. If you like stories about vampires, aliens, warriors, and evil researchers that mix romance with action, you should try the Immortal Guardians series. I give this book 4.5 stars for likable characters, fast pacing, and vivid descriptions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dina deuidicibus
3.75 stars

Unfortunately, this book was not as enjoyable as the first 2 in the series. The plot, and overarching storyline, were great and continue to expand in really interesting, exciting ways. Where the book fell flat (for me) was in the romance department. The romance between Bastien and Melanie just fell flat; there was no passion. Melanie was definitely the pursuer, which in itself isn't a problem for me, but Bastien just seemed to Almost the entire book, I felt like he liked Melanie--but didn't love her. To be honest, he wasn't a strong alpha male character at all, and umm...I happen to like my fictional men alpha. Not only did he never actually get to be a hero (he never saved anyone), even worse SPOILER..........[All of his ideas backfired and lead to more deaths of good people. END SPOILER.............. I really like him as a character and felt badly for him. Although his motivation was pure, he truly couldn't do one thing right it seemed.

Another thing that is taking away a little enjoyment in this series is that it seems like Duvall is in the process of making ALL of her heroines stronger, faster, etc than the heroes. (after reading reviews of book 4, I think that may be true as well--though not sure). I know this may sound bad to some, but...I kind of like the heroes being at least a little stronger than the heroines. I read the novella, In Still Darkness, at the same time as I read this book, since the events in it are happening at the same time. There was more romance in that one, but again, it looks like all the females are going to beating the males butts in training!!

Despite the negatives, the main world-building and storyline in this series is getting more and more compelling. I am VERY anxious to find out more about Seth, David, Zach, and especially Ami. I am taking a break from the series, but will come back to it soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan schaefer schaefer
This book was definitely enjoyable. There are some issues that kept it from being a 5 for me, but I did enjoy the story and will be moving on to the next in the series. After how much I hated the first book, this series has been a surprise as far as how much I like it.

The good: I really like Bastien for the most part, and I enjoyed he and Melanie's interaction. Their relationship felt 'real' and just worked. The French Immortals are growing on me, especially Richart. The plot, while at times containing little holes and eye-rolling moments, is interesting and kept me up late with heavy eyes to find out what would happen next. I find myself invested in the vampires at the Network and rooting for them. Sheldon was a great addition and good for lighter moments. The writing is consistent and pretty good, though not anything that blew me away. The series definitely has improved and I will definitely be getting the next book!

The bad: In a word: Roland. Wooooow. I think I now hate him more than Sarah, and that is saying something. He comes off as controlling and irrationally jealous and possessive, and is ridiculous in the way he treats Bastien. I still don't like Sarah, but she's a lot less obnoxious than he is! Another annoyance was Chris Reardon. He seriously lets his anger over being punched once affect his work when he's this all-powerful employee the immortals rely on to cover their tracks? Seems like a big baby to me. The next issue for me is how "super powered" some people are, and how EVERYone can hear every word said for miles? REALLY? Can you imagine hearing every single word every person for miles and miles hears? That's just silly, and it makes for some lame moments. The prevelence of telepaths is equally annoying. Bastien's empathy I can roll with, but 3 or 4 others who can read everyone's every thought? And again, Seth and David are too all-powerful. Of course there is again the return to preaching at us about the benefits of eating organic, and I find it odd that all of these warriors seem to know how to/have time to cook fancy meals? But anyway... all of that detracted from the book, but it didn't ruin it like it did in the first book since I actually like the main characters this time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I adore stories where the underdog finally wins the girl but not too often is the good guy a bad guy that everyone wants to see executed. It takes a special woman to not only see beyond the common perception and clamoring for blood, but to also be able to see the truth of the man inside. The challenge for the heroine is to open everyone else's eyes to the truth as well. Such is the story of Melanie and Bastien.

Phantom Shadows is a real page flipper. There is so much drama, suspense and action of various levels in each chapter that it was almost impossible to put down. There is an incredible amount of detail woven throughout the book that brings the whole world that Ms. Duvall has created into vivid focus. It sucks a reader in so effectively, time ceases to exist. I totally enjoyed my reading experience because of it.

Melanie is a character that has been in a couple of books. She's a doctor; she's smart, sassy and has a secret crush on the resident bad boy, Bastien. Except her infatuation isn't shallow or short-lived, it's the start of a budding romance birthed in violence and aggression. The first time the heroine met the hero was pure chaos and yet, she saw what no one else did. Bastien trusted her with knowledge that planted the seed of their future alliance. The fruit of that initial meeting is realized in this book and Ms. Duvall simply awed me with the intricacy of the tale.

What is so intricate? It was how she let a reader know bit by bit the true scope of Bastien's ability to be a true hero. It came about during well-paced and placed dialogue. It was how she had her hero interact with Seth, Richart, Ami, Darnell, Sarah, Roland, Cliff, Joe and Marcus and a slew of other characters. Not a one detracted or diverted a reader's attention to the fact that this book is about Melanie and Bastien. What it did do was make me feel like I was watching a movie, about a community under fire and everyone was at their battle stations. Every single character played an important role that propelled the plot, conflict and action that affected the choices that Bastien and Melanie had to make, both apart and together. The result of dealing with each crisis helped the protagonists learn about each other, their strengths and weaknesses and it was effective. I enjoyed watching their bond grow and strengthen throughout the story. Because of how Ms. Duvall wrote her characters, they were easy to root for and applaud their efforts, even when Bastien was being a jerk. Actually, that was part of his charm. I got a lot of smiles out of his baiting the other characters. He's such a troublemaker. Yet, his heart is in the right place and that's one of the reasons that I think he's an awesome hero.

