A heartwarming Irish story of friendship. - Under Heaven's Shining Stars

ByJean Grainger

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love, love, Loved this book. Stayed up late and woke early to keep reading. Jean Grainger transported me on on a fabulous journey. Heartbreaking at times, just beautiful at others. Thank-you . Didn't want this book to finish.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I liked the story and the characters but the writing itself put me off. I found myself having to constantly re-read paragraphs to try to decipher some of the lines. The over abundance of run-on sentences didn't help either. Where was the editor?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the first Jean Grainger book I have read. It won't be the last. I very much enjoyed reading Under Heaven's Shining Stars. Once I started reading Under Heaven's Shining Stars I could not stop reading until I finished the complete book. I went back to the first page and started to reread it again but realized I had stayed up so late, it was almost time to get up for work....I did have time to read the first chapter... So worth it though.
Firstly I must tell you I am from Cork, born and reared though I have never come across Jean Grainger - and we even have the same first name!
I fell in love with the young characters in the book - every one of us can relate to the expectations and assumptions in family life, and a lot of us can relate to growing up in the 60s and 70s. Well, Jean Grainger tells it how it was, the details were real.
The story is poignant and parts of it weren't pretty yet unfortunately those things did happen. I laughed and I cried with the characters. Family, good times, bad times, trouble, strife and most importantly friendship are all addressed in this beautiful tale of life in Cork during the 60s and 70s, under the Goldie Fish.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheila pierce
Jean Grainger is a talented author on par with any author that I have enjoyed. I certainly have a fondness for Irish authors, having been introduced to Maeve Binchy at the age of 10, and what a treat it is to find yet another Jean Grainger book to savour. I tried to pace myself in reading the book, and enjoyed the chapter lengths, being able to enjoy a chapter or two in between tending to real life responsibilities, and each time I began a new reading session it's just as if I fell right back into the book without pause. As I read through the story of Liam, Patrick, and Hugo, it was as if I was sitting in a corner of the kitchen as the Tobin's ate supper, or that I was walking the halls of the secondary school with the boys, or visiting Hugo's estate on holiday. It's especially fun to be able to hear the dialect as I read, and imagine that I am back in Ireland myself, enjoying a pot of tea as I read the well crafted worlds and listen to the lilting Irish brogue.
Then late one night, I could not put the book down, and read straight through until 2:00 am to finish, and the loss of sleep was well worth it. Without giving away spoilers, this book touches on many different subjects that may be common in recent Irish history but will resonate with people from any area of the world. From religion to society attitudes to personal attitudes, Jean touches on those issues with sensitivity. I'd love for my own children to have friends as tightly knit as these three boys, respectful of each other's differences yet supportive through many different situations. If you love a heartwarming novel with inspiring messages, you will not regret your purchase of this book. Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another engaging story from author Jean Grainger! She leads the reader along the paths of life stories of three boys who become unlikely friends and then family- not by marriage ties but by circumstances that involve not only them but those around them as well. I found myself totally immersed in Ireland of the 1960s and 1970s. The characters are believable and the author evoked my emotional responses to them - both good and bad. There were plot surprises and I was anxious to read to the end to find how it all played out. Thank you, Jean, for a well written story!! The only thing I missed was a glossary for some of the Irish terms, but most were understandable by context and dictionary. I look forward to more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denise gaboy
So Much Owed - An awesome, must read book. WWII is the time frame and the story is set in Ireland and England. Interesting, multidimensional characters that keep the reader caring about them and their journey during the war. There's past history, WWI and the Troubles, faced by some of the characters that shape the decisions made during WWII. The storyline is mesmerizing and intense, immersing the reader in a world of joy, pain, sorrow and happiness. Ms. Grainger is a talented storyteller and I enjoyed everything I've read so far by her. 5*

Shadow of a Century - A well written, sad but uplifting story set in both Ireland and New York. The characters are well developed and interesting. The storylines are well thought out and hold your attention, especially the last three-quarters of the book. If you enjoyed Maeve Binchy's books, you'll enjoy both books by Jean: Shadow of a Century and Letters of Freedom. I disagreed with the main character's comments on a gun-crazed USA and the Democrats fixing all problems if in power. US politics aside, the story is worth reading. 3*

Under Heaven's Shining Stars - This story reminded me so much of Angela's Ashes. Both stories are so well told about life in a poor Irish neighborhood; although Angela's is a true story written by her son about their lives. The story is mesmerizing and I took days to devour this intense story of love, caring, acceptance and terror. The characters just blossomed, growing into maturity and grace as their lives unfolded. The story and neighborhood is typical regardless of where you live, especially during that time period when people were closer with their neighbors and communities.

