The Dark Messiah (The Second Dark Ages Book 1)

ByMichael Anderle

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
beth hampshire
"Dark Messiah" frustrated me, as a reader. My frustration is similar to the soul-cleaving agony of a chocoholic who gazes upon a box of 40 delicious appearing truffles with delight until (Gasp!) joy turns to horror, when no labels or descriptions are discovered. No labels means increased work for our chocolate eater, as well as the consumption of much of each piece in order to identify the truffle. Alas, if the candy box included a tiny "candy map"-the chocolate "consumer" would be freed from preliminary guesswork and able to focus on the sophisticated interplay of flavors.
As I read "Dark Messiah", I encountered one tantalizing character, concept or conflict after another....but few of these promising nuggets were developed. Transitions between potentially delightful literary morsels also seemed to rely far too much on headings and subheadings. In this way, and others, the author seems have forgotten to show us rather than tell us. Overall, I felt as if I read a very good story outline, instead of a good story. Too bad because such great bones really deserved to be fleshed out.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Editing was POOR. Story line was forced. Characters exhibited a strong personality trait one sentence that miraculously changed into the complete opposite the next. The only character that remained true to itself was Michael. The supporting characters were all throwaways or were molded into what the writer saw as the end product without story support or structure. How readers could give this poorly written, poorly conceived story 5 stars is beyond me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When Michael was 'killed off' back many books ago I cried. Then I raged at the author. Then I swore off the series for 2 days. Then I got smart. I joined his page on facebook and begged and pleaded and demanded Michael be returned to us. Apparently I was not the only broken hearted fan. Michael (the author) caved to the relentless pressure of The Horde at his gate and promised to return Michael to us. We celebrated and waited, and demanded he write more, fasted. Then we patiently (that is my story) waited for Michael's return. The wait was so worth it. I love the series and in my opinion this book is one of the very best he has written. And every book he writes is a top of the line, sleep deprivation, put your life on hold book. All I can say is start at the very first Kurtherian book and read till you run out of books. Then join The Horde on his face book to encourage him to write more!!
College Arcane :: God Touched :: A Nate Temple Supernatural Thriller Book 7 (The Temple Chronicles) :: Summerland: A Novel :: Personal Demons (Good Intentions Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kassel garibay
Wow oh wow!!! This amazing book by the wonderful Michael Anderle deserves 10 out 10 stars or more!
It has everything you could wish for in a spectacular sci-fi fantasy - Vampires, like the eponymous Dark Messiah, Michael, awake after 150 years, with the need to once more provide the world with his unique brand of Justice and Honor. Also battles to help Were Gerry save daughter Jacqueline, and Were Nathan, who liaises with Vampires to fight their enemy overlords, the Enforcers.
Into the mix comes a new generation of 'enhanced' Vampire, Valerie, (Bethany Anne's offspring) and her allies, including the police, who take the fight for Justice to the capital and fights against the Nosferatu, (zombie vampires), evil 'father', the Duke and her 'brother' Donovan, in America to seize power, as in France - only Valerie can defeat him.
Up in space Michael's 'wife', Bethany Anne and alien vampires Aiko and Yuko have allied with (human) Mark, who has great tech expertise and can use it to help them help Michael to restore balance and Honor in Europe, by defeating the Duke.

Master of the Kurtherian Gambit Universe Michael has penned the most outstanding, exciting fantasy-thriller I've read so far this year - and probably for more time to come.
So much action and so many thrills take place to keep the eager sci-fi epic reader turning the pages. You'll be up all night - like me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really, really, really love this series and the mega verse created by Michael Anderle. The first book starts a bit slow, but it sets the tone for this massive universe and is so worth the read (or listens to, as is my preference). The characters in these book are fun and kick a$$, warm, strong and powerfully engaging. I love them all and have had so much fun fallowing them through all the rest of the books in this series.
I am writing these reviews to help support the growing list of writers that are part of this Kurtherian universe. I am so happy that Michael has used his meg averse to help other writes. While they help him build his story and move it alongside the main one. All of the KG series books have been excellent, fun and engaging with amazing characters and a fun and open playground for a plethora of genres. He has add YA in the form of the funny and playful “Alpha class” books. Then we are on to a glorious, dystopic post-apocalyptic universe side stories in the form of the Nomad series and the Reclaiming honor series. Which are a great thigh in to his main story. By bringing in other authors and narrators, to help build the gap of time into a great and unique spin on the KG universe. In between these two is the Dark messiah ark. This one maybe my favorite as the main character is for sure one of my most favorite ones of the whole KG universe. I will leave it at that as I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone. . For now this is as far as I have gone in the series, but I will update again as I read more and move to the magic verse section of the universe (can’t wait). Thanks again to everyone who helps to make these so amazing and engaging for us readers (or listeners). You all are doing an amazing job. Thank you, thank you.