Melanie is no slouch. She has a few surprises up her sleeve too. And she scares the tar out of Bastien more than once in the story. So much so, it's amazing he didn't have gray hair by the end of the book. To say that she is his perfect match is an understatement.

I felt really bad for Stuart. And I was saddened at what happened during one of the main and brutal attacks in the book. Someone gets captured and the results are heartbreaking. The good thing is that the bad guys, the really bad, bad guys, get their comeuppance. I wanted to be there with the hero and heroine and kick some evil derriere myself, that's how hyper I got. I really like the people I've "met" while I've read this series and all of them are precious to me. It must have been hard for the author to write some of these scenes. And yet, she accomplished them with brutal clarity so my emotions were involved. That's quality writing.

There is so much more I could go into in reviewing this book. It has great depth of emotion, descriptions that made me laugh or weep and parts that kept me wide eyed from the action. A writer has to have almost military precision with words to be able to get the effect of intense action off of the pages and into a reader's mind without diluting the scene with unnecessary words. Ms. Duvall has that talent.

Honestly, Phantom Shadows is a must read. True, it would have much more impact for a reader if they'd read the previous books to understand why Bastien's use of Ami was such a daring and profound choice. This series has been amazing so far and Phantom Shadows continues to astound and impress, not only with the quality of writing, but the sheer scope of its undertaking. How the author can keep all the players doing their thing while focusing on the current romance yet feeding a reader's desire to continue the relationship with previous heroes and heroines is an art. An art that Ms. Duvall is mistress of. Rock your world and read Phantom Shadows. I'm glad I did.

Originally posted at LAS Romance Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda eastofreaden
Bastian Newcombe has spent the past two centuries hating the Immortal Guardians. He believed that his pregnant sister was slaughtered, drained of her blood, and his brother-in-law forever changed into a vampire at the hands of a vicious Guardian. Then Bastian too was changed by his brother-in-law, a man he greatly admired, and who he watched descend into madness until he was murdered by the Guardian, Roland Warbrook, the same Guardian who Blaise said was responsible for his sister's death.

Bastian had spent his time raising a vampire army to destroy the Guardians. An army that he fed with a list of known criminals and pedophiles. He had also been trying for centuries to find a cure for the madness that accompanies the human's exposure to the virus that turns them into vampires.

And after two centuries of seeking revenge against Roland and the Guardians, Bastian finally learns that his entire life was a lie, that his brother-in-law murdered his sister before turning Bastian, and that Bastian was never a vampire. Bastian has the advanced DNA of an Immortal Guardian.

Now that his life has been turned upside down, he is attempting to join the Guardians in their quest to protect the humans from the maddened vampires, but not all of the Guardians are willing to forgive and forget two centuries of warring with Bastian, especially when Bastian was responsible for the death of one of their own.

But he is not concerned with making friends with the Guardians, he is happy to play the antagonist in this little group. Bastian is more interested in the Guardian's attempts to find a cure for the vampire's madness, and it doesn't hurt that the doctor heading the research is the beautiful Dr. Melanie Lipton. Not that Bastian harbors any secret fantasies of Dr. Lipton, or maybe not many.

Dr. Lipton might ally with Bastian to allow him access to those vampires of his former army who are working with Dr. Lipton, but he knows that even that small regard she shows for him could endanger her standing with the Guardians and risks her high level clearance, since no one else is a fan of Bastian's, especially the human head of security who wants to see Bastian removed from the Guardians, permanently if possible.

Melanie has been working with the vampires for some time now, and she hears them talk of their respect for everything that Bastian has done to help the vampires, and as an expert researcher, she easily observes the good man that Bastian tries to hide behind his wall of indifference. She won't be easily waylaid by Bastian's attempts to keep her away for her own good. She a big girl and she's setting her sights on the gruff and gorgeous Bastian who hides his kind heart from the world.

Now an outside force has become an even greater threat than that of a vampire army. A black ops army is now armed with the first drug that can knock out an Immortal Guardian, and why they are trying to trap a Guardian is still not known. The Guardians will need to determine if Bastian's suggestion that they need to work with the vampires to track down this common enemy is the best choice, and they will need to decide quickly before one of their own falls into the hands of this unknown enemy.


I can't tell you how thrilled I am when a book that I have been anticipating turns out to be as incredible has I had hoped. I have had my eye on Bastian since we first see him as our antagonist in <em>Darkness Dawns</em>. He might have been raising a vampire army to destroy the Guardians, but he believed that they were responsible for as many deaths as the vampires. He may have kidnapped Roland's love interest, Sarah, but he did it because he thought Roland was a danger to her. Bastian believed he was protecting her from suffering the same fate as his sister. Sarah being harmed in his kidnapping attempt was an accident and was as distressing to Bastian as it was to Roland. He was an antagonist with a heart of gold.

You have to love Dr. Melanie Lipton simply for the fact that like us she can see Bastian for more than the gruff exterior he shows to the other Guardians. She can see his kindness and thoughtfulness. She knows that when he killed the vampire patient Vincent, he wasn't being vicious. He was giving a friend a chance to die before the madness progressed so far he would kill viciously and without thought. A fate the vampire feared most.

Melanie is intelligent and considerate, and she too sees the vampires for the humans they once were. She knows that they want to retain that humanity which is being drained away from them.

Dianne writes such interesting and touching characters with great stories and sweet romance and more than enough pulse-pounding action to keep you up reading until late into the night.

