Burn for Burn (The Burn for Burn Trilogy)

ByJenny Han

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One word: phenomenal. This book was phenomenal! Big girls don't cry, they get even. That's what the book says, and it's true. The three girls are all for revenge, and this time, they aren't waiting for karma to strike, but they're taking matters in their own hands. The main protagonists; Lillia, Kat, and Mary are all tremendously different from each other. Each one has their own characteristics, and I guess that really made the story much more interesting to read. Each chapter is from one of the girl's point of view, and that really made me connect with all three characters in a way that I wouldn't have if it was only from one of their point of view. Despite the girl's differences, one thing had connected them together, and that was revenge.
The book started off without knowing how the three will get together, or even who they were seeking revenge from. You get to meet the characters, and then you gradually start learning more about them. I really enjoyed how Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian wrote this book! The flow felt really good, and it felt easy to read! Every chapter that ended left you wanting more, and for the first time in my life, I actually read this book in one day! Yes, a book usually takes me 2 to 3 days to read, but I read this all in one day! It was so damn addicting, and everything about it felt juicy! Sometimes I did feel sorry for the characters they were getting revenge on, but it was still interesting to see how they planned to do it, and what the outcome turned out to be. I'd actually find myself smiling an evil grin while they were plotting together! It was really fun, and there was a lot of mystery included as well. Not only that, but then do I realize that there's also a bit paranormal, but you learn about that later. (Not a spoiler, because this book is already labeled as Contemporary/Paranormal on GoodReads)
Overall, I don't think this book disappointed me in any way. Mary was shy, but a very nice girl who deserved no one to treat her badly. I really enjoyed Kat because she was such a strong girl who didn't give a damn about what the "popular" crowd thought of her! I loved reading about how she stood up for herself, and I found myself cheering for her as well! At first Lillia sort of annoyed me, but then she grew on me and I really liked her as well. All the characters were enjoyable to read about, and we also got to know about their personal lives. The ending is maybe the worst cliffhanger in the world. Worst as in it killed me. I was like "What, did the book END? Like THIS? omg omg omg I NEED THE SECOND BOOK NOW!". So yea, I'm currently ticking the days off for when the second book, Fire with Fire, comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kat, Lillia, and Mary are three very different girls with one thing in common--someone has wronged them in serious way. Kat can't get over the fact that mean girl and ex-friend has been spreading rumors about her for years, and she wants to do something about it. Lillia thought Alex was her friend, but when she finds out that he's taken advantage of her little sister, she's furious. And Mary has wanted to confront the boy who bullied her for years...but why not get revenge instead? Simple pranks and humiliation aren't enough for these girls--they're going to make those who did them wrong pay.

Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian are an excellent writing team, and together they've created a very engaging story with a great island setting in Burn for Burn, the first in a new trilogy. While the retribution that the girls exact on the three people who have done them wrong is intense and smart, what's so compelling about this book is not the revenge angle or the details of the pranks, but the characterization. Despite the fact that the book is broken up into the three perspectives, Kat emerges as the protagonist and instigator. She's very independent and bad-ass, but she has her vulnerabilities and she learns a lot through this experience. Lillia is very loyal and protective of her sister, and though she has a lot of money, she tries to be generous and is kind. Mary is quite sensitive and delicate, but she's not powerless. She's a bit of an enigma, and the mystery surrounding her only builds as the book progresses. The plot unfolds quite nicely, and just as the girls don't hold back when it comes to revenge, the consequences aren't minor either. Han and Vivian wrap up the book with a lot on the line, and it will be very interesting to see what happens to the girls and their victims in book two.

Cover Comments: I love, love, love this cover. The girls on the cover look so much like the characters, and the coloring is so soft and pretty, which is an interesting juxtaposition to the intensity and seriousness of the story. It's beautiful! (And as a bonus--when I was at the Simon & Schuster cocktail party, Jenny and Siobhan said that this is the product of a photo shoot and the other cover photos were shot as well, so they'll all match! Yay!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was very excited to hear that two gifted storytellers were teaming up to write a book, but when I heard it was all about revenge, I thought - even better! Revenge is such a layered and complicated issue. It's so tempting to hurt those that have wronged you, yet it almost always backfires or ends up not being worth the fallout. Burn For Burn brought three girls together, each with their own very good reasons to want revenge. After reading about their pasts, I was ready to sign up for the revenge team, myself. Lillia, Kat and Mary have each been hurt terribly and, as a reader, you will definitely be on their side. However.....