** PS: Don’t listen to the haters. They will always hate and try and bring others down. You writers, narrators, editors and helpers are doing an amazing job with all of these books. Let the haters hate while drinking there hateorade, they can’t stop us from enjoying your work nor loving you all for the time and effort you all put into these great works. Write on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having not read any of the previous stuff that accompanies this new series, I still found it easy to "get" without difficulty.

It feels like at the beginning, a cross between the movies Book of Eli and Tombstone, then drops crazy steam punk and sci-fi's the living s***e out of myth and lore, culminating the craziest book I've read this Holiday season. This author gets a golf clap ?, a slow clap ?, and a standing ovation ? for blending all that so well.

I can't say it was seem less because I'm seeing too many loose ends like how is this person learning on the fly, or if he's learned enough. What made his side kick do basically two about faces. The changes with her are almost not even mentioned, like five degrees left and they would be completely random. I understand this book is set up for a series, and I can't guess successfully how everything will progress in book two, but I just wish this portion of the story were ending a little cleaner.

Stilla bad ass book and I will excitedly wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been eagerly awaiting Michael's return since the nuclear explosion took him away from BA. I just didn't realize he would be gone for so long...

Michael, you have done another masterful job in this continuation of the Kurtherian Gambit world and the new characters you introduced are going to fit right in. I want to as Michael how it feels to be the dad of two young adults - seems like he should be pulling his hair out (oops!)

If you are a fan of great storytelling with fantastic characters then begin at the beginning of the series and continue on to this one. THE DARK MESSIAH needs to be read after the 15th book of the original series, but us a must read if you love fantasy, strong, honorable characters, great storyline, and the slow return of justice in a post-apocalyptic world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book, and I look forward to the rest of this series. I just finished reading the Kurtherian Gambit Series, which I would suggest reading before this series as it gives a lot of background information. Plus the characters in both are awesome, the world building phenomenal, and the storylines engaging. Michael Anderle knows how to write books that leave you rooting for the good guys, and cheering as they take out evil. If you love kick-ass heroes, and don't mind the violence required you will love The Dark Messiah.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle maclean
I was crushed When Michael was vaporized in the original TKG series. While I enjoy all of the off shoot series I must admit the original is my favorite. I was late in finding the series so read the first 16 books in a week, then started the others but waited to read this book. Michael (the character) has had a great story arc that now carries over into this parallel story line. Now Michael (the author) needs to hurry up and bring Michael and BA back together. No rush but could you start publishing new books every 2 weeks instead of every 4 to 6? ; ) Amazing how fast this entire group publishes so fast while maintaining the quality and accuracy needed for great reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Definitely one of the best in the Kurtherian Gambit world. I was smiling and laughing through almost every Michael scene in the entire book because you could feel the 'original' Michael in there trying to get past the new 'nicer' (couldn't keep a straight face typing that) Michael. Once she toughened up, Jaqueline felt so much like Tabitha (one of my top five favorite characters). Michael having 'performance issues' was icing on the cake.
I wish I could cut the author into multiple bodies just so he could write the next parts faster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vg yavuz
Another great book in this series. I feel torn about having to wait for more books in this series because Michael is helping get other authors up to speed on adjunct series related to KG worlds. However, due to the quality and interesting books springing forth I have decided the wait is worth it. It is almost like franchising with quality control.
Thanks Michael, not only for this series but also for sharing the vision of the KG world with other authors and also helping to them to develop this world in multiple directions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kayla avery
And what did you do with the Real Author? Although I'm glad "Michael" is back, sort of; it feels like this was written by someone else....Don't get me wrong, the storyline is in sync, it fits, but I felt like this wasn't The Author, or did someone drug our Author? Withhold his coke? Starve him? Put him under duress? It was still a good read...Maybe the Author's tired.....Anyway, good to have the First One back again getting some JUSTICE and metering out PUNISHMENT with vengeance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole lacouture
Well this one was unexpected, at least the scenario was, based on the original series. Not to say it is bad, not at all, but just not what I was expecting. Some of the story was a little predictable but then I've been reading about the main character for so long, it probably would be a bad thing if we didn't know something about Michael and his way. But we do and "The Dark Messiah" is pure modern day Michael.