I am loving this Immortal Guardian series, and can't wait to see if her next story can top my new book-boyfriend, Bastian. Feel free to start the series right here with Bastian and Melanie. You'll keep up. But I know that before you finish, you'll be ordering the first two anyway.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To everyone but Dr. Melanie Lipton, Bastien Newcombe is a no good traitor that they would like to see dead and buried. Granted, with a past full of nasty things and an extremely poor attitude, Bastien hasn't exactly given the rest of the Immortals any reason to forgive and forget. But to Melanie he is so much more than that and she holds a fierce desire towards him. Content to live his life as the bad guy, Bastien hasn't done anything to discourage the negative attitudes towards him. So when Melanie starts to make her desires known, he is at a loss for how to handle it other than to fight her tooth and nail despite his own desires. But she isn't some weak little kitten, and she's set him in her sights, leaving no room for escape. What is a man to do when the woman he cares for won't take no for an answer even when it's for her own good?

I was very excited when I found out Phantom Shadows would feature Bastien. I've always had a soft spot for a tortured hero, especially ones that everyone else seems to despise. Perhaps that is because I know that deep down below the outward anger they show the world is a vulnerability that simply endears them to me. It also is really nice to see a role reversal from the normal situation in Urban Fantasies where the guy is the one doing the chasing. In Phantom Shadows it is Melanie that is relentless in her pursuit of Bastien, not letting him shy away thinking he doesn't deserve her. She seriously would not allow no for an answer. Don't get me wrong it wasn't like he didn't have a strong attraction to her from the start, it is more that he had an extreme hesitance to allow her close for fear of tarnishing her reputation. Luckily Melanie was able to see right through his facade to the man below.

The thing I enjoy the most about this series is the way the ongoing threats to the immortals are handled. Each book comes with some sort of resolution to the current in their face threat, keeping things fresh and exciting. But in addition to that resolution there also is more than enough left over for the next installment to hold my interest. In all honesty it can become a little tedious when there is a 100% new threat in each installment in a paranormal romance series. I just feel those types of books aren't as enjoyable since there already is such a large adjustment with the change in couple focus. Adding in a completely new villain each time just is a little too much for my tastes as it makes the "learning curve" even longer. So, again I really love the way these books are set up to have a continual threat that ties all of the books together. It made it so much easier to pick up the book and dive right in without any confusion even though I hadn't read the previous installment for quite some time.

With each new installment in the Immortal Guardians series I only fall more in love with the world and the amazing cast of characters. I just love how each new couple introduced only adds to the overall family feel of the Immortals, and I especially look forward to some of my favorites getting their own happily ever after. Well as much as they can while still battling down their latest foes that is. It is for that reason and many more that the next book in this series will be going on my most anticipated list. There isn't a release date set yet, but I can assure you I'll be stalking Dianne's website for the announcement. So in the end, Phantom Shadows is a must read for fans of the series, and for those who haven't read the first two installments, I have to ask what are you waiting for? Full of romance, danger, and a heck of a cast of characters, these books cannot possibly disappoint!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
traci kimble
Rating: B

I have been waiting for Bastian's book since the end of Night Reigns. Phantom Shadows picks up not to long after the events in Night Reigns and it kept up its action and momentum. Bastian is unlike any of the other Immortal Guardians and they despise him in response. He goes out of his way to encourage their animosity. Only a few people like Bastian and only one understands him: Dr. Melanie Lipton.

Melanie was a good fit for Bastian. She was strong, smart and willing to open herself to Bastian. I especially liked how she acknowledged her feelings for him and didn't let others opinions, including his, sway her. She trusted him and didn't waver back and forth like some other heroines in romances do.

Bastian had some issues, a few moments of angst, but they weren't over the top and didn't make me feel as this was a "woe is me, everybody hates me, my life is terrible" story. Melanie acknowledges these issues but makes Bastian and those others who hate him realize that at his core, Bastian is a man of honor and worthy of respect.

I really enjoyed this story, it had a wonderful blend of action, romance and emotional moments. The most exciting part, for me, was the characters. They were some of the most adult and realistic characters I had read in a paranormal romance in a very long time. I was very impressed, it did not disappoint! It was a wonderful addition to the Immortal Guardian books and I'm very excited to see where Duvall will take the series next.

*review copy borrowed from library
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jay dee archer
Oh, Dianne, you love to torment me with your boys! Duvall has done it again with another great addition to her Immortal Guardians series. I was so excited when I found out this was Bastien's story I was excited and Duvall did not let me down.

Bastien's past with the Immortal Guardians is not a good one. Before Bastien knew that he himself was an Immortal Guardian, he thought he was just a vampire and using his vampire army he was going to overthrow the Guardians. Now he works with the Guardians trying to figure out how to retain a vampires mind after their conversion. Working alongside Melanie is very distracting for Bastien. He wants her so bad but doesn't want to admit it. Melanie has a soft spot for Bastien. She just wishes he would quite antagonizing some of the Guardians and just start getting along. It is hard for Bastien to get the chip of his shoulder but with a little help from Melanie he just might become part of the "team". Both Bastien and Melanie are very strong characters and complement each other very well. I like that there is vulnerability in the tough facade of Bastien and when Melanie is around he lets it show.

The story line moves fast and the reader is caught up in the emotions of the characters. The world building that Duvall creates keeps the reader intrigued in where the next book will take them. With so many characters that I want to know more of, I am sure Duvall will keep me glued to her series. These books are a must read but is addicting!!