(There's always a "however", isn't there?) However, the aspect of this book that I found so brilliant was that I started feeling sorry for the people that were marked for revenge. This was especially surprising because the reasons for the revenge were totally understandable. Yet, here I was, feeling such deep sympathy for the people that were targeted and wishing I could just make everyone hug it out. A story that seemed black and white became gray and I loved my conflicted feelings and the turns that the story took. Lillia, Kat and Mary each have secrets that make their worlds close in around them, as secrets are want to do. It might seem like the idea of revenge would open them up and help them move on, but as it consumes them and they become deeply entrenched in the idea of getting back at those that hurt them, the reasons start to crumble around the edges and expose the raw places in everyone's lives.

As a triumvirate, these three girls come from extremely different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. It's a source of tension between them, but it also serves to make their interactions very interesting to read. Each character has a voice in the story and the different perspectives played a big role in making this book so brilliant. Add a touch of the paranormal and I could not put this book down. I was not happy with the ending, but that is only because I have to wait for book two!
It's Not Summer Without You :: The Summer I Turned Pretty :: Run To You (Military Men) :: True Love and Other Disasters (Chinooks Hockey Team Book 4) :: The Boys of Summer (The Summer Series Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Have you ever hated someone so much that you would do absolutely anything to get revenge on them ? A Burn for a Burn ? Have you ever seen the hit movie "John Tucker Must Die" ?
In a way that is exactly what this book reminded me of as we see three girls all from different classes, social standings and cliques come together in secret - with one goal in mind to get the maximum revenge on those who have hurt them so bad in the past. For Lilia , her revenge target is Alex - a guy she has loved her whole entire life but he doesn't seem to notice her and when she catches him two-timing with not only Kat - a bad girl but also her sister Nat - she is furious and wants her revenge on him. Kat has had it rough and the target of all of her worries and taunts seem to come from one person - Rennie - with Lilia's help , can Kat find the perfect revenge for Rennie and meet newcomer Mary - she used to live on the island when she was younger and was the target of bullying that made her life a living hell - now she is back and wants to make her bully pay.
The only downside I had to this book which affected the fact that it only gets 4 stars rather than 5 stars was that it seemed to touch on a supernatural ability from Mary but didn't go any deeper and the ending just finished - it was like slamming up against a wall and being told thats its, no more. Though at the stage of reading this I wasn't aware that it would be a trilogy so I am now looking forward to reading Book #2 in the series " Fire with Fire".
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
peter silk
Burn For Burn was such a unique, interesting book. It only took me a few hours to read through it and it was really good :)

Burn for Burn switches off between three different girls point-of-views who all live on Jar Island. Lillia is the best friend to Rennie, one of the most popular girls in the school. When she discovers that her good guy friend, Alex, is messing around with her younger sister, Nalia, she's out for revenge. Kat used to be best friends with Rennie, until Rennie decided she didn't want to be friends anymore. Rennie constantly embarrasses Kat until she gets on her last nerve. The last girl, Mary has just moved back to the island since she had been tormented by a bully a few years before. The bully, Reeve, is now one of the most popular guys in school and doesn't even remember Mary. All of the girls decide to take matters into their own hands and get back at all the people who wronged them.

All of the characters were really realistic. Kat had a pretty hard life and seemed the most vengeful out of all the girls. It was her idea to seek revenge in the first place. Also, I felt like Lillia was just trying to look out for her sister. She thought she was doing the right thing. They both had their own motivations.

For Mary, I felt so bad for her and all she had gone through. She seemed to be a genuinely nice person and I wish there were more chapters told from her point-of-view. Her relationship with Reeve in the past was really complicated. Reeve seemed to be an extremely two-faced person. At first, Mary didn't really seem to want revenge and she was the nicest out of the three girls. The people the girls decide to take revenge on, Rennie, Reeve, and Alex don't know what's coming to them. I thought all of the characters were really well developed and thought out.