There is one MAJOR shortcoming here - THERE IS NO BOOK 2 YET!!! I hope that will be remedied soon. Other than that, a masterful job on a spin off series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roque roquisimo
Ever get bored reading a series after the 5th or ( add any number here) book? NOT this series/ collection! Michael Anderle is a readers dream come true. You never have to wait long for the next one. If that doesn't amaze you in today's book market, he teases with snippets. Still not sold? How about corroboration with other outstanding authors that fill in all the little blanks that give such a rounded view of this world? Still not convinced? Characters become family, you will laugh, cry, and curse along with them. ( make sure it's creative cursing or you are in for an a** kicking).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly foshee
What a great start to Michael's comeback.

Michael Anderle is amazing. I am amazed at the vast amount of books Out there waiting for me. I have reading material for years. Thank you so much to you and your Author friends for all your hard work and dedication. Your stories are amazing. I love listening to and reading them. I am your Fan for life!
I know that they are on KU, but I love to keep books that I know I will read over and over again. So buy them, I will ;o)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In a continuing series, authors sometimes lose their way...this is a series, one of a very, very few that continues to not only retain focus yet also expands with writers, character's and fascination with what comes next! Accolades can become meaningless, yet many are due to all that participate in this series, and most especially to Michael Anderle for bringing us on this, his most interesting fantasy journey
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Anytime Michael releases another book I know I will not accomplish anything till the book is done. When I stumbled on to Michaels books I didnt know what I was in for. To have an author take such pride in his work and also with his fans is almost unheard of. He talks and listens and most of all he will almost always respond to you personally. He listens to his fans thoughts about ideas and sometimes he will run with the idea or help create that idea into something bigger and better. He heard his fans when his character Michael died. .. and now we have the Dark Messiah. .. another strong delivery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Zipped through this tonight. I'll never like mike as much as ba but old earth drama was getting a lil stale so this new world is really refreshing and mike is still a great character. Now the world is more like a wasteland from fallout or madmax which seems a fantastic direction for it to go. This book is good enough to make me briefly wonder if I'd rather see pt2 of this or the next ba book.. Then ofc I recall the next ba will be in a brand new galaxy.. Still very much looking forward to more of this tho
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian kurt
Michael never was a patient man. The whole idea about Recruiting Bethany Anne was so that he could shrug off some of the burden.
Now here he is back almost where he began and the world is a mess.
As Michael looks around he sees destruction and despair. He senses that things have slipped into the Dark Ages.
So once again Michael starts his Crusade.
I can hardly wait for the next book
In the series!
Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad sherman
This is a young adult sci Fi fantasy book. Michael is back! He as to clean up Earth a bit then get to Bethany Anne. Good story line with an interesting intro. Good minor characters with interesting dialogue. The good New York vampires will clean up the Blood Hunters and Enforcers with Valerie's leadership.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jazmin rivera
Another in a growing list of great books from Michael Anderle. The characters, the plot, the humor and the action are spot on. You developed an emotional attachment to most every character. Some good some bad, but always an attachment that is genuine to that character. The Kurtherian Gambit universe reminds you of the best and worst of the world we live in. While still having hope, humor and kick ass action.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ms monroe
As always this is another excellent book in the Kurtherian universe. At first I wasn't sure I would like the post apocalyptic setting but it allows for a completely different world and set of problems to write about while still being in the same universe. I have been reading Kurtherian collaboration books(They are all interesting books) for a while now and forgot how awesome Michael writes on his own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really enjoyed the book. Michael, being a more serious guy, means the book can get down and dirty more, rather than force the author to try to insert silly swearing. I like how it's taken place so far int he future, and how he shows why he was the most powerful individual on Earth for a thousand years. I'm keener for the next Michael novel than the next Kutherian one, to be honest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shawn crabtree
I saw this and thought it looked interesting. What I found was a whole new set of authors to enjoy. This story is well written with solid characters and a storyline with depth and meaning. Of course, when I finished, I went back and read the original books. Take the time to read this more than once. I know I am going to just for the sheer pleasure of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was enthralled with these characters and storyline! Who doesn't like hot vampires and werewolves, Apocalypse, and good against evil? Sheesh! Darkly romantic, funny, gory, with lots of good ole badass ass kicking. I'm interested in more of this storyline and authors works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Anderle continues to entertain with his engaging characters and prolific writing. His co-authors are adding their skills to his series which only feeds my desire for more.
