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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have already read the other books in the series, and I just finished this one. My only problem is that there was a cliffhanger. But other than that this book is perfect, I will be awaiting the next book's arrival.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yara hossam
Exile was awesome and Everblaze is equally as awesome maybe a bit better. I loved how it was suspenseful and that when I read I felt like as if I were Sopie Foster herself. The book is amazing and it has such a twist I wasn't ready for it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca nj
This book is amazing with its adventure and humor mainly from Keefe. Shannon Messenger really let's you connect with Sophie and all of her friends and really understand who they are. I can't wait for the next book to come out so I can find out what adventure Sophie, Biana, Keefe, Dex, and Fitz go in next.
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders &c. :: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (Annotated) :: Moll Flanders :: Daniel Defoe - Moll Flanders :: Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sophie Foster’s life just never slows down. Silveny, the alicorn, has just been relocated to the Sanctuary when she and Keefer get a call for help. It seems the other alicorn has started attacking Silveny, and they need these two to come find out why.

However, what the two learn when they arrive is a shocking secret that involves Ogres. Supposedly, there is a peace treaty between the Elves and the Ogres, but the peace is fragile at best. The Council isn’t interested in what Sophie has learned, they have a job for her – something so controversial that it will leave the population divided. Should Sophie go through with it? What will happen next?

If this is your first introduction to Sophie’s world, don’t start here. Seriously. It’s been a year since I last read it, and I had a hard time remembering some of the details from the previous book, and the book assumes you remember everything. This is my only complaint with the book. I just struggled a bit to get back into Sophie’s world.

But once I did, I was greatly rewarded. While I saw a few twists coming, I was surprised by others. And the drama that unfolded was so gripping I read the second half in one day, while working and preparing for Christmas. I just couldn’t put the book down. The characters are their strongest yet, and I love how they have developed over the three books in the series.

I know the next chapter is about a year away, and I already can’t wait to see what happens next to Sophie and her friends. This is a journey you need to go on. Just start at the beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I totally loved this installment, it has action nonstop since the beginning, so the whole book is fast paced and really entertaining with action, sad moments, funny moments and a plot that unravels some mysteries but also arises even more questions.

As I’ve said in my other two reviews of the series, I truly love the characters. There are some new secondary characters in this installment and it’s hard to know if they are trustworthy or not, so it’s interesting to try to figure it out. Again, we can appreciate how the characters are developing and changing little by little, and so, their relationship with Sophie changes too. Some characters get closer to her and others grow a little apart from her.

Also there are several shocking revelations in this book, so I definitely had a hard time putting it down.

I still don’t give this five stars, because even thou I truly liked it, it gave me the sensation that the following books will be totally amazing.

If you already read Keeper of the Lost Cities and Exile, you should totally continue with this series, this installment is full of action, shocking revelations and moments, and lovely characters. If you haven’t read this series yet, you totally should if you are looking for a fantastic adventure with mystery, lovable characters and a well-built fantasy world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan degginger
Omg this book is beyond amazing not enough words are made to describe how amazing this book is: awesome, amazing, fantastic, fabulous and extraordinary. If I kept on going this review would be going on for hours. Anyway, this is my number #1 favorite book in the entire world. Harry Potter can't even beat this book. it is truly amazing. I have read it 6 times and I'm reading it for the seventh time as we speak! Most people would probably say no book could ever be that good, but that is only until you read it. This book is an excellently written book by Shannon Messenger, but be warned this book has a serious cliff hanger that leaves you craving for more. After I finished this book I recommended this series to my friend who was instantly hooked after a few hours. I would see her glancing down at it when my teacher paused to take a breath. This book is about where Sophie Foster and her friend Fitz learn to trust each other with their lives. In doing so, it supposedly is going to help them during a healing of Fintan's mind. In this book there are happy parts, sad parts and all around awesome parts. This book is an action packed adventure filled with twists and turns until you find out the truth. Who is the victim and Who is the villain? Find out in this amazing novel that leaves you craving for more. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
syd markle
Book: Keeper of the Lost Cities #3: Everblaze

Author: Shannon Messenger

Rating: FIVE stars (out of five)

Review: First of all, let me say that it is VERY difficult for a book to get a five star rating from me, so it's amazing that this one did. But it totally deserved it.
I don't know how I could possibly wait for the next one.
Anyway, one thing has especially been on my mind since I finished the book: Fitz, Keefe, and Dex. I've been rooting for Dex since the first book, but Shannon did such a great job developing Fitz and Keefe's characters in this book, that I'm not sure anymore who I'm rooting for. I've decided to just trust Shannon and let the books play out the way they will. Except...I still can't stop thinking about them.
I'm not going to give a synopsis of the book because, whether you're looking at this review on the store or Goodreads, the synopsis is already given. As for the review...I don't know where to start. There's really nothing negative I can say about this--as usual. It's a very well-written book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Character development continues to be amazing.
I can't even express the love I have for this book. If you haven't read it, READ IT. Or at least read the first book in the series. If you're a librarian and you don't have this in your library, GET IT. Trust me, it's worth it. Your students will love it.

