Forever Defend (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 17)

ByMichael Anderle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth lohner
Love this series, great characters, great world building, action, adventure, emotions, all you could want in a space opera... The one issue I have is that there are so many runoff series that effect this one and you can miss subtle mentions if you haven't read them all. I'm behind on that as I do try to read other books so I know I am missing some of the drama and foreshadowing. Anyway, this book starts a bit slow catching us up with all the things that happened between books, but the emotions still tug at a readers heart, the comedy still causes smiles, and then the action starts and the story goes to a feverish pace that leads to the end of the book before you are ready , and leaves you wanting more. I know of no other writer that can hit emotions, comedy, characters, and action without losing the plot or succumbing to the "too many characters" problem of many series that are this long. Bravo.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
demisty d
Love the series - like this book

the reason for a "1" star?

HATE HATE HATE HATE the marketing

WARNING TO ALL: DO NOT sign up for series email - you will be DROWNED in CONSTANT emails about extremely extremely distantly related content/authors/series that doesn"t have a d*mnd thing to do with the original series..

I have all of the novels - what will make me stop buying forever - the "Bethany Anne Universe" style marketing that constantly incorporates crap I am totally uninterested in - I get enough spam in my inbox as it is - do NOT need more because I BUY an author's books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen wrenn
The Kurtherian Gambit Universe and Bethany Anne are still kicking ass in a most satisfying manner. If you're jumping on board here, I suggest you go to the beginning and start with Death Becomes Her. Then start exploring the various other authors in one of the alternate timelines. Michael Anderle has recruited some amazingly talented storytellers to TKGU, most of them have their own worlds they write in as well as the Kurtherian 'verse.
As for the Queen Bitch...she is back and taking on astounding odds, Tabitha and the Tontos are getting a helluva reputation among slavers. Especially after capturing an enemy warship. Gabrielle, Nathan and badass daughter Christina are busy building Bad Company and recruiting folks to their ranks while team BMW is thinking they shipped the cat from their workshop to the planet in a weapons drop and are rid of it.
What's next? I dunno, but the kitty needs a name....Mauser? A German gun and a feline occupation both. LOL ::wandering into the mists, chuckling:: ...what happens to a cat after going thru a pod-doc?
God Hammer :: The Never Paradox (Chronicles Of Jonathan Tibbs Book 2) :: When It Falls (The Valens Legacy Book 5) :: A Nate Temple Supernatural Thriller Book 6 (The Temple Chronicles) :: Sunset: Book One of the Nightlord Series
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
noelle pandora kukenas
There was a ton of kinetics ammo action missing in this book.
It also needed a big splash of Jean Duke interaction. I would have loved reading about Bethany Ann's rail gun "box cars" taking a hammer to the enemy...missed opportunities!

The best section was with Bad Company's recruiting actions.
Bethany Anne at the top of her game would have siezed that gate and shut her down.
I enjoyed Bethany Annes return she was sorely missed.
I have noticed a withdrawal from the personel touch in the interaction between the main characters.

Which is terrible. Now the books are written in a manner like a distant news forecast. This was how Bethany Annes role came across in the last several books.

Michael Anderle the gifted creator of this series needs to review the first and second Arc of the series because the writing was riveting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary winner
This, this is a new animal. This whole series is... I don't know, groundbreaking? This is a very prolific author, first of all. Writing a very interesting series. It's a space western with vampires and werewolves (including werecats and werebears), various different aliens, some mild psychic talents, the absolute coolest technology (their greatest weapon is hockey pucks, seriously bad hockey pucks).

They went into space to defend Earth, but got cut off on the wrong side when the alien's space gate was destroyed. Now they have to not only reinvent that technology, but also figure out where they are, and what direction is Earth? They need to build a space gate back. In the meantime, they are out there (somewhere) kicking nasty alien backsides. Anyone who is without honor is toast. Honorable aliens become their friends and allies.

Who is this "they" I speak of? Bethany Anne. I know, that sounds like a name for a delicate little flower of a girl. BA is no delicate flower. If there is a knife fight, swordfight, gun battle, street fight, boxing match, you name it - she's right in the middle of it. Trains every day. Stronger and faster than everyone. Works hard at it. She took on the king alien on this one planet, in hand-to-hand combat. Naked. Huge alien that had armor (made to look natural, yes he cheated.) She beat the living daylights out of him.