I have used Kindle Unlimited to read everything so far and I am now purchasing the anthologies.
Keep up the good work. I look forward to each installment.
Thank you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa kintner gunderson
Give me Michael anytime. He is something else. He sure gets into a lot of trouble. Deadly trouble follows him around. all three of these books are great. I am starved for all of Michael Anderle's Kurtherian Gambits books. I can never get enough. Keep it up Both Michaels
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I want to applaud the author on a job outstandingly done. You may have sweated doing Michael's come back story justice but we your fans had no doubts it would be awesome. I love that he is still growing from his disappearance from the main series. Even though time has passed he is still one of the characters I want to cheer for and can't wait to see what comes next for him and his new "family". Keep them coming Mr. Anderle!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandy miro
I read Justice Is Calling first. Watching Michael's return and his related adventures was a delightful experience. Everything lead smoothly toward a satisfying and consistent ending that meshes perfectly with Justice Is Calling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
No disappointment here The wait was worth it. Even though the hero can't get to his love, there is still romance in the air. Along with a LOT of death and vengeance. Michael has become my favorite author. Both his writing style and his good hearted help to other writers. Keep going.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Glad to see the Kurtherian universe expanding. Been waiting for Michael's return since he blew himself up saving the Colorado base, and well worth the wait. If you haven't read any of these yet, let me assure you they are wonderful, with engaging characters, quirky nerdiness, and always something new. More please!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eli warner
I've been reading the Kurtherian series for a while now and have thoroughly enjoyed it. For some reason, and I can't quite put my finger on, this book hit all the right buttons for me. The pacing was great. The characters were unique and intriguing. The setting was unexpectedly and joyously steampunk (something I was not expecting and was wow'd by). The focus in Michael is so rewarding, since he's such a mystery to begin with. I highly recommend this book. Reading the rest of the series helped fill in a lot of the blanks that would otherwise be a mystery, I know that the independent author, Michael Anderle, writes at light speed, but please continue this offshoot series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diane conlinn
I've been looking forward to reading this book since I first saw a blurb about it, and I wasn't disappointed. I love the new characters, not just Michael, and it was great to see some old characters again even briefly. I have questions, such as what happened to Tabitha, but I imagine those questions will be answered as the series continues. I can't wait for the next installment!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoy all of the Kutherian stories.Michael has returned and he is making his presence known in blood.The characters from some of the other books are showing up with more frequency and some of the back stories answer queries from other tales of Bethany Ann and company.Thoroughly entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yeah Michael is back and kicking ass and taking names and taking care of business. Also I love that he takes of good people and mentors them into being good people. As always the story is great and I am so glad that this story is now being written. Can't wait for it to be in the top 100 ?.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wonderful book, full of surprising diction and even some words I hadn't known prior. Very wonderful fun read; made me get a Kindle Unlimited to read the next one. If your into vampires and werewolves and post-apocalyptic world scenarios, this is your series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandon the gentleman
Incredible read! 5 stars well earned and worth the anticipation! The stories keeps getting better the deeper the reader gets into KG universe and characters! There was a bit of a lag for the intro to NY but necessary for the story line as the action picked up shortly after. Highly recommend this and all of the books to any one looking to read about strong characters and great storylines! I have been engrossed since I read the first book and I have never been let down by any book in the series! Awesome!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellyn honey
I have been reading all the collaborations, and while they are all good. They are nowhere near as great as Michael writing the books himself. And I gotta say, the back and forth between Ethan and Janine... priceless! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Michael Anderle is my new Stephen King - at least - love Dark Messiah - is Michael is not the coolest, baddest superman I don't know who is. Great follow-up from B.A.'s stories - gonna try another one now - Thank you for the entertainment Michael - both you and the author
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another loose thread rewolven into TQB's tapestry. Where's he been, how dose one shake off being at ground zero of a nuclear explosion, and how dose he keep ending up with...opinionated young women? It's these and other answers you've waited for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is hard to find good and entertaining books that equal those that I adored when I was younger. The adventure of new ideas, of new worlds, and space, well.....Michael Anderle brings them all together in wonderful tales that keep you avidly reading till the end. I wait, none to patiently, for the next one.
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