There was also a paranormal element to the story. While the girls do different things and seek revenge, freak events keep occurring. It was a pretty weird addition to the story. Also, a lot of the revenge dished out was really extreme. I did enjoy it though, and I'm really excited to see what happens with it in the next book. Overall, I'd give Burn For Burn 4 out of 5 flowers. I really enjoyed the writing and story that Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian created so well and I'm anxiously awaiting the next book in the trilogy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha l
Amo y adoro Pulseit porque, aunque solo te den una semana para leerlos y te jode los ojos porque tiene que ser en computadora, pone los mejores libros para leer. La mayoriía de las veces son chick-lit y siempre YA, por eso me fascina.
En esta historia llegamos a conocer a las tres chicas protagonistas. Esta Lilia, una pobre chica buena que tuvo una mala experiencia y no dejará que su hermana sufra algo parecido.
Luego tenemos a Mary, la pobre y delicada Mary. Había dejado atrás Jar Island antes, pero ahora había vuelto para vengarse.
Y por último, mi favorita, Kat. Esa chica que tuvo una pelea con su mejor amiga y por culpa de ella ahora es molestada. Oh, se va a vengar, eso es seguro.
Me encanta. ¿Les he dicho que los libros de venganza adolescente son mis favoritos? Pues se los digo ahora, las mentes jóvenes y todas estas ideas me inspiran para mis venganzas cotidianas *inserte risa malévola*.
Veamos, el libro no es largo por lo que se lee de volada, además te mantiene siempre al filo queriendo saber los secretos y pasados de todos, personalmente amo el pasado de Mary, es tan intrigante y triste y adfghjkl al mismo tiempo.
Lilia fue mi menos favorita, siempre precavida y demás. Es más o menos el cerebro del grupo pero no sé, algo tiene.
Y Kat es mi favorita. La loca, rebelde, independiente y con ideas mortales de venganzas, sin duda me fascina con su estilo alternativo.
Me gusta porque las tres amigas van madurando y evolucionando poco a poco mientras el libro avanza, me gusta porque se vuelven unidas en busca del mismo fin: justicia.
Es una historia de adolescentes, bastante normal, con la cantidad justa de amor y drama.
No les puedo decir más porque les spoilearía todo, pero debo decirles que si este libro no los hace reír o derramar un par de lágrimas entonces este género no es para ustedes.
Lo recomiendo a todos aquellos amantes de un buen libro de adolescentes con deseo de venganza y un toque justo de amor, drama y aventura.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
erin connealy
Beautiful cover!

I adore Jenny Han and was really looking forward to this book. (I haven't read any of Siobhan Vivian's previous works but have heard nothing but good things about them!) After doing so, I am so very thankful to be out of High School! LOL!

One sign of a good book, is how it affects the reader, either in a positive or a negative way. If a book fails to conjure up any kind of emotion then it hasn't done it's "job" in my opinion. I knew Burn For Burn wouldn't be an easy read but didn't expect it to leave me feeling nauseous and uncomfortable. I can't honestly say that I "liked" it. However, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good book. Confused much? Bare with me...

It's really well written and the subject matter is certainly at the forefront of teen society. I liked being able to "see" the story unfold from multiple POV's but the "get even" behaviors really bothered me, possibly more so than the "mean people" ones. I do think this is an excellent example of what NOT to do because there are always consequences to our actions, some of which can have devastating results
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kevin wilder
I went into Burn for Burn with expectations that could in no way be described as high. I had loved reading Jenny Han’s previous series, The Summer I Turned Pretty. I wasn’t really sold on the premise of this novel and kept putting off buying it until I was in the right mood for this sort of novel. When I bought it with a load of other books, I had a really hard time trying to decide which book to read first. Burn for Burn never even entered my mind. I thought it would be the time of book I’d get to eventually, enjoy reading and then promptly forget about. One day I picked even though I had not finished my other books first. I’m so glad I did.
Burn for Burn is a story about revenge. Lillia, Kat and Mary each want revenge on different people for different reasons. Lillia wants revenge on one of her best friends, Alex, for seeing Lillia’s younger sister behind her back. Kat wants revenge on Rennie, her former best friend who takes every opportunity to call Kat names and to spread rumours about her. Mary’s revenge goes back a lot further to when she was the “fat kid” in elementary school. She wants revenge on Reeve, the ring leader of her bullying. Together these three girls can get the revenge each of them deserves.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It was such a fun read, and I ended up finishing it in a day or two. The characters in this book were really clearly written. Each of the three points-of-view were distinctive from each other, with each girl’s personality shining through. It was always clear which of the girl’s views we were seeing.
I really connected with Lillia, Kat and Mary, though Lillia was far and away my favourite! I could understand why each of the girls wanted revenge. All of them had legitimate reasons. However I will admit, as much as I understood Mary’s reasons for revenge, I never really came to like her as a character. All the scenes from her point of view grated on my nerves. And the last scene with her made absolutely no sense and took the story in a completely unexpected, and not exactly pleasing, direction.
There was no real romance in the story, apart from a hook-up or two. The only one who I shipped in this novel was, somehow (and don’t ask me why), Lillia and Reeve. I have absolutely no idea why I want these characters to get together! Reeve seems to be a complete douche most of the time, yet I really hope something happens between them in the next book!
I really enjoyed this book and had such fun reading it! Luckily I have the next book on hand to start immediately; I don’t think I could stick the wait otherwise! I would definitely recommend this book to anybody looking for a fun, and thoroughly enjoyable, quick read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria caracci
Mary, Lillia and Kat, they all had scores to settle. Senior year was going to be a time to get even.