(ARC was provided by publisher for an honest review)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5-5 stars

Another great book from a great series! I have to say that IMO, Dianne has knocked one out of the park with this series. So far I love the characters, the storylines are interesting and engaging in a way that keeps me wanting more and the quality of the stories has been maintained as the series continues!

Melanie is a doctor at the Network (the human network that helps the Immortals). She works with the Vampires they have at their facilities, trying to work with them to keep the madness to overtake them and trying to find a cure for the virus that transforms them. She first met Sebastian under less than ideal circumstances but felt an attraction to him regardless.

Sebastian was originally introduced in Book #1 Darkness Dawns as the bad guy. It ends up he's an Immortal that was mis-led, he thought he was a Vampire and had a revenge plot against the Immortals. After 200 years, Sebastian finds everything he believed was a lie and has to face trying to live life as an Immortal among other Immortals who hate his for his past. He doesn't have an easy time of it as every move he makes and every thing he says is scrutinized for fault. Sebastian, being a smart-butt, tends to let his mouth run away with him (I think as a defense mechanism) and so doesn't make friends easily. Sebastian feels an attraction to Melanie but holds back because he fears association with him will cause her problems with her job (since Melanie's boss is one of the folk that doesn't like him).

Sebastian and Melanie meet multiple times while she tends to the Vampire recruits and Sebastian visits them (they used to be part of Sebastian's army from book #1). Things don't really begin for them until trouble starts showing up in the form of a mercenary organization that seems intent on capturing both Vampires and Immortals for examination and profit (think super-soldiers). Sebastian tries to recruit help from the Vampires while the Immortals try to keep both Immortals and Vampires out of the clutches of the mercenaries. During this time, Melanie and Sebastian are thrown together a few times and it becomes apparent that the attraction between them in mutual but Sebastian is determined to stay away from Melanie because being associated with him would soil her reputation and cause her troubles. Melanie doesn't listen and pushes past Sebastian's feeble resistance, knowing they'll both be happier together. Melanie is pretty kick-butt and doesn't let people tell her who she can and can't be with. She fights for it, even if she has to fight Sebastian. Fortunately, she doesn't have to fight too hard before he gives in.

While things are starting to go well between Sebastian and Melanie, the action plot continues to heat up. Just when they think they've had some success, it ends up bringing about an attack on the Immortal , the likes if which they haven't seen for a long, long time. There are losses but they manage to beat back the enemy and pull things out. Melanie is almost killed and Sebastian has to go to some lengths to help her come out of it (and better then she would have otherwise). In the end, the mercenaries seem to have been dealt with and things settle down. Melanie and Sebastian settle in to their HEA (and Sebastian is even on his way to being more accepted by the other Immortals) which I was very happy with.

This was such a great story. I love the heroes of this series but I have to say that so far, I've really loved all the heroines as well and sometimes that's hard to come by. The heroines of this series are all smart, courageous women and Melanie was just another example of this. I love this series and can't wait to see what comes next. This is actually a reread of this book but I found it just as great the second time around. I'd recommend this book. Thumbs up!

* note - I listened to the audio version of this book. The narrator did a great job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the beginning, I was a little hesitant to read Phantom Shadows because I was a tad disappointed with Night Reigns and Bastien's probably my least favourite character in this entire series. Dianne Duvall quickly won me over with her superb writing and by demonstrating that there's more to her ex-villain than meets the eye. This installment came very close to earning five paws from this reviewer but it just wasn't quite on the same level as the first book, Darkness Dawns (which I adored!). All in all, Phantom Shadows is an electrifying read with enough tall-dark-and-handsome to make any girl drool.

My feelings towards Bastien have done a complete 180; I guess he was just misunderstood and needed a chance to tell readers his story. In many ways he reminded me of Roland from Darkness Dawns, who just so happens to be my favourite character in this series. He's abrasive and anti-social but for different reasons than the above-mentioned Guardian. However, Bastien's heart is in the right place and despite his colourful past he truly wants to help his new allies. Being an ex-villain, he also has tons of prejudices that he needs to overcome and he deals with everyone's hostility rather well. Duvall handles all of the issues surrounding his character beautifully and as a result, has cemented his place within the ranks of the Immortal Guardians.

The main plot line is action-packed and kept me eagerly turning the pages late into the night. I liked that Dianne also answered a few of the questions that have been nagging me since I finished Night Reigns. The only thing that has me kind of worried is where this series is going to go from here. The Guardians have defeated all of their major enemies so I'll be curious to see how Duvall handles this in the next installment. Will a completely new villain be introduced or will someone make a comeback? Also, I can't wait to see what comes of Ami and Marcus' "news".

I enjoyed the budding romance between Bastien and Melanie; the progression was realistic and their interactions felt genuine. Newcombe's feelings for the doc also allowed us to see him in a softer light. I only wish that there'd been a bit more bedroom action; this installment felt more like an Urban Fantasy than a Paranormal Romance. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the path of destruction the Immortals leave in their wake. In fact, I was overjoyed with the way the Guardians enacted Ami's much deserved revenge but I wouldn't have turned down some extra Bastien sexy time.