And her team, a few hundred thousand people who are with her because she fights for the underdog, the downtrodden, those who are weak and helpless. Anyone who has been victimized has a friend in Bethany Anne and her people. You can't help but love them because they are on the side of all that is good.

There are 17 books so far out of 21 planned for the series, with hints of more once the original series is completed. There are some related series that have come out. Now this is the really interesting part. This Author, Michael Anderle, has been encouraging other authors with their own writing, and has given some of them pemission to write books in his Kutherian Universe. (That's the name of this series, after all, The Kutherian Gambit.)

There are 2 series out with a timelime of 150 years after Bethany Anne and her people left Earth. They are set back on Earth. A main character, Michael, had died before BA left but he is going to be resurrected (he gets blown to bits by a backpack nuke but is a vampire so it takes him 150 years to reconstitute.) One series is about Michael when he comes back (written by main Author Michael Anderle). The other series is about a woman he meets early on and what subsequently happens with her (written by a protege of the Author.).

There are several other series. One fills in the gap after BA leaves Earth but before Michael comes back. A number of other series are in there somewhere, but still back on Earth (I haven't gotten to them yet). Some are out in space, and deal with the rise of The Etheric Empire, which is BA and her people and their alien friends they make. Yes it grows into an empire, how exciting! These are all written by Authors that Michael Anderle has been mentoring. I am thinking of them as The Kutherian Mafia.

It appears that all of those books are doing well. This is getting to be a well-rounded universe. I compared the original series, at one point, with the Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McAffrey, because of the feeling of community I got reading them. It has gone beyond that now. This is so, I don't have language for it... three-dimensional. It's all about the people. That's what makes it work.

All of these books, (the Author Michael Anderle edits them all, and I think partially co-writes them too) they have heart. A big beating, caring heart at the center of each and every book.

The Kutherian Mafia is growing and becoming more involved and complex as we speak. This is what I was talking about at the beginning of this review. This is an entirely new phenomemon. So many authors, working together on this has never been done before. That is why I capitalize Author when I refer to Michael Anderle. He has not only given permission for other authors, but WORKS WITH THEM on each book. It has slowed down his work considerably on the main series, but is so supportive of The Kutherian Universe this is all set in.

He has worked very hard to make this a place we want to spend a lot of time in. I commend him for his hard work and immense creativity. The whole is obviously greater than the sum of it's parts. He has developed a body of work to be proud of. He has brought together an amazing working group, also something to admire.

Something new and delightful is growing in our world, and I like it. Start reading, it's going to take you some time before you can come up for air. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Long awaited. Worth reading if your on the BA train. BA's back to

If you have not started on the Bethany Anne core series, you owe it to yourself to get started reading book now RIGHT NOW.

Michael's currently the benchmark by which I judge other authors ability to execute a new and original story. He's also the absolute fastest writer I have ever heard of. And all the Bethany Anne core books are solid. Some are 5+ stars, while some are only 4 stars, but that's only because Michael blew my expectations out of the water about what it means to be 5 stars. Michael is literally setting the high bar for himself to live (back) up to. The way I know judge a 5 star book is "is this as good as the best Bethany Anne novel?"

If you don't get the gum reference cross reference "John Carpenter's They Live"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy lee
Michael Anderle is helping several other authors get started and it has been a while since the foundation story of The Kurtherion Gambit series has been continued. Finally, the Queen Bitch is back and taking the fight to new galactic enemies in her search for the twisted branches of the Kutherion species. The Queen has new spaceships along with new team members joining to help in her crusade for Justice across the galaxy.
This is the latest addition to the original foundation series for a universe that several other new authors have joined by contributing associated storylines. While interesting in their own right, none are quite up to the quality of excellence that Michael Anderle himself brings to the table. Do yourself a favor and read the entire original Kutherion Gambit series from the first book to the last!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After reading over 16 million words of this series, I am currently about 85% through this book and I am pissed! You might wonder why, and well, I am going to tell you. The fact of the matter is; these books have become some of my favorite's of any I have ever read, the characters and their stories are fun. It is no surprise to me that I started this book 4 hours ago, and since I read at a pretty fast pace I am almost done. The problem however, is like a crack addict or a heroin junkie I am approaching the end of my buzz. In 30 minutes or so I will be out of my particular brand of drug and will be as addled as Bethany Ann without her Coke or Shoes or Ecaterina without her Pepsi. All I can say is this series is one of the most entertaining series I have ever read and the characters are interesting and entertaining. The only fault I can come up with is there is not an infinite number of them already written for me to continue reading. My problem lies in the fact that with this novel completed I will have the horror of waiting another 2 or 3 months until the author delivers another. I concede the point that waiting another 3 months for someone to write another novel is not something I should complain about but dammit.. I am an addict and I need my next FIX!! Micheal Anderle get your Kurtherian Enchanced Sausage Fingers moving.. I need my next installment of The Queen Bitch!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
c tia santos
Hard to believe that this is the SEVENTEENTH Kurtherian Gambit novel, and that I have read them all in a month.