Mary wanted Reeve to pay. She wanted him to see her and watch his jaw drop when he realized what she looked like now. She wanted him to be humiliated.

Kat wanted Rennie to finally NOT get everything she wanted. To finally feel like she was the butt of everyone's jokes. Finally pay for all the lies she spread.

Lillia wants Alex to pay for what he did to her sister. To think, she once thought he might be interested in her. She thought they were friends at least. How could he?

Was High School ever like this?

No one would ever suspect that these three would work together, even know each other. This could work.

A strong story of hurt, revenge and more. I won't spoil it, but you will want to read it in one setting! It will keep you wanting to know what happens, right up to the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The professional (ish) reaction: Burn for Burn is most definitely in my Top 5 books (of 2012)! It's a sinister cotemporary that touches on a few paranormal aspects, making it an exciting new read! Dramatic, devious, and stunning, Burn for Burn met, and exceeded, all expectations!

MARY: Mary really does act like the kind of girl she's portraying, shy and meek, but she's got some anger and betrayal hidden in her and I loved that even though she was quiet, she had an undeniable spark in her that just makes you love her! Ever since she was betrayed by the one guy she trusted, Reeve, she's been a bit on the don't-notice-me side, but that's about to change.
Something strange is happening too. Whenever she gets emotional, freaky things start to happen--a sudden wind storm, lights exploding. What, exactly, is happening to her? It's just one of the questions raised and left unanswered. Hopefully we'll find out why in book 2!
KAT: Kat has beef with Rennie, the Queen Bee of the school and also her ex-best friend. But now because of that same person, Kat is left out all because she got "boring" and got replaced by Lillia, out other narrator. Kat is incredibly rebellious and fiery and she was such an interesting character! She's the "devious" one and came up with most of the revenge plans and man! They were evil! But the one thing about Kat was that she took so much glee from the hurt of others and that...kind of unnerved me. But otherwise, she was an amazing character!
LILLIA: Lillia was definitely my favorite character and no, not because she was Chinese. But I'm glad there was diversity! But a guy took advantage of Lillia and when she finds out that her sister may have...done it with her friend, she's more than pissed. I loved how Lillia was so protective of her sister and how kind she was. I definitely think Lillia was the stronger character. In this revenge plan, she's hurt 3 of her friends who've been with her since...almost forever. But she didn't break and I loved her spunk!

I loved the way Han and Vivian wrote it. Written in all three POV's, we still get a feel for all the narrators, each of them with their own separate personalities. The best thing is, none of them got blurred together. Even without them telling you, it would be extremely simple to figure out who was who! The voice was amazing and I think Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian are literally the perfect authors to write this story! I can't think of anyone else writing it as awesomesaucely. Yes, that is a word.

The plot? Yes, it was insanely dramatic (and I doubt that anyone would actually do it) but that's one of the best things about Burn for Burn. The drama and the cleverness! And the ending just about killed me. He..he...remembers her! ACK. Anyways, the supernatural element is a giant part of the ending, in the beginning not so much. I love how the plot unfolded and progressed with each act of revenge. And is it wrong to feel a tad gleeful when Rennie got her turn for revenge? On the other hand, the attacks on Alex and Reeve seemed a bit more malicious than the ones on Rennie...but anyways, I can't wait to see what they have in store in book 2!