This series has an undeniable family feel to it that keeps me coming back for more. The memorable characters, unique universe and addictive plot lines definitely help too! I can't wait to see what Dianne Duvall has in store for us next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott flicker
Characters: This one is about the bad boy immortal Bastian and his growing love for Dr. Melanie Lipton, a human. He tries to stay away from her knowing that his enemies in the immortal circles will give her a hard time if she shows feelings for him and he wants to save her from his bad reputation, but he can feel her desire for him through his gifts and his resolves continues to break through stolen kisses and brief touches. Bastian is a hot head who doesn't listen to his leaders and doesn't "play well with others". Roland (from book one) is his sworn enemy because he tried to kill Roland and majorly hurt Roland's woman, Sarah. Marcus (from book 2) tolerates him because Bastian cares deeply for Marcus's woman, Ami and would protect her with his life. Dr. Melanie see that Bastian is really a caring, smart guy and wants more of him than friendship.

Writing Style: I love narrator Kirsten Potter because she is able to richly capture the personalities of Marcus and Ami. I got the audio version for a discounted price from Audible when I bought the eBook and I love having the ability to listen to it over and over. It's that good.

Plot: The evil commander who tortured Ami is back and is attacking the immortals and vampires alike, trying to find their base and capture one for study. He is also dying to get Ami back and the immortals are determined to prevent that from happening. There is a huge battle that endangers Melanie's life and Seth wants Bastian dead after he endangers Ami. This one is filled with turmoil and destruction, but still manages to find time for a sweet romance. I love the way Dianne Duvall made a hateful character become a loved one.

Romance: Dianne Duvall can write a sexy love story and really make you feel the characters desire and love for each other. Not as much sex in this one, but definitely very romantic.

Sex and Violence Rating: Rx - Oral Sex, Descriptive Sex, F-bomb a lot, May Be Gory

Rx - Oral Sex, Descriptive Sex, F-bomb a lot, May Be Gory

5 Stars - Would Read Again! Buying the sequel Oct 2013!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nora griffin
Bastien Newcombe was once the leader of a vampire army intent of wiping out the Immortal Guardians. Now he is an Immortal Guardian, but doesn't have the trust of many people, except Seth and David. Then there is Dr. Melanie Lipton, a network employee who cares for the capture vampire and is working to combat the tranquilizer used on the Immortals in previous fights with the so-called vampire king and Emrys (see previous books in the series). Melanie is drawn to Bastien like she's never been drawn to anyone else. Yet with the threat of mercenaries and a war against the Immortal Guardians looming, will Melanie be safe with Bastien...or a target?

I love Ms. Duvall's Immortal Guardians series and "Phantom Shadows" is no exception. The combination of action, mystery, romance, and of course, vampires and Immortal Guardians is a heady one. I liked Melanie's character because she stood up for what and who she believes in, no matter the consequences. She is truly a good soul who strives to help people every day, which is why she became a doctor. Bastien Newcombe on the other hand is a bad boy who lost his humanity and hasn't cared about regaining it - until now. Since his sister died centuries ago, he's had no one he could count on or trust until Melanie. Her passion and compassion draw him like a moth to a flame and he's not sure what to do. "Phantom Shadows" will leave you breathless as the action takes you rocketing away and Melanie and Bastien's inner passions are released. Another great installment in the Immortal Guardians series and I am excited to see where Ms. Duvall takes us next!

Immortal Guardians series: Darkness Dawns (1), Night Reigns (2), Phantom Shadows (3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clorissa rene hurst
Phantom Shadows in the third book in the Immortal Guardians series. Ms. Duvall's vampire world is action packed and filled with deliciously sexy immortals. Need I say more?

Bastien could be a poster child for bad boys; gorgeous, angry, misunderstood and tortured. Man you gotta love them bad boys! For the last two years, he has been working with the Immortal Guardians. All of his existence has been trying to destroy them, so it's understandable that they are leery of him and would rather see him die a painful violent death. His view on the situation...bring it on boys!

Melanie has watched how the immortals have treated Bastien and she is confused. While she has seen the bad side of him, she has also seen the good. She might not understand why everyone hates him, but she is more curious with how much she desires him. Following her feelings, she needs to figure out how to convince him that he is worthy of her attention. Their blossoming romance may be the last thing they should be developing right now, but it is exactly what they both need.

The battle Bastien started years ago is escalating and needs to be stopped before all hell breaks loose. The immortals need to let the past go and Bastien needs to look towards the future and Melanie just needs to survive. Can these three sides find a way to bring it all together and save all they know and cherish?

I'm always game for a great vampire story and Ms. Duvall doesn't disappoint. Her vampires have humor and brawn and for me that is a perfect combination. In this third novel, we get to see the other side of the resident black sheep, Bastien. I could tell from earlier books in the series that he was not what he seemed and I couldn't wait to read more about him. I really enjoyed the development of Bastien and the view that he really is "human" and cares deeply and will likely love even deeper.

I'm not sure if I would consider Phantom Shadows a standalone book. Both the prior novels are referenced often and when I went back to reread a scene that I forgot, I realized how intertwined the novels are. Ms. Duvall has done a great job with continuity and storytelling and I believe this series should be read in order.

Phantom Shadows is a fantastic addition to a richly developed series. The action is exhilarating and the love scenes are heart pounding. This is top notch reading and high quality paranormal world building. So grab the Immortal Guardians series with both hands and hold on tight. These guys really know how to take you on a ride of your life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
b sherman h
Though he agreed to join the Immortal Guardians, Bastien Newcombe trusts no one especially his new teammates. For centuries, Bastien has always been a lone wolf and prefers living that way. His new warrior cronies treat him with wary disdain so the feelings are mutual.

Human Dr. Melanie Lipton seeks a cure to prevent the lethal insanity brought on by the vampire virus. Unlike everyone else who would like him gone preferably in a body bag, the medical researcher treats Bastien with respect as if he belongs here. Hell she even listens to his intelligent but differing ideas. As their admiration turns to attraction and love, a new threat, deadlier than the deposed Vampire King has surfaced.