Even with the bad parts, the story left warmhearted and loving and happy feelings, along with the horror. There so many ways these characters could have gone and become, but their love and support kept an even keel and good won. All the books written by this author have been very good to excellent; I highly recommend her work. This is my favorite book so far. 5*
Jean Grainger Box Set end.

What Once Was True - A well written, well thought out novel with interesting people, events and places. The historical parts are well done and personal as told by the participants of those events. The storyline blends history with the growth of all the characters. Ranging in ages and social status, the effects of the Troubles and World War II are clearly seen. If you love Binchy and Pilcher, and authors like Pearl S. Buck, this heartwarming and heart breaking world that Ms. Grainger crafted will sweep you away with her vivid descriptions and characters. 5*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie sherborne
The locale of Cork comes to life with characters that steal your heart. The author is fearless in
taking on the most basic problems that are faced in life in a very thought-provoking manner. The story
takes you in and doesn't let go. A very good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole hamlin
If there were more stars, this book would rate 10 in my opinion! I am familiar with Cork and it's surroundings, oddities, and with the Innisfallen ship that ploughed its' way back and forth from Wales to Cork. I remember being in Cobh and watching her come into Corks' beautiful harbor, and when visiting, I waved from the deck at my home as we passed. My life there and then frequent visits were brought back to me in this this fabulous tale of three unlikely friends. I laughed and cried, was angry then happy, troubled and relieved, and was immersed in these young peoples lives like I have never been with another book. While some parts were disturbing and horrific for these boys and their families, this book deals with the same problems of today, violence, homosexuality, alcoholism, abuse, both sexual and spousal. But in the end, all is well, and I can only think of how Miss Jean brought it all together with expertise, showing us the way life should be, with love, companionship, help, community, and above all, Faith. It is some years since my mother made the same comment "it's so cold you'd not put a milk bottle on the doorstep". What an awesome book, one I may purchase in paper form. Definitely one to share.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an ambitious book because of the big-hitting issues it tackles. But Miss Grainger’s ability to put the reader smack-bang into an Irish street in a byegone decade is phenomenal. I really felt I was there, hearing the music, tasting the food and witnessing the casual cruelty men in that era believed they had a right to dish out. But the over-riding narrative speaks of courage, redemption and fabulous humour.

Hard to pick a favourite character as every single one is sympathetically written, but I think Hugo’s artless charm stole my heart. Thoroughly recommended for a heartwarming, historically accurate, beautifully written (and perfectly edited) slice of Irish life.
Now here's something rare: Many months after reading this, I often wonder how these boys are getting on, then I remember they are not real, except in my head. Powerful, haunting writing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A very well written, enjoyable story with the character of vintage Ireland as a major player along with giving this reader an education in Catholicism at least during this period in time. I found the details of the church's priesthood and the many abominable indiscretions tragic as it has affected so many young victims throughout time. Characterizations were vivid and well thought out. Ms. Grainger has a way with words and a well developed vocabulary. I found myself looking up numerous definitions, which I enjoyed. I look foreward to discovering Ms. Grainger's other novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary miller
Captivating novel depicting the reality of life in Ireland in the 1960s and 70s. Following a 3 triangle friendship, Liam, Patrick, and Hugo become a part of your life. Picking the book back up after a day or two absence, you are immediately transported back into the story without that awful feeling of "I don't remember the background here". Enough reality and fiction pulling together to create a draw toward, forget about putting it down - just keep on reading - you can sleep later. My new favourite author - with a novella yet to be turned into a full length book - what happened to the young obedient housewife who found a way to freedom....I wait to follow her across the ocean to a new and better life..............
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edie houston
:"I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review." 
This is a well developed novel chronicling the lives of 3 drastically different men throughout their life time friendship. It is a heart warming story with all the elements of a good novel: love and hate,birth and death, hope and despair. Where I had little trouble with the slang and vocabulary, I realize this may not be a novel for everyone in the USA. Under heaven's Shining Stars is a nice departure from my normal quick/ fluff reads. I am looking forward to reading The Tour in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane flynn
The friendship of Liam, Patrick and Hugo proves true friendship will survive anything. Growing up in Ireland in the 1960s where the Catholic Church was more of a government than any leader could ever be, was not easy, and without friends, almost impossible to manage.

Hugo, Patrick and Liam are three young boys, each with very different homelives trying to navigate coming of age together and separately in difficult situations while trying to not overlook or forget the friends they have had in each other.