The unprofessional reaction: Holy craptastic! This is literally one of the best books I have ever read. And I can't wait to get book 2! I'm seriously dying here and I can't believe that Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian could be so mean to make us wait! Y'all have got to read this AH-MAE-ZING book! People should line up to read this book and I bet that they will!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ana maisuradze
OMG. My first thought when reading this book was "NEXT TV SHOW?!!!" I'm a teen(girl) obviously but I think that most people would enjoy this book. This book is all about getting revenge and these three girls make sure they get it. When reading this book you have to pay close attention and you honestly can't multi-task because you WILL get the girls confused and their relationships to each other. Like any other book theirs going to be the good & the bad but ohwell!

So I first wanted this book as a Christmas present but my mom told me that I wouldn't be getting it(nooOOOoo) but I eventually bought it for myself because I just HAD to have it. I read it on my kindle and but I was also reading another book while reading this and let me tell you from my personal experience that you cannot read this book and another at the same time. There's too many characters and secrets to keep in line, so READ IT BY ITSELF!

The Good:
-The plot is very laid out for you and once you understand what these girls want revenge for it will all make sense
-I really enjoyed how Han picked these girls to come together even though they're very separate people at school so they must arrange to meet at very odd hours of the night
-The personalities of each girl really makes the story more enjoyable(obviously) and they really grip you and make you want to keep reading
-ROMANCE!!!! YES!!!! Of course one of my favorite parts of a book is the secret little romance triangles etc. But In Burn for Burn they romance is very subtle but where it is you'll LOVE IT. WE WANT MORE!!!

The Bad:
-If you're not paying attention you'll get confused very easily with this book(BE WARNED)

I honestly recommend this book for anyone who loves a book with revenge and karma! You'll LOVE IT :)

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
romaysaa ramadan
Ahhhh, Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian make a top notch duo!! I am also considering Jenny Han being one of my favorite authors. I was expecting a lot from Jenny Han because before I read The Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy in under 48 hours! So without further ado, let us begin.

Oh, the characters. The book is given 3 point of view of Lillia, Kat, and Mary. Lillia could be described as a rich and good grades type of girl. She can pretty much have any boy she desires. Kat is more on the wild side. She is a rocker in the inside and was raised in a house full of boys. Lastly, we have little Mary. Mary seemed very insecure at first. But her back story was just devastating. She was bullied because of her weight, and befriended a boy she thought was her friend. Now she's not fat, and still beautiful as before.

It took me about a whole day to read this. The plot was full of suspense and secrets. Throughout the book, the girls have problems of their own and they want revenge. We know sooner or later they will have to meet. I used to feel that Mary was more of a lost puppy wanting revenge. And she gets hers. Not exactly how it was planned.

Another character, Rennie, was a total bitch. I tried my hardest to like her because her and Lillia's story is so interesting, but I just couldn't. Rennie was trash and needed to be stopped. When Rennie was doing any activity that annoyed me, I always thought "Your time will come."

I knew we wouldn't get through all of the sabotage revenge, by the looks of the last pages. I need to pick up the sequel soon.

Burn for Burn are for those who seek revengeful and captivating stories. It makes you think, girls have alibi and shouldn't be taking anyone's s*** from anyone (especially boys). These methods of revenge are creative and I'm looking forward to picking up the sequel.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
warren acoose
I might have enjoyed this when I was younger, but it is just not for me now. I am sad about this, as I own all three books in the series. I gave book one a good try though, and I am almost 60% in. However; I found myself drifting and not caring about what was going on. There was no point to continue you on.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nick morgan
I listened to the audio version and pretty much enjoyed it until it just ended. It wrapped up so quickly and left so many things a mess, it ticked me off. I am curious enough to probably give the second book a go now that I know there is one.

The premise is a good one, and I like the girls' storylines for the most part. The supernatural stuff, though, is really forced and seems like the authors just want to jump on the supernatural bandwagon. It's hardly in there and plays too much like "Carrie," even down to a freak out at a dance.

The writers did a good job over all, but some of it just pushes the limits of believability. Someone else wrote about some of this, so I won't go into it.

I was on my way to giving the book 4 stars, but the ending and some character inconsistencies made me give it 3.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
helen mesick
Three teenage girls band together to exact revenge of the people that have hurt them in this new novel from Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian.

Five years ago Mary left Jar Island after a traumatic experience. Now she's back to live with her Aunt Bette a reclusive painter. She intends to have her revenge on a boy named Reeve Tabatsky. She knows it's unlikely he'll recognize her--when he last saw her she was a fat girl he'd nicknamed Big Easy--but like an abused child, she still hopes her tormenter will see her and apologize, try to make it right.