The third Immortal Guardians romantic urban fantasy (see Darkness Dawns and Night Reigns) is a terrific action-packed thriller. Bastien brings the freshness to the mix as a lone ranger who has never felt a need to belong with anyone (the antithesis of the third step of Maslow's Hierarchy) until Melanie. Readers will enjoy this enjoyable entry as love and a new danger keep Melanie, Bastien and fans hopping.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan alper
In the beginning, I was a little hesitant to read Phantom Shadows because I was a tad disappointed with Night Reigns and Bastien's probably my least favourite character in this entire series. Dianne Duvall quickly won me over with her superb writing and by demonstrating that there's more to her ex-villain than meets the eye. This installment came very close to earning five paws from this reviewer but it just wasn't quite on the same level as the first book, Darkness Dawns (which I adored!). All in all, Phantom Shadows is an electrifying read with enough tall-dark-and-handsome to make any girl drool.

My feelings towards Bastien have done a complete 180; I guess he was just misunderstood and needed a chance to tell readers his story. In many ways he reminded me of Roland from Darkness Dawns, who just so happens to be my favourite character in this series. He's abrasive and anti-social but for different reasons than the above-mentioned Guardian. However, Bastien's heart is in the right place and despite his colourful past he truly wants to help his new allies. Being an ex-villain, he also has tons of prejudices that he needs to overcome and he deals with everyone's hostility rather well. Duvall handles all of the issues surrounding his character beautifully and as a result, has cemented his place within the ranks of the Immortal Guardians.

The main plot line is action-packed and kept me eagerly turning the pages late into the night. I liked that Dianne also answered a few of the questions that have been nagging me since I finished Night Reigns. The only thing that has me kind of worried is where this series is going to go from here. The Guardians have defeated all of their major enemies so I'll be curious to see how Duvall handles this in the next installment. Will a completely new villain be introduced or will someone make a comeback? Also, I can't wait to see what comes of Ami and Marcus' "news".

I enjoyed the budding romance between Bastien and Melanie; the progression was realistic and their interactions felt genuine. Newcombe's feelings for the doc also allowed us to see him in a softer light. I only wish that there'd been a bit more bedroom action; this installment felt more like an Urban Fantasy than a Paranormal Romance. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the path of destruction the Immortals leave in their wake. In fact, I was overjoyed with the way the Guardians enacted Ami's much deserved revenge but I wouldn't have turned down some extra Bastien sexy time.

This series has an undeniable family feel to it that keeps me coming back for more. The memorable characters, unique universe and addictive plot lines definitely help too! I can't wait to see what Dianne Duvall has in store for us next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve holt
Characters: This one is about the bad boy immortal Bastian and his growing love for Dr. Melanie Lipton, a human. He tries to stay away from her knowing that his enemies in the immortal circles will give her a hard time if she shows feelings for him and he wants to save her from his bad reputation, but he can feel her desire for him through his gifts and his resolves continues to break through stolen kisses and brief touches. Bastian is a hot head who doesn't listen to his leaders and doesn't "play well with others". Roland (from book one) is his sworn enemy because he tried to kill Roland and majorly hurt Roland's woman, Sarah. Marcus (from book 2) tolerates him because Bastian cares deeply for Marcus's woman, Ami and would protect her with his life. Dr. Melanie see that Bastian is really a caring, smart guy and wants more of him than friendship.

Writing Style: I love narrator Kirsten Potter because she is able to richly capture the personalities of Marcus and Ami. I got the audio version for a discounted price from Audible when I bought the eBook and I love having the ability to listen to it over and over. It's that good.

Plot: The evil commander who tortured Ami is back and is attacking the immortals and vampires alike, trying to find their base and capture one for study. He is also dying to get Ami back and the immortals are determined to prevent that from happening. There is a huge battle that endangers Melanie's life and Seth wants Bastian dead after he endangers Ami. This one is filled with turmoil and destruction, but still manages to find time for a sweet romance. I love the way Dianne Duvall made a hateful character become a loved one.

Romance: Dianne Duvall can write a sexy love story and really make you feel the characters desire and love for each other. Not as much sex in this one, but definitely very romantic.

Sex and Violence Rating: Rx - Oral Sex, Descriptive Sex, F-bomb a lot, May Be Gory

Rx - Oral Sex, Descriptive Sex, F-bomb a lot, May Be Gory

5 Stars - Would Read Again! Buying the sequel Oct 2013!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erika johnson
Bastien Newcombe was once the leader of a vampire army intent of wiping out the Immortal Guardians. Now he is an Immortal Guardian, but doesn't have the trust of many people, except Seth and David. Then there is Dr. Melanie Lipton, a network employee who cares for the capture vampire and is working to combat the tranquilizer used on the Immortals in previous fights with the so-called vampire king and Emrys (see previous books in the series). Melanie is drawn to Bastien like she's never been drawn to anyone else. Yet with the threat of mercenaries and a war against the Immortal Guardians looming, will Melanie be safe with Bastien...or a target?

I love Ms. Duvall's Immortal Guardians series and "Phantom Shadows" is no exception. The combination of action, mystery, romance, and of course, vampires and Immortal Guardians is a heady one. I liked Melanie's character because she stood up for what and who she believes in, no matter the consequences. She is truly a good soul who strives to help people every day, which is why she became a doctor. Bastien Newcombe on the other hand is a bad boy who lost his humanity and hasn't cared about regaining it - until now. Since his sister died centuries ago, he's had no one he could count on or trust until Melanie. Her passion and compassion draw him like a moth to a flame and he's not sure what to do. "Phantom Shadows" will leave you breathless as the action takes you rocketing away and Melanie and Bastien's inner passions are released. Another great installment in the Immortal Guardians series and I am excited to see where Ms. Duvall takes us next!