That should tell you how good they are! Anderle is no literati; he writes Bella fun books and is the first one to tell you so (in his oft-amusing author's notes). The still somewhat weak copyediting is the only reason why this series does not receive 5 stars from me.

For a good, fun read about humans, including modified/enhanced ones which might be mistaken for vampires and weres, wreaking havoc for a good cause all across first Earth and then alien star systems, this series is the only wise choice.

Note: bring lopsided you read
Cameron S Wright
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gold grino
Love this series!!! The fact the author listens to FFDP makes it even better! I've always been a hard SF fan and pretty much shunned anything that even remotely connected with Vamps, Weres, Zombies etc. VERY glad I decided to break that habit and read Mr Anderle and CO's various series in his TKG universe. Other than his disappointing preference in sugary carbonated beverages(we shall not name the accursed beverage here), I am happy to say Mr Anderle has replaced David Weber and Tom Clancy(RIP brother) as my favorite author. To others who are narrowly focused on certain genres and excluding most others as I have previously done, CHECK THIS SERIES OUT. You won't regret it. Last but not least, PEPSI rules!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have been so thankful ever since I came across your books. When I started the series, I never imagined how amazing it would turn out to be. I am IN LOVE with the entire Kurtherian universe you have created. Every storyline has been wonderful. The other authors that have gone in different directions have just added to the whole picture in a great way. Thank you SO VERY much for the many hours of reading enjoyment that have filled many days! You have a wonderful gift. I greatly enjoy your author notes too!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great addition to the series. I was looking forward to reading about BA kicking ass and taking names. I thought the battle scene was little light on the action in comparision to the rest of the book. I was looking forward to BA commanding her Own and the Guardians in defending against an invasion, but it wasn't meant to be. Where the story slightly lacked in pew pew, it made up in the new addition of Bad Company.
The addition of Bad Company, mmmmmm. DEFINATELY looking forward to their exploits and adventures (with their own series hopefully). I think the dynamic crew will bring hilarious antics and some were and alien ass kicking.
Thank you for a great read. I look forward to the future adventures and sleepless nights reading them
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Micheal keep writing man! Loving this seires!!! Love the writing style, all the jokes between the characters, and of course Bethany Ann's no nonsense kick ass first,take names later and if your gonna cuss you better do it creatively-otherwise drop and give me 50!
I also love how Christina Bethany Ann has came along! Shes got a lot of spunk and character and would love to see a spin off series about her....if it's not happened already! ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Start the series from the beginning, its worth your time. I'm truly not sure what genre the books belong in. There are vampires, werewolves, aliens,
military and enhanced humans and some of the craziest rocket scientists, engineers and an AI that talks top them.
Just try them and you'll be amazed how you keep saying just a few more pages and next thing you know you've read past your bedtime again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle g
I like all the series in the expanded Kurtherian Gambit Universe. All the authors Michael has brought in are great, and it's neat seeing all the different visions various people can bring with them. That being said however, no one can compare to Michael himself. His books bring a level of life and excitement that few other authors I have read can compare to. Want an amazing read, sit down with this series and expect little sleep until you are done!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The contineous language adds nothing to the the long draw out fights with out and in depth character grown. Even the 4 Michael books aren't like the beginning of the series. Wish the author would focus more on his books instead of mentoring new "authors" . His talking points time allotment at the end of these books could be better used to add to the story of the books. Dragging, dragging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
redar ismail
I started this series a couple of months ago, then a mishap at work has caused me to be laid up for a few weeks, so I have " no lifed" it through the entire series and am working on all of the spin-off books as well. I have to say this has been one of the most entertaining story lines I have ever read. Reading the author notes makes me want to start writing, although I know it is harder work than Michael Anderle makes it sound. Thank you for the diversion!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edwin b
I hope everyone is really loving this series....if you aren't reading it get going people! I like them enough I'm back 6 months later starting from the beginning. Oh coarse now I'm two behind that were just released so I need to jump back n forth. The offshoots are as amazing as these original story line are and then some!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book! Christina is awesome! I hope she and the rest of Bad Company get their own spinoff series. A spinoff for Kemosabe and the Tontos, too!