Lillia Cho and Kat Debrassio are at opposite ends of the school's social spectrum but it turns out they have more in common than not and a lot in common with Mary. What ensues is a series of run-ins with mean girls, date rapists, and teachers who turn a blind eye to bullying and even indulge in it themselves. There are also complicated relationships between the young women and the boys they've known all their lives. This is meant to be the first in a trilogy, so of course not that much is resolved, but a lot of action is set in motion.

Han and Vivian have done a good job creating some believable teenage characters. Kat's a little unsubtle (she smokes and does drugs), but she's also the most interesting of the three girls. Mary, who turns out to be the driving force of what will be a trilogy, is actually the least interesting, although the scene where she tells her new friends what happened to make her leave the island is haunting.

This book is nicely written but awfully familiar, right down to the version of CARRIE that happens during a homecoming dance. The writers play fair with us on the supernatural revelation, but fans of paranormal fiction will figure out early on at least a little of what's going on. N Not all of the characters' storylines are created equal and readers may find themselves rushing through Mary's chapters to get to Kat's portion of the story.

This is a more down-to-earth paranormal than most, and a fast and breezy read but it's a little disappointing as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a book about revenge. It’s about Lilla, Kat, and Mary wanting revenge on three people in their school. Wanting to ruin their lives. Afterwards, it goes very bad. Everyone will get hurt physically and mentally.
This book is perfect for teens but don’t do anything in this book. Meaning that the actions that are taken are not things that are safe or appropriate for anyone. So, please don’t. This book will have you craving more. I don’t usually read books like this but I loved it. One of the better books I’ve read, in awhile for sure.

Daughter's review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cristian n
I liked the idea of a story revolving around revenge. I feel like this book will be a guilty pleasure for many people, because everyone wants revenge against the person who has hurt him or her but morals and niceties prevent the actual occurrence of the act. I enjoyed the chapters being from a different girl's POV. The reader really gets to know each character. I thought the book was a contemporary story until the authors introduced Mary's special abilities/powers; I was shocked! The ending was the perfect set up for the next book in the trilogy. Overall, this was a good revenge story with enough surprises and twists that it made for a fresh and new read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For those who love stories about getting revenge, this is for you. These characters definitely get retribution, but you have to ask if it was worth it. I'm more the type to let karma mess you up, but still I found this really exciting to read while others exact vengeance. Those girls and their antics, I had to read on to make sure it all turned out alright. At times I was thinking they would get caught, though for these girls in this book, that would have been luckier.
I can see a ton of teenage girls loving this book, though as a parent of a sixteen year old, I'd be sure to note the drug references on top of the revenge thing.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
While not a terrible book, I wasn't impressed with "Burn for Burn". There's little things that drove me crazy, like the way a sexual assault was glossed over and the wishy-washy introduction of a paranormal aspect to a story that didn't need it. The bigger problem, however, was the story was boring. I know this is the first of a series so perhaps I would feel differently if I were able to read all the stories. For now, all I can say is I won't make much of an effort to continue reading the series.
Disclaimer: I received the Kindle book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Wayyy too much going on here. This could have been a really sweet coming of age story about friendship, and it even began that way, but took an ugly turn about 1/4 of the way through. The girls set their sights on revenge for past wrongs and everything goes downhill from there.


With each page they appear more and more petty/immature/annoying. The deeper into their plans they sink, the more superficial these characters become. Maybe the point is to psychoanalyze the journey of revenge (doubtful) - but unless it's written really well and real issues are explored, I just don't have any interest in that kind of story. It isn't believable.

Speaking of...Then there's the supernatural thing. It's like the authors just thought, "Hey, let's just throw that in there and see if it floats." It didn't. I'm sure it will be central to the next books, but there really just don't need to be next books.

I'm done with this series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
stacy johnson
Uhhh.. what the heck? I heard so many people talk about how wicked that cliffhanger was, but that was hardly a cliffhanger. I think the book just didn't continue. That's how it felt. I see that there are more books to this series, but really? No explanation of Mary? We just have to accept that stuff? Goodness, I want to start swearing about this book. I was expecting so much more I guess. This isn't at all what I thought was coming. And no, I didn't read the description, but I just heard SO many good things. Oh well.

The actual story was enough to keep me coming back for more - these girls all want revenge for one reason or another. The illicitness of Lillia wanting revenge on her group of friends makes it even more interesting. But she ends up learning something about the recipient of her wrath which makes it difficult to stomach. Kat is just trying too hard throughout the whole novel, and Mary is just clueless and strange. It was hard to listen to at some parts.