Immortal Guardians series: Darkness Dawns (1), Night Reigns (2), Phantom Shadows (3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Phantom Shadows in the third book in the Immortal Guardians series. Ms. Duvall's vampire world is action packed and filled with deliciously sexy immortals. Need I say more?

Bastien could be a poster child for bad boys; gorgeous, angry, misunderstood and tortured. Man you gotta love them bad boys! For the last two years, he has been working with the Immortal Guardians. All of his existence has been trying to destroy them, so it's understandable that they are leery of him and would rather see him die a painful violent death. His view on the situation...bring it on boys!

Melanie has watched how the immortals have treated Bastien and she is confused. While she has seen the bad side of him, she has also seen the good. She might not understand why everyone hates him, but she is more curious with how much she desires him. Following her feelings, she needs to figure out how to convince him that he is worthy of her attention. Their blossoming romance may be the last thing they should be developing right now, but it is exactly what they both need.

The battle Bastien started years ago is escalating and needs to be stopped before all hell breaks loose. The immortals need to let the past go and Bastien needs to look towards the future and Melanie just needs to survive. Can these three sides find a way to bring it all together and save all they know and cherish?

I'm always game for a great vampire story and Ms. Duvall doesn't disappoint. Her vampires have humor and brawn and for me that is a perfect combination. In this third novel, we get to see the other side of the resident black sheep, Bastien. I could tell from earlier books in the series that he was not what he seemed and I couldn't wait to read more about him. I really enjoyed the development of Bastien and the view that he really is "human" and cares deeply and will likely love even deeper.

I'm not sure if I would consider Phantom Shadows a standalone book. Both the prior novels are referenced often and when I went back to reread a scene that I forgot, I realized how intertwined the novels are. Ms. Duvall has done a great job with continuity and storytelling and I believe this series should be read in order.

Phantom Shadows is a fantastic addition to a richly developed series. The action is exhilarating and the love scenes are heart pounding. This is top notch reading and high quality paranormal world building. So grab the Immortal Guardians series with both hands and hold on tight. These guys really know how to take you on a ride of your life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher cianci
Though he agreed to join the Immortal Guardians, Bastien Newcombe trusts no one especially his new teammates. For centuries, Bastien has always been a lone wolf and prefers living that way. His new warrior cronies treat him with wary disdain so the feelings are mutual.

Human Dr. Melanie Lipton seeks a cure to prevent the lethal insanity brought on by the vampire virus. Unlike everyone else who would like him gone preferably in a body bag, the medical researcher treats Bastien with respect as if he belongs here. Hell she even listens to his intelligent but differing ideas. As their admiration turns to attraction and love, a new threat, deadlier than the deposed Vampire King has surfaced.

The third Immortal Guardians romantic urban fantasy (see Darkness Dawns and Night Reigns) is a terrific action-packed thriller. Bastien brings the freshness to the mix as a lone ranger who has never felt a need to belong with anyone (the antithesis of the third step of Maslow's Hierarchy) until Melanie. Readers will enjoy this enjoyable entry as love and a new danger keep Melanie, Bastien and fans hopping.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kimberly greenwald
One thing you can say about the author, Dianne Duvall it's that she's always able to seduce, convince and surprise fans/readers and she did it again with Phantom Shadows. Honestly, I was eager to read Bastien story and I wasn't disappointed, but the main extern story was the ultimate thing for me in the third book of the Immortals Guardians series!

When I first tried Darkness Dawns (first book of this series), I didn't thought this story would become so big and well imagined in the third book, not only immortals and vampires are at war but beings from other planets and elsewhere (Seth???), and even humans are now taking a huge part in this thrilling adventure! This story was filled with action, humor and lovely scenes that won't left my mind!

I love Ms. Duvall's style, the way she makes her characters interacting with each other's, the dialogues, descriptions of the surrounding, the feeling and the emotion felt by the characters are proofs of her beautiful and skilled hand.

Dr. Melanie Lipton was a great character and she was exactly as I imagined her. I thought Bastien would be more eccentric or even harder than Marcus to succumb to his mate, but that didn't make him less. I love his flaws, his courage and the fact that he wants to protect the vampires or try to find a way to cure them. He stick to his own convictions and because of that, I thought he would be harder on Melanie, trying to avoiding her. But Melanie doesn't let anyone stepping over her, not even the charismatic and dangerous Bastien!
Their story was great, not the one I preferred, but still an awesome read!

One thing I enjoyed the most was the ending! If you're a fan of Dianne Duvall's series, you'll be pleased with this awesome new as well! I was surprise and it seems such a cheerful avenue! OMG I don't want to tell you about it, but I so want to tell you about it!!!!

I totally recommend this book of course for the one who already read the first two books and the entire series if you didn't start it and want to read something different about vampires!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sebastien Newcombe spent years thing he was a vampire only to find he is really one of those he swore to he would destroy. No one trusts him except the leaders of the Immortal Guardians and Ami. But there is Doctor Lipton, he can't stopping thinking about her and thinks his taint will rub off on her and they will fire her.