"THIS IS AMAZING!!!" --Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Even Hiccup loves it. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Welllllllllll i'll start off by saying how WONDERFUL THIS BOOK IS i LOVED the series ADORED the animals and LOVED the characters like my own children of course i'm too young to have children but they are mine now so if your looking for a series too cherish pick this one i have ALL happy memories well except one that left my crying for days BUT don't want to spoil anything so read the next book you'll see the reason for my tears:()
Though i KNOW you'll be crying in the last book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marwa hamed
I have always had happy bouncing moments for new books, but i have NEVER been this excited in my life...
THE KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES: This book was sooooooooooo.... AMMAAAAAAZZZZZZIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! It was beautifully written and had excellently crafted characters, who one could truly connect to. I loved the plot, and how everything was so, its own.... A LOT of people have compared this book to other famous books and I just think this: Yeah sure, some things that happen in it are a lot like other books, ONLY IF YOU TRY TO MAKE THEM THAT WAY!!!!!! When you're reading and your constantly looking for things that might be like something else, that's all your going to see, and then your missing the whole point of why it was in there... You miss the fact that what your comparing to has really hardly ANYthing in common anyway.... EVERY single person is different, true? So unless they wrote it word for word, EVERY SINGLE author's work is different too!
THE KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES, EXILE: Shannon kept everything up, and I thoroughly enjoyed this book... Maybe even more than the first!! It was such an adventure to get to know and meet more of Keepers characters.. Plus, I just couldn't stop laughing till I cried, never failing till the end! Oh boy... (Keefe! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! "If your jealous because you don't have a cool nickname, we can start calling you Sparkle Fanny." -Keefe. Glitter But, Sparkle Fanny, and Shimmer Booty, the great trio! HAHA!!!!!)-I told my 12 year old cousin about that part, and your practically her hero now Shannon... Its so funny...
I won't spoil anything, because I HATEHATEHATE THAT! But I VERY WELL WIIIISSSSHHH I could tell more!!!!! -This whole no spoiling thing is so hard it hurts!!!! JUST READ IT!!!! READITREADITREADITREADIT!!!!!!! (P.S. Sorry for all the caps... I can't resist!)

I still can not possibly believe I DON'T HAVE IT YET!!!!!! Because man, this book... (AHHHHHH!!!!! *Cries, laughs, and shouts happily, and angrily, and sadly, and miserably, and etc....till the day I have it...)
I have never remembered every single detail and reread books like I have in this series... I have actually taught all my friends how to play some games they play in the book (Like: Base Quest! Duh! Just kidding!... YAHOO!!!) and we have actually PLAYED them together-IN THE WIND!!!! IN. THE. WIND. SOOOO COOL!!!! I cried and screamed when I knew the date EVERBLAZE was coming out, and then again when I saw the cover of course, and when this TOO AMAZING FOR WORDS author Shannon Messenger, was coming to my home town!!!! (SCREAM!!!!!) But... then... I couldn't end up making it there........ (Hence why I haven't read it yet... Sniff... Sniff...) And I cried again, and I think about everyday................


Even though I think I might be, because I'm dead serious, I think about EVERBLAZE EVERY SINGLE DAY, and it's all I want for Christmas..... Seriously, you could ask ANYBODY who knows me, and they will tell you that...

ANY WAY!!!! This is a review! Please note; I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!! And I would STRONGLY suggest to everyone to read it! You will never forget this adventure, I swear to it! Thank you Shannon, I thank you so extremely beyond words can tell! I hope I'm the kind of writer who writes things that changes people (In wonderful happy ways!:) )like you do with each new book, -when I finally get my work out there in that HUGE writing world! Thank you for reading this review! Hope it helped you know what to read next..(hinthint!:KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES!" Even though it was kinda crazy... ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jam mayer
Full of plot twists and amazing relations. I feel awful for Keefe, though, we all knew their was a reason he was treated so awfully. Sophie again I say, doesn't have a clue. I would buy this book again and will probably read over a million times before the next.?????
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mitch azarcon
BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!!!! This book is just so good you need to read it again and again and again just to satisfy your need of reading an amazing book (until the 4th book comes out.) I got the book on my kindle the day it came out and was done with it halfway through the day it was so captivating. Then I forced my sister to read it just so I would have someone to talk to about it. Now we are both huge fans. I found the book by reading shannon messenger's other series, let the sky fall, and thought 'this is amazing. I wonder what other books shannon messenger wrote.' One google search and $10 later, I was discovering the amazingness of keeper of the lost cities.
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