Under Heavens Shining Star is a must read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book
This was a great coming to age story for three boys they lived not to far from each other and have ambition and it is how it was in the 60's and 70's and how it was the family obligations and how they grew into there own very good and awesome story that grips you and you can't put down lovely read Michelle
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is just a wonderful story of the friendship three very boys who pull together is a time of crisis. Also it shows how three boys of very different back ground support each other in their strengths a weaknesses and over come a class structure that says they should not be friends at all. This author seems very popular and writes theme books like this one. Great reading experience!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda hull
I enjoyed this book immensely and am looking forward to reading Jean Grainger's other novels. This story was about hardship, turmoil, loyalty, courage, friendship and love, " but the greatest of these is love".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kodey toney
I loved this story. This along with the writers other works will stay in my library. Not only was this a wonderful story but incased in the story line were questions, thoughts, and challenges that I have with the church. Thank you for this one especially Jean
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill b
Enjoyed another great book from Jean Grainger. Her writing makes you feel as if you're right there in the story. Though I've never been to Ireland I can visualize the settings from her descriptions. Others have described the plot so I won't but I will say you'll enjoy this book. It'll make you want to go back and buy all her other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a n n a
What a wondrous tale of how friendship knows no bounds! I loved watching these three boys turn into men, seeing how they continued to enjoy, cherish, and defend each other despite their disparate backgrounds and life choices. This book is a testament to how we can all come together if we stay true to our deepest self.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becca kaplan
I first came across Jean Grainger's writing about 6 months back, and have been avidly following her since.
Under Heaven's Shining Stars is the story of an unlikely friendship between 3 young boys, and their growth into manhood.
Jean handles sensitive topics with a great deal of thought and empathy. She's not afraid to examine the darker issues that have haunted the Catholic church, while also displaying the goodness inherent in it, and examining how faith impacts people's lives, both good and bad.
This is a book that will stay with me.
Well worth the read.
I look forward to more of her work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The locale of Cork comes to life with characters that steal your heart. The author is fearless in
taking on the most basic problems that are faced in life in a very thought-provoking manner. The story
takes you in and doesn't let go. A very good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darren blake
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book
This was a great coming to age story for three boys they lived not to far from each other and have ambition and it is how it was in the 60's and 70's and how it was the family obligations and how they grew into there own very good and awesome story that grips you and you can't put down lovely read Michelle
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc lucke
This is just a wonderful story of the friendship three very boys who pull together is a time of crisis. Also it shows how three boys of very different back ground support each other in their strengths a weaknesses and over come a class structure that says they should not be friends at all. This author seems very popular and writes theme books like this one. Great reading experience!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicolas st gelais
I enjoyed this book immensely and am looking forward to reading Jean Grainger's other novels. This story was about hardship, turmoil, loyalty, courage, friendship and love, " but the greatest of these is love".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nani xoxx
This is a beautiful book. So many good things to recommend it. I love the people. They live and breathe in a way reminiscent of Maeve Binchy's very best characters. The story-line provides an intimate sharing of life with all its joys, sorrows and hardships in Cork, Ireland. Very well developed and plotted with twists and turns that touch the heart and make you realize this author is for me. And BTW, what a lovely cover. Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this story. This along with the writers other works will stay in my library. Not only was this a wonderful story but incased in the story line were questions, thoughts, and challenges that I have with the church. Thank you for this one especially Jean
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hypia sanches
Enjoyed another great book from Jean Grainger. Her writing makes you feel as if you're right there in the story. Though I've never been to Ireland I can visualize the settings from her descriptions. Others have described the plot so I won't but I will say you'll enjoy this book. It'll make you want to go back and buy all her other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen spoelstra
What a wondrous tale of how friendship knows no bounds! I loved watching these three boys turn into men, seeing how they continued to enjoy, cherish, and defend each other despite their disparate backgrounds and life choices. This book is a testament to how we can all come together if we stay true to our deepest self.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I first came across Jean Grainger's writing about 6 months back, and have been avidly following her since.
Under Heaven's Shining Stars is the story of an unlikely friendship between 3 young boys, and their growth into manhood.
Jean handles sensitive topics with a great deal of thought and empathy. She's not afraid to examine the darker issues that have haunted the Catholic church, while also displaying the goodness inherent in it, and examining how faith impacts people's lives, both good and bad.
This is a book that will stay with me.
Well worth the read.
I look forward to more of her work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nate marcel
Another great yarn from Jean Grainger with all the ingredients to keep you focussed right through to the end. I couldn't put this book down! Three boys form an unlikely friendship at school and remain friends for life through family life and all its traumas. The plot keeps moving smartly, allaying your suspense and fears, and it is easy to care for the characters in their everyday struggles, beliefs and joys. A heartwarming book with a satisfying ending.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was really enjoying it and loved the characters until they decided that being gay is ok. Now, I have nothing against people that live that lifestyle, but I do have an issue when Christians start thinking it is ok. I was surprised that this book says it is ok and that it is Christian. I felt very let down by this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather goldsmith
Substantial book, great read! The characters are real, the plot unpredictable. The portrayal of the Irish town and the Church are not the typical stereotype. You will be drawn into the book and fall in love with the characters!
Please RateA heartwarming Irish story of friendship. - Under Heaven's Shining Stars
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