Melanie Lipton is a gifted one who works for the network caring for the humans that work with the Immortal Guardians and the vampires that don't want to go mad because of the virus that changed them. She sees a different side to Sebastien and she could care less about the consequences he presumes will occur if they pursue their developing feelings for each other. She wants what she wants and she wants him.

To see the rest of this review please visit [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis diclaudio
Diane creates an Exceptional new version of immortality vs vampirism! Gifted humans can become immortal vs non-gifted becoming vampires. Two very similar beings with similar talents but the biggest exception being vampires eventually go mad from the virus as Immortals do not and as such r tasked with keeping humans safe from the madness of vampires. The first 2 books in this series r must reads that really set the stage for the series as a whole; which I find to get better and better at drawing u in with various plot twist & engaging new story lines as well. While each book leaves no cliff hangers & resolves the conflicts for the main romantic couple of ea book; they also extend interesting story lines that trail into the next book with continued conflicts and introduce new ones as well so the reader is fully captured by the immortal guardians struggles as a whole, but satisfied by each couples resolution in each book as well.
This particular book about Melanie ( a gifted dr. @ "the network" who works to find a cure for the madness the virus brings on in vamps & Sebastian ( an immortal guardian -introduced as the villain in book 1- that thought he was a vampire for 2 centuries) is an exceptional love story as they find and fall hard for one another. Theirs is a wonderful story; not quite as beautiful as ami & Marcus (book2) or even as thrilling as Sarah & Roland's (book 1) but still beautiful! It's not diminished by the sub plot of battling emrys (the evil greedy human that tortured ami) or the developing plot of the mysterious Zach or the introduction of the next challenge for ami. Their love story shines bright. The author does an amazing job of balancing the main characters story with the ongoing story line of the guardians as a whole!
If u have yet to read a book from this series, I'd recommend just starting from the beginning! U can of course read it as a stand alone b/c the author is just that good.... But I like to know the history behind it all. So stop reading the reviews and get started with this great series!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liana stamouli
Awesome story! Great add to the series! Bastien and Melanie.....sigh, what can I say? I think I just have a thing for bad boys. Bas is completely different from the guys we seen so far. I love a wounded character who wants to better themselves but are still the same odd-bad boy. These two are my favorite couple (so far) and they burn up the pages. Can't wait for the next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
todd doolittle
Excellent 5 star contemporary paranormal romance. Each of these books are standalones but each book gives you more insight to the Immortal Guardians ways and world. Melanie is a doctor working to reverse the virus that eventually causes vampires to go crazy. The book has suspense, intrigue and the romance I've come to enjoy in Ms Duvall' s books. I look forward to reading more books in this series and in the future that are written by Ms Duvall. I purchased this book via Kindle Unlimited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Dianne Duvall has created an intriguing paranormal world with alluring romances in her Immortal Guardian series that is heightened with its newest release, Phantom Shadows.

Sebastien Newcombe use to fight against the Immortals with his army of Vampires, now he fights alongside them but no one fully trusts him. And why should they when he killed one of their own? Bastien doesn't seek acceptance though, or so he tells himself. But when Dr. Melanie Lipton enters the picture and ignites feelings inside him that he hasn't felt in centuries, Bastien can't help but worry how others will react to their relationship. So Bastien denies his attraction to the Network's beautiful doctor and buries his feelings. But Melanie isn't going to make it easy for him. She's seen through Bastien's `I don't give a s***,' attitude since their first meeting and has been infatuated with the Immortal from the get-go. And now that Melanie knows that her feelings are returned, she isn't going to accept the `You're too good for me,' line that Bastien is trying to feed her. Can Melanie convince Bastien that he is more than enough for her or will the danger that he inadvertently exposures her to push him away for good?

We were first introduced to Bastien in the first book of the series, Darkness Dawns. Believing that he was a vampire and hell-bent on revenge for the death of his sister, Bastien led a vampire army against Roland and the rest of the Immortals. But when the truth about his existence was finally revealed to him, Bastien joined the Immortal Guardians. However, that doesn't mean him or the rest of the Immortals are happy about their new camaraderie. This sweet and sexy bad boy has not just a chip on his shoulder but an entire cement block and I loved his story. There's just something about the quintessential bad boy. Bastien has a tendency to rub others the wrong way with his sarcastic retorts and the vacillating dialogue between him, the other Immortals and even the Seconds added some fun, acerbic humor to the storyline. But even when Bastien was seemingly bad, he was still good, and Melanie is the only one who could see this. I thought that she made the perfect match for Bastien. Both stubborn but Melanie gives him a run for his money.

There was plenty of action and suspense in Phantom Shadows to keep readers turning the pages. The build up to the big, bad show down had me on the edge of my seat but when that final scene rolled around I found myself teetering on that edge because it felt a bit rushed. I think this was because the story-line jumped forward a few times and I would have liked for it to be expanded on more. A HUGE bomb (figuratively speaking) is dropped at the end for a previous couple in the series though and I am really looking forward to how this will affect them and the author Immortals as well as the Immortal Guardian's world in general.

The Immortal Guardian series introduces a new breed of Vampires that you can't help but be captivated by. The nuances and secrets in Duvall's mythology make me eager to explore more alongside her Immortal and Vampire characters, and I can't wait for the next installment. I'm still waiting with bated breath for news on Seth's book...

***A copy of this title was received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bastien is a character that you love to hate.....before reading this book. The author does a great job of developing his character, and showing what kind of person he was, regardless of his past. He is still a bad boy at heart, and will always see himself as the "black sheep" of the group. He slowly but surely is integrated into the book, and it was great to see the leading lady stand up for him and for us. Another great addition that I recommend.
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