The Queen Bitch is back kicking ass and preparing to go to war again in a big way...

Master Yoda, how fast can you get the next book out? Can you type faster? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becca watts
The Grandchildren are back to school. Reading in the morning & have returned to the Kurtherian Universe! It was great that you added a little humility to BA. Also love the new kids on the block! Now I need to catch up on the whole series! Thanks for the great read & awesome entertainment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat shand
The unknown world is spreading out and keeping the force alive for humans out in alien worlds as well. There is so much fun and joy in this book. Can you feel the return to Bethany Anne's original plan to save everyone from the Kurtherians and kick ass?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
books ring mah bell
Started this series cause I found book 1 free and I'm so glad I did. The author manages to hit just about every possible type of fiction genre while having everything make sense. The worst part is it will addict you from the start and the next thing you'll find yourself 17 books in bumming cause book 18 ain't out yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margo hamann
This entire series including all the branches have been s blast. Michael's writing is not his only skill. Selecting great collaborators is another that is holding true. Stiil, with all the cool branches available, the primary Queen Bitch thread is a favorite.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fred burks
Seriously, author has a way of writing that you can skip a decade but quickly see all that had happened and where your going! I especially love action scenes and there was no disappointment there! Just keep them coming! Can't wait to see the Leath get their buts handed to them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeana green
Bethany ann kicking some Kutherians ass. The struggle of her friends are going through humbles her. This series will make you want more more more.While most authors quit a series after three or four books. this one keeps going. Love this series A must read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacque jacobe
So maybe I wrote the above in the wrong place ^~^ oooops. Character development and alien cultures are rich in this series. Love the story and all the little stories within, makes it all come to life. Will read this series for as long as you write them, really appreciate your effort and thank you so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
faizan ahmad
Spying, business expansions, Coke & Pepsi battles, kick-ass Alien scenes, awesome bar fights, diplomatic politics and still defending the defenseless. Full of wit, creative cussing, while birthing babies and potential new characters. Its all here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fred vaughn
This series (and all the side series) continue to deliver fun and entertaining content. If you are into fun reading and don't mind (or as in my case, thoroughly enjoy) creative cursing this is a great series to get into, it will grow on you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle sangillo
The Kutherian gambit series is a freakishly fun read! So much so, I passed on my daily Tour de France devotion to read the latest edition. I'm saddened to report that book 17 did not disappoint, but now I have to wait for the next edition. a.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david justl
Well written, quite enjoyable from the first right through to this one and eagerly looking forward to the next one. I'm not looking forward to this series ending and would likely consider a re-read of them which is a bit rare for me to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liberty louvain
Wow! 17 awesome books in a row. I absolutely love this series. There are so many laugh out loud moments. I love how the characters continue to grow with each book. I can't wait to start the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book. It makes you laugh,cry, and get pissed right along with the characters and storyline. I don't think there's a character that isn't well thought out. I can't wait for the next book in the series!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy wood
I was enraptured with the story telling in this series from book one. Now we are at seventeen? Wow I love that they come out often and the story grows and deepens with each book and sub series. I wont tell you what the book is about but I will tell you I read nothing else until it was done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bob lannon
My day is always better when Michael releases one of his books. This one was as always a good read, there were a few issues with the flow of the book. I know it was written on the go, better a few errors then no book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I my reading habits are off the map. Mistry, Phycological thrillers, humor , politics. I tended to shy away from most military sci-fi.i love the classics Forever war, Enders game and old mans war. This series has something those didn't have. Humor it's been a fun ride. The core 17 books and all the tangent sorties. Most books are strong enough to stand on there own. Hope for a better tomorrow with great friend by your side and Jane Duke specials. Watch out. Can't wait for the upgrades in book 18.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne t
In Forever Defend Bethany Anne, the Empress, returns to being the Queen Bitch. Lots of good space opera ensues with plenty of side action to make all kinds of lead in points for future books in this universe. Well Done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
really wanted to give it 5 stars but when reading the ending chapters I felt I had skipped a chapter, it went from big ship coming through the gate to boom gotcha to the QB baby sitting. what happened to the other 50000 enemy on the planet, did they just drop dead? what about the other enemy ships? What happened to the drone that went though the gate, was there anything waiting on the other side? Was the gate shut down? Was it destroyed? Just a lot of questions.
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