Let's chat about the narration, shall we? The narrator for Mary seriously sounded like she was either in a tin can or recording in a bathroom. It was really poor quality. The other two narrators had better-sounding performances, but Kat's voice was too similar to Mayim Bialik to me, so I pictured her the whole time as Amy Farrah Fowler on Big Bang Theory. Definitely not the style of this character at all.

And as for the liquid E thing.. I'm guessing these authors have never actually done anything like it, or they might have written a more accurate depiction of what it is and what it might do. People believe things, and this is how inaccurate information and discrimination start. Just saying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maggie mae
Burn for Burn was definitely an intriguing read. The whole idea of teenage girls taking punishment of their peers into their own hands was great. Didn't we all want to get back at someone in high school?

Immediately I found myself attracted to the character of Kat; she's the bad chick in school that everyone fears but has a reason for her actions and appearance. In the very beginning, it was difficult keeping track of each character but the short lengths of the chapters made it easy to get back on track. And on that note, each chapter ended on a suspenseful note that made me want to continue reading! Each character had flashbacks or recounted stories that gave them personality and sparked my interest. Sometimes the voices were a bit similar, but Lillia's strong presence throughout the novel often made it clear who was speaking. Lillia's story seemed more fleshed out (especially since she was friends with the three students the girls were pranking) which made for a likable character throughout.

The piece also covers some fairly dark topics--things that most Young Adult authors normally stay away from. Both authors handled the situations very well and each girl's story was believable--Lillia's was truly heartbreaking. Since teenagers do indeed experience bullying and physical attacks, it's important to show young readers that these things happen and I believe that the authors wrote these situations with grace while still conveying a sense of reality.

The last forty pages sped by for me because the girls had only gotten revenge on only one person thus far and I wanted to know how they would finish the job. The girls definitely pull off their missions but we're left wondering what will happen to Reeve and Reenie (leaving room for a sequel) Overall, I found this piece interesting and I'm excited to reading the sequel in hopes of finding more background about Kat and Mary and of course to find out what happens next!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Wow. It took me FOREVER to get through this book!! It wasn't bad by any means, but it was just kind of boring. While it is full of drama, the first 100 or so pages were extremely slow. I kept having to push myself to keep reading.

Once I got past the first part of the book, things did get more interesting. It finally made sense how all of the characters came together, and why they were related. I liked how each chapter was from a different girl's point of view. It let us know a lot more about each character. It was confusing at first though, when we didn't know who these people are.

This was a story full of emotions, which makes sense since it is all about revenge. Some of the reasons why the girls wanted revenge were really heartbreaking. Others were a little more shallow. All in all, everyone had their own reason, and it meant something to them. I liked learning the true reasons behind the wanted revenge for each person.

The ending of Burn for Burn was a little disappointing. Yes, there is a cliffhanger there. However, I don't feel like there was any kind of closure at all at the end of the book. It was just kind of left wide open. While I didn't necessarily love this book, I do want to read the next book in the series. I am interested to know what happens to these characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jar Island reminded me of Cape Cod/Martha's Vineyard, where I'm going to in a few weeks! That being said, wow, high school girls are bitches! I don't remember such viciousness from high school. Or ever. Some character's plots were a little iffy and downright mean, some were justifiable and necessary. I did like the book overall. HOLY CLIFFHANGER BATMAN! Beyond cruel, that cliffhanger ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nenad vukusic
Good start to the series . Love all of jenny Hans writing . Love these characters . I enjoy the evil charterers too . This book is like pretty little liars and the second is like John tucker must die. Good fast read .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan paula
Its an amzing teenage book that i enjoyed.Yes even the Revenge plans i enjoyed. Im a teenage myself so i found it interesting . I loved how all 3 characters have different points of views and they act different.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda callendrier
This trilogy is absolutely amazing and I definitely would recommend it for everyone to read! If you are looking for a hard-hitting, crazy acts of revenge, drama filled book then this sequence is definitely for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle jeremy
I couldn't put it down, I wanted more. Thankfully there is two more books! I love the unlikely pairing of the three girls, and how they link to each other. Different experiences growing up, same town, involving the same people, this leads to so many connections. Awesome town appeal, typical high school life struggles, the story beautifully pulls you in.
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